Easyrec signup after installation- Account is not getting created - recommendation-engine

Account is not getting created and the UI stays in the signup page. Not able to makeout the possible reason. Please help.

Finally got the issue.
It was a Maven project and I was deploying it without maven install and tomcat:run.
The project was run from eclipse due to this the dependency projects were not included causing the issue.
Thanks anyways.


Imports Unrecognized By IntelliJ when Getting A Project From GitHub

I've faced this problem quite a lot lately but I didn't care in the past and decided to rewrite the whole project I'm getting from GitHub but now when the project is enormous I can't do this anymore.
Here is a picture of the problem:
As you see the classes are already in their places but the import still failing I don't know why. I checked my SDK and it's already added so anyone have an idea why this happening?
If it is a Maven project, open the Maven tab and click Reimport all dependencies button.
Another solution is to use the Terminal, just run mvn clean install command.

Your application doesn't have SLF4J binding

I'm working with Rapidclipse and created a project. I'm always testing my project by running the servlet on a tomcat server. It always work for me until recently. Rapidclipse hang up and i had to close it with the task manager. After i started it again i couldn't start ste servlet anymore. There is always this error message:
I'm desperate! Anyone has a solution for this problem?
Just a rough idea, based on less information you provided.
Did you work with RC4?
If yes, did you try to run a Maven update?
If not, select you project root in RC4. right click, select maven and update project.
Select force update of snapshot releases.
Or, second hint: check you navigation targets.

Running helloworld-rs from JBoss quickstarts in eclipse

I am trying to learn JAX-RS using JBoss quickstarts.
When I deployed the application "helloworld-rs" through command-line, it ran successfully. Then I created a maven project in Eclipse, copied files from "helloworld-rs" at proper locations and it worked fine. Then I went ahead to add a form to the existing index.html file and something went wrong. Instead off deploying "jboss-as-helloworld-rs", Eclipse started deploying "jboss-as-helloworld-osgi" for some unknown reasons. Obviously, it produced error when I tried to access "localhost:8080/jboss-as-helloworld-rs/index.html"
So I created a new Maven project in Eclipse with following details:
Group Id:org.jboss.as.quickstarts.rshelloworld
Artifact Id: jboss-hello
I have also made changes in pom.xml as follows:
Still I am facing the same problem. I have made a copy of "helloworld-rs", made same changes in the pom.xml and deployed and ran it successfully through command-line using
Strangely, this very link does not work in eclipse!!!
I have zeroed-in that there is some problem in deploying th app in Eclipse. Can anybody please help me solve this? Thank you!!!
I went to the 'jboss-as-7.1.1.Final\standalone\deployments' folder, deleted all the deployed war files. Then in Eclipse, right-click on servers -> clean . Then, I started the JBoss server and everything went fine.

Failed on Deploying ExtGWT-Spring project on Eclipse

I'm developing an application using UI technologies Ext-GWT version 2.x and Spring Framework. Previously I imported an existing project, and then make some changes in the interface. After I did the "Run on Server" using Eclipse Indigo, it turns out the changes that I did, is not happening. Interface remains as usual. I try to print something on the Main panel, also did not display anything on the console, while if I do print something on the back-end that using Spring Framework (still on the same eclipse project), something is printed in the console.
Is there anyone ever experienced the same problem? How is the solution to this problem?
I've tried deleting all the files in the build folder, to be "forced" to get a compilation of new classes, it did not solve the problem.
Any suggestion, clue, will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Try clearing the browser cache before refreshing to see your changes.
Browsers cache .js files and sometimes your changes are not reflected right away.

Groovy/Grails - Unable to Resolve Class

I am trying to build a Grails project in STS and am getting many error messages of the form: Groovy:unable to resolve class org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.ConfigurationHolder as well as others like Groovy:unable to resolve class org.grails.plugins.springsecurity.service.AuthenticateService
. I have Grails 1.3.7 selected in the Project Properties, but I don't see an item for 'Grails Depedencies' like I do when I create a sample project. Is this the problem? How can I add it back in?
I don't know why, but here are the steps I took to solve the problem:
Right click on the project and go to Grails Tools -> Enable Dependency Management
Grails Tools -> Refresh Dependencies. This correctly added the 'Grails Dependencies' library.
I still had plugin errors. I for some reason had to uninstall them and then reinstall them for the project to realize they were there.
For anyone who is using Grails >= 2.4
If you are using Grails 2.4 and above, use grails.util.Holders instead of org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.ConfigurationHolder.
Read the doc here section 'Static Holder'
Classes The following deprecated classes have been
removed from Grails 2.4.x:
If you or any plugins you have installed are using these classes you
will get a compilation error. The problem can be rectified by updating
to new plugins and using grails.util.Holders instead.
If "Refresh Dependencies" has done all it can for you (as you indicate in your comment on the question), try disabling and re-enabling dependencies. You might try refreshing dependencies again afterward if the Acegi plugin still isn't recognized.
there is another way solved me this issue when i moved my workspace from Windows OS to Ubuntu , go to
yourWorkSpace -->yourGrailsProject-->setting folder --> org.grails.ide.eclipse.core.prefs,
then check all the grails paths are correct or not , because in my case all were pointing to windows paths ..
Hope this solve.
I faced a similar issue: "Unable to resolve class GrailsTestCase". I checked Grails Tools of my project and observed Dependency Management was already enabled (IDE - GGTS). I just disabled Dependency Management, refreshed and enabled it again. This solved the issue for me.