Scala: specifying a generic type that is constructible from another - scala

I would like to do something which, more or less, boils down to the following:
def foo[S](x: String): S = S(x) // S(x) does not compile
So that if I have:
case class S1(x:String)
case class S2(x:String)
case class Sn(x:String)
I can write foo[Sx]("bar") to get Sx("foo").
Is there any way to specify that an instance of a class should be constructible from an instance of another (in this example String) and to actually invoke the constructor in a generic way?

You may use reflection (see #Ben Reich answer for detailed answer)
def foo[S:ClassTag](x: String): S = {
val runtimeClass = implicitly[ClassTag[S]].runtimeClass
val constructor = runtimeClass.<get a constructor with single String argument>
constructor(x) .asInstanceOf[S]
Or a type class that can construct an instance:
trait CanConstruct[S] {
def apply(x:String):S
def foo[S:CanConstruct](x: String): S = {
val constructor = implicitly[CanConstruct[S]]
UPD You would need an instance of the type class for every type you wish to construct:
implicit val s1constructor = new CanConstruct[S1] { def apply(x:String) = S1(x) }
Also it seems to be the case for conversion functions:
implicit val convertStringToS1 = S1(_)
implicit val convertStringToS2 = S2(_)

Using reflection:
import reflect.ClassTag
def foo[S: ClassTag](x: String) = implicitly[ClassTag[S]]
.map(a => a -> a.getParameters)
.collectFirst {
case (constructor, Array(p)) if p.getType == classOf[String]
=> constructor.newInstance(x).asInstanceOf[S]
Which will return an Option[S], if the proper constructor is found.

I sort of solved it with a macro:
object Construct {
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.macros.Context
def construct[A,B](x:B):A = macro constructImpl[A,B]
def constructImpl[A: c.WeakTypeTag,B](c:Context)(x:c.Expr[B]) = {
import c.universe._
c.Expr[A](q"""new ${c.weakTypeOf[A]}(${x.tree})""")
I now can write things like:
case class Foo(x:String)
case class Bar(x:Int)
It would be nice to find a way to avoid having to write the second type parameter, though.


What's the best way to store different types in a collection

I have a generic class:
class GenericType[T] {
def func(t: T) = ???
I need to implement a function that takes a List[String] and outputs the corresponding GenericType[T]. For example, if a client passes in List("SomeType1", "SomeType2"), the function should return List(GenericType[SomeType1], GenericType[SomeType2]). Basically, there's a string that maps to a type.
I don't find a good way to represent the return type for such function. Seq[GenericType[_]] as the return type can be an option but it requires the client to cast it into corresponding subclasses to invoke func as the type info is lost.
Alternatively, a case class can be used but this is not flexible as I need to modify the case class every time a new subclass is added.
case class (s1: Option[GenericType[SomeType1]] = None, s2: Option[SomeType2] = None, ...)
I'm curious what's a good way to represent the return type?
The easiest is
def stringToGenericType(s: String): GenericType[_] = s match {
case "SomeType1" => new GenericType[SomeType1]
case "SomeType2" => new GenericType[SomeType2]
GenericType[_] (or GenericType[Any] if you make GenericType covariant: class GenericType[+T]) would be an honest return type. You can't know at compile time which specific GenericType[...] you return based on a runtime string. Anyway you can't avoid casting somewhere because you can't guarantee the type statically. Anyway this kind of programming can't be type-safe.
Since we're doing a choice based on a runtime string, compile-time techniques (macros, implicits, Shapeless) are off the table. (*)
Actually, currently you don't need even runtime reflection. Your class GenericType[T] and method func in it seem not to do anything at runtime differently depending on type T. GenericType[SomeType1] and GenericType[SomeType2] are just GenericType[_] at runtime. So even the following implementation is possible
def stringToGenericType(s: String): GenericType[_] = new GenericType[Any]
Another situation would be if you created instances of different classes
class GenericType1[T]
class GenericType2[T]
import scala.reflect.runtime
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
val runtimeMirror = runtime.currentMirror
def stringToGenericTypeX(s: String): Any = {
val classSymbol = runtimeMirror.staticClass(s)
val constructorSymbol = classSymbol.typeSignature.decl(termNames.CONSTRUCTOR).asMethod
or you called different methods
class GenericType[T] {
def func1(t: T) = ???
def func2(t: T) = ???
def callFuncX(methodName: String, t: Any) = {
val classSymbol = runtimeMirror.classSymbol(classOf[GenericType[_]])
val methodSymbol = classSymbol.typeSignature.decl(TermName(methodName)).asMethod
runtimeMirror.reflect(new GenericType[Any]).reflectMethod(methodSymbol).apply(t)
or something behaved at runtime differently depending on type T
class GenericType[T: ClassTag] {
def func(t: T) = println(classTag[T].runtimeClass)
val toolbox = runtimeMirror.mkToolBox()
def stringToGenericType(s: String): GenericType[_] = {
toolbox.eval(q"new GenericType[${TypeName(s)}]").asInstanceOf[GenericType[_]]
(*) Well, actually the first pattern matching (as I wrote it) can be automated with a macro
// in a different subproject
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox
def stringToGenericType(s: String): GenericType[_] = macro stringToGenericTypeImpl
def stringToGenericTypeImpl(c: blackbox.Context)(s: c.Tree): c.Tree = {
import c.universe._
val cases = List("SomeType1", "SomeType2").map(str =>
cq"$str => new GenericType[${TypeName(str)}]"
q"$s match { case ..$cases }"
val s = "SomeTime1"
// scalacOptions += "-Ymacro-debug-lite"
//s match {
// case "SomeType1" => new GenericType[SomeType1]()
// case "SomeType2" => new GenericType[SomeType2]()

