Gradle syntax in Eclipse - fix indentation - eclipse

I installed Gradle Integration for Eclipse, Groovy and other Gradle-related plugins from Eclipse Market place, but I cannot get Eclipse to detect .gradle files.
I need this to format (indentation, tabs, etc.) the file in Eclipse. Is there an alternative other than trying on IntelliJ IDEA?


What is Buildship and is there a Gradle plugin for NetBeans?

Could someone explain this feature named "Buildship" in the Eclipse IDE marketplace? Is this feature available for the Netbeans IDE?
It is a plugin for Eclipse to provide integration with Gradle. It lets you perform Gradle related procedures from within the IDE.
E.g. You can easier import or start new projects configured with Gradle, the Gradle preferences menu allows you to choose which Gradle version will be used (the one installed in your OS or the project's wrapper), tasks view etc. There are some extra menus/buttons for easier access too. For a more thorough description, you can refer to the plugin's page in Eclipse marketplace or the plugin's Github page (it is open-source, as is Eclipse, as is Gradle itself).
It is included in the latest Eclipse versions, at least in the "for Java" and "for Enterprise Java" flavors of the IDE.
To avoid any possible confusion, there is:
The Buildship plugin for integrating Gradle to the Eclipse IDE, adding extra functionality to the IDE itself.
There is also the "eclipse" plugin, used in the build.gradle file of a project. This is a Gradle plugin that enables you to manipulate the files Eclipse uses to build your projects (.classpath, JDT settings etc) from within the buildscript using the Gradle DSL. You can use this plugin even if you are working in another IDE (so that the correct Eclipse files are created and another collaborating developer using Eclipse can correctly build your project).
These are two different plugins for different purposes.
I don't think "Buildship" itself is available for NetBeans since "Buildship" is the name for the Eclipse-specific plugin developed under the Eclipse github page.
For Netbeans exists this plugin for Gradle integration. (If you select Netbeans in, it redirects you to the Netbeans plugin website. The plugin version there seems very old but when you open the github page you will see it is actively developed with the latest release in 12/2018).
However I haven't used Netbeans with Gradle and I can not provide any reliable info on how tight the integration is or if there are any other solutions.

Using intellij to debug eclipse plugins

I am currently working on eclipse plug-in that involves many modules, and I would like to debug and run this eclipse plug-in from IntelliJ.I open this project in IntelliJ to edit code but when I have to run/debug this project I have to open eclipse IDE and start it from there. How can I use IntelliJ to do this?
I haven't actually tried this ... but you could try launching the RCP application stand alone but with the remote debug parameters specified for in your application's .ini file.
Then just point IntelliJ to the appropriate source and attach it's debugger to the running app.
Why do you want to do that? Eclipse has multiple tools for the plugin development that you will miss in IntelliJ. Also you need to build your plugin as product headless and then attach a debugger to it.
In my opinion it doesn't worth the effort. I would install Eclipse and devolop with eclipse.

Is there a Gradle plugin for Eclipse Luna?

I'm trying to integrate Eclipse Luna with Gradle.
Eclipse Integration Gradle GitHub page includes instructions for Installing Gradle Tooling from update site.
I followed the instructions for the release (stable) version.
After I selected all the components (as shown below) I proceeded with installation.
It didn't go as expected and brought me to the Install Remediation Page (below) that showed that only Gradle IDE component could be installed. ( Click here for larger image).
At this point I'm not sure what caused the problem and what to do about.
The plugin you are using is wrong. There is an update for Luna here.
You can alternatively install the plugin directly within eclipse with this integration link.
Gradleware now offers direct support for the Eclipse IDE. See for an introduction.
In addition to plugin memtioned by #Campiador. You must have supported project nature in your eclipse's .project file in order for your project to show up in "Gradle Tasks" view.
See following example:
Add one or more natures in build.gradle file:
eclipse.project {
natures 'org.springsource.ide.eclipse.gradle.core.nature', 'org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature'
After this change, just run gradle eclipse command from your shell/command prompt. Newly generated .project will have proper natures in it. Just refresh your project in eclipse and now you will see your project in Gradle Tasks view.

Eclipse intellisense with gradle

when I edit build.gradle file in eclipse I want to have intellisense to help me of words completion. How can I do that?
SpringSource has a Gradle plug-in, which would get you that.
Prior to installing the Gradle Plug-in, I think I just used Preferences to always open build.gradle the Groovy Editor after I added a Groovy Nature to my project.

Installation of FindBugs plugin with Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers

I'm struggling to get the Eclipse FindBugs plugin to work and am sure there's a schoolboy error being made somewhere.
I extracted the file to a local folder C:\Program Files\findbugs-2.0.2-rc2 and running findbugs.bat, FindBugs works fine running it over a local Java (Eclipse) project.
I added the FindBugs update site, it found "FindBugs Feature," and installed it. Restarting, right-clicking on an open Java Project doesn't display the "FindBugs" option (that this video shows).
I looked in Window > Preferences to try to find a way to inform the plugin of the local FindBugs installation (in Program Files), but couldn't find anything.
Uninstalling "FindBug Feature", I tried extracting the FindBugs Eclipse plugin zip file into Eclipse's plugins folder, but after a restart, saw no difference.
Help > About Eclipse > Installation Details > Installed Software lists "FindBugs Feature".
Can anyone please offer a pointer on where I'm going wrong here? Thanks!
Windows 7, Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers Juno SR1, JDK 1.7.0_09, FindBugs 2.0.2-rc2
As suggested above, problem is likely caused by not having appropriate write access to the C:\Program Files\Eclipse\plugins folder.
Close Eclipse. Restart Eclipse as Administrator (right click - Run as Administrator). Reinstall plugin. Restart Eclipse.
It looks like the Findbugs plugin wasn't installed properly and/or disabled by Eclipse. There can be several causes.
Multiple versions of the same plugin. To make sure this isn't the case, remove all Findbugs versions (installed manually and via the marketplace), and reinstall one (preferably via the marketplace). Watch for any warnings during installation.
There is a (dependency) conflict with another plugin. However, if this is the case I think Eclipse will warn in the log which other plugin is the cause of the conflict.
Rights problem. Make sure you have write permissions in the main Eclipse folder and all it's child folders.
I remember reading somewhere that installing Eclipse under the C:\Program Files\ in Windows can also be causing problems. Try moving Eclipse to a different folder, e.g. C:\Eclipse
Hi I also faced the similar problem but from my own experience i can suggest you the solution :-
Plz ensure that you are using eclipse version 3.6 or higher. findbugs 2.0 is not compatible with Eclipse 3.5(Eclipse Galileo).
1) Plz extract the findbugs zip file into eclipse folder(wher your eclipse is installed). This will automatically move findbug plugins into eclipse plugins folder. Restart the eclipse and you will find findbugs option on right clicking on project.
2) if 1 step does not work plz remove all the findbug jars for the eclipse plugins folder and place the complete folder into the eclipse dropins folder. Restart the eclipse and you will see the difference.
You can follow these step's to make findbugs work in your eclipse.
1.Install FireBug plugin from marketplace.
Help->Eclipse Marketplace ->then search for FindBugs
2.Configure FindBug for your project
using Maven Without Maven
This worked fine for me using eclipse juno.