Drag something out of a form in C++ builder - drag-and-drop

I have made a form like this
there is only a label in the form, when I drag a file and drop the file in the form, the label will show the path of the files, just as shown above.
Now I am going to do something like this, I will open disk D: in explorer (MyComputer) and drag the label into the window and drop, and then the file AOP.mm will be copy to disk D:.
but when I drop the file, how can I get the target path, just like D:/dragToHere/?

In order to drag&drop something onto Windows Explorer, you must implement the IDropSource and IDataObject interfaces, and then call the DoDragDrop() function when you are ready to start a new drag operation. Or use a wrapper component/library, such as the TDropFileSource component in Ander Melander's Drag&Drop Suite (an updated version is on Github).
For what you are attempting, all you need to do is put the source filename from your TLabel into your IDataObject object formatted using the CF_HDROP clipboard format. Or, if using Anders' components, put the filename in the TDropFileSource::Files property. Windows Explorer itself can then copy the file when a drop is performed. You do not need to manage the copy yourself. In fact, it is actually very difficult (almost impossible) to determine the folder that is being dropped onto, so you are better off not even trying to do that. The target is supposed to handle the drop, so let Windows Explorer copy the file as it knows both the source file and the target folder.


Is it possible to use the patch utility to delete a file?

It is well known how to use patch to create a new file.
But how to do the opposite: delete an existing file with arbitrary content, or replace it with given content?
Context: suppose there's a directory in the Linux tree with a Makefile and/or Kconfig. I want to build only one custom module (driver) from the assortment they have there, for this I want to add my source file (this is easy) and also replace entire existing Makefile and Kconfig with my content (only the single line or block for my module).
I want to pack all this into a single patch file.
I don't want to modify the existing files because of high risk of conflicts in surrounding "context".

What is the best way to localize Markdown files in Weblate?

So I have been trialling Weblate using Docker, and pointing it at a Git repo with some .md files I want to localize. I believe a good way of doing this is to use po4a to first convert the .md (basically text) files to a Gettext .pot file then import these as individual components.
My main aim is to make the process as automated as possible but so far it looks like the steps will be something like this:
Convert from .md to .pot using po4a-getextize
Copy .pot file to .en.po file
Commit both files
Create new Component for this file in Weblate, manually putting in
the name of the '.pot' file
Add new languages to translate this Component to
Wait for translators to do their thing
Download all .po files
Convert back to original format with po4a-translate
Feels like I'm missing something with the way Weblate creates components... or how the .pot & .po files work together... ideally I'd like to automatically pick up and create Components when .potfile appear in the repo, then just set up some scripts outside Weblate to automate the conversion to/from the different file formats.
You can use component discovery or API to automatically create the components.

replace a library in perforce

I need to replace a library in a perforce depot. The library is checked in in the form of source files which are all managed by perforce.
Now the problem is that in the new version of the library there may be
unchanged files
changed files
new files and
some files may have been deleted
Of course I can just mark the whole source tree for delete, submit, copy the new version of the library to the directory in question, mark for add and submit again, but that would create a short interval of time in which no one should synchronize in order to not break his next build -- maybe that's the best option but I'd like to know whether there is a better approach.
A second solution is to copy the new version of the library to some other directory, update all references in order to reflect the new location, and then just delete the old library and mark the new one for add. This can be done in one change list. The unpleasant and error prone part here is to update the references. Also a change in the directory names is not really desired.
Does anyone know a way to do this in one step with one changelist? I experimented with a single file example. It actually is possible to mark a file for delete and then immediately create a file with the same name and mark that for add. If you do that and submit, then the result is exactly what I want for that single file. This procedure, however, seems to require touching each file manually. I could not figure out how to do that for a whole directory or directory tree.
One possibility is to use p4 reconcile to do the majority of the work, using a process such as:
In your workspace, remove the current copy of the source tree entirely: rm -rf top-directory-name (or del /s /q if you're on Windows).
copy the entire new copy of the source tree for the library into that location.
Run p4 reconcile and let it figure out what files to open for add, for edit, and for delete. CAREFULLY inspect the results by looking closely at p4 opened, p4 diff, etc.
Submit the new changelist.

Scratch output file .txt or similar

I want to know if there is an easy way to open a .txt file and load some comma delimited data into variables in Scratch and furthermore add some variable data from Scratch to a .txt file or similar?
I have done a fair bit of google searching but not come across anything so I thought I would ask you guys.
I would love to use Java or something but its for my school kids and I cannot teach them to do it in Java or something else as they need to do what they have to in Scratch which is annoying but something I cannot change.
Scratch does not have file IO capabilities, and i doubt it ever will.
The closest thing that i know of is importing/exporting a list. Right-click on the list watcher from the Scratch IDE, and export. It will produce a .txt file, with each list item on a new line. If you have a similarly formatting TXT file, you can import it using the same method. Each line corresponds to a list item. Comma delimited data doesn't work with this.
You can download and edit the json script for the Scratch project.
From the "See Inside" screen, File->Download to your computer.
Rename the file to have a ".zip" extension instead of just ".sb2".
Unzip the file to edit the "project.json" file.
Edit the list data under "ListName": "[your list]" as desired.
Reassemble the zip file
Remove the ".zip" extension. (Back to ".sb2")
Update the Scratch project by going to the original project and selecting File->Upload from your computer.
In this sample project I have a list called "Jobs". The project.json file has a section like this...
"listName": "Jobs",
"contents": ["Accountant",
Make whatever changes you want directly to the section for your list.
Currently, Scratch has no IO abilities, as the answer above me said, But there is a mechanism called JS extenions. Currently it's a closed beta, but when it will be released everyone would be able to program Javascript extensions for scratch. That means that you will be able to create a "Open file" block yourself.

How can I add a custom package to the startup path in Dymola/Modelica?

I have a custom package that I find myself reusing repeatedly in Dymola models, and I'd like to put this package in a common directory that is automatically loaded whenever I start Dymola. My current strategy is to load the custom package when a model I'm working on is loaded and then save total. This is not elegant because the contents of the custom package end up saved in multiple locations across my hard drive, and if I change one of them, the changes are not reflected everywhere. I would like a more robust way of distributing this custom package to all of my models. Is there a way to tell Dymola to automatically load my custom packaged every time?
The trick is to add the following lines to settings.mos in c:/Users/USERNAME/AppData/Roaming/Dynasim:
Utilities.setenv("MODELICAPATH", "C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Dymola");
The first line adds the directory to the path that Dymola uses to search for packages that have not been loaded prior to the first run of a model, and the second line loads the specified package. These two commands may be somewhat redundant, but I am doing both because I want to make sure my custom packages are on the path in addition to loading the UserDefined package.
Two suggestions. First, you need to add your package to the MODELICAPATH. You'll have to consult the Dymola documentation to figure out exactly what you need to do. But normally, what this means is that you have to set an environment variable that gives a list of directories (; separated) to be searched for your package. Now that will put it in your path so it can find it automatically, but it won't load it until it needs it.
If you want it to always appear in the package browser, you'll probably need to set up a .mos file (script) to load it. Dymola has that capability, but you'll have to read the manual to figure out what that script has to be called and where Dymola expects to find it.
I hope that helps.
In the instalation folder of Dymola 2018 -> insert -> dymola.mos
I've added the lines:
Utilities.setenv("MODELICAPATH", "C:\Users\XXXX\Documents\Dymola");
openModel(“C:\Users\XXXX\Documents\Dymola\Annex60 1.0.0\package.mo”);
Now I don't get the utilities sentence, as the DCOL package loads fine without it and the added 'utilities' package in the package menu is useless.
But it does not open the Annex60 package.
I've tried a lot of different combinations and can't get multiple packages to load. I doubt that "cd" and "Advanced.ParallelizeCode", which are also added in the text work.
The accepted answer does not work since Dymola 2017 FD01, as the file settings.mos is not used anymore. User settings are stored in the setup.dymx file instead, located in
In contrast to the setup.mos file you can not include custom lines with modelica script in setup.dymx.
The answer using dymola.mos still works, but you need admin privileges to modify this file.
Here is a simple solution which works with all Dyomola versions:
You can pass a .mos-script as first parameter to the dymola.exe.
This can e.g. be done like this:
Create a .mos script somewhere with commands like openModel(), etc.
Create a desktop shortcut to Dymola.exe
Open the properties of the shortcut and add the path to the .mos script in the Target text field. It will then look something like this:
"C:\Program Files\Dymola 2018 FD01\bin64\Dymola.exe" "C:\<some-path>\startup.mos"
Start Dymola with the desktop shortcut. The script will be executed and eventual errors or messages are displayed in the Commands window
Another suggestion where you don't need to hardcode your package into an environment variable of your operating system (and maybe more safe for inexperienced programmers):
Go to the folder where Dymola is installed (e.g. C:\Program Files\Dymola 2020).
Search for the Dymola.mos file in the insert-folder. 'insert' folder
Open the script (e.g., in notepad++)
Add the link(s) to your Dymola-library-package.mo file(s) here with the openModel statement
e.g., openModel("C:/IDEAS/package.mo"); Dymola.mos script
Save the script. Now, every time you open Dymola, your libraries will be loaded automatically.