Why quadratic plots giving error with matlab? - matlab

I am trying to plot as below:-
Why does this give the following error:-
Error using ^
Inputs must be a scalar and a square matrix.
To compute elementwise POWER, use POWER (.^) instead.
The objective is to plot a quadratic function only. SO i modified the above as follows:-
The error persisted:-
Error using *
Inner matrix dimensions must agree.
Where am i going wrong?

You want either
MATLAB automatically uses the * operator for matrix multipilcation when both operands are arrays, and uses the ^ for matrix multiplication when the left operand is an array. This applies to both one- and two-dimensional arrays.
x*x and x^2 are trying to matrix-multiply a 1x11 array by a 1x11 array, which makes no sense, hence the Inner matrix dimensions must agree. error.
To perform element-wise operations on arrays, you must prefix the operator with a .. For example, x.*x performs element-wise multiplication and x.^2 performs element-wise exponentiation.
See below:
>> A = magic(3)
A =
8 1 6
3 5 7
4 9 2
>> A*A % or A^2 do matrix multiplication
ans =
91 67 67
67 91 67
67 67 91
>> A.*A % or A.^2 do element-wise multiplication, (the square of each element)
64 1 36
9 25 49
16 81 4


What the meaning of this index in MATLAB?

data = reshape(1:21504,[256,4,21]);
I test some indexes, such as:
data(:,5:4:end) ~= data(:,5:4:end,1)
data(:,5:4:end) ~= data(:,1,5:4:end)
So what is the meaning of data(:,5:4:end)?
I test some other indexes, such as:
data(1,1) == data(1,1,1)
data(1,1:3) == data(1,1:3,1)
And find some strange behavior ,such as data(1,1:10,1) returns error but data(1,1:10) is ok.
So What's happening here?
How can I understand this mechanism?
>> size(data)
ans =
256 4 21
data(1,1:10,1) selects column 1-10 from first row (all three dimensions are explicitly set), but there are only 4 columns. Therefore the error.
data(1,1:10), on the other hand, uses Linear indexing, which interpretes dimensions 2 and 3 as one long strung of values and selects its first 10 values.
Linear Indexing
What does this expression A(14) do?
When you index into the matrix A using only one subscript, MATLAB treats A as if its elements were strung out in a long column vector, by going down the columns consecutively, as in:
The expression A(14) simply extracts the 14th element of the implicit column vector. Indexing into a matrix with a single subscript in this way is often called linear indexing.
Here are the elements of the matrix A along with their linear indices:
The linear index of each element is shown in the upper left.
From the diagram you can see that A(14) is the same as A(2,4).
The single subscript can be a vector containing more than one linear index, as in:
A([6 12 15])
ans =
11 15 12
Consider again the problem of extracting just the (2,1), (3,2), and (4,4) elements of A. You can use linear indexing to extract those elements:
A([2 7 16])
ans =
5 7 1
That's easy to see for this example, but how do you compute linear indices in general? MATLAB provides a function called sub2ind that converts from row and column subscripts to linear indices. You can use it to extract the desired elements this way:
idx = sub2ind(size(A), [2 3 4], [1 2 4])
ans =
2 7 16
ans =
5 7 1
(Copied from http://de.mathworks.com/company/newsletters/articles/matrix-indexing-in-matlab.html)
data(:, 5:4:end) will access all elements in the first dimension of data and starting from index 5 every 4th index until the last index in the second dimension of data. The syntax for this indexing technique can be explained like this:
If data has more dimensions than you used for indexing, this will assume : for every dimension after that.
To sum up my question:
data(:,:,1) =
1 3 5
2 4 6
data(:,:,2) =
7 9 11
8 10 12
data(:,:,3) =
13 15 17
14 16 18
data(:,:,4) =
19 21 23
20 22 24
Using this example you can know what Matlab doing:
ans =
ans =
ans =
1 23
2 24
ans =
9 17
10 18
If you use data(:,13),it throws an error.

