MongoDB {aggregation $match} vs {find} speed - mongodb

I have a mongoDB collection with millions of rows and I'm trying to optimize my queries. I'm currently using the aggregation framework to retrieve data and group them as I want. My typical aggregation query is something like : $match > $group > $ group > $project
However, I noticed that the last parts only take a few ms, the beginning is the slowest.
I tried to perform a query with only the $match filter, and then to perform the same query with collection.find. The aggregation query takes ~80ms while the find query takes 0 or 1ms.
I have indexes on pretty much each field so I guess this isn't the problem. Any idea on what could go wrong ? Or is it just a "normal" drawback of the aggregation framework ?
I could use find queries instead of aggregation queries, however I would have to perform a lot of processing after the request and this process can be done quickly with $group etc. so I would rather keep the aggregation framework.
Here is my criteria :
"action" : "click",
"timestamp" : {
"$gt" : ISODate("2015-01-01T00:00:00Z"),
"$lt" : ISODate("2015-02-011T00:00:00Z")
"itemId" : "5"

The main purpose of the aggregation framework is to ease the query of a big number of entries and generate a low number of results that hold value to you.
As you have said, you can also use multiple find queries, but remember that you can not create new fields with find queries. On the other hand, the $group stage allows you to define your new fields.
If you would like to achieve the functionality of the aggregation framework, you would most likely have to run an initial find (or chain several ones), pull that information and further manipulate it with a programming language.
The aggregation pipeline might seem to take longer, but at least you know you only have to take into account the performance of one system - MongoDB engine.
Whereas, when it comes to manipulating the data returned from a find query, you would most likely have to further manipulate the data with a programming language, thus increasing the complexity depending on the intricacies of the programming language of choice.

Have you tried using explain() to your find queries? It'll give you good idea about how much time find() query will exactly take. You can do the same for $match with $explain & see whether there is any difference in index accessing & other parameters.
Also the $group part of aggregation framework doesn't utilize the indexing so it has to process all the records returned by $match stage of aggregation framework. So to better understand the the working of your query see the result set it returns & whether it fits into memory to be processed by MongoDB.

if you are concern with performance, then no doubt aggregation is time taking task rather then find clause.
when you are fetching record on multiple conditions, having lookup, grouping, and some limited record ( paginated) then it is best approch to use aggregate , meanwhile in find query is fast when you have to fetch very big data set. you have some population, projection and no pagination i suggest to use find query that is fast


Querying $in with one record performance same as $eq? [duplicate]

Is it slow/poor form to use the $in operator in MongoDB with a large array of possibilities?
author : {
$in : ['friend1','friend2','friend3'....'friend40']
App Engine, for example, won't let you use more than 30 because they translate directly to one query per item in the IN array, and so instead force you into using their method for handling fan out. While that's probably the most efficient method in Mongo too, the code for it is significantly more complex so I'd prefer to just use this generic method.
Will Mongo execute these $in queries efficiently for reasonable-sized datasets?
It can be fairly efficient with small lists (hard to say what small is, but at least into the tens/hundreds) for $in. It does not work like app-engine since mongodb has actual btree indexes and isn't a column store like bigtable.
With $in it will skip around in the index to find the matching documents, or walk through the whole collection if there isn't an index to use.
Assuming you have created index on the author field, from algorithmic point of view, the time complexity of $in operation is: $(N*log(M)), where N is the length of input array and M is the size of the collection.
The time complexity of $in operation will not change unless you change a database (Though I don't think any db can break O(N*log(M))).
However, from engineering point of view, if N goes to a big number, it is better to let your business logic server to simulate the $in operation, either by batch or one-by-one.
This is simply because: memory in database servers is way more valuable than the memory in business logic servers.
If you build an index (ensureIndex) on the list element, it should be pretty quick.
Have you tried using explain()? Its a good, built-in way to profile your queries:

Why aggregate+sort is faster than find+sort in mongo?

I'm using mongoose in my project. When the number of documents in my collection becomes bigger, the method of find+sort becomes slower. So I use aggregate+$sort instead. I just wonder why?
Without seeing your data and your query it is difficult to answer why aggregate+sort is faster than find+sort.
But below are the things that holds good on find and aggregate
A well indexed(Indexing that suits your query) data will always yield faster results on your find query.
The components of aggregation pipeline which you use on your aggregate query, more operations is directly proportional to more execution time.
When you go for aggregation pipeline you can create new fields such as sum, avg and so on, which is not possible in a find.
see this thread for more info
MongoDB {aggregation $match} vs {find} speed

MongoDB Aggregation Framework Group Performance

Working with the MongoDB aggregation framework it is clear that the $group function is the bottleneck. By using explain() on some find queries, I'm able to tailor my indexes to reduce table scans significantly, however it seems that $group does not take into account any $sort that happens before, even if I end up sorting by the fields it will end up doing the $group by.
Besides simply reducing the result set, are there any practical ways to improve the performance of the $group function? I'm almost tempted to take advantage of the sort, and just do the $group in my own application, but there must be an elegant and performant solution using the framework.
I'm noticing that as the result set from the $match increases, the $group time also increases.
My document is basically like this
a: (String)
b: (String)
with a pipeline that looks something like
$match :{ a : 'frank'}
$sort : { b : 1 }
$group : { _id : { $b : b }}
It is surprising to me, because I assume by the time it gets to the group, the data is loaded into memory, and since the fields are indexed, a few thousand records shouldn't take that much time to load into memory. Is this not the case?
Just seems that the $sort has no effect on the overall performance. Is there a way to use indexes, as well as the previous functions of the pipeline to improve the performance of the $group? Also, does $group stay within the result set from the previous functions, or does it go back to an entire table scan (I'm pretty sure, or hopefully that's not it)

