Simultaneous touches on scene - touch

I am having one problem while working on touches on the screen. I have two modules attached on the screen, on the Left there is a Joystick which has its own touches, and on the right side I have set of Buttons which have its own actions or, touches, both doesn't work together. I have tried to setup touches instead of callbacks on buttons, and tried replacing the buttons with sprites without any luck.
See my requirement below
Any help or, suggestion is highly appreciated.
See my code below what I have tried
I am using SneakyJoystick for the joystick like below
void Game::prepareJoystick(){
Size winSize = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
Rect joystickBaseDimensions;
joystickBaseDimensions = Rect(0, 0, 160.0f, 160.0f);
Point joystickBasePosition;
joystickBasePosition = Vec2(winSize.width*0.08, winSize.height*0.15);
SneakyJoystickSkinnedBase *joystickBase = new SneakyJoystickSkinnedBase();
SneakyJoystick *aJoystick = new SneakyJoystick();
leftJoystick = joystickBase->getJoystick();
And for controls on the right hand side I am using cocos2d::ui::Buttons with their callbacks like below
Button *button=Button::create(imageName);
Both are added on the same scene like I shown in the image graphics. Now both doesn't work together. One blocks another, I tried to add touches delegates and try see my code below
auto listener = EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce::create();
listener->onTouchesBegan = CC_CALLBACK_2(Game::onTouchesBegan, this);
_eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener, this);
and handling like below
void GameScene::onTouchesBegan(const std::vector<Touch*>& touches, Event *unused_event){
for(int i=0;i<touches.size();i++){
printf("\nshould punch");
None of above method works for me.
Update 2
Just tested the code below returns always 1
void GameScene::onTouchesBegan(const std::vector<Touch*>& touches, Event *unused_event){
printf("\nTouches = %d",(int)touches.size());
Update 3
Multitouch is enabled for cocos2dx see below
bool GLViewImpl::initWithRect(const std::string& viewName, Rect rect, float frameZoomFactor)
CGRect r = CGRectMake(rect.origin.x, rect.origin.y, rect.size.width, rect.size.height);
CCEAGLView *eaglview = [CCEAGLView viewWithFrame: r
pixelFormat: (NSString*)_pixelFormat
depthFormat: _depthFormat
preserveBackbuffer: NO
sharegroup: nil
multiSampling: NO
numberOfSamples: 0];
[eaglview setMultipleTouchEnabled:YES];
_screenSize.width = _designResolutionSize.width = [eaglview getWidth];
_screenSize.height = _designResolutionSize.height = [eaglview getHeight];
// _scaleX = _scaleY = [eaglview contentScaleFactor];
_eaglview = eaglview;
return true;
Update 3 GLView initialization
auto director = Director::getInstance();
auto glview = director->getOpenGLView();
if(!glview) {
glview = GLViewImpl::create("MyGame");
There is no Multitouch property for above initialization, do I need to do it in different way ?

If testing on iOS, The multipleTouchEnabled property needs to be set to YES before the view can accept multitouch.
In your, look for function didFinishLaunchingWithOptions and add following line
[eaglView setMultipleTouchEnabled: true];


how to place a sprite at touch position

I follow the lecture of this website:
My code is same as first part of the website.But the position where the label placed in is uppon the place I clicked at.
Could anybody help me?
wrong code is at
bool AppDelegate::applicationDidFinishLaunching() {
auto director = Director::getInstance();
auto glview = director->getOpenGLView();
if(!glview) {
glview = GLViewImpl::create("Hello World");
glview->setFrameSize(640, 480);
auto scene = HelloWorld::createScene();
return true;
the code line;
glview->setFrameSize(640, 480);
setFrameSizw width diffrent size of defalut window size;

Sprite Kit loop multi node background

I am trying to loop my background image in SK, the problem is the background is long so I split the image up into tiles that I paste together with code. I want to loop this huge background but I don't know how, the regular methods of looping backgrounds haven't worked because my background is made up of multiple nodes.
This is my method I use to render the nodes together.
- (SKNode *) createBackgroundNode
// 1
// Create the node
SKNode *backgroundNode = [SKNode node];
// 2
// Go through images until the entire background is built
for (int nodeCount = 0; nodeCount < 20; nodeCount++) {
// 3
NSString *backgroundImageName = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Background%02d", nodeCount+1];
SKSpriteNode *node = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:backgroundImageName];
// 4
node.anchorPoint = CGPointMake(0.5f, 0.0f);
node.position = CGPointMake(160.0f, nodeCount*64.0f);
// 5 =#"background";
[backgroundNode addChild:node];
// 6
// Return the completed background node
return backgroundNode;
Then Inside my update method, I use this code to move all the tiles at once by moving the background layers position in my desired direction.
[self enumerateChildNodesWithName:#"background" usingBlock: ^(SKNode *node, BOOL *stop) {
SKSpriteNode *bg = (SKSpriteNode *) node;
bg.position = CGPointMake(0.0f, -((_player.position.y - 200.0f)/10));
The problem is, I can't get the size of the background layer only the position (at least I think I can't) So I have no idea how I can loop all these tiles seamlessly ?
I preferably want to do it all in one class but any helpful suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Adding a Hud Layer to Scene Cocos2d-3

To keep it simple, what is the easiest way to make the default [ Menu ] in default HelloWorld Scene (for example) as it's own layer. Issue I'm having now is that the scene is completely black, with nothing showing up!
GameLayer node:
- (id)init
// Enable touch handling on scene node
self.userInteractionEnabled = YES;
self.theMap = [CCTiledMap tiledMapWithFile:#"AftermathRpg.tmx"];
self.contentSize = theMap.contentSize;
self.metaLayer = [theMap layerNamed:#"Meta"];
metaLayer.visible = NO;
CCTiledMapObjectGroup *objects = [theMap objectGroupNamed:#"mainChar"];
NSMutableDictionary *startPoint = [objects objectNamed:#"startPosition"];
int x = [[startPoint valueForKey:#"x"] intValue];
int y = [[startPoint valueForKey:#"y"] intValue];
self.mainChar = [CCSprite spriteWithImageNamed:#"mainChar.png"];
mainChar.position = ccp(x,y);
[self addChild:mainChar];
[self addChild:theMap z:-1];
[self setCenterOfScreen: mainChar.position];
return self;
HudLayer node
CGSize winSize = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] viewSize];
CCButton *backButton = [CCButton buttonWithTitle:#"[ Menu ]" fontName:#"Verdana-Bold" fontSize:18.0f];
backButton.position = ccp(0.85f * winSize.width, 0.95f * winSize.height);
[backButton setTarget:self selector:#selector(onBackClicked:)];
[self addChild:backButton];
return self;
+ (GameScene *)scene
return [[self alloc] init];
- (id)init
// Apple recommend assigning self with supers return value
self = [super init];
if (!self) return(nil);
CGSize winSize = [CCDirector sharedDirector].viewSize;
self.gameLayer = [GameLayer node];
[self addChild:gameLayer z:-1];
//self.contentSize = self.gameLayer.contentSize;
hudLayer = [HudLayer node];
hudLayer.position = ccp(winSize.width * 0.9, winSize.height * 0.9);
[self addChild:hudLayer z:1];
return self;
From the OP I take that you have two issues with one being that the HUD is not static (i.e. it is moving as your map moves which you don't want) and that it is not positioning at the top of the screen.
Looking at the position issue first, your position is set to normalized. Since the scene's content size has been made to be the size of your map, which I take is larger than your screen, then this is why it is showing up at the top right of the map and not the screen. To fix this don't do normalized positioning. If you want to be able to still express the position in the 0 to 1 range, use (remove the line that sets the position type to normalized also):
CGSize winSize = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] viewSize];
backButton.position = ccp(0.85f * winSize.width, 0.95f * winSize.height);
If your map is 10,000 x 10,000 then using the normalized positioning like you are will set the button to (8,500, 9,500) rather than the top of the screen.
Looking at the static issue next, from the looks of it you have the Hello World scene that you are adding everything to right? It also looks like you are moving the Hello World scene with a call to:
[self setCenterOfScreen: player.position];
What you want to do instead is this, you first have a scene:
HelloWorldScene* scene;
And to this scene you are adding two "main" layers with one being your gameplay layers as children of a main gameplay layer and the other being your HUD layer, which for example could look something like:
GameplayLayer* gameLayer;
HudLayer* hudLayer;
[scene addChild:gameLayer];
[scene addChild:hudLayer];
When the player moves (or camera or whatever), what should be moving is the game's layer, not the root Hello World scene. Moving the root scene will move all of its children, which includes the hud. That is not what you want.
When I worked on, for example, the Goldfish Mysteries app ( I had essentially layers for:
Story (comprised of multiple sub-layers like bg, characters, etc)
Text (highlighted text that plays along with the narration audio)
HUD (comprised of multiple sub-layers)
Whenever there is movement on the story level it occurs on the story layer. When the HUD appears then the text and story layers are paused recursively (i.e. them and all of their children) along with the narration audio if any is playing but the HUD layer remains untouched. Resuming consists of resuming story, text, and any playing narration. I don't remember off the top if dropping the hud moved down the story and text layers in this specific app since I don't have my iPad in front of me, but i have done apps in the past where dropping the hud shifted all other layers. In that situation and for a simple app it would be fine to move the scene since the scene would only be shifted enough to show the TOC (in this type of app for example). What you look to be doing is moving the entire scene with the player's movement, which is not what you really wanted to do by the looks of it.
Either way you want a clear separation between layers and operations that are meant to only happen on specific layers should be directed only towards those layers.
Hope this helped.
UPDATE (Edited):
Based on your new edited OP, you have a new problem that you've introduced. For the hud you shouldn't have to set the layer's position since inside the hud layer everything is already being laid out relative to the screen anyways. So what you should have instead is:
hudLayer = [HudLayer node];
[self addChild:hudLayer z:1];
The second issue is that you are not properly writing your init methods for the game and hud layer classes. The init should look like:
- (instanceType)init
self = [super init];
if (self)
// Do your init stuff...
return self;
You are never calling:
self = [super init];

