Sending TCP data in parallel - sockets

I have a set up that involves exactly one client and one server. The client can generate 32K data really fast. As I generate that data I'd like to send it in parallel over TCP to the server and have it reassembled in the same order that I sent it out in.
So I have the thought where I add each 32K packet to a queue on the client, then something sends out those packets in parallel. On the server, those packets are received in some random order, but then put back in order into a queue and then I can simple dequeue the packets. I have a picture of this set up:
Does this set up have a name? Fanout/fanin? What should I be searching for? It seems middleware such as ZeroMQ might help, but I haven't been able to see any specific examples that display this type of architecture.
I assume this is a solved problem with some nice open source libraries out there, but my assumptions have been wrong in the past.
Thanks for any help.


How can I automatically test a networking (TCP/IP) application?

I teach students to develop network applications, both clients and servers. At this moment, we have not yet touched existing protocols such as HTTP, SMTP, etc. The students write very simple programs on top of the plain socket API. Currently I check a students' work manually, but I want to automate this task and create an automated test bench for networking applications. The most interesting topics for testing are:
Breaking TCP segments into small parts and delivering them with a noticeable delay. A reason I need such test is that students usually just issue a read/recv call and process the received data without checking that all necessary data was received. TCP doesn't guarantee the message boundaries, so in certain circumstances it is necessary to make several read/recv calls. The problem is that in most simple network applications (for example, in a chat application) messages are small and fit into the single TCP segment, so the issue doesn't appear. My idea is to artificially break messages into several small TCP segments (i.e. several bytes of data) so the problem will appear.
Pausing the data transfer for some time to simulate multiple slow clients and check that the multithreading/async sockets are implemented properly in the students' servers.
Resetting a connection in random moments of time.
I've found several systems which simulate a bad network (dummynet, clumsy, netem). Hovewer, they all work on the IP level of the stack, so OS and it's TCP implementation will compensate the data loss. Such systems are able to solve the task number 2, but they are not able to solve tasks 1 and 3. So I think that I need to develop my own solution, which will act as a TCP proxy. My questions are:
Maybe the are any libraries or applications which can (at least partially) solve the given tasks, so I'll be able to use them as a base for my own solution?
In case there is none any suitable existing software projects, maybe there are any ideas and approaches about how to do this properly?
From WireShark mailing list - Creating and Modifying Packets:
...There's a "Tools" page on the Wireshark Wiki:
which has a "Traffic generators" section:
which lists some tools that might be useful...
The "Traffic generators" chapter also mentions another collection of traffic generators
If you write your own socket code, you can address all 3 tasks.
enable the socket's TCP_NODELAY option (disable the Nagle Algorithm for Send Coalescing) via setsockopt(), then you can send() small fragments of data as you wish, optionally with a delay in between (see #2).
simply put a delay in between your send() calls.
use setsockopt() to adjust the socket's SO_LINGER and SO_DONTLINGER options to control whether closing the socket performs an abortive or graceful closure, then simply close the socket at some random interval after the connection is established.

Does it make sense to use RTP protocol for multiple streamers and single receiver?

I am in a process of learning and trying to use the RTP/RTCP protocol. My situation is that there is 1 to n streamers and 1 (or potentially 1 to m if needed) receiver(s), but in a way that the streamers themselves do not know about each other (they cannot directly due to technical reasons, such as different network, limited bandwidth, etc...). So it is more like multiple unicast sessions, but the receiver actually knows about them all, collects data from all of them, it is just the senders do not know about each other .
Now reading about the protocol, it seems to me that huge portion of it is related to sending some feedback, collision detections, and so on. So I have doubts, is RTP is really applicable in this case? Is is already used in this way somewhere?
Seems to me it is still beneficial to collect statistic about data transfer that RTP provides (data sent, loss, times, etc...), it just feels the most of the protocol is sort of left out...
Also I have one additional question, going through the various RTP libraries, they all assume that sender will also open ports for receiving RTP/RTCP data, does RTP forbid use of one way communication? I mean application that would only stream the data, not expecting to receive anything back. The libraries (e.g. ccRTP) seem to assume both way communication only...
RTCP is the protocol that provides statistics. The stream receiver (client) will send stats to the sender (server) via RTCP. I don't believe the client will get any statistic reports from the server.
There's nothing wrong with a single client receiving multiple unicast sessions from various servers.
RTP requires two way communication during the setup process. Once setup is complete and the play cmd is sent, it is mostly one way. The exception are the "keep alive" packets that must be sent to the server periodically (usually every 60 seconds or so) to keep the stream going. The exact timeout value is sent to the client during the setup process.
But if you implement your own RTP, there's nothing stopping you from having the server send the stream continuously without any feedback from the client. Basically it would be implementing an infinite timeout value.
You can read about all the details in the spec: RTP: A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications

