Unpack and x option in TEMPLATE - perl

I have a row which looks like (no new lines, this is one line and I replaces the spaces with _ as otherwise they are trimmed):
The the use of unpack perl method returns as follows:
unpack("x49 A4", $line); # where $line is the above example line
returns: CALL
unpack("x68 A4", $line);
returns: 0122
unpack("x238 A4", $line);
return: 2015
Apparently, the column numbers do not match with the number given after 'x' in the TEMPLATE, as x238 is not equal to column 238 ('0000'), I have '2015' on column 251, not 238. The same for the other.
Please, explain how exactly the numbers given after 'x' in TEMPLATE work.
Thank you

First of all, your data isn't what you said it is. The data you provided produces the desired result.
$ perl -E'
my $line = "46S990BZ6BRIG___1381TRANSOCEAN_LTD______________BCALL_FEB00025000__1000000000000000000000000000000000000000B90002132015000000099999900161100000000000000007500111214111414121714100003000_H8817H100015012200005000000000010000000000000000000000009920202020150213__20_________________________________________________OV__0203P";
$line =~ s/_/ /g;
say unpack("x238 A4", $line);
Maybe your actual data contained non-printable characters. Or maybe some of the spaces were actually tabs.
$ perl -E'
$_ = "46S990BZ6BRIG___1381TRANSOCEAN_LTD______________BCALL_FEB00025000__1000000000000000000000000000000000000000B90002132015000000099999900161100000000000000007500111214111414121714100003000_H8817H100015012200005000000000010000000000000000000000009920202020150213__20_________________________________________________OV__0203P";
s/_/ /g;
s/LTD\K\s+/\t\t/; # If the spaces after LTD were tabs
say unpack("x238 A4", $_);
If you want to extract the characters at based on how your viewer expands tabs, you will need to expand tabs to spaces in the same fashion before passing the string to unpack.


Replace single space with multiple spaces in perl

I have a requirement of replacing a single space with multiple spaces so that the second field always starts at a particular position (here 36 is the position of second field always).
I have a perl script written for this:
my $md=35-index($_," ");
my $str;
$str.=" " for(1..$md);
$_=~s/ +/$str/;
print "$_" ;
Is there any better approach with just using the regex in =~s/// so that I can use it on CLI directly instead of script.
Assuming that the fields in your data are demarcated by spaces
while (<$fh>) {
my ($first, #rest) = split;
printf "%-35s #rest\n", $first;
The first field is now going to be 36 wide, aligned left due to - in the format of printf. See sprintf for the many details. The rest is printed with single spaces between the original space-separated fields, but can instead be done as desired (tab separated, fixed width...).
Or you can leave the "rest" after the first field untouched by splitting the line into two parts
while (<$fh>) {
my ($first, $rest) = /(\S+)\s+(.*)/;
printf "%-35s $rest\n", $first;
(or use split ' ', $_, 2 instead of regex)
Please give more detail if there are other requirements.
One approach is to use plain ol' Perl formats:
use warnings;
use strict;
my($first, $second, $remainder);
format STDOUT =
#<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< #<<<<<< #<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
$first, $second,$remainder
while (<DATA>) {
($first, $second, $remainder) = split(/\s+/, $_, 3);
exit 0;
ABCD TEST EFGH don't touch
FOO BAR FUD don't touch
Test output. I probably miscounted the columns, but you should get the idea:
$ perl dummy.pl
ABCD TEST EFGH don't touch
FOO BAR FUD don't touch
Other option would be Text::Table

How do I find the sum of all numbers in STDIN even if there are non-digit characters?

I have an assignment asking me to enter a sequence of numbers and characters each separated by a space and the sequence in ended by entering in "q" or "Q" followed by a space. Everything except the numbers should be discarded and we are to find the sum. So for example if the input is "1 12 a 2 5 P Q" then we should expect to get "20" as the output.
So far I'm using
$input = <>;
$input =~ tr/0-9//cd;
to get only the numbers but what I want is to split them up and get the sum. Right now the output would be 11225 and I want "1+12+2+5" and get the sum.
perl -ne '$s=0;($line)=/(.*?)[Qq]/;while($line=~/(\d+)/g) {$s+=$1} print "$s\n"'
Strips the trailing part of each line starting with a Q or a q, then scan the remaining part for isolated positive integers and adds these together.
First, strip out all characters that aren't numbers or spaces:
$input =~ s/[^0-9\s]//g;
Then, split on whitespace:
#digits = split(/\s/, $input);
Then you have a list of digits that you can add up.
Preserve spaces in your first step:
$input =~ tr/0-9 //cd;
Then split on spaces:
my #numbers = split ' ', $input;
(this is a special form of split that works like split /\s+/ but also discards empty leading fields).
You probably want to start by getting rid of everything after a Q though:
$input =~ s/Q .*//i;
For what it's worth, I wouldn't have jumped to using tr here; I'd have started by spliting on spaces, then processed fields that were only digits until a Q was reached.

