Deleting a merge from History Git - github

I'm trying to figure out how to fix a merge problem me and my team are facing. I'm working on this project at school, and my team has made a lot of progress, but one of the team members who didn't know what he was doing force merges his code into the master branch. His branch is like 2 days old and we've already implemented a lot of new functionality since time, his branch is probably 20 or so commits away from head. I've tried rolling back to a stable master branch but his branch is intermingled with the stable so I can't seem to retrieve the stable back. Any suggestions? we are fairly new to git, but that person had no idea what was going on and just force merged his code without resolving the commits.

Go and sit on his computer.
Type git reflog, it will show you the full commit history (as well as other things). Find out the last good commit id , check it out git checkout SHA-1. create branch at this point and commit it back again. Once you are on the right commit your repository will "get back" to the last good place.
Another option is to perform a git bisect and to find out what is the bad commit.
Click here for blog about reflog
Click here for blog about bisect
Good luck.


Git - Remove commit from history but lesve the code

I am using git on VS2019
I was wondering if there is a way to remove old commits but always keep the latest code. The reason is that when I work on a big change, I do a lot of commits after checking every small step but at the end it is annoying when I click on view history and need to search an old commit to compare the changes. I would like to remove specific commits but leave the changes. In that way I will see on history only the main milestones of the developing process. There is a way to do that??
It sounds like in these scenarios, you're developing a new feature, in which case you should be using a branch+pull request approach to development. During the pull request, you can do a squash merge. It's not all in the command line, but that might be for the best anyway.
If you're already working within a feature branch, then I like VonC's approach.
It seems that you want the git rebase feature.
If you know how many commits you want to squash together, you can use
git rebase -i HEAD~N
You can also do it in interactive mode:
git rebase --interactive HEAD~N
Be aware that if you merging commits you have already pushed, you may have trouble with your next push.
For more details, see:
You can follow a workflow similar to "Git better with fixups " from Atul Sharma
For the commits which are incremental improvement for the same step, use git commit --fixup small step, which allows you to "do a lot of commits after checking every small step".
(You can see it in Git Extension in Visual Studio)
But at the end, you can cleanup all those small steps with git rebase --interactive --autosquash <First step commit> (assuming you have not pushed those commits yet)
That way, you end up with a cleaner history.

Lost 2 weeks worth of progress by clicking 'Checkout' in Xcode source control, is there any way to recover it?

I admit that I have very little experience with source control and git, however, in my past projects it has been useful to make commitments as backups. During this project, I decided to test out making a new branch. After working in it I decided to click 'checkout' master not knowing what it really did, now all my commits 2 weeks prior have been deleted, it's like I traveled back in time and all those commits I made never existed. All the files I had been working on are now gone and nowhere to be seen. I searched trash, I searched the project folder. They vanished. Did I screw up? Is there any way to recover this files? I searched all the branches without any luck. Thanks.
I don't know how Xcode's UI spells it, but the git command is git checkout #{1}. Look up reflogs and revisions, #{1} is how git spells "what I had checked out just before I did whatever just changed it".
Did I screw up?
Not necessarily! If you made commits on the new branch, everything is still there, on the new branch you created and worked on. So just checkout that branch again, and it will return!
now all my commits 2 weeks prior have been deleted
Ah, so you did make commits. In that case, be assured, nothing is lost.
But if you did not commit on the new branch — if you checked out master without committing your work from the new branch you were working on — then yes, you screwed up and it is all gone. The substance of git is commits, and whatever is not committed is not in the purview of git and is subject to unexpected loss. Loss due to checkout is a classic git trap; you would think it would warn you of the danger, but it doesn’t always do that.

Going back in time on Github?

How do I go back to a previous build? For example going back to the July 30 state?
There are a number of ways to functionally undo a series of commits in Git. But given that the branch in question is published, and likely shared by several people, I would recommend using git revert here. git revert adds new commits on top of your current branch which undo previous commits. These revert commits can be thought of as mirror images of what was done in previous commits. Something like this should work:
git revert 00bfe1b^..a013402
This should add two commits, one to undo the Aug-9 commit and one to undo the Aug-13 commit.
As a side note, you could have also done this:
git reset --hard HEAD~2
This would have completely nuked the two commits on top of Jul-30. However, this involves rewriting the history of the branch, which isn't desirable if other people may already be sharing this branch with you. In this case, just play it safe and use git revert.
To view (browse the file tree) the repository state at a certain commit given at least the first four characters of commit's hash, the following URL schema for GitHub can be used (at the time of writing):{username}/{repository name}/tree/{hash}
If you want to hard reset your GitHub repository to a specific commit, do a git reset --hard {hash} in your local (stored on your computer) repository then force push it to a remote repository (like GitHub) via git push --force.
Of course, hard resets are dangerous. You can git revert or git reset and stash unstaged changes, and I'm sure there are other ways to achieve similar effects.

How do I pull a specific version of a branch to the master?

This question pertains to my workflow using github. My colleague sent me a pull request and kept advancing the branch he was working in with new commits? I want to pull the commits related to the pull request, but the pull request now has the commits too. I searched for solutions and kept being led to the "rebase" command. Regrettably, that command is too complicated for me, plus I use tortoiseSVN as my interface to github. I had some solutions using revert, but they were all un-elegant and there had to be something easy. Also the last time I tried a revert, I had some conflicts with commits that no longer existed because of the revert.
My colleague got a response from a github "ask a human". I am reporting the solution here to help other users.
Navigate to the branch with the work to be pulled.
Navigate to the commit history for the branch and identify the point in that history that you want to pull into the master.
Click on the button on the right marked "<>" == "Browse the repository at this point in the history".
Click on the branch pull down menu and create a new branch. This will create a new branch at that point in the history that you want to pull into the master.
Create and execute a pull request to merge that branch into the master.
Too easy. I don't understand how I didn't run across an example of this workflow. I hope I save someone else the time and headaches that I spent.

GitHub: restore old commits

I am working with the GitHub GUI on Windows.
I did some work on my project which was successfully committed about a month ago going forward. Unfortunately other person who also works on this project recently committed the files I changed without realizing that he removed a huge portion of my work.
Now my question would be: is there an easy way of restoring my commits. This is not one commit. For the past month I made several very important commits to the project which got killed by the other party error.
I really don't want to go thru each file individually and re-aaply the changes manually, especially since I already got paid for that work.
How can I get my commits back?
IF you don't see your commit anymore in the history of the repo, that would mean the other developer has done a forced push (git push --force).
In that case, use git reflog (as in this answer) to find your commits back.
If yo do see your commits, then you could revert (git revert) the commits introduced by the other developers in order to cancel them, which should leave your branch in a state reflecting your work.
In both cases, this is a communication issue: you need to coordinate with the other developer in order for both of you to agree on a state from which to move forward.