Mongo db $and condition over two fields - mongodb

I have a collection in MongoDb Tweet Training, in these collection i collect specific information about a tweet. I have three fields (sentiment, Categorie and tekst). I wan't to execute a query which identify all items where the "Categorie" is equal to "Rabobank" and the sentiment is equal to "neutraal" or the "Categorie" is equal to "Ing" and the sentiment is equal to "neutraal".
there fore i use the following query:
db.TweetTraining.find( {
$and: [
{ $or: [ { sentiment:"neutraal" } ,{ Categorie:"Rabobank" } ]},
{ $or: [ { sentiment:"neutraal" } ,{ Categorie:"Ing" } ]}
but in stead of getting the right results I get also other Cattegorie's.

Change your query to the following
db.TweetTraining.find({$or: [
{$and: [{ sentiment: "neutraal" } ,{ Categorie: "Rabobank" }]} ,
{$and: [{ sentiment:"neutraal" } ,{ Categorie:"Ing"}]}]


MongoDB map filtered array inside another array with aggregate $project

I am using Azure Cosmos DB's API for MongoDB with Pymongo. My goal is to filter array inside array and return only filtered results. Aggregation query works for the first array, but returns full inside array after using map, filter operations. Please find Reproducible Example in Mongo Playground:
Current query use $project to filter and return result by selected Options but still returns every object in Discount_Price although query has additional filter to check if it has specific Sales_Week value.
Let me know in comments if my question is clear, many thanks for all possible help and suggestions.
It seemed you troubled in filtering nested array.
$filter: {
input: {
$map: {
input: "$Sales_Options",
as: 's',
in: {
City: "$$s.City",
Country: "$$s.Country",
Discount_Price: {
$filter: {
input: "$$s.Discount_Price",
as: "d",
cond: {
$in: ["$$d.Sales_Week", [2, 7]]
as: 'pair',
cond: {
$and: [{
$in: [
$in: [
Working Mongo plaground. If you need price1, you can use $project in next stage.
Note : If you follow the projection form upper stage use 1 or 0 which is good practice.
I'd steer you towards the $unwind operator and everything becomes a lot simpler:
{$match: {"Store": "AB"}},
{$unwind: "$Sales_Options"},
{$unwind: "$Sales_Options.Discount_Price"},
{$match: {"Sales_Options.Country": {$in: [ "UK" ]},
"Sales_Options.City": {$in: [ "London" ]},
"Sales_Options.Discount_Price.Sales_Week": {$in: [ 2, 7 ]}
Now just $project the fields as appropriate for your output.

how to use $elemMatch on array specifying an upper field as part of the query

I'd like to retrieve for a specific user, his chats with unread messages.
Lets say I have a simplified chat model like that :
lastMessageAt: Date,
participants: [
user: String(id),
lastReadAt: Date
How can I achieve my query ?
I have tried several thing like with $elemMatch, but lastMessageAt is unknown at this level...
'participants': {
$elemMatch: { user: '12345', lastReadAt: { $lt: '$lastMessageAt' } }
Thanks in advance for your help ! :)
$elemMatch operator will find those documents in ChatDB collection that have at least 1 element in participants that matches your criteria. Also my research ended with the conslusion that it is not yet possible to access other document field in $elemMatch operator. Anyway, if this is your goal, then you can use this query:
$match: {
"participants.user": "12345",
$expr: {
$lt: [
Mongo playground
If you also want to filter participants that really matched the criteria, then you need to add a projection stage:
$match: {
"participants.user": "12345",
$expr: {
$lt: [
$project: {
participants: {
$filter: {
input: "$participants",
as: "participant",
cond: {
$and: [
$eq: [
$lt: [
Mongo playground
I have found the solution witch is to use the aggregator with the $unwind operator.
await ChatDB.aggregate([
$unwind: '$participants'
$match: {
'participants.user': '12345',
$expr: {
$lt: [
Hope this will be usefull

