Want to reset integers using virtual class function - class

The function I want works within the class butt won't apply to main. Must maintain the initial (Entity *entity = new Nummchange(flarb);)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Entity
virtual int reset(int NUMM) = NULL;
class Nummchange : public Entity
Nummchange(int NUMM);
int reset(int NUMM);
int numm;
Nummchange::Nummchange(int NUMM)
int Nummchange::reset(int NUMM)
numm = 50;
NUMM = numm;
std::cout << "\nnumm+++++++"<< numm << "\n" << std::endl;
return numm;
int main()
int flarb = 50;
Entity *entity = new Nummchange(flarb);
while (flarb >= 0)
cout << flarb;
if(flarb == 0)
std::cout << "flarb+++++++"<< flarb << "\n" << std::endl;
return 0;
Success is if the while loop continues perpetually.

int reset(int NUMM); method should take reference of integer type as below.
int reset(int &NUMM);
Make sure that you change the parameter to be reference of integer in all the three places of the method use in the program.


Why does vscode tell constructor defined outside class is inaccesible?

I have defined a constructor and then tried initializing an object but vscode tells me that the constructor is inaccessible. I don't understand what the problem is
this is my code
using namespace std;
class player{
// attributes
int xp{0};
string name;
int health{0};
float avg_score{0};
int tot{0};
int c{0};
// methods
void add_score(int score){
tot += score;
void display_avg_score(){
avg_score = tot/c;
cout << avg_score << endl;
void player_is_perfect(){
if((xp > 5) && (avg_score > 23)){
cout << "Perfect"<< endl;
// defining a constructor
player(int exp,float avg);
player::player(int exp,float avg){
xp = exp;
avg_score = avg;
int main(){
player frank{23,45.6};
As Raymond specified, classes have default access specifier "private". Anything you want to access outside the class should be preceded by the "public" statement like so
class player{
// attributes
int xp{0};
string name;
int health{0};
float avg_score{0};
int tot{0};
int c{0};
// methods
void add_score(int score){
tot += score;
// rest of class

C++ Parent Class with Abstracted Function that Uses Functions in a Child Class

I am trying to create a C++ parent class that has two functions, f1 and f2, to be implemented in the child class. This parent class has a function, abstractedFunction that abstracts how f1 and f2 should be used together. Both f1 and f2 are implemented in the child class as shown in the code below.
#include <iostream>
class Parent
int f1(); // To be implemented in the derived class
void f2(int i); // To be implemented in the derived class
void abstractedFunction() { // Abstracted in the parant class
auto r = f1();
class Child : public Parent
int f1() {
std::cout << "f1 is implemented in the child class\n";
return 1;
void f2(int i) {
std::cout << "f2 is implemented in the child class\n";
std::cout << "Return value for f1 = " << i << "\n";
int main() {
Child ch;
return 0;
Is such a concept implementable in C++?
Yes, You can do something like this. You need to make the functions defined in base class as pure virtual : Follow this link to know more about them and then you can create an object of derived class and assign it to the base pointer to make a required function call
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Parent
virtual int f1()=0; // To be implemented in the derived class
virtual void f2(int i)=0; // To be implemented in the derived class
void abstractedFunction() { // Abstracted in the parant class
auto r = f1();
class Child : public Parent
int f1() {
std::cout << "f1 is implemented in the child class\n";
return 1;
void f2(int i) {
std::cout << "f2 is implemented in the child class\n";
std::cout << "Return value for f1 = " << i << "\n";
int main() {
Parent *ptr;
Child c;
return 0;

Classes in class in c++

I have this block of code below, and I cant find out what that class ContractB : public: ContractA means?
using namespace std;
class ContractA
unsigned int ether = 0;
ContractA(unsigned int e) :ether(e) {}
auto sendEther() { return ether; }
class ContractB : public ContractA
unsigned int wei = 1;
ContractB(unsigned int w) :wei(w) {}
auto sendWei() { return wei; }
int main()
ContractB b(0);
cout << b.sendEther() << " " << b.sendWei();
return 0;
It represents inheritance. 'public' is the access specifier that limits the most accessible level for the members inherited from the base class (ContractA).
You can read more about it here.

When calling a member function of a class, I get Error C3867

In my displayData member function of the car class, the error says I should create a pointer to the member, do I have to create pointers to the member? If I do how so? I completely forget pointers. Do i make the object a pointer then point to the displayData member function? I get no red squiggles just an error message saying "use '&' to create a pointer to the member. I tried but had no luck.
using namespace std;
class Car
int xVal, yVal, zVal;
Car() { int xVal = 0; int yVal = 0; int zVal = 0; }
Car(int x,int y,int z) { xVal = x; yVal = y; zVal = z; }
~Car() {};
int getX() { return xVal; }
int getY() { return yVal; }
int getZ() { return zVal; }
void changeX(int n) { xVal = n; }
void changeY(int n) { yVal = n; }
void changez(int n) { zVal = n; }
virtual void getData();
void displayData();
class Sensor : public Car
string sensorType;
Sensor() { sensorType = "EMPTY"; }
Sensor(int x, int y, int z, string type) :Car(x,y,z) { sensorType = type; }
void Car::displayData()
cout << "The x values is: " << getX() << endl;
cout << "The y values is: " << getY() << endl;
cout << "The z values is: " << getZ() << endl;
int main()
Sensor n1;
Sensor n2(20,30,40, "Accelerometer");
return 0;
There is a syntax error in calling the function.
it should be
instead of

C++ Fix the following code so that it will correctly recursively traverse a directory tree in order to find where a particular file is

I have an assignment as following: Write a program will ask the user how many random numbers to generate. Then it will present a menu which has the options of Display, Average, Median, and Standard Deviation, Regenerate, and Quit. Without the use of a switch statement, or an if statements, or pointers to functions, have the program execute the user's selection from the menu. (Note: Function pointers are not allowed!)
This is what I have so far:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <array>
#include <cmath>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
template <typename T> class wrapperclass
static T myclass;
class Display
static void myFunction(int random[], int num)
for(int i=0; i<num; ++i)
cout << random[i] <<endl;
class Average
static double myFunction(int random[], int num)
double avg = 0;
for(int i=0; i<num; ++i)
avg += random[i];
return avg/num;
class Median
static double myFunction(int random[], int num)
double mid = 0;
if(num % 2 == 0)
mid = (random[num/2] + random[num/2-1])/2;
mid = random[num/2];
return mid;
class StdDi
static double myFunction(int random[], int num)
double avg=0;
double total=0;
for(int i=0; i<num; ++i)
avg += random[i];
avg = avg/num;
for(int i=0; i<num; ++i)
total += (avg-random[i])*(avg-random[i]);
total = total/num;
return sqrt(total);
class renerate
static void myFunction(int)
class quit
static void myFunction()
int main()
int num = 0;
int option = 0;
map<int, class T> magic;
cout << "How many random numbers would u like to generate? " << endl;
cin >> num;
int random[num];
for(int i=0; i<num; ++i)
random[i] = rand() % 100 + 1;
cout << " Menu"<<endl
<< "1. Display"<<endl
<< "2. Average"<<endl
<< "3. Median"<<endl
<< "4. Standard Deviation"<<endl
<< "5. Renerate"<<endl
<< "6. Quit"<<endl;
cin >> option;
cout<<wrapperclass<Average>::myclass.myFunction(random, num);
return 0;
I'm about to directly pass the user input "option" into that "wrapperclass" like this "wrapperclass" so I can simply call the .myFunction since all classes have the same function name. but this won't work for c++ so is there any work around?