Implicitly convert an Iterable to Option - scala

I have a requirement in which I want to implicitly convert and Iterable to Option. The requirement is if the Iterable is empty I return None otherwise I return Some(iterable).
The code below
implicit def toOption[T](iterable: Iterable[T]): Option[Iterable[T]] = if (iterable.isEmpty) None else Some(iterable)
val opt = List(6,7,8).toOption
I am getting compile error 'value toOption is not a member of
What am I missing here?

Implicit conversion alone is not going to help you if you want to do this. What you need here is an implicit class :
object Rich {
implicit class RichIterable[T](it: Iterable[T]){
def toOption: Option[Iterable[T]] = if(it.isEmpty) None else Some(it)
scala> import Rich._
import Rich._
scala> List(1,2,3).toOption
res0: Option[Iterable[Int]] = Some(List(1, 2, 3))
scala> List().toOption
res1: Option[Iterable[Nothing]] = None

You have the calling syntax wrong (toOption is not a method on list this way, it's a top level method/function) and you need to be less specific in your type (so it will work with implicit conversions etc):
implicit def toOption[I <% Iterable[_]](iterable: I): Option[I] = if (iterable.isEmpty) None else Some(iterable)
val opt1: Option[List[Int]] = List(6,7,8)
val opt2: Option[List[Int]] = List()
Here I used a view (<%), meaning as long as the argument can be coerced or transformed to the Iterable type, it's ok.
Also you can also write the assignment like this:
val opt2 = List(): Option[List[Int]]
And here is some documentation on views:


Why does scala allow concating Strings with Option[Strings](or any other type)?

I mistakenly concatted a string with an Option[String] while coding in scala.
I expected as a strongly typed language, scala would not allow me to do such operation.
This is what I tried.
This works
scala> val a:String = "aaa"
val a: String = aaa
scala> val b:Option[String] = Some("bbbb")
val b: Option[String] = Some(bbbb)
scala> a + b
val res0: String = aaaSome(bbbb)
scala> val c:Option[String] = None
val c: Option[String] = None
scala> val d = a + c
val d: String = aaaNone
scala> val e = 1
val e: Int = 1
scala> a + e
val res2: String = aaa1
while this does not work
scala> val f:Option[String] = Some("ffff")
val f: Option[String] = Some(ffff)
scala> val g:Option[String] = None
val g: Option[String] = None
scala> f + g
error: type mismatch;
found : Option[String]
required: String
Why does scala allow such behavior? Dynamically typed languages like python will stop me from adding strings to int types, None types or any type other than strings. Curious if this design is intentional? If so why?
Scala contains an implicit class any2stringadd in it's Predef package. This class is responsible for these concatenation operations.
implicit final class any2stringadd[A](private val self: A) extends AnyVal {
def +(other: String): String = String.valueOf(self) + other
What it means is that, by default, scope contains a method + which can concatenate value of any type A with string by converting value of this type to string via String.valueOf(...).
I can't speak of design choices, I agree that this might be an unexpected behavior. The same applies to Scala's native == method. For example, this code compiles just ok: Some("a") == "b". This can lead to nasty bugs in filtering and other methods.
If you want to eliminate this behavior I suggest you take a look at library, which introduces different typeclasses that can solve this problem.
For example, for string concatenation you can use Semigroup typeclass (which has tons of other useful use-cases as well):
import cats.Semigroup
Semigroup[String].combine("a", "b") // works, returns "ab"
Semigroup[String].combine("a", Some("b")) // won't work, compilation error
This looks tedious, but there is a syntactic sugar:
import cats.implicits._
"a" |+| "b" // works, returns "ab"
"a" |+| Some("b") // won't work, compilation error
// |+| here is the same as Semigroup[String].combine
The same thing applies to == method. Instead you can use Eq typeclass:
import cats.implicits._
"a" == Some("b") // works, no error, but could be unexpected
"a" === Some("b") // compilation error (Cats Eq)
"a" === "b" // works, as expected
"a" =!= "b" // same as != but type safe

GenericTraversableTemplate::flatten. What kind of magic does it do?