MongoDB aggregation comparison: group(), $group and MapReduce

I am somewhat confused about when to use group(), aggregate with $group or mapreduce. I read the documentation at for group(), for $group.. Is sharding the only situation where group() won't work? Also, I get this feeling that $group is more powerful than group() because it can be used in conjunction with other pipeline operators from aggregation framework.. How does $group compare with mapreduce? I read somewhere that it doesn't generate any temporary collection whereas mapreduce does. Is that so?
Can someone present an illustration or guide me to a link where these three concepts are explained together, taking the same sample data, so I can compare them easily?
EDIT:Also, it would be great if you can point out anything new specifically in these commands since the new 2.2 release came out..
It is somewhat confusing since the names are similar, but the group() command is a different feature and implementation from the $group pipeline operator in the Aggregation Framework.
The group() command, Aggregation Framework, and MapReduce are collectively aggregation features of MongoDB. There is some overlap in features, but I'll attempt to explain the differences and limitations of each as at MongoDB 2.2.0.
Note: inline result sets mentioned below refer to queries that are processed in memory with results returned at the end of the function call. Alternative output options (currently only available with MapReduce) could include saving results to a new or existing collection.
group() Command
Simple syntax and functionality for grouping .. analogous to GROUP BY in SQL.
Returns result set inline (as an array of grouped items).
Implemented using the JavaScript engine; custom reduce() functions can be written in JavaScript.
Current Limitations
Will not group into a result set with more than 20,000 keys.
Results must fit within the limitations of a BSON document (currently 16MB).
Takes a read lock and does not allow any other threads to execute JavaScript while it is running.
Does not work with sharded collections.
See also: group() command examples.
Implements the MapReduce model for processing large data sets.
Can choose from one of several output options (inline, new collection, merge, replace, reduce)
MapReduce functions are written in JavaScript.
Supports non-sharded and sharded input collections.
Can be used for incremental aggregation over large collections.
MongoDB 2.2 implements much better support for sharded map reduce output.
Current Limitations
A single emit can only hold half of MongoDB's maximum BSON document size (16MB).
There is a JavaScript lock so a mongod server can only execute one JavaScript function at a point in time .. however, most steps of the MapReduce are very short so locks can be yielded frequently.
MapReduce functions can be difficult to debug. You can use print() and printjson() to include diagnostic output in the mongod log.
MapReduce is generally not intuitive for programmers trying to translate relational query aggregation experience.
See also: Map/Reduce examples.
Aggregation Framework
New feature in the MongoDB 2.2.0 production release (August, 2012).
Designed with specific goals of improving performance and usability.
Returns result set inline.
Supports non-sharded and sharded input collections.
Uses a "pipeline" approach where objects are transformed as they pass through a series of pipeline operators such as matching, projecting, sorting, and grouping.
Pipeline operators need not produce one output document for every input document: operators may also generate new documents or filter out documents.
Using projections you can add computed fields, create new virtual sub-objects, and extract sub-fields into the top-level of results.
Pipeline operators can be repeated as needed (for example, multiple $project or $group steps.
Current Limitations
Results are returned inline, so are limited to the maximum document size supported by the server (16MB)
Doesn't support as many output options as MapReduce
Limited to operators and expressions supported by the Aggregation Framework (i.e. can't write custom functions)
Newest server feature for aggregation, so has more room to mature in terms of documentation, feature set, and usage.
See also: Aggregation Framework examples.
Can someone present an illustration or guide me to a link where these three concepts are explained together, taking the same sample data, so I can compare them easily?
You generally won't find examples where it would be useful to compare all three approaches, but here are previous StackOverflow questions which show variations:
group() versus Aggregation Framework
MapReduce versus Aggregation Framework

Mongo $in operator performance

Is it slow/poor form to use the $in operator in MongoDB with a large array of possibilities?
author : {
$in : ['friend1','friend2','friend3'....'friend40']
App Engine, for example, won't let you use more than 30 because they translate directly to one query per item in the IN array, and so instead force you into using their method for handling fan out. While that's probably the most efficient method in Mongo too, the code for it is significantly more complex so I'd prefer to just use this generic method.
Will Mongo execute these $in queries efficiently for reasonable-sized datasets?
It can be fairly efficient with small lists (hard to say what small is, but at least into the tens/hundreds) for $in. It does not work like app-engine since mongodb has actual btree indexes and isn't a column store like bigtable.
With $in it will skip around in the index to find the matching documents, or walk through the whole collection if there isn't an index to use.
Assuming you have created index on the author field, from algorithmic point of view, the time complexity of $in operation is: $(N*log(M)), where N is the length of input array and M is the size of the collection.
The time complexity of $in operation will not change unless you change a database (Though I don't think any db can break O(N*log(M))).
However, from engineering point of view, if N goes to a big number, it is better to let your business logic server to simulate the $in operation, either by batch or one-by-one.
This is simply because: memory in database servers is way more valuable than the memory in business logic servers.
If you build an index (ensureIndex) on the list element, it should be pretty quick.
Have you tried using explain()? Its a good, built-in way to profile your queries: