I have two cell arrays "data1" "data2". For each line of "data1", I would find the number of lines that respects the condition on strings and numbers (see below) between "data1" and "data2". I tried to use the function "find" but I find that it is not very fast. Is there a function that is faster than "find" ? Here is my code:
for lineData1 = 1 : size(data1,1)
vectorData = find( ( cell2mat(data2(2:size(data2,1),1)) == data1{lineData1,2} | cell2mat(data2(2:size(data2,1),2)) == data1{lineData1,2} ) & ...
strcmp(data2(2:size(data2,1),4),data1{lineData1,3}) & ...
strcmp(data2(2:size(data2,1),5),data1{lineData1,4}) & ...
strcmp(data2(2:size(data2,1),6),data1{lineData1,5}) & ...
cell2mat(data2(2:size(data2,1),7)) == data1{lineData1,6} & ...
cell2mat(data2(2:size(data2,1),8)) == data1{lineData1,7} );
%%% vectorData = vectorData + 1;
data1{lineData1,1} = size(vectorData,1);
Thanks very much for your help.
So I have arr = randi([0,20],20,1). I want to show: If there are numbers less than 5, fprintf('Yes\n') only once. Im using a for loop (for i = 1 : length(arr)) and indexing it.
As your description, maybe you need if statement within for loop like below
for i = 1:length(arr)
if arr(i) < 5
If you want to print Yes once, you can try
if any(arr < 5)
If you don't want to use break, the code below might be an option
for i = 1:min(find(arr <5))
if (arr(i) < 5)
You can use a break statement upon finding the first value under 5 and printing the Yes statement.
Using a break Statement:
arr = randi([0,20],20,1);
for i = 1: length(arr)
if arr(i) < 5
By Using any() Function:
Alternatively, if you'd like to concise it down without the need for a for-loop the any() function can be used to determine if any values within the array meet a condition in this case arr < 5.
arr = randi([0,20],20,1);
if(any(arr < 5))
By Using a While Loop:
Check = 0;
arr = randi([0,20],20,1);
i = 1;
while (Check == 0 && i < length(arr))
if arr(i) < 5
Check = 1;
i = i + 1;
I'm using ag grid with angularjs and the filter does not work with formatted numbers. I use formatted numbers with currency values.
Below is the columndef code:
{ headerName:"GBO", field: "GBO", width: 200, editable:true, cellClass: "number-cell",filter:'agNumberColumnFilter',
cellRenderer : function(params){
if(params.value == "" || params.value == null)
return '-';
else return params.value;
Before assigning the data to the grid, I format the numbers using :
$scope.formatNumberOnly = function(num,c, d, t){
//console.log(num );
var n = getNumber(num);
//var n = this,
c = isNaN(c = Math.abs(c)) ? 2 : c,
d = d == undefined ? "." : d,
t = t == undefined ? "," : t,
s = n < 0 ? "-" : "",
i = parseInt(n = Math.abs(+n || 0).toFixed(c)) + "",
j = (j = i.length) > 3 ? j % 3 : 0;
return s + (j ? i.substr(0, j) + t : "") + i.substr(j).replace(/(\d{3})(?=\d)/g, "$1" + t) + (c ? d + Math.abs(n - i).toFixed(c).slice(2) : "");
The problem here is that the filter doesn't work with these formatted numbers and only seems to be working for values upto 999.
Can anyone please help me with a solution to this filtering problem?
If you want the filter to work on these formatted values, you should use a valueGetter instead of a valueFormatter
You should implement the above formatter function as a valueGetter in column Definition.
Also a number filter won't work as in order for your formatted number to be interpreted, it should be a text filter.
Here is an example from official docs.
I have a Matlab function. I need to generalize this function. This code’s aim is to check this IndicMPs are in the TableTemp, if it is there, then we extract relevant age limits, such as: Age_Limite_DC, Age_Limite_IT, Age_Limite_Ch and Transfert_Prime_IT_DC. My idea is to generalize, passing parameters to find out the "Type_pret" is.(May be I'm wrong) Since I'm beginner to Matlab can someone help me to encode a more generic function that can be used in a more general context?