Is there some way in scala that I can return a type?

I have a lot of classes such as DataFrameFlow, TextFlow, RDDFlow. They all derive from base class Flow.
Now I want to write a function judgeFlow which can read from a path: String and return something representing exact Flow type from which I can create corresponding instance. The whole code seems like the following
def judgeFlow(path:String) = /*1*/ {
Flow.getStoreType(path) match {
case StoreType.tdw =>
case StoreType.hdfs =>
def createFlow(typeInfo:/*2*/) = /*3*/{
new typeInfo()
However, I don't know how to write in place 1, 2 and 3.
Knowing how to construct them is not enough here, because I also want the following:
pattern matching through typeInfo
some ways to do asInstanceOf
Definition of Flow
abstract class Flow(var outputName: String) extends Serializable{
def this() = this("")
Definition of DataFrameFlow
class DataFrameFlow(d: DataFrame, path: String) extends Flow {
var data: DataFrame = d
def this(data: DataFrame) = this(data, "")
def this(path: String) = this(null, path)
def this() = this(null, "")
Pattern matching can't return different types from different cases. The type returned by pattern matching is the least upper bound of types returned in cases.
When someone wants to return different types, most probably he/she wants a type class.
sealed abstract class Flow
class DataFrameFlow extends Flow
class TextFlow extends Flow
class RDDFlow extends Flow
trait JudgeFlow[In] {
type Out <: Flow
def judgeFlow(in: In): Out
object JudgeFlow {
implicit val `case1`: JudgeFlow[???] { type Out = DataFrameFlow } = ???
implicit val `case2`: JudgeFlow[???] { type Out = TextFlow } = ???
implicit val `case3`: JudgeFlow[???] { type Out = RDDFlow } = ???
def judgeFlow[In](in: In)(implicit jf: JudgeFlow[In]): jf.Out = jf.judgeFlow(in)
But the trouble is that types are resolved at compile time. You seem to want to choose a case based on a value of string i.e. at runtime. So you can't return more specific types than just Flow at compile time.
flatMap with Shapeless yield FlatMapper not found
It's hard to guess your use case completely.
But using Scala reflection you can try
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
import scala.reflect.runtime.currentMirror
def judgeFlow(path:String): Type = {
Flow.getStoreType(path) match {
case StoreType.tdw =>
case StoreType.hdfs =>
def createFlow(typeInfo: Type): Flow = {
val constructorSymbol = typeInfo.decl(termNames.CONSTRUCTOR).asMethod
val classSymbol = typeInfo.typeSymbol.asClass
val classMirror = currentMirror.reflectClass(classSymbol)
val constructorMirror = classMirror.reflectConstructor(constructorSymbol)

How can I get my overloaded constructor to accept any numeric type?

