Matlab: Help neede to initialize matrices - matlab

I am trying to implement the basic Equations for Kalman filter for the following 1 dimensional AR model:
x(t) = a_1x(t-1) + a_2x(t-2) + w(t)
y(t) = Cx(t) + v(t);
The KF state space model :
x(t+1) = Ax(t) + w(t)
y(t) = Cx(t) + v(t)
w(t) = N(0,Q)
v(t) = N(0,R)
% A - state transition matrix
% C - observation (output) matrix
% Q - state noise covariance
% R - observation noise covariance
% x0 - initial state mean
% P0 - initial state covariance
The code for the prediction and update are:
function [xpred, Ppred] = predict(x, P, F, Q)
xpred = A*x;
Ppred = A*P*A’ + Q;
function [nu, S] = innovation(xpred, Ppred, z, H, R)
nu = y - C*xpred; %% innovation
S = R + C*Ppred*C’; %% innovation covariance
function [xnew, Pnew] = innovation_update(xpred, Ppred, n
u, S, C)
K = Ppred*C’*inv(S); %% Kalman gain
xnew = xpred + K*nu; %% new state
Pnew = Ppred - K*S*K’; %% new covariance
I am trying to follow the implementation but getting confused since the parameters A,C are given as matrices.
Do I have to represent A,C as matrices? How do I represent A,C , Q,R for my case?
How do I initialize A,C,Q,R? Since, I have only one variable, Q,R should be 1 by 1. But, what about the others?
Please help.
UPDATE: Here is the full implementation
%%% Matlab script to simulate data and process usiung Kalman for the state
%%% estimation of AR(2) time series.
% Linear system representation
% x_n+1 = A x_n + Bw_n
% y_n = Cx_n + v_n
% w = N(0,Q); v = N(0,R)
clear all
T = 100; % number of data samples
order = 2;
% True coefficients of AR model
a1 = 0.195;
a2 = -0.95;
A = [ a1 a2;
0 1 ];
C = [ 1 0 ];
B = [1;
x =[ rand(order,1) zeros(order,T-1)];
sigma_2_w =1; % variance of the excitation signal for driving the AR model(process noise)
sigma_2_v = 0.01; % variance of measure noise
%Simulate AR model time series, x;
%simulation of the system
for t = 1:T-1
x(:,t+1) = A*x(:,t) + B*sqrtW*randn(1,1);
%noisy observation
y = C*x + sqrt(sigma_2_v)*randn(1,T);
R = diag(R);
z = zeros(1,length(y));
z = y;
for i=1:T-1
[xpred, Ppred] = predict(x0,P, A, Q);
[nu, S] = innovation(xpred, Ppred, z(i), C, R);
[xnew, P] = innovation_update(xpred, Ppred, nu, S, C);
xhat = xnew';
hold on;
function [xpred, Ppred] = predict(x0,P, A, Q)
xpred = A*x0;
Ppred = A*P*A' + Q;
function [nu, S] = innovation(xpred, Ppred, y, C, R)
nu = y - C*xpred; %% innovation
S = R + C*Ppred*C'; %% innovation covariance
function [xnew, Pnew] = innovation_update(xpred, Ppred, nu, S, C)
K = Ppred*C'*inv(S); %% Kalman gain
xnew = xpred + K*nu; %% new state
Pnew = Ppred - Ppred*K*C; %% new covariance
I have 3 problems:
(1) Is the initialization of the matrix R correct in terms of dimension and values?
R = diag(R);
where x is the clean time series.
(2) When creating the noisy observation of the time series, I have used a different variance other than R. I have used sigma_2_v. Should I be using R or sigma_2_v? This is the line where I have created noisy time series
y = C*x + sqrt(sigma_2_v)*randn(1,T);
(3) The code is throwing the error
Error using inv
Matrix must be square.
Error in innovation_update (line 2)
K = Ppred*C'*inv(S); %% Kalman gain
Error in Kalman_run (line 65)
[xnew, P] = innovation_update(xpred, Ppred, nu, S, C);

