how to call contexts.xml file in eclipse plugin - eclipse

I have created an eclipse plug-in with a view project. I have a contexts.xml file and i have configured it. Please refer the following code.
<context id="Help" title="Plug-in Help">
<description>context help for the sample view</description>
<topic href="resources/text.html" label="Context-sensitive help">
I have an html file named "text" under resources folder inside the plugin project.
//Listener to invoke the help method of RepositoryAccessor class
bHelp.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
public void mouseDown(MouseEvent arg0){
Display display=PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getDisplay();
Shell shell = new Shell(display);
GridLayout grid11=new GridLayout(3,true);
//Layout of controls inside the plugin view
Text text = new Text(shell, SWT.NONE);
bHelp is a button. Once i run the eclipse plugin and click the bHelp button, i get a new shell window and i see only empty label.
Please suggest a method to assign the html contents to the label created in the popup window(new shell).
At Step 1, i click Help Icon and a new shell is open. In Step 2, the label is still showing "sfsf" instead of the contents in "text.html".

You have to use the extension point to tell Eclipse about your contexts.xml:
<extension point="">
<contexts file="contexts.xml"/>
Also the setHelp call only registers the help for the control, it does not display the help. If you want to display a help context id use:
PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getHelpSystem().displayHelp("your context id");
Note that the help system always opens its own view to display the help (or expands the dialog if you use TrayDialog or one of its subclasses).
So if you have a Button you would invoke the help with:
button.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter()
public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e)
PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getHelpSystem().displayHelp("your context id");


SWT FileDialog Browse Location

I have a simple file dialog in my RCP application which lets the users to select a file as per the code snippet below
Label filePathLabel = new Label(composite, SWT.NULL);
filePathLabel.setText("File Path");
Text filePathText = new Text(composite, SWT.BORDER);
Button browseButton = new Button(composite, SWT.PUSH);
FileDialog fileDialog = new FileDialog(getShell(), SWT.SAVE);
fileDialog.setFilterExtensions(new String[] {"*.txt"});
fileDialog.setFilterNames(new String[] {"Textfiles(*.txt)"});
browseButton.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter()
public void widgetSelected(final SelectionEvent e)
String path =;
if(path != null && !path.isEmpty())
The problem I'm facing is that I have not been able to get the previous browse location of the file after I close my RCP application and start it again since all the controls (Text, FileDialog) will be recreated. I save the result of which returns the path and set the filePathText Text control's setText(Text text) method whenever my WizardPage is reopened to show the previous browse location selected but I loose access to the browse location after I close my RCP application so the next time I reopen my application I have not been able to set the filePathText text to the previously browsed location even though Eclipse does point to the previously browsed location after I click the browse button but I need to know the previously browsed location even before I click browse button so that it can be displayed in the Text control.
I found some suggestions on this site - but I don't think it would help me in remembering the state of the browse location with respect to FileDialog
Please correct me if I'm missing something here.
You use the IDialogSettings mentioned in the link to save and restore information for a wizard. Wizards provide some methods to help.
In the constructor of your main Wizard class set the dialog settings the Wizard should use. This might be:
public MyWizard()
where Activator is the activator for your plug-in (this only works if the activator extends AbstractUIPlugin).
Once you have done this your WizardPage can access the settings:
IDialogSettings settings = getDialogSettings()
When the File Dialog returns the location you can save that in the settings:
settings.put("path", path);
When you are creating the file path Text you can check if you have a saved value:
String savedPath = settings.get("path");
if (savedPath != null) {

Eclipse RCP: New Editor Wizard

I have a small experience with Eclipse RCP - 3.X and I created my own editor via org.eclipse.ui.editors extension point and in order to have multiple instance of that editor I have implemented a new editor wizard as you can see below;
IFile file = page1.createNewFile();
IWorkbenchWindow window = _workbench.getActiveWorkbenchWindow();
IWorkbenchPage page = window.getActivePage();
try {
IDE.openEditor(page, file, SimpleEditor.ID, true);
} catch (PartInitException e) {
My question, the only way I found is that, create a new file and associate that file with your unique Editor ID. What I want is, I would like parse some initial values -that defined by user- to editor from the wizard. But we really don't instantiate the EditorPart class in the process.
How can I achieve that?
The IDE.openEditor call returns the IEditorPart that was opened - this will be an instance of your editor class so you can do:
IEditorPart part = IDE.openEditor(page, file, SimpleEditor.ID, true);
if (part instanceof SimpleEditor) {
SimpleEditor editor = (SimpleEditor)part;
// TODO call methods you define in the editor to set the parameters
Alternatively you can use a custom IEditorInput and call the IDE
openEditor(IWorkbenchPage page,
IEditorInput input, String editorId)
method. The init method of the editor is given the IEditorInput you specify.