Perl: Replace consecutive spaces in this given scenario?

an excerpt of a big binary file ($data) looks like this:
\n1ax943021C xxx\t2447\t5
\n1ax951605B yyy\t10400\t6
\n1ax919275 G2L zzz\t6845\t6
The first 25 characters contain an article number, filled with spaces. How can I convert all spaces between the article numbers and the next column into a \x09 ? Note the one or more spaces between different parts of the article number.
I tried a workaround, but that overwrites the article number with ".{25}xxx»"
$data =~ s/\n.{25}/\n.{25}xxx/g
Anyone able to help?
Thanks so much!
You can use unpack for fixed width data:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper $_ for map join("\t", unpack("A25A*")), <DATA>;
1ax943021C xxx 2447 5
1ax951605B yyy 10400 6
1ax919275 G2L zzz 6845 6
$VAR1 = "1ax943021C\txxx\t2447\t5";
$VAR1 = "1ax951605B\tyyy\t10400\t6";
$VAR1 = "1ax919275 G2L\tzzz\t6845\t6";
Note that Data::Dumper's Useqq option prints whitecharacters in their escaped form.
Basically what I do here is take each line, unpack it, using 2 strings of space padded text (which removes all excess space), join those strings back together with tab and print them. Note also that this preserves the space inside the last string.
I interpret the question as there being a 25 character wide field that should have its trailing spaces stripped and then delimited by a tab character before the next field. Spaces within the article number should otherwise be preserved (like "1ax919275 G2L").
The following construct should do the trick:
$data =~ s/^(.{25})/{$t=$1;$t=~s! *$!\t!;$t}/emg;
That matches 25 characters from the beginning of each line in the data, then evaluates an expression for each article number by stripping its trailing spaces and appending a tab character.
Have a try with:
$data =~ s/ +/\t/g;
Not sure exactly what you what - this will match the two columns and print them out - with all the original spaces. Let me know the desired output and I will fix it for you...
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my #file = ('\n1ax943021C xxx\t2447\t5', '\n1ax951605B yyy\t10400\t6',
'\n1ax919275 G2L zzz\t6845\t6');
foreach (#file) {
my ($match1, $match2) = ($_ =~ /(\\n.{25})(.*)/);
print "$match1'[insertsomethinghere]'$match2\n";
\n1ax943021C '[insertsomethinghere]'xxx\t2447\t5
\n1ax951605B '[insertsomethinghere]'yyy\t10400\t6
\n1ax919275 G2L '[insertsomethinghere]'zzz\t6845\t6

How to isolate a word that corresponds with a letter from a different column of a CSV file?