There are different ways to represent a given AR process as a state space model but I believe you'll have to have a 2 dimensional state representation if it's an AR(2) process (which your model is). So A, C and Q will need to be matrices.
You have scalar observations and so C will be a 1x2 matrix.
x should be a 2 dimensional vector of the form [x(t); x(t-1)]. The first element is the value of x at time t from the AR model and the second element is x at time t-1.
A is of the form [a_1 a_2;1 0]. You can see that Ax is [a_1x(t)+a_2x(t-1);x(t)]. So after applying A to the state x the first element is the predicted next value of x (from the AR model a_1x(t)+a_2x(t-1)) and the second element is x at time t i.e. the elements have been shifted down.
C can be [1 0] i.e. the observation y at time t is simply the first element of the state vector x. Multiplying the state x by C should give use the observation of the state, here we want simply want to observe what the state is at time t and doing [1 0][x(t);x(t-1)] is just x(t).
A, Q, C and R can be learnt from data (e.g. as described here) or set using prior knowledge of your system.
Just because you have one observed variable at each time step doesn't mean Q and R are 1. Q is the system noise covariance and R is the observation noise covariance - setting them to one just specifies the covariance and doesn't do what you seem to think it does.


filter Kalman in Matlab

There is a error that I can't solve, here is the code in matlab:
% Define the system matrices A, C, and the initial state
A = [1 1
0 1]; % state transition matrix
C = [1 0]; % measurement matrix
x0 = [1 0]; % initial state
% Define the number of time steps and the noise covariance matrices
N = 50; % number of time steps
Q_values = 0.1; % values of Q to consider
R_values = 0.25; % values of R to consider
% Pre-allocate memory for the states and estimated states
x = zeros(2, N); % real state
xhat = zeros(2, N); % state estimate
xpred = zeros(2, N); % prediction state
% Loop over each value of Q and R
for i = 1:length(Q_values)
for j = 1:length(R_values)
Q = Q_values(i) * eye(2); % covariance of process noise
R = R_values(j) * eye(2); % covariance of measurement noise
% Initialize the state estimate and its covariance
xhat(:, 1) = x0;
P = eye(2); % initial covariance of state estimate
% Generate the real state and measurements with noise
for k = 1:N
w = sqrt(Q) * randn(2, 1); % process noise
v = sqrt(R) * randn(1, 1); % measurement noise
x(:, k+1) = A * x(:, k) + w; % real state
yk = C * x(:, k) + v; % measurement
% Predict the state and covariance at time k
xpred(:, k+1) = A * xhat(:, k); % state prediction
P_pred = A * P * A' + Q; % covariance prediction
% Compute the Kalman gain
K = P_pred * C' / (C * P_pred * C');
% Update the state estimate and covariance
xhat(:, k+1) = A * xpred(:, k+1) + K .* (yk - C .* xpred(:, k+1));
P = (eye(2) - K * C) * P_pred;
error is here:
Unable to perform assignment because the size of the left side is 2-by-1 and the size of the right side
is 2-by-2.
Error in Untitled (line 42)
xhat(:, k+1) = A * xpred(:, k+1) + K .* (yk - C .* xpred(:, k+1));
Do you guys have some ideas how to change my code?

Fastest way to build evolving Covariance from D x T x N Tensor in MATLAB

Given are N different measurements of a sequence x1, x2, ..., xT, where x has the dimension D. The data is stored in an D x T x N Tensor, namly X. I would like to build the Tensor S with dimensions D x D x T, which defines the covariance between the dimensions of x for every timestep t (t = 1, ..., T), as fast as possible. My current approach is a for-loop, which seems to be very slow.
clear all; close all; clc; rng(0);
% - test data
D = 2;
T = 10;
N = 100;
X = rand(D,T,N);
% - covariance
S = zeros(D,D,T);
for i = 1:T
S(:,:,i) = cov(reshape((X(:,i,:)),D,N)');