PagingEnabled for multiple pages in UIScrollView

Edit: See the answer below.
I finally give up and come here to ask you for my problem...
I'm using a UIScrollView for a scrolling menus with little icons.
On each page, with paging enabled, there's an icon in the center, and 2 and a half other visible icons on the left and right. I can move from one icon to its neighbour, and that is fine, but the point is that if I do a fast scrolling, it will not move from more than 3 icons, which is the width of the screen.
What I would want is to be able to scroll on more than 3 icons, and that the magnet behaviour is only triggered when it's slowing down.
I've tried to schedule the scroll view to calculate its velocity, and set the pagingEnabled attribute to NO when it's moving fast and YES again when it's slowing down, but as soon as it is set to YES, the view comes back very fast at its original position, as if it was not detecting that I had brought it to a new page. Would anyone know why it does this? And if I have a way to tell the view "ok, now the paging is enabled but look, you're 15 pages later. Just center on the current page, don't come back at the beginning."
Here's my update function (if it can help):
float velocity = fabsf((self.previousOffset-self.scrollView.contentOffset.y)/dt);
self.previousOffset = self.scrollView.contentOffset.y;
CCLOG(#"Velocity: %f", velocity);
if(velocity > 100)
self.scrollView.pagingEnabled = NO;
if(velocity < 100)
self.scrollView.pagingEnabled = YES;
I finally found a solution, which was pretty obvious, but that I did not see at the beginning, by using setContentOffset on the scrollView.
Here is the new update function:
float velocity = 1000;
velocity = fabsf((self.previousOffset-self.scrollView.contentOffset.y)/dt);
self.previousOffset = self.scrollView.contentOffset.y;
if(velocity < 300)
CGSize screenSize = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] winSize];
float halfScreen = screenSize.width/2;
CCLayer *panel = (CCLayer *)[self getChildByTag:1];
SQScrollViewMenu *menu = (SQScrollViewMenu *)[panel getChildByTag:1];
SQMissionItem *currentItem = (SQMissionItem *)[menu getChildByTag:currentPage];
float contentOffsetY = [self.scrollView contentOffset].y;
CCLOG(#"Currentpage: %i ; currentoffsetY: %f", currentPage, contentOffsetY);
float distance = contentOffsetY + [currentItem position].x - halfScreen + panel.position.x + menu.position.x + panel.parent.position.x - 60;
CCLOG(#"Which gives a distance of: %f", distance);
[self.scrollView setContentOffset:CGPointMake(0, distance) animated:YES];
self.previousOffset = 0;
[self unschedule:#selector(update:)];
CCLOG(#"Is unscheduled");
And it is almost working... at least, it is on simulator. But as soon as I try it on my iPhone 4, it does not work anymore. It always go into that update function, but 7 times among 8, it just blocks the scrollView as it is and does not drags it back to the position I give it... but sometimes it does.
Would anyone have an idea? I found similar issues on the net, but none of them could resolve this...

Add a magnifier in cocos2d games

i want to add a magnifier in cocos2d game. here is what i found online:
I've changed the code a bit:(since i don't want to let the loupe follow our touch)
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame {
if ((self = [super initWithFrame:magnifier_rect])) {
// make the circle-shape outline with a nice border.
self.layer.borderColor = [[UIColor lightGrayColor] CGColor];
self.layer.borderWidth = 3;
self.layer.cornerRadius = 250;
self.layer.masksToBounds = YES;
touchPoint = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(magnifier_rect), CGRectGetMidY(magnifier_rect));
return self;
Then i want to add it in one of my scene init method:
loop = [[MagnifierView alloc] init];
[loop setNeedsDisplay];
loop.viewToMagnify = [CCDirector sharedDirector].openGLView;
[[CCDirector sharedDirector].openGLView.superview addSubview:loop];
But the result is: the area inside the loupe is black.
Also this loupe just magnify images with the same scale, how can i change it to magnify more near the center and less near the edge? (just like real magnifier)
Thank you !!!
Here I assume that you want to magnify the center of the screen.
You have to change dynamically size attribute to your wishes according to your app needs.
CGSize size = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] winSize];
id lens = [CCLens3D actionWithPosition:ccp(size.width/2,size.height/2) radius:240 grid:ccg(15,10) duration:0.0f];
[self runAction:lens];
Cocos2d draws using OpenGL, not CoreAnimation/Quartz. The CALayer you are drawing is empty, so you see nothing. You will either have to use OpenGL graphics code to perform the loupe effect or sample the pixels and alter them appropriately to achieve the magnification effect, as was done in the Christmann article referenced from the article you linked to. That code also relies on CoreAnimation/Quartz, so you will need to work out another way to get your hands on the image data you wish to magnify.