Spark streams: enrich stream with reference data - streaming

I have spark streaming set up so that it reads from a socket, does some enrichment of the data before publishing it on a rabbit queue.
The enrichment looks up information from a Map that was instantiated by reading a regular text file (Source.fromFile...) before setting up the streaming context.
I have a feeling that this is not really the way it should be done. On the other hand, when using a StreamingContext, I can only read from streams, not from static files as I would be able to do with a SparkContext.
I could try to allow multiple contexts but I'm not sure if this is the right way either.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Making the assumption that the map being used for enrichment is fairly small to be held in memory, a recommended way to use that data in a Spark job is through Broadcast variables. The content of such variable will be sent once to each executor, avoiding in that way overhead of serializing datasets captured in a closure.
Broadcast variables are wrappers instantiated in the driver and the data is 'unwrapped' using the broadcastVar.value method in a closure.
This would be an example of how to use broadcast variables with a DStream:
// could replace with Source.from File as well. This is just more practical
val data = sc.textFile("loopup.txt").map(toKeyValue).collectAsMap()
// declare the broadcast variable
val bcastData = sc.broadcast(data)
... initialize streams ...{ elem =>
// doing every step here explicitly for illustrative purposes. Usually, one would typically just chain these calls
// get the map within the broadcast wrapper
val lookupMap = bcastData.value
// use the map to lookup some data
val lookupValue = lookupMap.getOrElse(elem, "not found")
// create the desired result
(elem, lookupValue)

If your file is small and not on a distributed file system, Source.fromFile is fine (whatever gets the job done).
If you want to read files via the SparkContext, you can still access it via streamingContext.sparkContext and combine it with the DStream in transform or foreachRDD.


Broadcasting updates on spark jobs

I've seen this question asked here but they essentially focus on spark streaming and I can't find a proper solution to work on batch. The idea is to loop through several days and at each iteration/day it updates the information about the previous day (that is used for the current iteration). The code looks like the following:
var prevIterDataRdd = // some RDD
days.foreach(folder => {
val previousData : Map[String, Double] = parseResult(prevIterDataRdd)
val broadcastMap = sc.broadcast(previousData)
val (result, previousStatus) =
processFolder(folder, broadcastMap)
// store result
// updating the RDD that enables me to extract previousData to update broadcast
val passingPrevStatus = prevIterDataRdd.subtractByKey(previousStatus)
prevIterDataRdd = previousStatus.union(passingPrevStatus)
Using broadcastMap.destroy() does not run because it does not let me use the broadcastMap again (which I actually don't understand because it should be totally unrelated - immutable).
How should I run this loop and update the broadcast variable at each iteration?
When using method unpersist I pass the true argument in order to make it blocking. Is sc.broadcast() also blocking?
Do I really need unpersist() if I'm anyway broadcasting again?
Why can't I use the broadcast again after using destroy given that I'm creating a new broadcast variable?
Broadcast variables are immutable but you can create a new broadcast variable.
This new broadcast variable can be used in the next iteration.
All you need to do is to change the reference to the newly created broadcast, unpersist the old broadcast from the executors and destroy it from the driver.
Define the variable at class level which will allow you to change the reference of broadcast variable in driver and use the destroy method.
object Main extends App {
// defined and initialized at class level to allow reference change
var previousData: Map[String, Double] = null
override def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
//your code
You were not allowed to use the destroy method on the variable because the reference no longer exists in the driver. Changing the reference to the new broadcast variable can resolve the issue.
Unpersist only removes data from the executors and hence when the variable is re-accessed, the driver resends it to the executors.
blocking = true will allow you let the application completely remove the data from the executor before the next access.
sc.broadcast() - There is no official documentation saying that it is blocking. Although as soon as it is called the application will start broadcasting the data to the executors before running the next line of the code .So if the data is very large it may slow down your application. So be care full on how you are using it .
It is a good practice to call unpersist before destroy.This will help you get rid of data completely from executors and driver.