The im2col algorithm for ND input

I am trying to write my own im2col algorithm for input dimensions > 2D.
Currently I am looking at the Matlab im2col implementation. However, I cannot find any documentation regarding what is going on for any input of more than 2 dimensions.
I do get an output if I feed in a 3D tensor into the function. However I don't really understand how you get from 2D to ND. The fact that this isn't mentioned in the documentation suggests that its something straightforward, still, I don't get it.
Heck, I dont even understand why the size of the output matrix is the size it is.
Let me just start by saying that im2col is only intended for 2D matrices. The fact that it sometimes worked (and by that I mean returned a result without throwing an error) is just a happy coincidence.
Now I took a peek at edit im2col.m, and without studying the code too much, the first line of each of the distinct and sliding methods should give you an intuition of what's happening:
if strcmp(kind, 'distinct')
[m,n] = size(a);
elseif strcmp(kind,'sliding')
[ma,na] = size(a);
First recall that [s1,s2] = size(arr) where arr is a 3d array will collapse the size of 2nd and 3rd dimension into one size. Here's the relevant doc size:
[d1,d2,d3,...,dn] = size(X) returns the sizes of the dimensions of the array X, provided the number of output arguments n equals ndims(X). If n < ndims(X), di equals the size of the ith dimension of X for 0<i<n, but dn equals the product of the sizes of the remaining dimensions of X, that is, dimensions n through ndims(X).
So basically for an array of size M-by-N-by-P, the function instead thinks it's a matrix of size M-by-(N*P). Now MATLAB has some quirky indexing rules that lets you do things like:
>> x = reshape(1:4*3*2,4,3,2)
x(:,:,1) =
1 5 9
2 6 10
3 7 11
4 8 12
x(:,:,2) =
13 17 21
14 18 22
15 19 23
16 20 24
>> x(:,:)
ans =
1 5 9 13 17 21
2 6 10 14 18 22
3 7 11 15 19 23
4 8 12 16 20 24
which is what I think ended up happening here. Here is an example to confirm the behavior of im2col on an RGB image:
% normal case (grayscale image)
>> M = magic(5);
>> B1 = im2col(M, [3 3], 'sliding');
% (RGB image)
>> MM = cat(3, M, M+50, M+100);
>> B2 = im2col(MM, [3 3], 'sliding');
>> B3 = im2col(reshape(MM, [5 5*3]), [3 3], 'sliding');
>> assert(isequal(B2,B3))
Note that B2 and B3 are equal, so basically think of the result of im2col on an array arr = cat(3,R,G,B) to be the same as that of arr = cat(2,R,G,B) (concatenated horizontally).
Interestingly, you won't get so lucky with "distinct" blocks method:
>> B1 = im2col(M, [3 3], 'distinct') % works
% ..snip..
>> B2 = im2col(MM, [3 3], 'distinct') % errors
Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch.
Error in im2col (line 59)
aa(1:m,1:n) = a;
Now that we understand what was happening, let's think how to do this properly for 3D arrays.
In my opinion to implement im2col for color images, I would just run it on each color channel separately (each being a 2d matrix), and concatenate the result along the third dimension. So something like this wrapper function:
function B = im2col_rgb(img, sz, varargin)
B = cell(1,size(img,3));
for i=1:size(img,3)
B{i} = im2col(img(:,:,i), sz, varargin{:});
B = cat(3, B{:});

how to multiply two unequal matrices in matlab?

c1=[1 2 3 4 5 6];
c2=[4 5 6 7 8 9 10];
c3=[3 5 7 11 12 13];
i want multiply c1 and c2 which is an unequal matrix. I'm getting the following error:
??? Error using ==> times
Matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in ==> batwsn at 13
The rule for matrix multiplication is that two matrices can be multiplied only when the number of columns in the first equals the number of rows in the second. This is a mathematical principle so basically you should not expect MatLab to do it.
The closest you can come is to pad one of the matrices with zeros to get the dimensions to match the rules - but you may not get the results you are expecting.

