How to change font size of right axis of Pareto plot in Matlab - matlab

I am trying to bold the right side y axis for a Pareto plot in Matlab, but I can not get it to work. Does anyone have any suggestions? When I try to change the second dimension of ax, I get an error:
"Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
Error in pcaCluster (line 66)
xlabel('Principal Component','fontweight','b','fontsize',20)
ylabel('Variance Explained (%)','fontweight','b','fontsize',20)

Actually you need to add an output argument during the call to pareto and you will then get 2 handles (the line and the bar series) as well as 2 axes. You want to get the YTickLabel property of the 2nd axes obtained. So I suspect that in your call to pareto above you do not need to supply the ax argument.
[handlesPareto, axesPareto] = pareto(explained,X);
Now if you use this command:
RightYLabels = get(axesPareto(2),'YTickLabel')
you get the following (or something similar):
RightYLabels =
What you can do is actually to erase them altogether and replace them with text annotations, which you can customize as you like. See here for a nice demonstration.
Applied to your problem (with dummy values from the function docs), here is what you can do:
close all
y = [90,75,30,60,5,40,40,5];
[hPareto, axesPareto] = pareto(y);
%// Get the poisition of YTicks and the YTickLabels of the right y-axis.
yticks = get(axesPareto(2),'YTick')
RightYLabels = cellstr(get(axesPareto(2),'YTickLabel'))
%// You need the xlim, i.e. the x limits of the axes. YTicklabels are displayed at the end of the axis.
xl = xlim;
%// Remove current YTickLabels to replace them.
%// Add new labels, in bold font.
for k = 1:numel(RightYLabels)
BoldLabels(k) = text(xl(2)+.1,yticks(k),RightYLabels(k),'FontWeight','bold','FontSize',18);
xlabel('Principal Component','fontweight','b','fontsize',20)
ylabel('Variance Explained (%)','fontweight','b','fontsize',20)
which gives this:
You can of course customize everything you want like this.

That is because ax is a handle to the (first/left) axes object. It is a single value and with ax(1) you got lucky, its ax again, but ax(2) is simply not valid.
I suggest to read the docs about how to get the second axis. Another good idea always is to open the plot in the plot browser, click whatever object you want so it is selected and then get its handle by typing gco (get current object) in the command window. You can then use it with set(gco, ...).


GCA function doen't work to change axis-labels

I try to present 8 (name) labels on my x-axis. Instead, I get number 1 to 8.
Problem: In my previous asked question, I used gca function, that allows me to change axis labels. However, the same gca function doesn't work here.
This is my MatLab output:
Instead of 1,...8, I want to see Firm1...Firm8!
This is my code:
%four variables:
%pi --> 8x1 vector
%E_R_BL_Idzorek --> 8x1 vector
%pi_star1 --> 8x1 vector
%ER_100_TF1 --> 8x1 vector
ALL_DATA=[pi(1,1) E_R_BL_Idzorek(1,1) pi_star1(1,1) ER_100_TF1(1,1);pi(2,1) E_R_BL_Idzorek(2,1) pi_star1(2,1) ER_100_TF1(2,1);pi(3,1) E_R_BL_Idzorek(3,1) pi_star1(3,1) ER_100_TF1(3,1);pi(4,1) E_R_BL_Idzorek(4,1) pi_star1(4,1) ER_100_TF1(4,1);pi(5,1) E_R_BL_Idzorek(5,1) pi_star1(5,1) ER_100_TF1(5,1);pi(6,1) E_R_BL_Idzorek(6,1) pi_star1(6,1) ER_100_TF1(6,1);pi(7,1) E_R_BL_Idzorek(7,1) pi_star1(7,1) ER_100_TF1(7,1);pi(8,1) E_R_BL_Idzorek(8,1) pi_star1(8,1),ER_100_TF1(8,1)];
%plotting it with a bar function
%This is where I have problem with gca function
%this is the grid part:
grid on
ll = cell(1,4);
ll{1}='pi'; ll{2}='ERidz'; ll{3}='piTF'; ll{4}='ERTF';
You are using a newer version of MATLAB so you should use the newer graphics system. The newer system is based on objects. This makes setting properties of things like axes easier. For example:
fh = figure; % creates the figure window save the figure handle to set it's properties
ax = axes(fh); % creates the axes in the figure, again save the object
x = rand(8,100);
h = bar(ax, x); % create the bar graph in your axes object
% now use the saved object to access the exact feature you want. This way you always have the thing you want. No searching.
ax.XTickLabel = {'Firm1','Firm2','Firm3','Firm4','Firm5','Firm6','Firm7','Firm8'};
Saving the objects is also handy for tracking legends and other things. For example: legend(ax,... You know exactly which legend you're dealing with.
What appears to be happening is that you are correctly changing the XTicks as you want but then you overwrite your graph with legend(bar(.... That creates a new bar graph. Try changing that line to just legend(ll). I would still suggest using the object system.
It seems the problem is that you redraw the bar when you run
You should simply do