Apache Spark and Remote Method Invocation

I am trying to understand how Apache Spark works behind the scenes. After coding a little in Spark I am pretty quite sure that it implements the RDD as RMI Remote objects, doesn't it?
In this way, it can modify them inside transformation, such as maps, flatMaps, and so on. Object that are not part of an RDD are simply serialized and sent to a worker during execution.
In the example below, lines and tokenswill be treated as remote objects, while the string toFind will be simply serialized and copied to the workers.
val lines: RDD[String] = sc.textFile("large_file.txt")
val toFind = "Some cool string"
val tokens =
lines.flatMap(_ split " ")
Am I wrong? I googled a little but I've not found any reference to how Spark RDD are internally implemented.
You are correct. Spark serializes closures to perform remote method invocation.

How to use Reactive Streams for NIO binary processing?

Are there some code examples of using org.reactivestreams libraries to process large data streams using Java NIO (for high performance)? I'm aiming at distributed processing, so examples using Akka would be best, but I can figure that out.
It still seems to be the case that most (I hope not all) examples of reading files in scala resort to Source (non-binary) or direct Java NIO (and even things like Files.readAllBytes!)
Perhaps there is an activator template I've missed? (Akka Streams with Scala! is close addressing everything I need except the binary/NIO side)
Do not use scala.collection.immutable.Stream to consume files like this, the reason being that it performs memoization - that is, while yes it is lazy it will keep the entire stream buffered (memoized) in memory!
This is definitely not what you want when you think about "stream processing a file". The reason Scala's Stream works like this is because in a functional setting it makes complete sense - you can avoid calculating fibbonachi numbers again and again easily thanks to this for example, for more details see the ScalaDoc.
Akka Streams provides Reactive Streams implementations and provides a FileIO class that you could use here (it will properly back-pressure and pull the data out of the file only when needed and the rest of the stream is ready to consume it):
import{ Sink, Source }
object ExampleApp extends App {
implicit val sys = ActorSystem()
implicit val mat = FlowMaterializer()
.map(c ⇒ { print(c); c })
.runWith(Sink.onComplete(_ ⇒ { f.close(); sys.shutdown() } ))
Here are more docs about working with IO with Akka Streams
Note that this is for the current-as-of writing version of Akka, so the 2.5.x series.
Hope this helps!
We actually use akka streams to process binary files. It was a little tricky to get things going as there wasn't any documentation around this, but this is what we came up with:
val binFile = new File(filePath)
val inputStream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(binFile))
val binStream = Stream.continually( != _).map(_.toByte)
val binSource = Source(binStream)
Once you have binSource, which is an akka Source[Byte] you can go ahead and start applying whatever stream transformations (map, flatMap, transform, etc...) you want to it. This functionality leverages the Source companion object's apply that takes an Iterable, passing in a scala Stream that should read in the data lazily and make it available to your transforms.
As Konrad pointed out in the comments section, a Stream can be an issue with large files due to the fact that it performs memoization of the elements it encounters as it's lazily building out the stream. This can lead to out of memory situations if you are not careful. However, if you look at the docs for Stream there is a tip for avoiding memoization building up in memory:
One must be cautious of memoization; you can very quickly eat up large
amounts of memory if you're not careful. The reason for this is that
the memoization of the Stream creates a structure much like
scala.collection.immutable.List. So long as something is holding on to
the head, the head holds on to the tail, and so it continues
recursively. If, on the other hand, there is nothing holding on to the
head (e.g. we used def to define the Stream) then once it is no longer
being used directly, it disappears.
So taking that into account, you could modify my original example as follows:
val binFile = new File(filePath)
val inputStream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(binFile))
val binSource = Source(() => binStream(inputStream).iterator)
def binStream(in:BufferedInputStream) = Stream.continually( != _).map(_.toByte)
So the idea here is to build the Stream via a def and not assign to a valand then immediately get the iterator from it and use that to initialize the Akka Source. Setting things up this way should avoid the issues with momoization. I ran the old code against a big file and was able to produce an OutOfMemory situation by doing a foreach on the Source. When I switched it over to the new code I was able to avoid this issue.

