Facebook Ads Api Request fails with #273 requires user to be admin - facebook

I'm trying to query the Facebook Ads API with the Graph Api Explorer. I have two Ads Account connected to me (if i query /me/adaccounts/ I see both) one is my own and the other one I'm only admin on but not owner.
The Problem is with the one I'm not the owner. If I query my Adaccount with /act_<ACT_ID/stats I get a normal response with the stats back if I query the other account i get:
(#273) This Ads API call requires the user to be admin of the ad account. User <MY_USER_ID> not admin on ad account <ACT_ID>.",
I can see both Adaccounts normal in the Facebook Adsmanager.
What I have done to get the response is:
Create an Facebook App
Added the Adaccount under developer.facebook.com -> myApp -> settings -> advanced -> advertising accounts -> Ads API. Account
open GraphExplorer (https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer/)
select my created App
get AccessToken (ads_management, ads_read)
go to url me/adaccounts/
if i click on my adaccount it works if i click on the other i get the #273 error
I don't see what I'm doing wrong if someone could point me in the right direction I would be gratefull.

This may be due to your ad account is inactive or in a bad standing. Additionally if your access level of your ad account is in development level these types of errors may occur. please go through what's mentioned on the doc here
If you upgrade your account to basic or standard access levels this will be solved.
On development access level only end to end workflows are suggested. The following text is extracted from facebook documentation.
The development access level is designed for development purposes and is ideal for people who are just starting to build out their tool. In this level, you would not yet have customers using your tool. This level is open to all developers, and is intended to build out end-to-end workflows on the API before you get full permissions.
A similar issue has been reported on facebook bug reports. you can see the thread here

As #Igy stated it in a comment: "a user has to be the admin of both the ad account and the app (and not just an advertiser or have some other role on the ad account)".
There is 2 places to check that:
the app's roles page, https://developers.facebook.com/apps/[APP_ID]/roles/
the account's peoples page, https://business.facebook.com/settings/people/
Once the user is admin on both side, the API calls will be just fine.

Your business manager doesn't have admin rights. Please check the admin rights of the business manager and also add the app in your business manager to get the report stat(https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/business-manager#update-business).


Facebook API - How to add application to group in developer mode

I have troubles with adding my application to group for any test user.
I've created two test users and one of them has group and he is an admin there and I wrapped those users into test application.
I've added two permissions for groups (groups_access_member_info, publish_to_groups). In user settings I see my application but in group settings I can't add my application.
I need this because I would like to make request from facebook graph API.
In order to test the Groups API with an app in development mode, you need to be an admin of both the app and group. Test users don't count as admins of the app. Therefore, you'll need to use a real user account.
You don't have to add the app to the group, it is assumed that the app is added if you are the admin of the group.
Source: Facebook Platform Bug Report.
Additional information from another useful bug report:
to read group information (such as the /events edge on a group), the app needs to have the "Groups API" feature reviewed and approved,
and the app needs to be installed to the group. No additional
permissions are required on the access token.
to read information about the members of a group, the access token needs to have the groups_access_member_info permission granted during
login, and the app must have been approved for the "Groups API"
to publish to a group, the access token needs to have the publish_to_group permission granted, in addition to the app having the
"Groups API" feature
When testing this with your own groups in development mode, the Groups
API feature is assumed to be enabled, and when querying groups that
you manage, the API will behave as though the app is installed to your
group. Note that when querying group posts, you may only receive posts
made by yourself or other admins of the app.
When querying your group's events with your app in development mode,
the call worked as you didn't need any additional permissions on the
access token, and the API behaves as though your app is installed on
the group. This is similar to how this would work in production, as
the access token wouldn't need any additional permissions to be
granted during login.
To add your App to a Facebook Group in development mode so as to use the Groups API, you'll need to follow these steps
Ensure you are an Admin to both the App and the Facebook Group.
Create a Test version of your App from the main App, this enables you to use the Test App in a Facebook Group without needing to add the App to the Facebook Group or you'll get an OAuthException using the main App, see the docs.
Don't bother looking for the Test version of your App in the group app store as the Test App is bound automatically to any Facebook Group you are an Admin to.
Add the required permissions Groups API would use in a standard App see the docs like groups_access_member_info and publish_to_groups to get the most out of the Groups API.
Add Test Users to the App for them to see your posts made with the Test version of your App see the docs. This is not a must see the note below.
If you're testing with the Graph API Explorer change the Facebook App to the test version of your App to prevent an OAuthException.
Congrats! You can now use the Groups API with a Test version of your App to post to the Facebook Group you are an Admin to.
NOTE: Only your Admin account and the Test Users you add to the App can see the posts made with the Test version of your App, meaning mutations to Facebook are private to you an Admin and the Testers till you submit your App for review which you can read about here.