Matlab SVM custom kernel function

In the Matlab SVM tutorial, it says
You can set your own kernel function, for example, kernel, by setting 'KernelFunction','kernel'. kernel must have the following form:
function G = kernel(U,V)
U is an m-by-p matrix.
V is an n-by-p matrix.
G is an m-by-n Gram matrix of the rows of U and V.
When I followed the custom SVM kernel example, I set a break point in mysigmoid.m function. However, I found U and V were in fact 1-by-p vectors and G was a scalar.
Why does not MATLAB process the kernel by matrices?
My custom kernel function is
function G = mysigmoid(U,V)
% Sigmoid kernel function with slope gamma and intercept c
gamma = 0.5;
c = -1;
G = tanh(gamma*U*V' + c);
My Matlab script is
%% Train SVM Classifiers Using a Custom Kernel
rng(1); % For reproducibility
n = 100; % Number of points per quadrant
r1 = sqrt(rand(2*n,1)); % Random radius
t1 = [pi/2*rand(n,1); (pi/2*rand(n,1)+pi)]; % Random angles for Q1 and Q3
X1 = [r1.*cos(t1), r1.*sin(t1)]; % Polar-to-Cartesian conversion
r2 = sqrt(rand(2*n,1));
t2 = [pi/2*rand(n,1)+pi/2; (pi/2*rand(n,1)-pi/2)]; % Random angles for Q2 and Q4
X2 = [r2.*cos(t2), r2.*sin(t2)];
X = [X1; X2]; % Predictors
Y = ones(4*n,1);
Y(2*n + 1:end) = -1; % Labels
% Plot the data
title('Scatter Diagram of Simulated Data');
SVMModel1 = fitcsvm(X,Y,'KernelFunction','mysigmoid','Standardize',true);
% Compute the scores over a grid
d = 0.02; % Step size of the grid
[x1Grid,x2Grid] = meshgrid(min(X(:,1)):d:max(X(:,1)),...
xGrid = [x1Grid(:),x2Grid(:)]; % The grid
[~,scores1] = predict(SVMModel1,xGrid); % The scores
h(1:2) = gscatter(X(:,1),X(:,2),Y);
hold on;
h(3) = plot(X(SVMModel1.IsSupportVector,1),X(SVMModel1.IsSupportVector,2),...
% Support vectors
% Decision boundary
title('Scatter Diagram with the Decision Boundary');
legend({'-1','1','Support Vectors'},'Location','Best');
hold off;
CVSVMModel1 = crossval(SVMModel1);
misclass1 = kfoldLoss(CVSVMModel1);
Kernels add dimensions to a feature. If you have, for example, one feature for sample x={a} it will expand it into something like x= {a_1... a_q}. As you are doing this for all of your data at once, you are going to have a M x P (M is the number of examples in your training set and P is the number of features). The second matrix it asks for is P x N, where N is the number of examples in the training/test set.
That said, your output should be M x N. Since it is instead 1, it means that you have U = 1XM and V=Nx1 where N=M. To have an output of M x N logic follows that you should simply transpose your inputs.

Matlab: How do I simulate the model after state estimation from Kalman filter

I am trying to implement the basic Equations for Kalman filter for the following 1 dimensional AR model:
x(t) = a_1x(t-1) + a_2x(t-2) + w(t)
y(t) = Cx(t) + v(t);
The KF state space model :
x(t+1) = Ax(t) + w(t)
y(t) = Cx(t) + v(t)
w(t) = N(0,Q)
v(t) = N(0,R)
% A - state transition matrix
% C - observation (output) matrix
% Q - state noise covariance
% R - observation noise covariance
% x0 - initial state mean
% P0 - initial state covariance
%%% Matlab script to simulate data and process usiung Kalman for the state
%%% estimation of AR(2) time series.
% Linear system representation
% x_n+1 = A x_n + Bw_n
% y_n = Cx_n + v_n
% w = N(0,Q); v = N(0,R)
clear all
T = 100; % number of data samples
order = 2;
% True coefficients of AR model
a1 = 0.195;
a2 = -0.95;
A = [ a1 a2;
1 0 ];
C = [ 1 0 ];
B = [1;
x =[ rand(order,1) zeros(order,T-1)];
sigma_2_w =1; % variance of the excitation signal for driving the AR model(process noise)
sigma_2_v = 0.01; % variance of measure noise
%Simulate AR model time series, x;
%simulation of the system
for t = 1:T-1
x(:,t+1) = A*x(:,t) + B*sqrtW*randn(1,1);
%noisy observation
y = C*x + sqrt(sigma_2_v)*randn(1,T);
%R = diag(R);
R = var(y);
z = zeros(1,length(y));
z = y;
for i=1:T-1
[xpred, Ppred] = predict(x0,P, A, Q);
[nu, S] = innovation(xpred, Ppred, z(i), C, R);
[xnew, P] = innovation_update(xpred, Ppred, nu, S, C);
xhat = xnew';
hold on;
function [xpred, Ppred] = predict(x0,P, A, Q)
xpred = A*x0;
Ppred = A*P*A' + Q;
function [nu, S] = innovation(xpred, Ppred, y, C, R)
nu = y - C*xpred; %% innovation
S = R + C*Ppred*C'; %% innovation covariance
function [xnew, Pnew] = innovation_update(xpred, Ppred, nu, S, C)
K = Ppred*C'*inv(S); %% Kalman gain
xnew = xpred + K*nu; %% new state
Pnew = Ppred - Ppred*K*C; %% new covariance
Question: I want to see how close the estimated state xnew is to the actual state x by a plot. But, the xnew returned by the function innovation_update is a 2by2 matrix! How do I simulate a time series with the estimated values?
You don't need to initialise x to anything, just set the initial state x(:,1) and the "simulation of the system" loop will fill in the rest. Oops, I see you were already doing that!
Later, in the loop that infers the state xnew from the noisy observations y you can add the line:
[xnew, P] = innovation_update(xpred, Ppred, nu, S, C);
yhat(i) = C*xnew; % Observed value at time step i, assuming inferred state xnew
Finally, you should plot yhat and y for comparison.
If you want to add error bars for the uncertainty on the estimate then you should also store Phat(i) = sqrt(C*P*C') and call errorbar(yhat,Phat) instead of plot(yhat).

Matlab: Error in inverse operation when implementing Kalman filter

I am trying to implement the basic Equations for Kalman filter for the following 1 dimensional AR model:
x(t) = a_1x(t-1) + a_2x(t-2) + w(t)
y(t) = Cx(t) + v(t);
The KF state space model :
x(t+1) = Ax(t) + w(t)
y(t) = Cx(t) + v(t)
w(t) = N(0,Q)
v(t) = N(0,R)
% A - state transition matrix
% C - observation (output) matrix
% Q - state noise covariance
% R - observation noise covariance
% x0 - initial state mean
% P0 - initial state covariance
%%% Matlab script to simulate data and process usiung Kalman for the state
%%% estimation of AR(2) time series.
% Linear system representation
% x_n+1 = A x_n + Bw_n
% y_n = Cx_n + v_n
% w = N(0,Q); v = N(0,R)
clear all
T = 100; % number of data samples
order = 2;
% True coefficients of AR model
a1 = 0.195;
a2 = -0.95;
A = [ a1 a2;
0 1 ];
C = [ 1 0 ];
B = [1;
x =[ rand(order,1) zeros(order,T-1)];
sigma_2_w =1; % variance of the excitation signal for driving the AR model(process noise)
sigma_2_v = 0.01; % variance of measure noise
%Simulate AR model time series, x;
%simulation of the system
for t = 1:T-1
x(:,t+1) = A*x(:,t) + B*sqrtW*randn(1,1);
%noisy observation
y = C*x + sqrt(sigma_2_v)*randn(1,T);
R = diag(R);
z = zeros(1,length(y));
z = y;
for i=1:T-1
[xpred, Ppred] = predict(x0,P, A, Q);
[nu, S] = innovation(xpred, Ppred, z(i), C, R);
[xnew, P] = innovation_update(xpred, Ppred, nu, S, C);
xhat = xnew';
hold on;
function [xpred, Ppred] = predict(x0,P, A, Q)
xpred = A*x0;
Ppred = A*P*A' + Q;
function [nu, S] = innovation(xpred, Ppred, y, C, R)
nu = y - C*xpred; %% innovation
S = R + C*Ppred*C'; %% innovation covariance
function [xnew, Pnew] = innovation_update(xpred, Ppred, nu, S, C)
K = Ppred*C'*inv(S); %% Kalman gain
xnew = xpred + K*nu; %% new state
Pnew = Ppred - Ppred*K*C; %% new covariance
The code is throwing the error
Error using inv
Matrix must be square.
Error in innovation_update (line 2)
K = Ppred*C'*inv(S); %% Kalman gain
Error in Kalman_run (line 65)
[xnew, P] = innovation_update(xpred, Ppred, nu, S, C);
This is because S matrix is not square. How do I make it square? Is there a problem with the steps before that?
As far as I understand it, the R matrix is supposed to be the covariance matrix for the measurement noise.
The following lines:
R = diag(R);
Change R from a 2x2 diagonal matrix to a 2x1 column vector.
Since your observation y is a scalar, the observation noise v must also be a scalar. This means R is a 1x1 covariance matrix, or simply the variance of the random variable v.
You should make R a scalar for your code to work properly.