Graphx: I've got NullPointerException inside mapVertices

I want to use graphx. For now I just launchs it locally.
I've got NullPointerException in these few lines. First println works well, and second one fails.
val graph: Graph[Int, Int] = Graph(users, relationships)
println("graph.inDegrees = " + graph.inDegrees.count) // this line works well
graph.mapVertices((id, v) => {
println("graph.inDegrees = " + graph.inDegrees.count) // but this one fails
42 // doesn't mean anything
And it does not matter which method of 'graph' object I call. But 'graph' is not null inside 'mapVertices'.
Exception failure in TID 2 on host localhost:
Reproduced using GraphX 2.10 on Spark 1.0.2. I'll give you a workaround and then explain what I think is happening. This works for me:
val c = graph.inDegrees.count
graph.mapVertices((id, v) => {
println("graph.inDegrees = " + c)
In general, Spark gets prickly when you try to access an entire RDD or other distributed object (like a Graph) in code that's intended to execute in parallel on a single partition, like the function you're passing into mapVertices. But it's also usually a bad idea even when you can get it to work. (As a separate matter, as you've seen, when it doesn't work it tends to result in really unhelpful behavior.)
The vertices of a Graph are represented as an RDD, and the function you pass into mapVertices runs locally in the appropriate partitions, where it is given access to local vertex data: id and v. You really don't want the entire graph to be copied to each partition. In this case you just need to broadcast a scalar to each partition, so pulling it out solved the problem and the broadcast is really cheap.
There are tricks in the Spark APIs for accessing more complex objects in such a situation, but if you use them carelessly they will destroy your performance because they'll tend to introduce lots of communication. Often people are tempted to use them because they don't understand the computation model, rather than because they really need to, although that does happen too.
Spark does not support nested RDDs or user-defined functions that refer to other RDDs, hence the NullPointerException; see this thread on the spark-users mailing list. In this case, you're attempting to call count() on a Graph (which performs an action on a Spark RDD) from inside of a mapVertices() transformation, leading to a NullPointerException when mapVertices() attempts to access data structures that are only callable by the Spark driver.
In a nutshell, only the Spark driver can launch new Spark jobs; you can't call actions on RDDs from inside of other RDD actions.
See for another example of this issue.

how to make saveAsTextFile NOT split output into multiple file?