I'm trying to understand what kind of magic the flatten method does. Here is an example form this article
def toInt(s: String): Option[Int] = {
try {
} catch {
// catch Exception to catch null 's'
case e: Exception => None
scala> val strings = Seq("1", "2", "foo", "3", "bar")
strings: Seq[java.lang.String] = List(1, 2, foo, 3, bar)
res0: Seq[Option[Int]] = List(Some(1), Some(2), None, Some(3), None)
scala> val flattenResult = mapResult.flatten
flattenResult: Seq[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)
Wow. It looks like some miracle. How does the flatten method know that we should not add Nones to the resulting collection. It's not obvious form its implementation at all:
def flatten[B](implicit asTraversable: A => /*<:<!!!*/ GenTraversableOnce[B]): CC[B] = {
val b = genericBuilder[B]
for (xs <- sequential)
b ++= asTraversable(xs).seq
Couldn't you explain the sense of it... I mean what does it do in general? Maybe it does know, that None is a monadic value and use some of its "monadic" methods. But it's just a guess.
You see that flatten can be called on collections which contain values convertible to GenTraversableOnce:
def flatten[B](implicit asTraversable: A => GenTraversableOnce[B]): CC[B]
Since in Option companion object exists an implicit conversion to Iterable, it should be eligible to be flatten-ed(Iterable is subtype of GenTraversableOnce).
It converts Option to List, its implementation is obvious..
Please correct me if I'm wrong, I am too overwhelmed with Scala's collections implementation...
Flatten method receives implicitly a method which able to take an A (Option in our case) and convert it to GenTraversableOnce.
Option object has an implicit method defined in it:
implicit def option2Iterable[A](xo: Option[A]): Iterable[A] = xo.toList
And toList check if the object is empty before returning an Iterable:
def toList: List[A] =
if (isEmpty) List() else new ::(this.get, Nil)
Meaning we will get an empty list when applying option2Iterable on None.
So the line:
b ++= asTraversable(xs).seq
Is actually adding an empty seq to b when performed on None or a list with the value of the Some in case of a Some.
And this is why you can't see None / Some object in your flatten output, but only the values of the Some objects.

scala idiomatic way of transforming a list to an option

What might be the most idiomatic way for turning any scala collection into an Option of the same collection, whereas when the collection is empty, the option would be None and otherwise just a Some of the original?
Oh, and without making scala create a memory copy of the entire collection for that humble conversion.
Option.apply is suited for translating null to Option of type None, a nice legacy-wrangling utility, but useless for idiomatic scala seeking the following semantics:
val some = Option(List(3,4,5))
val none = Option(List()) // seeking None, rather than Some(List()) here
I'd probably just go with a filter call after creating the Option:
scala> Option(List()).filter(_.isNonEmpty)
res1: Option[List[Nothing]] = None
scala> Option(List(1,2,3)).filter(_.isNonEmpty)
res2: Option[List[Int]] = Some(List(1, 2, 3))
I feel like it is not a common thing to do and can't think of any common idiomatic way, what I can suggest is adding toOption method like this:
implicit class OptList[A](val list: List[A]) extends AnyVal {
def toOption: Option[List[A]] = if (list.isEmpty) None else Some(list)
and use it as follows:
scala> List().toOption
res0: Option[List[Nothing]] = None
scala> List(615, 5).toOption
res1: Option[List[Int]] = Some(List(615, 5))
toOption is a method in scala that appears in some other contexts, for example Try has toOption method.
Similar to Lukasz's answer, but more complete and works for any collection (I think all collections extend from Traversable as this image suggests as requested.
object EnrichedCollections {
implicit class CollectionOps[A <: Traversable[_]](val collection: A) extends AnyVal {
* Returns None if the collection is empty, otherwise returns Some of the collection
def toOption: Option[A] = if (collection.isEmpty) None else Some(collection)
import EnrichedCollections._
assert(Nil.toOption == None)
assert(Seq(1,2).toOption == Some(Seq(1,2)))
assert(Map.empty.toOption == None)
assert(Map(1 -> "hi", 2 -> "bye").toOption == Some(Map(1 -> "hi", 2 -> "bye")))
Just for fun:
val list = List(1, 2, 3, 4)
val option ={_ => list}
However, I would question why you would want to do this... using isEmpty is a nice way of checking uniformly for empty lists or None values - you might find this avoids you having to convert to Option in the first place.