Error with ^2, says matrix should be square

I wanted to plot the following
i am getting an error with y^2, it says matrix should be square.
is there another way to plot.
You are not getting that error because of plot. You are getting it because of
Instead, you should be using
^ means matrix power. .^ is elementwise power. You can find more about MATLAB operators here.
Let's say you have a 3x3 matrix, magic(3).
A =
8 1 6
3 5 7
4 9 2
Here is square of matrix A (which is A*A, as Dan suggested):
ans =
91 67 67
67 91 67
67 67 91
Here is the matrix which contains squares of A's elements:
ans =
64 1 36
9 25 49
16 81 4
Just as an alternative to the above answer, you can consider the following case:
A = magic(3);
temp = bsxfun(#times,A,A);
which retrieves the same results as
temp = A.^2;
the . operator will apply your square element-wise. bsxfun makes exactly the same.
I hope this helps.

Physical significance of the rotation of the filter matrix in filter2 function

While using MATLAB 2D filter funcion filter2(B,X) and convolution function conv(X,B,''), I see that the filter2 function is essentially 2D convolution but with a rotation by 180 degrees of the filter coefficients matrix. In terms of the outputs of filter2 and conv2, I see that the below relation holds true:
output matrix of filter2 = each element negated of output of conv2
EDIT: I was incorrect; the above relation does not hold true in general, but I saw it for a few cases. In general, the two output matrices are unrelated, due to the fact that 2 entirely different kernels are obtained in both which are used for convolution.
I understand how 2D convolution is performed. What I want to understand is the implication of this in image processing terms. How do I visualize what is happening here? What does it mean to rotate a filter coefficient matrix by 180 degrees?
I'll start with a very brief discussion of convolution, using the following image from Wikipedia:
As illustrated, convolving two 1-D functions involves reflecting one of them (i.e. the convolution kernel), sliding the two functions over one another, and computing the integral of their product.
When convolving 2-D matrices, the convolution kernel is reflected in both dimensions, and then the sum of the products is computed for every unique overlapping combination with the other matrix. This reflection of the kernel's dimensions is an inherent step of the convolution.
However, when performing filtering we like to think of the filtering matrix as though it were a "stencil" that is directly laid as is (i.e. with no reflections) over the matrix to be filtered. In other words, we want to perform an equivalent operation as a convolution, but without reflecting the dimensions of the filtering matrix. In order to cancel the reflection performed during the convolution, we can therefore add an additional reflection of the dimensions of the filter matrix before the convolution is performed.
Now, for any given 2-D matrix A, you can prove to yourself that flipping both dimensions is equivalent to rotating the matrix 180 degrees by using the functions FLIPDIM and ROT90 in MATLAB:
A = rand(5); %# A 5-by-5 matrix of random values
isequal(flipdim(flipdim(A,1),2),rot90(A,2)) %# Will return 1 (i.e. true)
This is why filter2(f,A) is equivalent to conv2(A,rot90(f,2),'same'). To illustrate further how there are different perceptions of filter matrices versus convolution kernels, we can look at what happens when we apply FILTER2 and CONV2 to the same set of matrices f and A, defined as follows:
>> f = [1 0 0; 0 1 0; 1 0 0] %# A 3-by-3 filter/kernel
f =
1 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
>> A = magic(5) %# A 5-by-5 matrix
A =
17 24 1 8 15
23 5 7 14 16
4 6 13 20 22
10 12 19 21 3
11 18 25 2 9
Now, when performing B = filter2(f,A); the computation of output element B(2,2) can be visualized by lining up the center element of the filter with A(2,2) and multiplying overlapping elements:
17*1 24*0 1*0 8 15
23*0 5*1 7*0 14 16
4*1 6*0 13*0 20 22
10 12 19 21 3
11 18 25 2 9
Since elements outside the filter matrix are ignored, we can see that the sum of the products will be 17*1 + 4*1 + 5*1 = 26. Notice that here we are simply laying f on top of A like a "stencil", which is how filter matrices are perceived to operate on a matrix.
When we perform B = conv2(A,f,'same');, the computation of output element B(2,2) instead looks like this:
17*0 24*0 1*1 8 15
23*0 5*1 7*0 14 16
4*0 6*0 13*1 20 22
10 12 19 21 3
11 18 25 2 9
and the sum of the products will instead be 5*1 + 1*1 + 13*1 = 19. Notice that when f is taken to be a convolution kernel, we have to flip its dimensions before laying it on top of A.