How to add action item to the coolbar of e4 eclipse rcp application?

I am currently trying to port my eclipse 3 rcp application to e4.The major hurdle I am facing is to use action item which i was using in e3.In eclipse 3 application i was creating action item of coolbar by extending action.The code was looking like below spinets.
public class Testaction extends Action {
private IWorkbenchWindow window;
public Testaction (IWorkbenchWindow window, String string) {
this.window = window;
public void run() {
Do something
was adding it to coolbar through
But with e4 this part seems to be changed and I understand that there we need to have annotation #Execute which will excute the contribution which we will be giving through setcontribuitionuri as below snippet
I just want to know whether I can use my old action class here or i need to port everything to newer style .
Any help on this will be appreciated.Thanks in advance...
e4 does not support Actions for model elements in the Application.e4xmi.
The simplest conversion is to use a Direct ToolItem in the tool bar. However using a Handled ToolItem with a Command and Handler is more flexible.
In either case the Image, Label and Tooltip are specified in the Application.e4xmi.

Eclipse RCP: how to get Show View menu instead of a dialog

I've added to my perspective's org.eclipse.ui.menus
This adds Show View item to main menu, but this item is not a menu (as in the Eclipse Window menu). Instead pressing it shows a dialog where I can select a view. How do I get a menu instead?
You have to create ContributionItem class like below:
public class MyShowViewContributionItem extends org.eclipse.ui.internal.ShowViewMenu {
public MyShowViewContributionItem() {
public MyShowViewContributionItem(String id) {
super(org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow(), id);
then in your plugin.xml org.eclipse.ui.menus extension:
label="My Show View">
Just to share on my recent experiment in trying to do the same thing, what Max suggested in his answer will work but leaves you using internal code (resulting in a 'Discouraged Access' warning).
Another approach is to build the menu through your applications action bar advisor. Although, this approach will leave you to having to write code (oppose to use providing menu contributions in the plugin XML definition). Consider the following example:
public class ApplicationActionBarAdvisor extends ActionBarAdvisor
private IContributionItem contributionOpenPerspective;
private IContributionItem contributionShowView;
protected void makeActions(IWorkbenchWindow window)
contributionOpenPerspective = ContributionItemFactory.
contributionShowView = ContributionItemFactory.
protected void fillMenuBar(IMenuManager menuBar)
MenuManager windowMenu = new MenuManager("&Window",
MenuManager openPerspectiveMenu = new MenuManager("&Open Perspective");
MenuManager showViewMenu = new MenuManager("Show &View");
A possible downside to this approach is with the interaction between menus created in the advisor and menus created by menu contributions. Since advisor menu items are created before menu contributions, you are left to deal with adding more sorting logic in your menu contributions. This might be fine for most people, however, you lose the 'feel' of a centralized menu structure from org.eclipse.ui.menus (even if the feeling is an illusion when other plugins come into play with their own menu contributions).
I've also included the building of a perspective menu as well; completely option, but I added it if anyone was attempting to perform the same menu building with perspectives.

Eclipse plugin RCP question

I am creating new Eclipse RCP application. I used "Hello RCP" as template project to create a new project. It works fine. Then I tried adding new menu. I used two extension points "org.eclipse.ui.commands" and "". I created handler class and also defined the menucontribution location uri(). But my menu is not showing up. I strongly suspect my location uri is wrong. But I dont know how to correct it. I have pasted my plugin.xml contents here. Let me know if anyone has a solution. I am following the steps given here
You can use ApplicationActionbarAdvisor class to define menus and commands for toolbar as well as menubar.
Firstly you have to declare the commands you want to add in your app like below:
private IWorkbenchAction newAction
Then with the help of ActionFactory class, you have to define the commands in makeActions() method like below:
newAction = ActionFactory.NEW_WIZARD_DROP_DOWN.create(window);
Now, after declaration you have to add the commands in menus by using fillMenuBar(IMenuManager menuBar) method :
MenuManager filemenu = new MenuManager("&File", "file");
and if you want to add this command in toolbar, then you have to use following method:
protected void fillCoolBar(ICoolBarManager coolBar) {
IToolBarManager toolbar = new ToolBarManager(coolBar.getStyle());
Sometimes, you have to use IContributionIem class for declaring commands because all the commands are not in IWorkbenchAction class.
Note: If you are using iContributionItem class then declaration and defination code will be replaced as follws:
IContributionItem show_view;
show_view = ContributionItemFactory.VIEWS_SHORTLIST.create(window);
and rest will be same.