How to write asInstanceOfOpt[T] where T <: Any

There's a handy implementation of asInstanceOfOpt, a safe version of asInstanceOf, given in the answer to How to write "asInstanceOfOption" in Scala. It appears that, Scala 2.9.1, this solution now only works with AnyRef:
class WithAsInstanceOfOpt(obj: AnyRef) {
def asInstanceOfOpt[B](implicit m: Manifest[B]): Option[B] =
if (Manifest.singleType(obj) <:< m)
Can this be rewritten to support Any?
If you look in the Scala API the function singleType takes a parameter of type AnyRef. I don't really know the background for this decision, but it seems you need to work around it. Instead of using the method singleType I'd suggest using the classType method which basically can make a manifest for any class. It'll take a bit more code, but it could look something like this:
class WithAsInstanceOfOpt(obj : Any) {
def asInstanceOfOpt[B : Manifest] : Option[B] = // [B : Manifest] is shorthand for [B](implicit m : Manifest[B])
if (Manifest.classType(manifest, obj.getClass) <:< manifest)
else None
You could use shapeless's Typeable from Miles Sabin:
Type casting using type parameter
It handles primitives and boxing:
scala> import shapeless._; import syntax.typeable._
import shapeless._
import syntax.typeable._
scala> 1.cast[Int]
res1: Option[Int] = Some(1)
scala> 1.cast[String]
res2: Option[String] = None
scala> "hello".cast[String]
res4: Option[String] = Some(hello)
scala> "foo".cast[Int]
res5: Option[Int] = None
You can see the source here to see how it's written:
Here's working code for 2.9.x. It will give deprecation warnings for 2.10.x, but using ClassTag instead of Manifest and runtimeClass instead of erasure will fix them.
//Precondition: classS must have been produced through primitiveToBoxed, because v will be boxed.
def ifInstanceOfBody[T, S](v: T, classS: Class[_]): Option[S] = {
if (v == null || !classS.isInstance(v))
object ClassUtil {
import java.{lang => jl}
private val primitiveToBoxedMap = Map[Class[_], Class[_]](
classOf[Byte] -> classOf[jl.Byte],
classOf[Short] -> classOf[jl.Short],
classOf[Char] -> classOf[jl.Character],
classOf[Int] -> classOf[jl.Integer],
classOf[Long] -> classOf[jl.Long],
classOf[Float] -> classOf[jl.Float],
classOf[Double] -> classOf[jl.Double],
classOf[Boolean] -> classOf[jl.Boolean],
classOf[Unit] -> classOf[jl.Void]
def primitiveToBoxed(classS: Class[_]) =
primitiveToBoxedMap.getOrElse(classS, classS)
class IfInstanceOfAble[T](v: T) {
def asInstanceOfOpt[S](implicit cS: Manifest[S]): Option[S] =
ifInstanceOfBody[T, S](v, ClassUtil.primitiveToBoxed(cS.erasure))
implicit def pimpInstanceOf[T](t: T) = new IfInstanceOfAble(t)
Testing results:
scala> 1.asInstanceOfOpt[Int]
res9: Option[Int] = Some(1)
scala> "".asInstanceOfOpt[String]
res10: Option[String] = Some()
scala> "foo".asInstanceOfOpt[String]
res11: Option[String] = Some(foo)
scala> 1.asInstanceOfOpt[String]
res12: Option[String] = None
scala> "".asInstanceOfOpt[Int]
res13: Option[Int] = None
The code is slightly more verbose than needed here, mostly because I took it from an existing codebase of mine where I reuse ifInstanceOfBody elsewhere. Inlining into asInstanceOfOpt would fix that and shorten the code somewhat, but most of it is for primitiveToBoxedMap, and trust me that I could not find something like that available in the Scala standard library.

