How to test email notifications of trac in local host ? Especially Mail2Trac plugin and Email2Trac plugin - email

I'm able to configure SMTP server so that whenever a ticket is created in Trac, the ticket will be sent to the gmail id.
Now the Email to Trac plugin and Mail 2 Trac Plugin works in such a way that, the emails received from the trac system will be replied back and the reply of that mail will be posted automatically as the comment in the ticket.
How to test this plugin functionality in localhost ? I donot know how to setup SMTP server so that I can receive emails generated by trac system inside my machine and I dont have idea how the reverse case (reply to the email) will work locally in my machine.
I'm working in Ubuntu 14.0.4
Guide me on how to do this.

I think smtp_replyto is simply set to an email address, e.g. root#localhost. That's all for the Trac part. Then install an SMTP server on your local machine. Refer to this posting for how to do configure the SMTP server.


Sender dependent relaying on Zimbra 8.7? Can it be done?

I had a server running Zimbra 8.6 and it was configured to send via any one of five external relays based upon which one of my external accounts I was sending from. This worked great until I had a server crash and rebuilt this one using the latest Zimbra 8.7.
I have read and researched and tried everything I had done for my old 8.6 system and I simply cannot get this to work! When I try to send an email from the web client to gmail I get a warning from gmail that my server's IP address and domain are not allowed to relay since they are unauthenticated. According to my postfix configuration I should be authenticating using my own gmail credentials. But, the web client seems to ignore this.
When I try logging in directly on the Zimbra box I can use sendmail with the -tf parameters to mock up an email from one of my addresses to gmail and it works just fine. It is sent and looks like it came from the proper relay domain.
Is sender dependent relaying broken on 8.7? Does it work for anyone?
Welp, I gave up and set my server up to use gmail as the external relay for all accounts, and in my admin console I set my user account to be able to send from all of my external email addresses (specifying each of them there).
Now it properly relays through gmail and still shows each message as coming 'from' the external account I select in the new message window.
Maybe this will help someone with a similar issue.

Issue creation and commenting via email in Redmine

I'm a Redmine user and administrator. I want to configure Redmine to allow issue creation and commenting via email. I need to configure it in such a way that it reads emails from standard input. (not from imap, pop3, or email server) Can anyone please suggest a suitable way and required code segment for this?
Redmine does have raketasks to query pop3 and imap mail accounts.
See Redmine wiki

How to send mails from Magento?

I have installed Magento 1.7 on my mac. What should I do to send emails about orders from localhost. I'm developing store localy and just want to check how it works.
Use the tool give on this link Test mail tool
For sending the emails you need SMTP server which listens to port number 25.By default there is no SMTP server with wamp. So you need to use some SMTP tool to check email sending feature in local environment.

Jenkins throws "Client does not have permissions to send as this sender"

There is lots of posts with users having same error, but none of them works for me...
I am trying to send email reports in Hudson/Jenkins...
Our mail server uses SSL/TLS, I configured Jenkins for TLS, then I am getting this error:
Client does not have permissions to send as this sender
When I try javamail using code, it sends the email properly. Also, Thunderbird works fine.
Any ideas? Do I need to contact mail server administrators?
Finally got it, thanks to Friso
Had to set my email address in System Admin e-mail address under Jenkins Location.
The email should be changed in three places as below as per version 2.19.4:
Extended E-mail Notification - If using SMTP plugin
Email Notification - SMTP Authentication
Jenkins location - System Admin e-mail address
I had the same issue, and I discovered that credentials were no more valid, so I asked to the IT department who told me that credentials were no more need on LAN.
Now it works!

my magento website can‘t use email function, maybe it is about the vps email setting? anyone can help me?

i'm running a new store on magento, the contact us show successfully sent email to me, but i didn't get any email. i'm using google email address, but for the vps setting i'm not sure how to set up it. as i'm using linux vps.
If you are using personal VPS hosting, you have to install email server or ask support to do that. The most popular one for Linux is Postfix. You can find a lot of information how to install postfix depend on Linux distrubution. I recommend you to install postfix and use mysql to configure such settings like email forwarding, user list, etc.