I have a CoordVector class that accepts Vector[ComplexNumber], where ComplexNumber is a class I defined elsewhere, and I also have it overridden to accept Vector[Double]. But I want the override to instead accept any numeric type in Scala.
Here is my current code
case class RealVector(vector: Vector[Double])
case class ComplexVector(vector: Vector[ComplexNumber])
import scala.language.implicitConversions
implicit def dv(vector: Vector[Double]) = RealVector(vector)
implicit def cv(vector: Vector[ComplexNumber]) = ComplexVector(vector)
object CoordVector {
def apply(components:RealVector):CoordVector = {
new CoordVector( => ComplexNumber(c, 0)))
case class CoordVector(val components:ComplexVector) {
Unfortunately I can't just replace Double with Numeric, but is there a simple way to do this without having to create a new implicit def and apply for each numeric type?
See if this gets at what you're after.
class ComplexNumber(a:Double, b:Double) // put here just to make the rest compile
case class RealVector[N:Numeric](vector: Vector[N])
case class ComplexVector(vector: Vector[ComplexNumber])
import scala.language.implicitConversions
implicit def dv[N:Numeric](vector: Vector[N]) = RealVector(vector)
implicit def cv(vector: Vector[ComplexNumber]) = ComplexVector(vector)
object CoordVector {
def apply[N:Numeric](components:RealVector[N]):CoordVector = {
new CoordVector( =>
new ComplexNumber(implicitly[Numeric[N]].toDouble(c), 0)))
case class CoordVector(components:ComplexVector) {
This allows all the underlying number data to be Double but you can create RealVector instances with a constructor parameter of type Vector[Int], or Vector[Long], or Vector[Float], etc.

