Creating test in NeoLoad from WSDL with http authentication - soap

I am creating a performancetest in the tool NeoLoad for several webservices.
You can insert a soap request in your test.
After hitting this option in the menu a window opens in which you have to enter a wsdl(-location) or choose for creating everything manual.
When i enter the WSDL location an error is given (http status code 401).
When i open the same location in a webbrowser i am asked for login credentials.
However in NeoLoad i don't get this question.
I tried adding userid and pasword to the location ( but then the 401 error was given for the xsd's mentioned in the wsdl.
Has anyone got an idea how to solve this?

I can propose a workaround: open the WSDL with your browser, download it with its related files (includes...) and pick the file on the disk from NeoLoad.

As a workaround i added the WSDL in SoapUI and created thespecific call in there.
In SoapUI in have to sett user and password on a few places.
Then i change the proxy used bij SoapUI tot localhost:8090 (NeoLoad).
I press the records button in NeoLOad, hit play in SoapUI and after getting and awnser in SoapUI i stop the recording in NeoLoad.

Neotys fixed this problem in NeoLoad 5.1.4


How do I know Splunk REST API Base URL?

We have Splunk deployed in (url modified).
and able to access Splunk Web home page on (url modified).
I am building a dashboard application which uses the JSON data provided by Splunk REST services.
I have gone through the link and rest end points as here.
From above links I got know
I need to make post request to services/auth/login with username and password. This returns session key which will be used in further API calls.
Have to make post request to services/search/jobs to create a search. This returns search id.
I need to check services/search/jobs/ for search complete.
If search complete Then I can retrieve results using services/search/jobs//results.
The problem here I facing is I don't know whats the base URL. I tried constructing and etc but not working.
Any help appreciated. Thanks
I had the same question earlier. Well here is an workaround to find out the REST API Base URL. I found this solution by accident in fact.
In the Firefox browser, open the Web Developer / Network tool, to inspect the URLs between your local computer and the Splunk server
Logon to the Splunk via Web Interface
We assume you had finished a search beforehand, so there should be an Job stored on the Server already. Then, we click the Activity / Jobs link at the right top location of the window
There will be a list of jobs listed. Choose any job, click the Job / Delete Job button, then the Job search result will be deleted.
In the Web Developer tool, inspect the URL when deleting the job
For me, I got an URL looks like:
The top secret is: the URL before /services/ is the REST API Base URL. In this case, the base URL is:
Test the Base URl
We can try this Base URL for login with CURL:
curl --insecure -d username=your-user -d password=your-password
We got the following result:
So the test is succeed. We have proven the base URL works.
Good luck.

use pingdom to monitor soap service

I'm sending a SOAP request to my server via Pingdom -- just put the XML content in the POST data field.
When clicking "Test Check", the button greys out for a few seconds and then comes back.
I've tried with SoapUI and Postman respectively, it works there -- is this possible with Pingdom at all?
OK, found the answer myself -- Pingdom can do this without a problem, I only needed to remove line breaks from the SOAP message.

PHPStorm REST Client - Basic Authentication

I have written my own API which requires basic authentication, such as:
I can call resources using urls such as:
I wish to be able to use the REST client in PHPStorm but I cannot work out how to send my authentication details. Does anyone know how to do this? Do you have to setup a Proxy server, or can you pass the authentication somehow in the URI above?
Any help would be appreciated.
For usage Basic Auth you will need send header 'Authorization', for example:
Authorization: Basic amFuc29uQG1haWwucnU6MTIzNDU2
Value of this header you can get from debug console of your browser (firebug in FireFox or developer tools in Chrome). Start GET request from your browser, when you will need authorize - do it. Than open debug console 'network' tab and try this request one more time.
Now you will find in headers new one 'Authorization', that formed by browser when you was authorized.
Just copy content of this header and use it in PhpStorm REST-client.

Force the browser to send some HTTP request header

I need to include some secure (BASIC authentication) application.
when I open the application URL in the browser, the browser asks me to enter your credentials ...
what I know is that:
The browser ask the server to get
some URL -- the url of the app
The server checks the request header
for the Authentication header and
didn't find it
The server sends 401 to the
browser back
The browser interpret this response
code into a message dialog that
shows to me asking me to enter the
username/password to send back to
the server in the Authentication
request header
So far... so good, I can write some page (in JSP) that send this required http request header to the request that is calling this page..
So I'll call this application through my page..
The problem here is, this application (in fact a GWT application) contains a reference to some Javascript and CSS files that is coming from the server that hosts this application. the application page that I import looks like:
<link href="http://application_host/cssfile.css" />
<link href="http://application_host/javascriptfile.js" />
So, again I found the application asks me for the authentication crenditals for the css and js files!
I am thinking of many solutions but don't know the applicability of each
One solution is to ask the browser
(via Javascript) to send the request
header (Authentication) when he
asks the server for the js and css
please give me your opinions about that... and any other suggestions will be very welcomed.
I think you're running into some weirdness with how your server is configured. Authentication happens in context of a authentication realm. Your assets should either be in the same authentication realm as your page, or (more likely) should not require authentication at all. The browser should be caching credentials for the given realm, and not prompt for them again.
See the protocol example on
Judging from your story, something tells me your problem is with the authentication method itsef. Not how to implement it. Why do you want to bother with the request header so much?
As far as i know, you can configure your container (ie Tomcat) to force http authentication for certain urls. Your container will make sure that authentication has taken place. No need to set http headers yourself whatsoever.
Perhaps you can explain a bit better what you are trying to achieve, instead of telling implementation details?
Why css & js files are kept in protected area of server? You need to place files into public area of your server. If you don't have public area, so you nead to prpvide for it. how to do it depends from serverside software architecture & configuration.

why do i get this error "Unknown host http:80"?

i'm developing an application for blackbery, i'm displaying a webpage using Eclipse and net.rim.device.api.browser.field.* api when i click a submit buttom in a form i get this error "Unknown host http:80", can anyone helpme?
Don't know anything about Blackberries, but it looks like you're entering a URL where your program is only expecting a host name.
It sounds like form on the web page is not properly set up, causing the post action to post to an invalid URL. It would help if you included the app code and the form HTML.
In this 2005 forum thread people complain about getting that kind of error on their Blackberries.
I'm on the server side and I can see some Proxy servers trying to access my server with either HTTP/1.0 and no HTTP_HOST (which my app requires) or using the wrong HTTP_HOST.
For example, I am getting requests for , , . My server doesn't host those domains so the response is obviously not any of the sites on the server, and instead I'm giving back an error.
So, it might be that your Blackberry is not providing the right HTTP_HOST to the server (or none at all) and the server doesn't know what to do with it.
To me, that's Blackberry (or whatever proxy that might exist between you and the server) 's fault.