I have a CSV file, like this:
ACDB,this is a sentence
BECD,this is another sentence
BCAB,this is yet another
Each character in the first column corresponds to a word in the second column, e.g., in the first column, A corresponds with "this", C with "is", D with "a", and B, with sentence.
Given the variable character, which can be set to any of the characters appearing in the first column, I need to isolate the word which corresponds to the selected letter, e.g., if I set character="B", then the output of the above would be:
this another
If I set `character="C", then the output of the above would be:
How can I output only those words which correspond to the position of the selected letter?
The file contains many UTF-8 characters.
For every character in column 1, there is always an equal number of words in column 2.
The words in column 2 are separated by spaces.
Here is the code I have so far:
while read line
characters="$(echo $line | awk -F, '{print $1}')"
words="$(echo $line | awk -F, '{print $2}')"
done < ./file.csv
This might work for you:
x=B # set wanted key variable
sed '
:a;s/^\([^,]\)\(.*,\)\([^ \n]*\) *\(.*\)/\2\4\n\1 \3/;ta # pair keys with values
s/,// # delete ,
s/\n[^'$x'] [^\n]*//g # delete unwanted keys/values
s/\n.//g # delete wanted keys
s/ // # delete first space
/^$/d # delete empty lines
' file
this another
or in awk:
awk -F, -vx=B '{i=split($1,a,"");split($2,b," ");c=s="";for(n=1;n<=i;n++)if(a[n]==x){c=c s b[n];s=" "} if(length(c))print c}' file
this another
This seems to do the trick. It reads data from within the source file using the DATA file handle, whereas you will have to obtain it from your own source. You may also have to cater for there being no word corresponding to a given letter (as for 'A' in the second data line here).
use strict;
use warnings;
my #data;
while (<DATA>) {
my ($keys, $words) = split /,/;
my #keys = split //, $keys;
my #words = split ' ', $words;
my %index;
push #{ $index{shift #keys} }, shift #words while #keys;
push #data, \%index;
for my $character (qw/ B C /) {
print "character = $character\n";
print join(' ', #{$_->{$character}}), "\n" for #data;
print "\n";
ACDB,this is a sentence
BECD,this is another sentence
BCAB,this is yet another
character = B
this another
character = C
Here's a mostly - done rump answer.
Since SO is not a "Do my work for me" site, you will need to fill in some trivial blanks.
sub get_index_of_char {
my ($character, $charset) = #_;
# Homework: read about index() function
sub split_line {
my ($line) = #_;
# Separate the line into a charset (before comma),
# and whitespace separated word list.
# You can use a regex for that
my ($charset, #words) = ($line =~ /^([^,]+),(?(\S+)\s+)+(\S+)$/g); # Not tested
return ($charset, \#words);
sub process_line {
my ($line, $character) = #_;
my ($charset, $words) = split_line($line);
my $index = get_index_of_char($character, $charset);
print $words->[$index] . "\n"; # Could contain a off-by-one bug
# Here be the main loop calling process_line() for every line from input

Trying to understand Perl split() output

I have a few lines of text that I'm trying to use Perl's split function to convert into an array. The problem is that I'm getting some unusual extra characters in the output, specifically the following string "\cM" (without the quotes). This string appears where there were line breaks in the original text; however, (I believe) those line breaks were removed in the text that I'm trying to split. Does anybody know what's going on with this phenomenon? I posted an example below. Thanks.
Here's the original plain text that I'm trying to split. I'm loading it from a file, in case that matters:
Here is my Perl code that is supposed to do the splitting:
while(<$FH>) {
$string .= $_;
last if m/!$/;
#rows = split(qr/\$/, $string);
print; # a dummy line to provide a breakpoint for the debugger
This what the debugger outputs when it gets to the "print" line. The issue I'm trying to deal with appears in lines 3, 7, and 10:
DB<10> p $string
DB<11> x #rows
0 '10b2obo12b2o2b'
1 '6b3obob3o8bob3o2b'
2 '2bobo10bo3b2obo4bo2b'
3 "2o4b2o5bo3b4obo\cM3b2o2b"
4 '2bob2o2bo4b3obo5b4obob'
5 '8bo4bo13b3o'
6 '2bob2o2bo4b3obo5b4obob'
7 "2o4b\cM2o5bo3b4obo3b2o2b"
8 '2bobo10bo3b2obo4bo2b'
9 '6b3obob3o8bob3o2b'
10 "10b2obo12b2o!\cM"
You know, changing the file input separator would make this code a lot simpler.
$/ = '$';
my #rows = <$FH>;
chomp #rows;
print "#rows";
The debugger is probably using \cM to represent Ctrl-M which is also known as a carriage return (and sometimes \r or ^M). Text files from Windows use a CR-LF (carriage return, line feed) pair to represent the end of a line. If you read such a file on a Unix system, your chomp will strip off the Unix EOL (a single line feed) but leave the CR as is and you end up with stray CRs in your file.
For a file like you have you can just strip out all the trailing whitespace instead of using chomp:
while(defined(my $line = <$FH>)) {
$line =~ s/\s+$//;
$string .= $line;
last if($line =~ /!$/);
You don't say which OS you're on.
Check out binmode and what it has to say about \cM, and that their position coincides with the line endings of your input file: