Roster/Timetable generation - discrete-mathematics

I'm working on a tool to generate a timetable for employee up to a month taking into account commercial and labor law constraints. Few challenges and difference from similar problem:
The shift concept contains breaks split up to half an hour.
There is no concept of full 8 shifts as the referred similar problem. e.g. There is a need to have 2 resources at 8am, 2.5 resources at 3PM (e.g. give half hour break)..
and regular constraints like hours per day, hours before break, break time...
Possible solutions is to rely on using a solver aka OR-Tools and Optaplanner. any hints?

If you go with OptaPlanner and don't want to follow the Employee Rostering design of assigning 8 hours Shifts (planning entities) to Employees (planning value), because of your 2th constraint,
then you could try to follow the Cheap Time Example design, something like this:
#PlanningEntity public class WorkAssignment {
Employee employee;
#PlanningVariable PotentialShiftStartTime startTime
#PlanningVariable int durationInHalfHours
PotentialShiftStartTime is basically any time a shift can validly start, so Mon 8:00, Mon 8:30, Mon 9:00, etc.
The search space will be huge, in this free form way, but there are tricks to improve scalability (Nearby Selection, pick early for CH, Limited Selection for CH, ...).
To get out of the free form way (= to reduce the search space), you might be able to combine startTime and durationInHalfHours into PotentialShift, if for example it's not possible to start a 8 hour shift at 16:00 in the afternoon. But make sure the gain is huge before introducing that complexity.
In any case, the trouble with this design is determining how many WorkAssignment instances to create. So you'll probably want to create the max number possible per employee and work with nullable=true to ignore unused assignments.


Rewards instead of penalty in optaplanner

So I have lectures and time periods and some lectures need to be taught in a specific time period. How do i do that?
Does scoreHolder.addHardConstraintMatch(kcontext, 10); solve this as a hard constraint? Does the value of positive 10 ensure the constraint of courses being in a specific time period?
I'm aware of the Penalty pattern but I don't want to make a lot of CoursePeriodPenalty objects. Ideally, i'd like to only have one CoursePeriodReward object to say that CS101 should be in time period 9:00-10:00
Locking them with Immovable planning entities won't work as I suspect you still want OptaPlanner to decide the room for you - and currently optaplanner only supports MovableSelectionFilter per entity, not per variable (vote for the open jira for that).
A positive hard constraint would definitely work. Your score will be harder to interpret for your users though, for example a solution with a hard score of 0 won't be feasible (either it didn't get that +10 hard points or it lost 10 hard points somewhere else).
Or you could add a new negative hard constraint type that says if != desiredTimeslot then loose 10 points.

Postgresql Modeling Ranges

I'm looking to model a group of users that provider various services that take various times and hoping to build on the relatively new ranges datetypes that Postgresql supports to make things a lot cleaner.
time_required|integer #in hours
Services vary between users, some might be identical but takes one user 2 hours and another just 1 hour.
Searching for bookings that occur within, or not within a given time period are easy. I'm having trouble figuring out how best I would get all the users who have time available on a given day to perform one or more of their services.
I think I need to find the inverse of their booked ranges, bound by 6am/8pmn on a given day and then see if the largest range within that set will fit their smallest service, but figuring out how express that in SQL is eluding me.
Is it possible to do inverses of ranges, or would their be a better way to approach this?
The question isn't entirely clear, but if I get it right you're look for the lead() or lag() window function to compute available time slots. If so, this should put you on the right track:
select bookings.*, lead("time") over (order by "time") as next_booking_time
from bookings

Are "swap move factories" worth the effort?

I noticed that for problems such as Cloudbalancing, move factories exist to generate moves and swaps. A "move move" transfers a cloud process from one computer to another. A "swap move" swaps any two processes from their respective computers.
I am developing a timetabling application.
A subjectTeacherHour (a combination of subject and teacher) have
only a subset of Periods to which they may be assigned. If Jane teaches 6 hours at a class, there are 6 subjectTeacherHours each which have to be allocated a Period, from a possible 30 Periods of that class ;unlike the cloudbalance example, where a process can move to any computer.
Only one subjectTeacherHour may be allocated a Period (naturally).
It tries to place subjectTeacherHour to eligible Periods , till an optimal combination is found.
The manual seems to recommend it.
...However, as the traveling tournament example proves, if you can remove
a hard constraint by using a certain set of big moves, you can win
performance and scalability...
...The `[version with big moves] evaluates a lot less unfeasible
solutions, which enables it to outperform and outscale the simple
...It's generally a good idea to use several selectors, mixing fine
grained moves and course grained moves:...
While only one subjectTeacher may be allocated to Period, the solver must temporarily break such a constraint to discover that swapping two certain Period allocations lead to a better solution. A swap move "removes this brick wall" between those two states.
So a swap move can help lead to better solutions much faster.
A subjectTeacher have only a subset of Periods to which they may be assigned. So finding intersecting (common) hours between any two subjectTeachers is a bit tough (but doable in an elegant way: Good algorithm/technique to find overlapping values from objects' properties? ) .
Will it only give me only small gains in time and optimality?
I am also worried about crazy interactions having two kinds of moves may cause, leading to getting stuck at a bad solution.
Swap moves are crucial.
Consider 2 courses assigned to a room which is fully booked. Without swapping, it would have to break a hard constraint to move 1 course to a conflicted room and chose that move as the step (which is unlikely).
You can use the build-in generic swap MoveFactory. If you write your own, you can say the swap move isDoable() false when your moving either sides to an ineligible period.

How to approximate processing time?

It's common to see messages like "Installation will take 10 min aprox." , etc in desktop applications. So, I wonder how can I calculate an approximate of how much time a certain process will take. Off course I won't install anything but I want to update some internal data and depending on the user usage this might take some time.
Is this possible in a iPhone app? How Cocoa guys do this, would it be the same way in iPhone apps?
Thanks in advance.
UPDATE: I want to rewrite/edit some files on disk, most of the time these files are not the same size so I cannot use timers for the first iteration and calculate the rest from that.
Is there any API that helps on calculating this?
If you have some list of things to process, each "thing" - usually better to measure a group of 10 or so "things" - is a unit of work. Your goal is to see how long it takes to process a single group and report the estimated time to completion.
One way is to create an NSDate at the start of each group and a new one at the end (the top and bottom of your for loop) for each group. Multiply the difference in seconds by however many groups you have left (minus the one you just processed) and that should be a reasonable estimate of the time remaining.
Of course this gets more complicated if one "thing" takes a lot longer to process than another "thing" - the above approach assumes all things take the same amount of time. In this case, however, you may need to keep track of an average window (across the last n "things" or groups thereof).
A more detailed response would require more details about your model and what work you're performing.

What's a good data structure for periodic or recurring dates?

Is there a published data structure for storing periodic or recurring dates? Something that can handle:
The pump need recycling every five days.
Payday is every second Friday.
Thanksgiving Day is the second Monday in October (US: the fourth Thursday in November).
Valentine's Day is every February 14th.
Solstice is (usually) every June 21st and December 21st.
Easter is the Sunday after the first full moon on or after the day of the vernal equinox (okay, this one's a bit of a stretch).
I reckon cron's internal data structure can handle #1, #4, #5 (two rules), and maybe #2, but I haven't had a look at it. MS Outlook and other calendars seem to be able to handle the first five, but I don't have that source code lying around.
Use a iCalendar implementation library, like these ones: ruby, java, php, python, .net and java, and then add support for calculating special dates.
With all these variations in the way you specify the recurrence, I would shy away from one single data structure implementation to accommodate all 5 scenarios.
Instead, I would (and have for a previous project) build simple structures that address each type of recurrence. You could wrap them all up so that it feels like a single data structure, but under the hood they could do whatever they like. By implementing an interface, I was able to treat each type of recurrence similarly so it felt like a one-size-fits-all data structure. I could ask any instance for all the dates of recurrence within a certain time frame, and that did the trick.
I'd also want to know more about how these dates need to be used before settling on a specific implementation.
If you want to hands-on create a data structure, I'd recommend a hash table (where the holidays or event are keys with the new date occurrence as a value), if there are multiplicities of each occurrence you could hash the value that finds a section in a linked list, which then has a list of all the occurrences (this would make finding as well as insertion run in O(1)).