Firebase deploy 404 can't find index.html - deployment

I'm running firebase init and it's creating firebase.json. firebase.json is in the apps root directory, pointing towards my public directory app. See here:
"firebase": "harrison",
"public": "app",
"ignore": [
Here is where my firebase.json lives:
Here is my public directory, app:
When I run firebase deploy from the command line, everything seems to upload correctly. I then run firebase open or equivalently go to the deploy site, and I get a 404 saying my index.html was not found when it's CLEARLY in the specified directory.

In my case, I simply had to change the path from public to ./public. This might be a version-control bug. I've opened a pull request.

"rewrites": [
"source": "**",
"destination": "/index.html"
I met the same problem as yours, here is my soluation:
run firebase init
choose the host option
rewrite all to index:yes
overwrite to dist/index :no
and then firebase deploy
and then solve the problem

If you are using Yeoman, run grunt build in your project directory to create /dist directory.
Then, run firebase init (in your project directory again) and type the corresponding Firebase app and just press enter in Public Directory(current directory).
Next, change firebase.json to:
"firebase": "<FirebaseAppName>",
"public": "./dist",
"ignore": [
Finally, run firebase deploy and firebase open.

I faced the same issue. All you need is to write the below code in your firebase.json file
"rewrites": [
"source": "**",
"destination": "/index.html"

I had same problem and was getting 404 then I found that my index.html was present inside my project folder i.e
dist --> project-folder --> index.html
Hence, my firebase.json became
"firebase": "<FirebaseAppName>",
"public": "./dist/project-folder",
"ignore": [

I think I found the reason for this, since i was having the same issues myself.
If your index.html links to faulty external ressources or even internal ressources that takes too long to load, you will end up with an error. Sometimes you get a 503 error and sometimes you get a 404.
Try reducing your html file untill you figure out what is causing it to fault
Also, link to minified versions of all scripts and css files.

I had the same issue, the below solution work for me
Add the below lines in the firebase.json file (which you will find in
your root folder)
"rewrites": [
"source": "**",
"destination": "/index.html"
Redeploy your application with firebase deploy command

Your firebase.json file should look like this:
"hosting": {
"site": "biscayne",
"public": "build",
"ignore": [
Make sure you answer build to
What do you want to use as your public directory?
after running firebase init.

Check your node version
node --version
Node versions greater than 10 are not supported. Downgrade to anything lower than 10, if that doesn't work try the following.
firebase login
firebase use --add (Choose the right Project ID)
firebase init (select hosting, than correct Project ID)
if needed (npm run build)
firebase deploy
Solution was number 2 Choosing the right Project ID Because somehow firebase commands was referring automatically to a wrong Project ID
Good Luck

I had the same issue and I solve it by answering y on the
? Configure as a single-page app (rewrite all urls to /index.html)?
After that I npm run build, then firebase deploy.
It worked like a charm.


NWJS - "No files matching" error when trying to package app

I'm trying to package an NWJS app following various tutorials on YouTube and the web. But I'm getting "No files matching" error and it exits. Assuming it was because the dist/ and src/ directories hadn't been created, I created them myself, but I still get the error. All other paths listed in package.json exist.
After searching the web for a similar issue, the only thing I found was this:
However, this is regarding doing the build using command line args, rather than from package.json.
npm and nodejs were updated to latest version and nwjs was updated to 0.64.0-sdk.
I am attempting the build on MacOS 10.13.6, nodejs version 16.15.0, npm version 8.5.5 .
Any ideas anyone?
15:40:55 : ~/ReolinkNWJS
npm run prod
> ReolinkNWJS#0.0.1 prod
> nwbuild --platforms osx64 --buildDir dist/ src/
No files matching
15:41:00 : ~/ReolinkNWJS
dist icons javascript package-lock.json package.json.TEMPLATE src
html images node_modules package.json resources styles
"name": "ReolinkNWJS",
"description": "Reolink Client App In NWJS Framework",
"version": "0.0.1",
"icon": "icons/app.icns",
"main": "html/main.html",
"chromium-args": "--enable-logging=stderr --enable-spell-checking",
"window": {
"toolbar": false,
"width": 800,
"height": 500,
"position": "center"
"nodejs": true,
"node-remote": "*://*",
"scripts": {
"prod": "nwbuild --platforms osx64 --buildDir dist/ src/"
"devDependencies": {
"nw": "^0.64.0-sdk",
"nw-builder": "^3.7.0"
I think you either need to remove your src/ or move it to the front
"prod": "nwbuild --platforms osx64 --buildDir dist/"
"prod": "nwbuild src/ --platforms osx64 --buildDir dist/"
Also, either remove or change your node-remote. It is currently set up so that any webpage on the internet has complete control to run Node, meaning they can easily read the contents of all files on the computer, download virus.exe, delete all files, whatever, literally anything. Don't do that.
node-remote is almost exclusively used to point to http://localhost:8080, or some other port, for a local webserver your app runs on. Your main is pointing to a local file, not a webserver, so you likely do not need node-remote at all.
You probably want to move the "icon" at the root into the "window" sub object.

VSCode jsconfig.json error "node_modules/agent-base/dist/src/index" not found

Why is VSCode showing this error?
It's just a jsconfig.json file.
NOTE: I'm not using TypeScript.
Try adding "exclude": ["node_modules"] as described in the VSCode docs.
I added this and restarted VSCode and the error message went away.
Disabling typescript in the workspace options seems to be the one thing that stopped this warning for me:
"typescript.validate.enable": false,
I was facing the issue in Vuejs/Nuxtjs project:
Check the jsconfig.json file in root and include the following things if not available already:
"exclude": ["node_modules"]
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es6",
"baseUrl": "."
"exclude": ["node_modules"]
If you are getting the error even after having these values then you SHOULD RESTART vs code application
Add "exclude": [ "node_modules/**/*", ], in the tsconfig.json file and if it still doesn't work, try reloading the VSCode by pressing Crtl + Shift + P and Reload Window and it should work.
I also had some issues like this while using node modules. I just recreated the project copied and pasted all the code that i needed and installed every node modules after that i was able to fix the issue. However i dont recommend for large projects.