Facebook Graph API error #272

I'm building an application that needs to read Facebook ads information and I'm running into an issue, which to me seems strange.
When I access the campaigns for my adaccounts using https://graph.facebook.com/v2.10/me?fields=adaccounts{campaigns} it works and I can see the campaigns and their properties.
When I change the request to access the campaign to https://graph.facebook.com/v2.10/[campaign_id] it results in an error which says:
(#272) This Ads API call requires the user to be admin of the application. User is not admin or developer of this application.
I can see the properties of the campaigns using "me" as the first Node in the request.
Any idea why can't I access the campaign using a request where the campaign is the first Node? What could be the reason behind this problem?
I've read many posts on this and I found that this is most likely a permissions issue or token issue.
First of all, could you please try to login as the user, and then go to Facebook Ads Manager or Power Editor to check if the user still has permissions on the account?
If you can still see and edit the ad account, then you would need to report this issue at https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/ instead.
This could also be one of the explanation.
This may be due to your ad account is inactive or in a bad standing. Additionally if your access level of your ad account is in development level these types of errors may occur. please go through what's mentioned on the doc here If you upgrade your account to basic or standard access levels this will be solved.
On development access level only end to end workflows are suggested. The following text is extracted from facebook documentation.
The development access level is designed for development purposes and
is ideal for people who are just starting to build out their tool. In
this level, you would not yet have customers using your tool. This
level is open to all developers, and is intended to build out
end-to-end workflows on the API before you get full permissions.

Facebook Ads API: (#10) You do not have sufficient permissions to perform this action

I have facebook app with status Live and available to all users. When I login through this app on my site I get access_token for my facebook user. And with this access_token I can read with Ads API next methods (for my own ad campaigns):
But when someone else login on my site (and confirms all permissions) and I get his/her access_token I can't perform second api call. I get this error (#10) You do not have sufficient permissions to perform this action. But I can get account ids. So, first method works, second not. How to fix this?
P.S. Status of app in App details tab is Unapproved (lightblue circle).
P.P.S. After adding that user to app's developers all is ok with second method (adcampaigns).
Your app is most likely in development Tier for Ads API Access
You need to apply for higher levels
Some time its happen when you reach the limit of Marketing API Access.
Suppose your application have basic Marketing API Access Levels (In Basic, further test, iterate, build an app with up to 25 external accounts.) and you reach limit of ad account. When your new ad account(s) will request Facebook Ads API access then facebook send you mention error response.
To check your ad account(s) and their limit
Facebook APP -> Settings -> Advance tab -> Advertising Accounts section -> Ads Api button

Facebook Ads API Error - Not enabled for usage

So I have been trying to create an app that uses the Facebook Ads API to get ad costs and stats. I have created an app and added my ad account ids to the app settings but still get the error:
"error":{"message":"(#274) The ad account is not enabled for usage in Ads API. Please add it in developer.facebook.com -> application -> settings -> advanced -> advertising accounts -> Ads API. Account XXXXXXXXXXXXX not enabled for application XXXXXXXXXXXXX.","type":"OAuthException","code":274}}
Any idear why it would still be giving me this error? Or how I can get through this step.
When using the Ads API in development mode, you need to specify the AdAccounts you are going to use in the developer console.
See the following guide for more details:
Let me give you the workaround that helped for me . You have to go your app and in the added products tab on the left side panel click on Marketing API , click on tools, on the right side, select the permissions needed and get the token. Now use this token and pass it with the FB.api('POST'.. call along with the other parameters. You won't get the error anymore and if you check your advert you will have a new campaign or Adset whichever you are trying to create.
I was getting this #274 error and it started working after adding the Test Sandbox Ad Account's ID (under Marketing API > Tools) to the Ads API Account Configuration (under Settings > Advanced > Advertising Accounts). Prior to adding the Test Sandbox Ad Account's ID, I had only added my production Ad Account's ID, which didn't work for some reason.
Also when I was making test Graph API calls using Graph API Explorer, there's the Application select box in the top right. For some reason it was defaulting to "Graph API Explorer" instead of the name of my application. Whenever I selected the name of my application and generated a new user access token, I was able to make requests similar to the following:
//Get the Ad name associated with an AD_ID
//Get the Adset name associated with an ADSET_ID
//Get the Campaign name associated with a CAMPAIGN_ID

Facebook app fetching ads reports from business account

I can't figure this out, I hope someone here can point me in the right direction. I've searched for an answer but was unable to find it.
I want to create a Facebook app which would manage ads (download ads reports and statistics). I've got user account, registered as developer, created and whitelisted the app. I've got only Development Access and that means means I can query only ad accounts owned by the admins of the app, set up in the account list associated with your application.
Problem is that the account with ads is a business account so I can't add this account as part of developers team and get the statistics. I get permissions errors when trying to access the business account (I have access token and everything, it just won't let me see the ads data due to insufficient permissions).
Is there a way to do this without applying for Basic access (not sure if I'll get it since the app is not done)? Can't I really somehow connect my developer's account with that business account?
About access limits: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/ads-api/access/v2.2#limits
Seems like this is working correctly - you can build and test the app against accounts administered by your app's admins/developers at first
Once it's working you can submit it for approval to the Basic access level, where you can manage more accounts, including those belonging to users who aren't admins/developers of the app
There's more information about the access levels and how to move between them in the Access levels dovumentation