Accessing legend entries exceeds matrix dimensions

I am trying to plot some data with Matlab R2015a and as the data sets are changing for different plots I want to create the legend (semi-)automatically. I do this with a list of strings (called list) and then
leg = legend(list);
a.s.o. according to the entries.
However, no matter what index I give in the 'set(legtxt(i))' part, Matlab always tells me 'Index exceeds matrix dimensions.' Same, if I create the the legend manually by not using 'legend(list)' but explicitly typing the legend entries. Does anyone know why this happens or how to solve it? Thanks!
You need to use additional outputs from the call to legend. Specifically, check out the 2nd output called icons in the docs.
As for the error, the call to findobj(...) yields an empty vector, so matrix dimensions are indeed exceeded. Indeed (from the docs):
Starting in R2014b, the legend function returns a legend object. In
previous releases it returns an axes object.
So maybe that's why you can't use findobj to fetch legend text...
Anyhow here is how to solve your problem. In this example I create 3 plots and change the color of the text of the 1st and 2nd entry inside the legend:
x = 1:10;
y1 = sin(x);
y2 = cos(x);
y3 = x;
list = {'y1';'y2';'y3'};
%// You want to play with icons and possibly plots.
[leg,icons,plots,str] = legend(list)
Of course you can use the plots output to change any property you want of the plots to make them fit with their legend entry.

How to set x and y values when using bar3 in Matlab?

Quick version
How can I control the x- and y-values for a 3-d bar plot in Matlab?
Say we have an 10 x 20 data matrix and we plot it using bar3, and we want to set the x- and y-values. For instance:
foodat = rand(10,20);
xVals = [5:14];
yVals = [-3:16];
bar3(xVals, foodat);
xlabel('x'); ylabel('y');
Is there a way to feed it the yVals as well? Otherwise the y axes always defaults to [1:N].
Note I don't just want to change the labels using XTickLabel and YTickLabel. I need to change the actual values on the axes, because I am plotting multiple things in the same figure. It isn't enough to just change how the (wrong) axis ticks are labeled. So this is different from issues like this:
How can I adjust 3-D bar grouping and y-axis labeling in MATLAB?
Other things I have tried
When I try changing the xvals with:
set(gca,'XTick', xVals)
set(gca,'YTick', yVals)
The values are taken in, but actually show up on the wrong axes, so it seems x and y axes are switched using bar3. Plus, it is too late anyway as the bar graph was already plotted with the wrong x- and y-values, so we would end up giving ticks to empty values.
Note added
Matlab tech support just emailed me to let me know about the user contributed function scatterbar3, which does what I want, in a different way than the accepted answer:
I found a way of doing it. Ill give you a piece of code, then you'll need to "tidy up" , mainly the axis limits and the Xticks, as bar3 does set up the Xticks inside, so if you want others you'll need to set them manually yourself.
So the trick here is to get the Xdata from the bar3 handle. The thing here is that it seems that there is a handle for each row of the data, so you need to iterate for each of them. Here is the code with the current output:
foodat = rand(20,10);
xVals = [5:14];
yVals = [-3:16];
% The values of Y are OK if called like this.
bar3(yVals, foodat);
h=bar3(yVals, foodat);
axis tight
% Widdth of barplots is 0.8
for ii=1:length(Xdat)
axis([(min(xVals(:))-0.5) (max(xVals(:))+0.5) min(yVals(:))-0.5, max(yVals(:))+0.5])
Note: Y looks different but is not.
As you can see now the X values are the ones you wanted. If you'd want other size than 1 for the intervals between them you'd need to change the code, but you can guess how probably!