Could not find implicit value for parameter x

Just when I thought I understood the basics of Scala's type system... :/
I'm trying to implement a class that reads the contents of a file and outputs a set of records. A record might be a single line, but it could also be a block of bytes, or anything. So what I'm after is a structure that allows the type of Reader to imply the type of the Record, which in turn will imply the correct Parser to use.
This structure works as long as MainApp.records(f) only returns one type of Reader. As soon as it can return more, I get this error:
could not find implicit value for parameter parser
I think the problem lies with the typed trait definitions at the top, but I cannot figure out how to fix the issue...
// Core traits
trait Record[T]
trait Reader[T] extends Iterable[Record[T]]
trait Parser[T] {
def parse(r: Record[T]): Option[Int]
// Concrete implementations
class LineRecord[T] extends Record[T]
class FileReader[T](f:File) extends Reader[T] {
val lines = Source.fromFile(f).getLines()
def iterator: Iterator[LineRecord[T]] =
new Iterator[LineRecord[T]] {
def next() = new LineRecord[T]
def hasNext = lines.hasNext
trait TypeA
object TypeA {
implicit object TypeAParser extends Parser[TypeA] {
def parse(r: Record[TypeA]): Option[Int] = ???
trait TypeB
object TypeB {
implicit object TypeBParser extends Parser[TypeB] {
def parse(r: Record[TypeB]): Option[Int] = ???
// The "app"
object MainApp {
def process(f: File) =
records(f) foreach { r => parse(r) }
def records(f: File) = {
new FileReader[TypeA](f)
new FileReader[TypeB](f)
def parse[T](r: Record[T])(implicit parser: Parser[T]): Option[Int] =
First off you must import the implicit object in order to use them:
import TypeA._
import TypeB._
That's not enough though. It seems like you're trying to apply implicits dynamically. That's not possible; they have to be found compile time.
If you import the objects as above and change the records so that the compiler finds the correct generic it will run fine:
def records(f: File) = new FileReader[TypeA](f)
But then it may not be what you were looking for ;)
The problem is that the return type of your records method is basically FileReader[_] (since it can return either FileReader[TypeA] or FileReader[TypeB]), and you don't provide an implicit argument of type Parser[Any]. If you remove the if-expression the return type is inferred to FileReader[TypeA], which works fine. I'm not sure what you're trying to do, but obviously the compiler can't select implicit argument based upon a type that is only known at runtime.
1) Using type with implicit inside as type parameter - doesn't bind this implicit to the host type, to do this change objects to the traits and mix them instead of generalizing (type-parametrizing):
def records(f: File) = {
new FileReader(f) with TypeA
new FileReader(f) with TypeB
2) The parser should be in scope of function that calls parse. So you may try smthg like that:
def process(f: File) = {
val reader = records(f);
import reader._
reader foreach { r => parse(r) }
PlanB) Simpler alternative is to define type-parameter specific implicit methods inside the AppMain (or some trait mixed in), but it will work only if TypeA/TypeB is known on compile time, so records method can return concrete type:
implicit class TypeAParser(r: Record[TypeA]) {
def parse: Option[Int] = ???
implicit class TypeBParser(r: Record[TypeB]) {
def parse: Option[Int] = ???
def process[T <: TypeAorB](f: File) =
def recordsA[T <: TypeAorB](f: File) = new FileReader[T](f)
Here is, I think, the full set of modifications you need to do to get where I think you want to go.
import reflect.runtime.universe._
// Core traits
trait Record[+T]
trait Reader[+T] extends Iterable[Record[T]]
trait Parser[-T] {
def parse(r: Record[T]): Option[Int]
// Concrete implementations [unmodified]
class LineRecord[T] extends Record[T]
class FileReader[T](f:File) extends Reader[T] {
val lines = Source.fromFile(f).getLines()
def iterator: Iterator[LineRecord[T]] =
new Iterator[LineRecord[T]] {
def next() = new LineRecord[T]
def hasNext = lines.hasNext
sealed trait Alternatives
case class TypeA() extends Alternatives
object TypeA {
implicit object TypeAParser extends Parser[TypeA] {
def parse(r: Record[TypeA]): Option[Int] = ???
case class TypeB() extends Alternatives
object TypeB {
implicit object TypeBParser extends Parser[TypeB] {
def parse(r: Record[TypeB]): Option[Int] = ???
class ParseAlternator(parserA: Parser[TypeA], parserB: Parser[TypeB]) extends Parser[Alternatives] {
def parse(r: Record[Alternatives]): Option[Int] = r match {
case x: Record[TypeA #unchecked] if typeOf[Alternatives] =:= typeOf[TypeA] => parserA.parse(x)
case x: Record[TypeB #unchecked] if typeOf[Alternatives] =:= typeOf[TypeB] => parserB.parse(x)
object ParseAlternator {
implicit def parseAlternator(implicit parserA: Parser[TypeA], parserB: Parser[TypeB]): Parser[Alternatives] = new ParseAlternator(parserA, parserB)
// The "app"
object MainApp {
import ParseAlternator._
def process(f: File) =
records(f) foreach { r => parse(r) }
def records(f: File): Reader[Alternatives] = {
new FileReader[TypeA](f)
new FileReader[TypeB](f)
def parse[T](r: Record[T])(implicit parser: Parser[T]): Option[Int] =
The gist of it is: all of this would be completely classsical if only your parse instance did not have to pattern-match on a generic type but dealt directly with an Alternative instead.
It's this limitation (inherited from the JVM) that scala can't properly pattern-match on an object of a parametric type that requires the reflection & typeOf usage. Without it, you would just have type alternatives for your content (TypeA, TypeB), which you would add to a sealed trait, and which you would dispatch on, in an implicit that produces a Parser for their supertype.
Of course this isn't the only solution, it's just what I think is the meeting point of what's closest to what you're trying to do, with what's most idiomatic.

