bindFromRequest and asFormUrlEncoded return different values - forms

I have a form where a field name is the same as one of the method/url parameters on the submit, say someInt. I.e. my form has #(dummyForm:Form[Dummy], someInt:Int) and dummyForm has a field "someInt" -> number and the controller is defined as def submit(someInt:Int) =.... Sample code here.
Let's say I submit the form with dummy.someInt value 222 and url parameter 555, I find the following:
request.body.asFormUrlEncoded shows one someInt, namely the value entered in the input field: (someInt,ArrayBuffer(222))
bindFromRequest, however somehow binds the form value to the url parameter value, 555 in this case
Is this expected behaviour? I would have thought bindFromRequest would be able to differentiate between the two? Is there a preferred way to prevent this type of conflict (besides having different names)?
(There is a workaround in this case. Instead of using the parameterless version of bindFromRequest, it seems to work as desired if you explicitly specify the asFormUrlEncoded set of values, i.e. bindFromRequest(request.body.asFormUrlEncoded.getOrElse(Map())). I am using Scala - have not tried to replicate in Java.)

In the bindFromRequest function, request.queryString is explicitly append to the list of values.


Parse setting explicit type using REST

I know you can set a Date field explicitly like so:
But is there anyway to explicitly set the column type of 'Number' using REST? For instance, I'd like to set the column 'batch_size' to a Number instead of a string but when POST'ing via rest it keeps getting created as a string type column.
Meh, this was more of a Perl issue than a Parse issue.
What I had to do to tell Perl to treat the number like an actual number was to add a zero to the value. :/

Query criteria: from public variable or from form

After a few hours searching, I couldn't find any solution to this little problem I'm having.
I have a query that retrieves one of its criteria from a form. I have referenced correctly the value on the form from the query, and it works, but what I wanted to do is a bit more complicated: when the form is closed, I want to launch the query with a "default value".
I tried to do it in 2 different ways:
a) Defining an "IIf" at the query criteria: I would need a function that checks if the form from which I retrieve the values is open.
b) Defining public variables with a default value, which would be changed from the form: I don't know where/when to initialize the value of the variable.
Does anyone have a better idea on how to do this?
TL;DR: Query gets criteria from form when it's open. If form is closed, query uses default value. HELP!
You can create a VBA function in a module to do this :
Function MyCriterion() As Long
MyCriterion = 1234 ' default value
If CurrentProject.AllForms("MyForm").IsLoaded Then
MyCriterion = Forms("MyForm").MyControl.Value
End If
End Function

SWI-Prolog cgi_get_form(Arguments) saving and handling arguments web form

I'm looking for a way of saving and after handling the arguments of a web form in SWI-Prolog when I submit the form and I call the same program to generate another form and so on. Always calling the same prolog program from one form to the next one.
The CGI SWI-Prolog library saves these arguments as a list of Name(Value) terms, i.e [Name(Value)].
if I pass the arguments like a hidden argument inside the form (TotalArguments is a list):
format('"<"input type="hidden" id="nameofform1" name="nameofform1" value="~w" />~n', TotalArguments),
I need to get rid of the id or name that concatenates on my resultant list on TotalArguments when I append it. Any idea of how to do this so that the final list looks like [nameofform1(value1), nameofform2(value2),...]?
I could also write this list of arguments and append it into a file, and consult it every time the program is called again, but this will load them always and I only need to load the arguments needed in the specific step and form handled at the moment. Because otherwise this file could contain undesirable info after some executions. Any thoughts on how to do it this way?
Any other suggestions for this kind of problem?
Edit with my solution using hidden form
I've solved it by creating:
extract_value([A0|__ ], Valor) :-
A0 =.. [_, Value],
Valor is Value.
and then doing:
extract_value(Arguments, Value),
and submiting the hidden value of the form like:
format('<"input type="hidden" id="nameofform1" name="nameofform1" value="~w"/>~n', [Value]),
and appending it in the next form so that it looks how I wanted:
It's a bit unclear to me what exactly you need here, but to remove the first element of a list that unifies with a given element (especially if you know for certain that the list contains such an element), use selectkchk/3. For example:
selectchk(id(_), List0, List1),
selectchk(name(_), List1, List)
in order to obtain List, which is List0 without the elements id(_) and name(_). Kind of implicit in your question, as I understand it, seems to be how to create a term like "form1(Value)" given the terms name(form1) and Value. You can do this for example with =../2. You can create a term T with functor N and arguments Args with
T =.. [N|Args]
It does not seem necessary to write anything to files here, I would simply pass the info through forms just as you outline.