Sending and receiving data over Internet

This question is not for a concrete implementation of how this is done. It is more about the concept and design of sending information over Internet with some kind of protocol - either TCP or UDP. I know only that sockets are needed, but I am wondering about the rest. For example after a connection is made and you send the information through that, but how does the other end listen for a specific port and does it listen constantly?
Is listening done in a background thread waiting for information to be received? (In order to be able to do other things/processing while waiting for information)
So in essence, I think a real world example of how such an application works on a high level would be enough to explain the data flow. For example sending files in Skype or something similar.
P.S. Most other questions on similar topics are about a concrete implementation or a bug that someone has.
What I currently do in an application is the following using POSIX sockets with the TCP Protocol:
Most important thing is: The most function are blocking functions. So when you tell your server to wait for client connection, the function will block until a connection is established (if you need a server that handles multiple clients at once, you need to use threading!)
Server listens for specific port until a client connects. After the connect, you will get a new socket file descriptor to communicate with the client whilst the initial socket can listen to new connections. My server then creats a new thread to handle that client whilst waiting for new connections on the initial socket. In the new thread the server waits for a request command from the Client (e.g. Request Login Token). After a request was received by the server, the server will gather its informations, packs it together using Googles Protocol Buffers and sends it to the client. The client now either tells the server to terminate the session (if every data is received by the client that it needs) or send another request.
Thats basically the idea in my server. The bigger problem is the way you transmit and receive data. E.g. you cant send structs or classes (at least not via C++) over the wire, you need some kind of serializer and you have to make sure the other part knows how much to receive. So what i do is, first send a 4byte integer over the wire containing the size of the incomming package, then send the package itself using a serializer (in my case Googles Protocol buffers). The other side waits for 4 byte to be available, knowing that this will be the size of the incomming package. After 4 bytes are received, the program waits for exact that amount of data being available on the socket, when available, read the data out of the buffer and deserialize it. When the socket is not receiving data for 30 seconds, trigger a timeout and terminate the connection.
What you always need to be aware of is the endianess of the systems. E.g. a big endian system (e.g. PowerPC) and a little endian system (e.g. x86) will have problems when you send an integer directly over the wire. For example a
on the x86, is a
on the Power PC, thus making a 8 out of a 1. So you should always use functions like ntohl, an htonl, which will convert data from and to host byte order from and to network byte order (network byte order is always big endian).
Hope this kind of helps. I could also provide some code to you if that would help.

Game server TCP networking sockets - fairness

I'm writing a game server for a turn-based game. One criteria is that the game needs to be as fair for all players as possible.
So far it works like this:
Each client has a TCP connection. (If relevant, the connection is opened via WebSockets)
While running, continually check for incoming socket messages via epoll.
Iterate through clients with sockets ready to read:
Read all messages from the client.
Update the internal game state for each message.
Queue outgoing messages to affected clients.
At the end of each "window" (turn):
Iterate through clients and write all queued outgoing messages to their sockets
My concern for fairness raises the following questions:
Does it matter in which order I send messages to the clients?
Calling write() on all the sockets takes only a fraction of a second for my program, but somewhere in the underlying OS or networking would it make a difference if I sorted the client list?
Perhaps I should be sending to the highest-latency clients first?
Does it matter how I write the outgoing messages to the sockets?
Currently I'm writing them as one large chunk. The size can exceed a single packet.
Would it be faster for the client to begin its processing if I sent messages in smaller chunks than 1 packet?
Would it be better to write 1 packet worth to each client at a time, and iterate over the clients multiple times?
Are there any linux/networking configurations that would bear impact here?
Thanks in advance for your feedback and tips.
Does it matter in which order I send messages to the clients?
Yes, by fractions of milliseconds. If the network interface is available for sending the OS will immediately start sending. Why would it wait?
Perhaps I should be sending to the highest-latency clients first?
I think you should be sending in random order. Shuffle the list prior to sending. This makes it fair. I think your question is valid and this should be addressed.
Currently I'm writing them as one large chunk. [...]
First, realize that TCP is stream-based and that there are no packets/messages at the protocol level. On a physical level data is indeed packetized.
It is not necessary to manually split off packets because clients will read data as it arrives anyway. If a client issues a read, that read will complete immediately once the first packet has arrived. There is no artificial waiting in the OS.
Are there any linux/networking configurations that would bear impact here?
I don't know. Be sure to disable nagling.

use serial communication over TCP / UDP

I have several apps which communicate through serial comm (RS-232 and RS-422), and i would like them to communicate through TCP or UDP without changing them. Another point is that some of the apps must run on linux.
I would like to know if there are exsiting tools for that purpose..
Thanks a lot!
If all you do with your serial port is read and write bytes, and if precise timing is not a concern, then you may be able to replace your serial port object with a TCP socket and send the exact same data over the socket as you would have sent over the port. The biggest complications are that the timing on a TCP socket is much looser than on a serial port, and TCP sockets' mechanisms for sending "out-of-band" data are different from those of a serial port.
I am unaware of any standards for sending serial data via UDP. Conceptually, it would seem like a useful thing to have since there are many serial-port protocols-based in which it would be more useful to drop data that can't be delivered within a certain time frame than to deliver it late. For example, if the intended recipient of serial-port data is an embedded controller that will sometimes so busy that it drops some incoming data, but which will respond within a few milliseconds to everything it does receive, a one-second hiccup on a TCP connection [not unusual] may cause software which expects to be talking directly to the controller to retransmit a command a dozen times. Even if the device would be capable of detecting and rejecting retransmissions it receives, it would be better for the earlier transmission requests to be abandoned than to have them be delivered late. Note that to be useful, a UDP-based scheme would have to include enough wrapper logic to guarantee that packets would never be delivered out of order; once the data for a packet has been sent to the serial port, any UDP packets which are received later despite having been sent earlier must be discarded; the recipient should probably include logic so that if many out-of-sequence packets are received, it will wait a little while after receiving any packet whose sequence number does not immediately follow the last one, to see if missing packets show up before it commits itself to discarding them.
There is no standard tool to do that. I am thinking to develop one. UDP is ideal in this case since it is 100% guaranteed that there is no out of order packet delivery on a short LAN as is in your case.
In several projects I have used free tool Hercules ( for protoyping and testing phases. No advertising intended, just a recommendation.