Conditional filtering in mongoDB

Can I use one of the $and filters conditionally, ie. when some condition is met I would like to use the filter otherwise do not use filter:
$and: [
{ date },
{ room: [isConditionMet] ? room : [do not use room filter at all] },
Is it possible on mongo query level?
Isn't it the same as using $or?
$and: [
{ date: ... },
{ $or: [
{room: ... }

Compare document array size to other document field

The document might look like:
_id: 'abc',
programId: 'xyz',
enrollment: 'open',
people: ['a', 'b', 'c'],
maxPeople: 5
I need to return all documents where enrollment is open and the length of people is less than maxPeople
I got this to work with $where:
exists = ['enrollment', 'maxPeople', 'people'],
query = _.reduce(exists, (existsQuery, field) => {
existsQuery[field] = {'$exists': true}; return existsQuery;
}, {});
query['$and'] = [{enrollment: 'open'}];
query['$where'] = 'this.people.length<this.maxPeople';
return db.coll.find(query, {fields: {programId: 1, maxPeople: 1, people: 1}});
But could I do this with aggregation, and why would it be better?
Also, if aggregation is better/faster, I don't understand how I could convert the above query to use aggregation. I'm stuck at:
{$project: {ab: {$cmp: ['$maxPeople','$someHowComputePeopleLength']}}},
{$match: {ab:{$gt:0}}}
Based on #chridam answer, I was able to implement a solution like so, note the $and in the $match, for those of you that need a similar query:
return Coll.aggregate([
$match: {
$and: [
{"enrollment": "open"},
{"times.start.dateTime": {$gte: new Date()}}
"$redact": {
"$cond": [
{"$lt": [{"$size": "$students" }, "$maxStudents" ] },
The $redact pipeline operator in the aggregation framework should work for you in this case. This will recursively descend through the document structure and do some actions based on an evaluation of specified conditions at each level. The concept can be a bit tricky to grasp but basically the operator allows you to proccess the logical condition with the $cond operator and uses the special operations $$KEEP to "keep" the document where the logical condition is true or $$PRUNE to "remove" the document where the condition was false.
This operation is similar to having a $project pipeline that selects the fields in the collection and creates a new field that holds the result from the logical condition query and then a subsequent $match, except that $redact uses a single pipeline stage which restricts contents of the result set based on the access required to view the data and is more efficient.
To run a query on all documents where enrollment is open and the length of people is less than maxPeople, include a $redact stage as in the following::
{ "$match": { "enrollment": "open" } },
"$redact": {
"$cond": [
{ "$lt": [ { "$size": "$people" }, "$maxPeople" ] },
You can do :
1 $project that create a new field featuring the result of the comparison for the array size of people to maxPeople
1 $match that match the previous comparison result & enrollment to open
Query is :
$project: {
_id: 1,
programId: 1,
enrollment: 1,
cmp: {
$cmp: ["$maxPeople", { $size: "$people" }]
}, {
$match: {
$and: [
{ cmp: { $gt: 0 } },
{ enrollment: "open" }