How to display slope on a plot in Matlab

I used the regress function to find the slope for some data I plotted. I have managed to plot the data and the fitted line both on the same plot. I know how to make it clear that the fitted line is the slope, but I would also like to add a box in corner of the graph (dont care where) that shows the actual value of the slope (basically shows the value that the regress function returns), and I'm trying to find a way to do this automatically (like if there's a function for that or something). Can anybody help (I hope I explained my question well enough...)?
I didn't try to recreate your slope line but have you considered using an annotation?
x = [-1:.2:1];
annotation('textbox', [.4 .4 .1 .1], 'String', ...
['slope at x = 0.6 is: ',num2str(2*.6)]);
Which shows:
Of course you can control how the box is positioned, formatted, and so forth.
Check the help files for more detailed info. In some cases you might also consider using a legend().
The function text adds text to a figure. It requires a position and a string to display. In addition, you can highly customize the appearance of the text. For example:
x = 1:100;
y = randn(size(x)) + 0.3*x;
p = polyfit(x,y,1);
hold on;
plot(x, polyval(p,x),'k-');
h = text(min(xlim(gca)), max(ylim(gca)), ...
sprintf('%fx + %f', p(1), p(2)),...
Then, to see the various settinsg you can change, look at:
Those properties can almost all be changes at creation (like verticalalignment above) or after creation (e.g. set(h, verticalalignment, 'top')).

Save exact image output from imagesc in matlab

Hi , I want to save this image produced from imagesc(magic(3)), the exact rainbow representation, is it possible?
This question might look like a duplicate , but it is not . I looked at the solution to the similar question at this site , but it did not satisfy me .
I have looked into the Matlab help center and the close answer that I got was this one , at the bottom of
To save the figure as a file (don't matter how it was created), one should do:
where figureHandle could be the gcf handle, which means: get current figure.
As pointed in the discussion, if someone doesn't want the ticks to be shown, the person can add:
where gca is the handle to the current axis, just as gcf. If you have more than one axis, don't forget to "handle the handles". They are returned to you when you create them, i.e.:
hFig = figure(pairValuedProperties); % Create and get the figure handle
hAxes1 = suplot(2,1,1,pairValuedProperties); % Create and get the upper axes handle
hAxes2 = suplot(2,1,2,pairValuedProperties); % Create and get the bottom axes handle
where the pair value are the figure or axes properties declared in the following syntax:
Here are the matlab documentation about the Figure and Axes Properties, and about the saveas method.
The image saved with the following code:
set(gca,'XTick',[]) % Remove the ticks in the x axis!
set(gca,'YTick',[]) % Remove the ticks in the y axis
set(gca,'Position',[0 0 1 1]) % Make the axes occupy the hole figure
You can use:
print -djpeg99 'foo.jpg'
This will save it as 'foo.jpg' as you need.
You can use the following code
%%saving the image
hgexport(gcf, 'figure1.jpg', hgexport('factorystyle'), 'Format', 'jpeg');
set(gcf,'PaperUnits','inches','PaperPosition',[0 0 4 4]);
print -djpeg filename.jpg -r10
Here A will be the matrix from which you will have an image. And the image will be saved as filename.jpg in the directory.