Text input through SSRS parameter including a Field name

I have a SSRS "statement" type report that has general layout of text boxes and tables. For the main text box I want to let the user supply the value as a parameter so the text can be customized, i.e.
Parameters!MainText.Value = "Dear Mr.Doe, Here is your statement."
then I can set the text box value to be the value of the parameter:
However, I need to be able to allow the incoming parameter value to include a dataset field, like so:
Parameters!MainText.Value = "Dear Mr.Doe, Here is your [Fields!RunDate.Value] statement"
so that my report output would look like:
"Dear Mr.Doe, Here is your November statement."
I know that you can define it to do this in the text box by supplying the static text and the field request, but I need SSRS to recognize that inside the parameter string there is a field request that needs to be escaped and bound.
Does anyone have any ideas for this? I am using SSRS 2008R2
Have you tried concatenating?
Parameters!MainText.Value = "Dear Mr.Doe, Here is your" & [Fields!RunDate.Value] & "statement"
There are a few dramatically different approaches. To know which is best for you will require more information:
Embedded code in the report. Probably the quickest to
implement would be embedded code in the report that returned the
parameter, but called String.Replace() appropriately to substitute
in dynamic values. You'll need to establish some code for the user for which strings will be replaced. Embedded code will get you access to many objects in the report. For example:
Public Function TestGlobals(ByVal s As String) As String
Return Report.Globals.ExecutionTime.ToString
End Function
will return the execution time. Other methods of accessing parameters for the report are shown here.
1.5 If this function is getting very large, look at using a custom assembly. Then you can have a better authoring experience with Visual Studio
Modify the XML. Depending on where you use
this, you could directly modify the .rdl/.rdlc XML.
Consider other tools, such as ReportBuilder. IF you need to give the user
more flexibility over report authoring, there are many tools built
specifically for this purpose, such as SSRS's Report Builder.
Here's another approach: Display the parameter string with the dataset value already filled in.
To do so: create a parameter named RunDate for example and set Default value to "get values from a query" and select the first dataset and value field (RunDate). Now the parameter will hold the RunDate field and you can use it elsewhere. Make this parameter hidden or internal and set the correct data type. e.g. Date/Time so you can format its value later.
Now create the second parameter which will hold the default text you want:
Parameters!MainText.Value = "Dear Mr.Doe, Here is your [Parameters!RunDate.Value] statement"
Not sure if this syntax works but you get the idea. You can also do formatting here e.g. only the month of a Datetime:
="Dear Mr.Doe, Here is your " & Format(Parameters!RunDate.Value, "MMMM") & " statement"
This approach uses only built-in methods and avoids the need for a parser so the user doesn't have to learn the syntax for it.
There is of course one drawback: the user has complete control over the parameter contents and can supply a value that doesn't match the report content - but that is also the case with the String Replace method.
And just for the sake of completeness there's also the simplistic option: append multiple parameters: create 2 parameters named MainTextBeforeRunDate and MainTextAfterRunDate.
The Textbox value expression becomes:
=Parameters!MainTextBeforeRunDate.Value & Fields!RunDate.Value & Parameters!MainTextAfterRunDate.Value.
This should explain itself. The simplest solution is often the best, but in this case I have my doubts. At least this makes sure your RunDate ends up in the final report text.

JQuery UI Autocomplete returning all values

I have the following code:
source: "js/search.php",
minLength: "3" });
This code is assign to an input text box where i type a name and after 3 letters it should return the ones that have similar letters. For my case it is returning all values, even those not related to the 3 letters already typed. My question is:
How to send my search.php file the value inside the input so it should know what to search for. For the moment it searches for everything. I checked the value that was going to php and it was empty. Since the query to mysql uses LIKE '%VARIABLE%' and the variable is empty it searches for '%%' which is all cases.
How can i send the correct informacion from JS to PHP with the simplest form.
Here is the explanation :