Scala convert List[Int] to a java.util.List[java.lang.Integer]

Is there a way in Scala to convert a List[Int] to java.util.List[java.lang.Integer]?
I'm interfacing with Java (Thrift).
JavaConversions supports List --> java.util.List, and implicits exist between Int --> java.lang.Integer, but from what I can tell I would still need an extra pass to manually do the conversion:
val y = List(1)
val z: java.util.List[Integer] = asList(y) map { (x: Int) => x : java.lang.Integer }
Apparently you need both conversions. However, you can group them in a single implicit conversion:
implicit def toIntegerList( lst: List[Int] ) =
seqAsJavaList( i => i:java.lang.Integer ) )
scala> def sizeOf( lst: java.util.List[java.lang.Integer] ) = lst.size
scala> sizeOf( List(1,2,3) )
res5: Int = 3
Because the underlying representation of Int is Integer you can cast directly to java.util.List[java.lang.Integer]. It will save you an O(n) operation and some implicit stuff.
import collection.JavaConversions._
class A {
def l() = asList(List(1,2)).asInstanceOf[java.util.List[java.lang.Integer]]
Then you can use from Java like this:
A a = new A();
java.util.List<Integer> l = a.l();
Note that on 2.9.0 ,I get a deprecation warning on asList (use seqAsJavaList instead)
Did you try:
val javalist = collection.JavaConversions.asJavaList (y)
I'm not sure, whether you need a conversion Int=>Integer or Int=>int here. Can you try it out?
The times, they are a changing. Today you'll get a deprecated warning for that code. Use instead:
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
val y = List (1)
> y: List[Int] = List(1)
val javalist = (y).asJava
> javalist: java.util.List[Int] = [1]
This doesn't have an implicit at the outmost layer, but I like this generic approach and have implemented it for a couple of types of collections (List, Map).
import java.util.{List => JList}
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
def scalaList2JavaList[A, B](scalaList: List[A])
(implicit a2bConversion: A => B): JList[B] =
(scalaList map a2bConversion).asJava
Since an implicit conversion from Int to Integer is part of standard lib, usage in this case would just look like this:
scalaList2JavaList[Int, Integer](someScalaList)
In the other direction!
(since I have these available anyway as they were my original implementations...)
import java.util.{List => JList}
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
def javaList2ScalaList[A, B](javaList: JList[A])
(implicit a2bConversion: A => B): List[B] =
javaList.toList map a2bConversion
javaList2ScalaList[Integer, Int](someJavaList)
This can then be re-used for all lists so long as an implicit conversion of the contained type is in scope.
(And in case you're curious, here is my implementation for map...)
def javaMap2ScalaMap[A, B, C, D](javaMap: util.Map[A, B])(implicit a2cConversion: A => C, b2dConversion: B => D): Map[C, D] =
javaMap.toMap map { case (a, b) => (a2cConversion(a), b2dConversion(b)) }
Starting Scala 2.13, the standard library includes scala.jdk.CollectionConverters which provides Scala to Java implicit collection conversions.
Which we can combine with java.lang.Integer::valueOf to convert Scala's Int to Java's Integer:
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
List(1, 2, 3).map(Integer.valueOf).asJava
// java.util.List[Integer] = [1, 2, 3]
I was trying to pass a Map[String, Double] to a Java method. But the problem was JavaConversions converts the Map to a java Map, but leaves the scala Double as is, instead of converting it to java.lang.Double. After a few hours of seaching I found [Alvaro Carrasco's answer]), it is as simple as doing:
val scalaMap = // Some Map[String, Double]
val javaMap = scalaMap.mapValues(
After this, javaMap is a Map[String, java.lang.Double]. Then you can pass this to a java function that expects a Map<String, Double> and thanks to implicit conversions the Scala Map will be converted to java.util.Map
In your case would be the same, but with
val y = List(1)
val javay =