Scala: Multiple implicit conversions with same name

Using scala 2.10.3, my goal is to make the following work:
object A {
implicit class Imp(i: Int) {
def myPrint() {
object B {
implicit class Imp(i: String) {
def myPrint() {
import A._
import B._
object MyApp extends App {
This fails with
value myPrint is not a member of Int
If I give A.Imp and B.Imp different names (for example A.Imp1 and B.Imp2), it works.
Diving a bit deeper into it, there seems to be the same problem with implicit conversions.
This works:
object A {
implicit def Imp(i: Int) = new {
def myPrint() {
implicit def Imp(i: String) = new {
def myPrint() {
import A._
object MyApp extends App {
Whereas this doesn't:
object A {
implicit def Imp(i: Int) = new {
def myPrint() {
object B {
implicit def Imp(i: String) = new {
def myPrint() {
import A._
import B._
object MyApp extends App {
Why? Is this a bug in the scala compiler? I need this scenario, since my objects A and B derive from the same trait (with a type parameter) which then defines the implicit conversion for its type parameter. In this trait, I can only give one name for the implicit conversion. I want to be able to import more of these objects into my scope. Is there a way to do that?
edit: I can't give the implicit classes different names, since the examples above are only breaking down the problem. My actual code looks more like
trait P[T] {
implicit class Imp(i: T) {
def myPrint() {
object A extends P[Int]
object B extends P[String]
import A._
import B._
The implicits just have to be available as a simple name, so you can rename on import.
Just to verify:
scala> import A._ ; import B.{ Imp => BImp, _ }
import A._
import B.{Imp=>BImp, _}
scala> 3.myPrint
Actually, it works if you replace
import A._
import B._
import B._
import A._
What happens, I think, is that A.Imp is shadowed by B.Imp because it has the same name. Apparently shadowing applies on the function's name and do not take the signature into account.
So if you import A then B, then only B.Imp(i: String) will be available, and if you import B then A, then only A.Imp(i: Int) will be available.
If you need to use both A.Imp and B.Imp, you must rename one of them.
In case anyone else runs into this issue, there is a partial workaround, which I found here:
That code was written by Li Haoyi, so you can be pretty confident that no better solution exists...
Essentially, one can still use traits to define methods in terms of each other, but it will require boilerplate to copy those implicits into unique names. This example might be easier to follow:
trait Chainable
object Chainable {
implicit val _chainableFromInt = IntChainable.chainable _
implicit val _chainableFromIntTrav = IntChainable.traversable _
implicit val _chainableFromIntOpt = IntChainable.optional _
implicit val _chainableFromIntTry = IntChainable.tried _
implicit val _chainableFromDom = DomChainable.chainable _
implicit val _chainableFromDomTrav = DomChainable.traversable _
implicit val _chainableFromDomOpt = DomChainable.optional _
implicit val _chainableFromDomTry = DomChainable.tried _
private object IntChainable extends ImplChainables[Int] {
def chainable(n:Int) = Constant(n)
private object DomChainable extends ImplChainables[dom.Element]{
def chainable(e:Element) = Insertion(e)
private trait ImplChainables[T] {
def chainable(t:T):Chainable
def traversable(trav:TraversableOnce[T]):Chainable =
def optional(opt:Option[T]):Chainable =
opt match {
case Some(t) => chainable(t)
case None => NoneChainable
def tried(tried:Try[T]):Chainable =
In other words, never write:
trait P[T] {
implicit def foo(i: T) = ...
object A extends P[X]
Because defining implicits in type parameterized traits will lead to these naming conflicts. Although, incidentally, the trait in mentioned in the link above is parameterized over many types, but idea there is that none of the implementations of that trait are ever needed in the same scope. (JSDom vs Text, and all._ vs short._ for those familiar with Scalatags)
I also recommend reading:
It does not address this issue specifically but is an excellent summary of how to use implicits.
However, putting all these pieces together, this still seems to be an issue:
trait ImplChainables[AnotherTypeClass]{
type F[A] = A=>AnotherTypeClass
implicit def transitiveImplicit[A:F](t: A):Chainable
implicit def traversable[A:F](trav: TraversableOnce[A]):Chainable = ...
What this trait would allow is:
object anotherImpl extends ImplChainables[AnotherTypeClass] {...}
import anotherImpl._
implicit val string2another: String=>AnotherTypeClass = ...
Because of the type parameter and the context binding (implicit parameter) those cannot be eta-expanded (i.e: _ ) into function values. The implicit parameter part has been fixed in Dotty:
I do not know if a complete solution would be possible, needless to say this is a complex problem. So it would be nice if same name implicits just worked and the whole issue could be avoided. And in any case, adding an unimport keyword would make so much more sense than turning off implicits by shadowing them.