How to host Flutter Web (Hummingbird) on Firebase Hosting

I created a flutter web project and work fine in localhost. So I planned to host the website in firebase. I followed the commands it deployed successfully but it shows only black screen in the console it shows error message.
Error :
Loading failed for the with source “”.
SyntaxError: expected expression, got '<'[Learn More]
My Project Structure :
firebase.json :
"hosting": {
"public": "public",
"ignore": [
"redirects": [
"source": "/",
"destination": "/web/index.html",
"type": 302
Note: When I give public dir as the public folder it creates index.html. I deleted the file manually and navigate to the path as web/index.html
Finally, I solved the issue. I navigate the wrong path in public folder on firebase hosting. To deploy flutter web first I need to build the project using below command
webdev build
After I build the project It creates a build folder inside the project
Before I public path as root but the correct path is build
Correct Path:
What do you want to use as your public directory? build
I attached full command of firebase hosting deployment below,

How do I use .babelrc to get babel-plugin-import working for antd?

I'm new to react, babel, and antd.
I installed react and started a project using create-react-app.
I installed antd ( It suggests using babel-plugin-import, so I installed that too.
If I interpret it right, the usage documentation for babel-plugin-import says to put this in a .babelrc file:
"plugins": [
["import", {
"libraryName": "antd",
"style": true
I'm having trouble getting it to work. My web console still has the warning:
You are using a whole package of antd, please use to reduce app bundle
I didn't have a .babelrc file in my project's directory, so I created one with the above contents and restarted my server (npm start). That didn't work, so I created one in myProject/node_modules/babel_plugin_import but that doesn't work either.
Where is that code snippet supposed to go?
At the bottom of it says
babel-plugin-import will be not working if you add the library in
webpack config vender.
But I don't know what that means.
I asked another question here: How to get antd working with app created via create-react-app?
Maybe this problem has something to do with my project created via create-react-app??
[Update 2018-02-06: The answer is still correct, but there is a better alternative now, which is to use react-app-rewired. This is also documented in the link.]
You need to follow the instructions in to a T.
You should not create ant .babelrc files or similar. When using CRA all babel config is handled inside the webpack config files.
First clean up the config files you created, and make sure you have babel-plugin-import installed.
Then eject your app: npm run eject
This will give you a config folder with 2 webpack config files for dev/prod environments.
Open those files and locate the place where you need to insert the plugins property as documented on the instructions page.
Just add what babel-plugin-import documentation says, but remember if you're using CRA, you cannot change babel configuration directly without ejecting the project.
If you don't want to eject, you can use #craco/craco, and put the babel configuration inside of it like this:
/* craco.config.js */
module.exports = {
babel: {
presets: [],
plugins: [
libraryName: "antd",
style: true, // or 'css'
loaderOptions: {
/* Any babel-loader configuration options: */
Dont forget to change your scripts (more details in craco docs):
/* package.json */
"scripts": {
- "start": "react-scripts start",
+ "start": "craco start",
- "build": "react-scripts build",
+ "build": "craco build"
- "test": "react-scripts test",
+ "test": "craco test"

Composer package not found in any version

I am trying to create a custom vendor package but have not yet put the package on packagist. According to the docs, the package can be loaded from git (vcs) instead of packagist:
The yii2 project (although don't think framework matters) I have created package inside vendor folder:
(folder structure is as above, I have quadruple-checked).
My root public_html/composer.json has following entries:
"minimum-stability": "dev",
"require": {
"php": ">=5.4.0",
"yiisoft/yii2": ">=2.0.5",
"yiisoft/yii2-swiftmailer": "*",
"foundationize/yii2-foundation": "dev-master"
My package composer file, vendor/foundationize/yii2-foundation/composer.json looks like:
"name": "foundationize/yii2-foundation",
"description": "The Foundation extension for the Yii2 framework",
"keywords": ["yii2", "foundation"],
"type": "yii2-extension",
"license": "BSD-3-Clause",
"support": {
"issues": "",
"wiki": "",
"source": ""
"authors": [
"name": "gvanto",
"email": "",
"homepage": ""
"require": {
"yiisoft/yii2": "*"
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"foundationize\\foundation\\": ""
"repositories": [
"packagist": false,
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
When I run composer install (or update), I keep getting error below:
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of
Problem 1
- The requested package foundationize/yii2-foundation could not be found in any version, there may be a typo in the package name.
Potential causes:
A typo in the package name
The package is not available in a stable-enough version according to your minimum-stability setting see
for more details.
Read for
further common problems.
I have googled it high and low, read the docs can't seem to get it to work (always the same error, which I actually think would be more useful if it said either the package was not found OR the incorrect package version was found).
You have to add the repositories entry to your root composer.json file. Otherwise, Composer does not know where to search for your package.
Had a similar problem to this and it was because I was running composer in the /web directory in the new Drupal structure. When I ran it in the root all was fine. Annoyingly, you need to run Drush in /web
Since Laravel version 5.5 there is a Package Auto-Discovery feature, so there is no need to add service provider. All you need to register package like this:
composer require barryvdh/laravel-debugbar:dev-master
You can find more info in these articles: