MapQuest API key no longer working - mapquest

We have been using a MapQuest API key for a few years now but at some point in the last 24hrs or so the maps have stopped working and we are getting an error: "This key is not authorized for this service."
I logged in and it appeared our old key was removed and automatically generated a new key for the new Open Maps API.
I have since waited over an hour and still this new API key is giving this error message.
Does anyone know what the story is?

It seems like they have changed the URL for their API and failed to keep the old one operational. -Even in the AppKey manager they still reference the old URL yet looking in the new SDK documentation the API url has changed to a new subdomain.
To resolve my issue, I changed the URL for the MapQuest Javascript library from http(s):// to http(s)://
You can use either http:// or https:// depending on whether you prefer performance or security.
The end result, at least for their Javascript SDK, should look something like this:
<script src="<%= APIKey %>" type="text/javascript"></script>
EDIT: I also needed to use the new API key that was so kindly 'given' to me to replace the old one. Seems like they didn't pull all the old API keys accross and simply issued new ones to everone in response to their licensing changes.


Azure DevOps/VSTS REST API does not get changes of a changeset

I'm trying to to get the changes of a changeset but it returns 404. I used this:
changeset exists
without the '/changes' it works, returns the changeset info but I also need the merge sources
tried to specify the API version (e.g.: api-version-5.0)
I created a full control Personal Access Token for the client app but no luck. I tried to use this link in the browser and I got the same result: it works only without '/changes'.
What did I wrong?
As this is an old Q, this is for anyone else who has same problem, The projectname needs to be removed from the request.
You look at the docs and sure enough it's not there but most other REST calls require a project name, so it can be confusing.
Also the docs are not very clear that you can interchange https://{myName} for the documented{organization}

Google GTMAppAuth Redirect URL

I am using the Google GTMAppAuth with my swift project for authorisation. The thing is, I don't know what to put as a Rediret URL. I couldn't find anything on stack or anywhere else about what it is supposed to be. I am new to the google api so help would be appreciated.
After Successful creation of oauth2 credentials ( you will get client ID for your project.
Follow the below instructions...
kRedirectURI is reverse DNS notation form of the client ID. For example, if the client ID is, the reverse DNS notation would be com.googleusercontent.apps.YOUR_CLIENT. A path component is added resulting in com.googleusercontent.apps.YOUR_CLIENT:/oauthredirect.
Finally, open Info.plist and fully expand "URL types" (a.k.a. "CFBundleURLTypes") and replace com.googleusercontent.apps.YOUR_CLIENT with the reverse DNS notation form of your client id (not including the :/oauthredirect path component).
Once you have made those three changes, the sample should be ready to try with your new OAuth client.

I can't get my generated App Access Token to work

I'm trying to use my generated App Access Token with requests to the Graph API, but for some unknown reason it simply will not work. I always get the dreaded Invalid OAuth access token signature error.
Now, let me clarify: I'm pretty sure I know what I'm doing. I did get it to work with a different FB app. I used the /oauth/access_token call to generate the App Access Token, and I can use that Token successfully in further graph calls for that FB app.
But when I try it for my new FB application, it fails. This is the Rails snippet:
app_access_token = URI.escape(ENV["FACEBOOK_APP_ACCESS_TOKEN"])
url = "{user_access_token}&access_token=#{app_access_token}"
response = HTTParty.get(url)
I've also tried not-encoding the token; as expected, it doesn't work (and shouldn't).
I've double- and triple-checked my App ID and App Secret, and re-ran the generation (via curl), and I think it's all correct and copy/pasted without error. The only possibly-notable difference between the generated token of my old app and that of my new one is that the latter has a hyphen in it. Is that relevant?
I am currently working around this by using <App ID>|<App Secret> in place of the generated token, but I'd really like to get back to doing it the right way.
Argh! It turns out that I had a few extra characters that somehow got attached to the end of my generated token!
I don't know how those got there, but that was the problem. Just dumb old human error.
EDIT: Oh my god, every Facebook developer should know this page:
Why isn't that linked from the docs about the access token? It would have saved me so much time and probably prevented my mistake!

Unable to set Deezer playlist to private using api

I am working on a project where we create playlists in Deezer using the api, we have been doing this successfully since the call to make it was implemented. However one of our testers noticed today that the Playlists were no longer private. I can verify this is the case in the Deezer api explorer and in my code.
Go to (need to change id to a playlist that your account has created and use getToken feature)
Change the method to post
Add parameter public with value of false
Open console and watch response
Will return an "Input Error" message
The exact same thing is happening in my code when sending the same kind of request (including the token as a parameter) which has previously definitely worked as intended.
Do you know if the api has changed and I am missing some extra parameters or config? Or possibly there is error which is causing this?

redirect_uri and how to host callback.html on SoundCloud?

I am trying to access Soundcloud from a local HTML page on my laptop. I am stuck at the part of hosting "callback.html" as a redirect_uri. The script I am trying to run is the basic Authenication JavaScript from the Soundcloud documentation page:
<script src=""></script>
// initialize client with app credentials
client_id: 'my_client_id',
redirect_uri: ''
// initiate auth popup
SC.connect(function() {
SC.get('/me', function(me) {
alert('Hello, ' + me.username);
This script gets me to the connect pop-up when I launch the page in Chrome and Firefox.
But, once I have logged in as a Soundcloud user, I get the following error:
Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to
If I change my redirect_uri to localhost I get the same error.
If I try:
I get a similar error.
I also tried:
even though I'm not sure what would be listening on those ports.
So, basically, I'm asking what path do I put for callback.html in order for this to work?
I confess I don't know how the redirct_uri actually functions. I looked at the Oauth pages for it, but I don't understand them. I am beginning to think that I can't simply create an HTML page, paste the JavaScript, create a callback.html file and have this work, even though the SC documentation seems to say that this is possible. If so, what steps am I missing?
I am beginning to attempt this. I believe you have to go to the developer site and sign up as having an app. The redirect uri is asked for and the form gives you an API key you can use in your app.
I'm using drupal so, perhaps adding the oath module and using Php to add the api key might work well.
I had the same problem and I think I solved it.
Morning-after-edit: I posted this dead-tired after working towards a solution through the night. Now, the day after, I realize that you were speaking about the general problem, whereof I face a very particular instance. The following only applies directly to registering soundcloudlabs' soundcloud-group-recorder: There is probably a more general principle lurking behind there, though:
First: yes, you do have to register the app as your own at Soundcloud. At least I presumed so. And doing that, you must register correctly where on your server you will place the callback.html file. Take the ClientID assigned to your app and use that in the API intialize procedure.
Now, I'm a novice and know very little coding. But I started looking around in the main file, application.js.
At the top of the file there are two instances of client_id and redirect_uri each. I'm not sure if that serves a purpose or if one is technically superfluous. Through trial and error I found out that replacing the second instance of each with my own data worked.
Then there is groupId and groupUrl, both of which should contain your info, within quotation marks.
After a lot of trial and error, still having trouble getting the thing to run, I looked around and saw that, whereas early in the file, client_id was hooked within SC.initialize, redirect_uri was not. Under the line:
client_id: CLIENT_ID
I added:
redirect_uri: REDIRECT_URI
– with a customary comma in between. And that's it. It runs.