Aggregation with update in mongoDB

I've a collection with many similar structured document, two of the document looks like
"_id": ObjectId("525c22348771ebd7b179add8"),
"cust_id": "A1234",
"score": 500,
"status": "A"
"clear": "No"
"_id": ObjectId("525c22348771ebd7b179add9"),
"cust_id": "A1234",
"score": 1600,
"status": "B"
"clear": "No"
By default the clear for all document is "No",
Req: I have to add the score of all documents with same cust_id, provided they belong to status "A" and status "B". If the score exceeds 2000 then I have to update the clear attribute to "Yes" for all of the document with the same cust_id.
Expected output:
"_id": ObjectId("525c22348771ebd7b179add8"),
"cust_id": "A1234",
"score": 500,
"status": "A"
"clear": "Yes"
"_id": ObjectId("525c22348771ebd7b179add9"),
"cust_id": "A1234",
"score": 1600,
"status": "B"
"clear": "Yes"
Yes because 1600+500 = 2100, and 2100 > 2000.
My Approach:
I was only able to get the sum by aggregate function but failed at updating
{$match: {
$or: [
{status: 'A'},
{status: 'B'}
{$group: {
_id: '$cust_id',
total: {$sum: '$score'}
{$match: {
total: {$gt: 2000}
Please suggest me how do I proceed.
After a lot of trouble, experimenting mongo shell I've finally got a solution to my question.
# To get the list of customer whose score is greater than 2000
# To loop through the result fetched from above code and update the clear
Please comment, if you have any different solution for the same question.
With Mongo 4.2 it is now possible to do this using update with aggregation pipeline. The example 2 has example how you do conditional updates:
update: "students",
updates: [
q: { },
u: [
{ $set: { average : { $avg: "$tests" } } },
{ $set: { grade: { $switch: {
branches: [
{ case: { $gte: [ "$average", 90 ] }, then: "A" },
{ case: { $gte: [ "$average", 80 ] }, then: "B" },
{ case: { $gte: [ "$average", 70 ] }, then: "C" },
{ case: { $gte: [ "$average", 60 ] }, then: "D" }
default: "F"
} } } }
multi: true
ordered: false,
writeConcern: { w: "majority", wtimeout: 5000 }
Another example:
db.c.update({}, [
if: {}, // some condition
then:{} , // val1
else: {} // val2 or "$$REMOVE" to not set the field or "$a" to leave existing value
You need to do this in two steps:
Identify customers (cust_id) with a total score greater than 200
For each of these customers, set clear to Yes
You already have a good solution for the first part. The second part should be implemented as a separate update() calls to the database.
# Get list of customers using the aggregation framework
cust_to_clear = db.col.aggregate(
{$group:{_id:'$cust_id', total:{$sum:'$score'}}},
# Loop over customers and update "clear" to "yes"
for customer in cust_to_clear:
id = customer[_id]
{"_id": id},
{"$set": {"clear": "Yes"}}
This isn't ideal because you have to make a database call for every customer. If you need to do this kind of operation often, you might revise your schema to include the total score in each document. (This would have to be maintained by your application.) In this case, you could do the update with a single command:
{"total_score": {"$gt": 2000}},
{"$set": {"clear": "Yes"}},
{"multi": true}
Short Answer: To avoid looping a Database query, just add $merge to the end and specify your collection like so:
{$match: {
$or: [
{status: 'A'},
{status: 'B'}
{$group: {
_id: '$cust_id',
total: {$sum: '$score'}
{$match: {
total: {$gt: 2000}
{ $merge: "<collection name here>"}
Elaboration: The current solution is looping through a database query, which is not good time efficiency wise and also a lot more code.
Mitar's answer is not updating through an aggregation, but the opposite => using an aggregation within Mongo's update. If your wondering what is a pro in doing it this way, well you can use all of the aggregation pipeline as opposed to being restricted to only a few as specified in their documentation.
Here is an example of an aggregate that won't work with Mongo's update:
{ $addFields: {
testField: {
$in: [ "someValueInArray", '$arrayFieldInFoo']
{ $merge : "foo" }]
This will output the updated collection with a new test field that will be true if "someValueInArray" is in "arrayFieldInFoo" or false otherwise. This is NOT possible currently with Mongo.update since $in cannot be used inside update aggregate.
Update: Changed from $out to $merge since $out would only work if updating the entire collection as $out replaces entire collection with the result of the aggregate. $merge will only overrite if the aggregate matches a document (much safer).
In MongoDB 2.6., it will be possible to write the output of aggregation query, with the same command.
More information here :
The solution which I found is using "$out"
*) e.g adding a field :
$lookup: {
from: 'cuotas',
localField: 'num_socio',
foreignField: 'num_socio',
as: 'cuotas'
$addFields: { codigo_interno: 1001 }
$out: 'socios' //Collection to modify
*) e.g modifying a field :
$lookup: {
from: 'cuotas',
localField: 'num_socio',
foreignField: 'num_socio',
as: 'cuotas'
$set: { codigo_interno: 1001 }
$out: 'socios' //Collection to modify