When using Scala in Spark, whenever I dump the results out using saveAsTextFile, it seems to split the output into multiple parts. I'm just passing a parameter(path) to it.
val year = sc.textFile("apat63_99.txt").map(_.split(",")(1)).flatMap(_.split(",")).map((_,1)).reduceByKey((_+_)).map(_.swap)
Does the number of outputs correspond to the number of reducers it uses?
Does this mean the output is compressed?
I know I can combine the output together using bash, but is there an option to store the output in a single text file, without splitting?? I looked at the API docs, but it doesn't say much about this.
The reason it saves it as multiple files is because the computation is distributed. If the output is small enough such that you think you can fit it on one machine, then you can end your program with
val arr = year.collect()
And then save the resulting array as a file, Another way would be to use a custom partitioner, partitionBy, and make it so everything goes to one partition though that isn't advisable because you won't get any parallelization.
If you require the file to be saved with saveAsTextFile you can use coalesce(1,true).saveAsTextFile(). This basically means do the computation then coalesce to 1 partition. You can also use repartition(1) which is just a wrapper for coalesce with the shuffle argument set to true. Looking through the source of RDD.scala is how I figured most of this stuff out, you should take a look.
For those working with a larger dataset:
rdd.collect() should not be used in this case as it will collect all data as an Array in the driver, which is the easiest way to get out of memory.
rdd.coalesce(1).saveAsTextFile() should also not be used as the parallelism of upstream stages will be lost to be performed on a single node, where data will be stored from.
rdd.coalesce(1, shuffle = true).saveAsTextFile() is the best simple option as it will keep the processing of upstream tasks parallel and then only perform the shuffle to one node (rdd.repartition(1).saveAsTextFile() is an exact synonym).
rdd.saveAsSingleTextFile() as provided bellow additionally allows one to store the rdd in a single file with a specific name while keeping the parallelism properties of rdd.coalesce(1, shuffle = true).saveAsTextFile().
Something that can be inconvenient with rdd.coalesce(1, shuffle = true).saveAsTextFile("path/to/file.txt") is that it actually produces a file whose path is path/to/file.txt/part-00000 and not path/to/file.txt.
The following solution rdd.saveAsSingleTextFile("path/to/file.txt") will actually produce a file whose path is path/to/file.txt:
package com.whatever.package
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileSystem, FileUtil, Path}
object SparkHelper {
// This is an implicit class so that saveAsSingleTextFile can be attached to
// SparkContext and be called like this: sc.saveAsSingleTextFile
implicit class RDDExtensions(val rdd: RDD[String]) extends AnyVal {
def saveAsSingleTextFile(path: String): Unit =
saveAsSingleTextFileInternal(path, None)
def saveAsSingleTextFile(path: String, codec: Class[_ <: CompressionCodec]): Unit =
saveAsSingleTextFileInternal(path, Some(codec))
private def saveAsSingleTextFileInternal(
path: String, codec: Option[Class[_ <: CompressionCodec]]
): Unit = {
// The interface with hdfs:
val hdfs = FileSystem.get(rdd.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration)
// Classic saveAsTextFile in a temporary folder:
hdfs.delete(new Path(s"$path.tmp"), true) // to make sure it's not there already
codec match {
case Some(codec) => rdd.saveAsTextFile(s"$path.tmp", codec)
case None => rdd.saveAsTextFile(s"$path.tmp")
// Merge the folder of resulting part-xxxxx into one file:
hdfs.delete(new Path(path), true) // to make sure it's not there already
hdfs, new Path(s"$path.tmp"),
hdfs, new Path(path),
true, rdd.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration, null
// Working with Hadoop 3?:
hdfs.delete(new Path(s"$path.tmp"), true)
which can be used this way:
import com.whatever.package.SparkHelper.RDDExtensions
// Or if the produced file is to be compressed:
rdd.saveAsSingleTextFile("path/to/file.txt.gz", classOf[GzipCodec])
This snippet:
First stores the rdd with rdd.saveAsTextFile("path/to/file.txt") in a temporary folder path/to/file.txt.tmp as if we didn't want to store data in one file (which keeps the processing of upstream tasks parallel)
And then only, using the hadoop file system api, we proceed with the merge (FileUtil.copyMerge()) of the different output files to create our final output single file path/to/file.txt.
You could call coalesce(1) and then saveAsTextFile() - but it might be a bad idea if you have a lot of data. Separate files per split are generated just like in Hadoop in order to let separate mappers and reducers write to different files. Having a single output file is only a good idea if you have very little data, in which case you could do collect() as well, as #aaronman said.
As others have mentioned, you can collect or coalesce your data set to force Spark to produce a single file. But this also limits the number of Spark tasks that can work on your dataset in parallel. I prefer to let it create a hundred files in the output HDFS directory, then use hadoop fs -getmerge /hdfs/dir /local/file.txt to extract the results into a single file in the local filesystem. This makes the most sense when your output is a relatively small report, of course.
In Spark 1.6.1 the format is as shown below. It creates a single output file.It is best practice to use it if the output is small enough to handle.Basically what it does is that it returns a new RDD that is reduced into numPartitions partitions.If you're doing a drastic coalesce, e.g. to numPartitions = 1, this may result in your computation taking place on fewer nodes than you like (e.g. one node in the case of numPartitions = 1)
You can call repartition() and follow this way:
val year = sc.textFile("apat63_99.txt").map(_.split(",")(1)).flatMap(_.split(",")).map((_,1)).reduceByKey((_+_)).map(_.swap)
var repartitioned = year.repartition(1)
You will be able to do it in the next version of Spark, in the current version 1.0.0 it's not possible unless you do it manually somehow, for example, like you mentioned, with a bash script call.
I also want to mention that the documentation clearly states that users should be careful when calling coalesce with a real small number of partitions . this can cause upstream partitions to inherit this number of partitions.
I would not recommend using coalesce(1) unless really required.
Here's my answer to output a single file. I just added coalesce(1)
val year = sc.textFile("apat63_99.txt")