function Structure = optimisation_function()
Data = load('Data.mat');
Structure = Data.Structure;
TableTemp = Data.TableTemp;
Age_Limite_DC = zeros(size(Structure,1),1);
Age_Limite_IT = zeros(size(Structure,1),1);
Age_Limite_CH = zeros(size(Structure,1),1);
Transfert_Prime_IT_DC = zeros(size(Structure,1),1);
for IndexMPAL = 1 : length(Structure.AnneeSouscription)
% Determine Type_Pret (Loan Type)
if ~isempty(strfind(Structure.Type_Pret{IndexMPAL},'A'))
Type_Pret = 'A';
elseif ~isempty(strfind(Structure.Type_Pret{IndexMPAL},'B'))
Type_Pret = 'B';
elseif ~isempty(strfind(Structure.Type_Pret{IndexMPAL},'C'))
Type_Pret = 'C';
elseif ~isempty(strfind(Structure.Type_Pret{IndexMPAL},'D'))
Type_Pret = 'D';
elseif ~isempty(strfind(Structure.Type_Pret{IndexMPAL},'E'))
Type_Pret = 'E';
MP_CP = Structure.NomCodeProduit(IndexMPAL);
MP_AnSous = Structure.AnneeSouscription(IndexMPAL);
MP_TypePret = Type_Pret;
IndicCP = strcmp(MP_CP, TableTemp.CodeProduit);
IndicAS = MP_AnSous== TableTemp.AnneeSouscription;
IndicTP = strcmp(MP_TypePret, TableTemp.TypePret);
IndicMP = IndicCP & IndicAS & IndicTP;
if ~any(IndicMP)
Msg = strcat('CodeProduct:',MP_CP{1}, ', Année Souscription:', num2str(MP_AnSous), ', Type Prêt:', MP_TypePret);
error('Error', Msg)
Age_Limite_DC(IndexMPAL,1) = TableTemp.Age_Limite_DC(IndicMP,1);
Age_Limite_IT(IndexMPAL,1) = TableTemp.Age_Limite_IT(IndicMP,1);
Age_Limite_CH(IndexMPAL,1) = TableTemp.Age_Limite_CH(IndicMP,1);
Structure.Age_Limite_DC = Age_Limite_DC;
Structure.Age_Limite_IT = Age_Limite_IT;
Structure.Age_Limite_CH = Age_Limite_CH;
Structure.Transfert_Prime_IT_DC = Transfert_Prime_IT_DC;
The if/elseif can be simplified with a cell array:
liststr = {'A','BB','C','D','E'}; % builds a cell array, each cell contains a string
Positive_matches = strfind(liststr,Structure.Type_Pret{IndexMPAL}) % returns a list for each cell of the indices where the element was found (empty if none)
Index = find(~cellfun('isempty', Positive_matches )) % converts the previous list into a logical 0/1 array indicating whether an item was found (1) or not (0)
% if isempty(Index); continue; end % If no index is found, to avoid an error in the next instruction, skips the rest of the code.
Type_Pret = liststr(Index(1));
If the Type_Pret are the same in your list and in Structure? , you can usestrcmp`:
liststr = {'A','B','C','D','E'};
if any(strcmp(Structure.Type_Pret,liststr))
Type_Pret = Structure.Type_Pret
% handle error
You can also work directly on Structure.Age_Limite_DC without using Age_Limite_DC.
function []= read_c3d_feat(output_list_relative)
dir_list = importdata(output_list_relative);
dim_feat = 512;
for i = 1 : size(dir_list, 1)
dir_str = char(dir_list(i));
feat_files = dir([dir_str, '/*.res5b']);
num_feat = length(feat_files);
feat = zeros(num_feat, dim_feat);
for j = 1 : num_feat
feat_path = strcat(dir_str, '/', feat_files(j).name);
....................so on
Give me error like
Error using dir
Invalid path. The path must not contain a null character.
Error in read_c3d_feat (line 12)
feat_files = dir([dir_str, '/*.res5b']);
Your dir_list variable must have strings which contain null characters, as the error tells you. If you try using hard-coded strings you will see it works:
function read_c3d_feat(output_list_relative)
dir_list = {'21';'45';'18'};
for i = 1:size(dir_list, 1)
dir_str = dir_list{i}; % Loops through '21','45','18'
% The dir function now works because we know dir_str is a valid string
feat_files = dir([dir_str, '/*.res5b']);
This means you need to debug your code and find out what this line is actually assigning to dir_list:
dir_list = importdata(output_list_relative);
Note that if dir_list is a cell of text entries, you should be indexing it with curly braces as above. If instead it is a matrix (because all of the entries seem to be numerical anyway) then you should be using num2str when passing to dir:
function read_c3d_feat(output_list_relative)
dir_list = importdata(output_list_relative);
dim_feat = 512;
for i = 1:size(dir_list, 1)
feat_files = dir([num2str(dir_list(i)), '/*.res5b']);
% ...
I'm new to Matlab and now learning the basic grammar.
I've written the file GetBin.m:
function res = GetBin(num_bin, bin, val)
if val >= bin(num_bin - 1)
res = num_bin;
for i = (num_bin - 1) : 1
if val < bin(i)
res = i;
and I call it with:
num_bin = 5;
bin = [48.4,96.8,145.2,193.6]; % bin stands for the intermediate borders, so there are 5 bins
fea_val = GetBin(num_bin,bin,fea(1,1)) % fea is a pre-defined 280x4096 matrix
It returns error:
Error in GetBin (line 2)
if val >= bin(num_bin - 1)
Output argument "res" (and maybe others) not assigned during call to
Could anybody tell me what's wrong here? Thanks.
You need to ensure that every possible path through your code assigns a value to res.
In your case, it looks like that's not the case, because you have a loop:
for i = (num_bins-1) : 1
That loop will never iterate (so it will never assign a value to res). You need to explicitly specify that it's a decrementing loop:
for i = (num_bins-1) : -1 : 1
For more info, see the documentation on the colon operator.
for i = (num_bin - 1) : -1 : 1