Changed SVN Repo in Eclipse - eclipse

I was refactoring my code which lays in a SVN repository and both added new files aswell as changed existing files. I also renamed/moved some existing files in different directories. Now since I am using a SVN Plugin in Eclipse I thought the plugin could manage that. Unfortunately right now I can't commit and I don't want to setup the repository completely new since this would mean I would loose the whole history.
This is what I get as an error:
Some of selected resources were not added to version control. (multiple times)
Some of selected resources were not committed.
svn: E150002: 'C:\somePath' is already under version control
(multiple times)
svn: E200009: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: E200009: 'C:\path' is not under version control
When I try to commit via Tortoise SVN this is what I get:
Commit failed (details follow):
Cannot commit 'C:\path'
because it was moved to
which is not part of the commit; both sides of the move must be committed

I also renamed/moved some existing files in different directories.
When I try to commit via Tortoise SVN this is what I get:
which is not part of the commit; both sides of the move must be committed
When moving/renaming files, you must commit parent folder which contains both old and new path.


bin-dir does not get ignored with SVN

I am working on a project using Eclipse 4.19.0. I also have Subclipse installed. However I started using TortoiseSVN 1.10. I have ignored files in a nested project (trunk > subproject > right click > TortoiseSVN > Properties) like:
However, if I trunk > right click > Commit, changes in subproject/bin/someFolder does still get shown. Weirdly the ignore works for subproject/build/*.
Any idea what could be the cause?
If a file has been commited to SVN then it doesn't matter if it is ignored or not. It will be handled like any other file you have checked out from the SVN repository.
So if you want to ignore files that have already been committed to SVN you first have to delete them from SVN.
TortoiseSVN has a functionality that combines deleting the file in SVN (but keeping it locally) and adding it to ignore list:
Unversion and add to ignore list:
The other ways like deleting the file locally and commit it or delete the file in SVN via SVN repo browser will end up in the local file being deleted. So you chose this way make sure to first copy the local files to a backup location so that you are able to restore the file(s) once the delete operation has been applied.

Tree-Conflict when Merging with Eclipse

I have a repository in which I've created a branch which got its development over today. But there were some changes on the trunk so I have to merge the trunk into branch then continue the process.
First I tried to use the reintegrate feature on eclipse, but I get an error:
Merge operation failed
svn: Retrieval of mergeinfo unsupported by ''"
Then I tried to use the main tab (URL) which should be normal, but somehow all the files are marked in conflict, and the changes made on the trunk do not appear on the local development. The diff shows exactly the same files.
I've tried attached the preview message of eclipse, but I couldn't.
My environment:
local development: ubuntu 12, using eclipse helios, with svn, version
1.6.17 (r1128011).
Repository server: fedora 12, with svn, version 1.6.9 (r901367).
As a workaround you might want to check out trunk and branch separately and check whether its feasible to do manual diff and merge.
Merge operation failed
svn: Retrieval of mergeinfo unsupported by ''"
This means that your server is not at least version 1.5. I would highly suggest to upgrade your server because merges before this revision were quite hazardous since they had to be handled entirely manually.
However reintegrate merges are designed for the case where you worked on a feature branch and want to reintegrate it into the trunk or another branch. You are not expected to continue working on a reintegrated branch (see here).
In your case you probably just want a normal merge. If you did not delete/rename/move any file/folder in the trunk nor the branch, then your tree conflict probably comes from an error in the source or target merge path (e.g. you did not specify the /trunk or /branches/mybranch in the url)

Commiting new files to SVN through eclipse

I'm working on a project for which I'm using the plugin Subeclipse in Eclipse to commit changes to our SVN repository. It is the first time I'm using SVN and I was trying to create a branch when I accidentally got a commit in which all my files were deleted.
So I went back to a working revision and I want to commit it. However, because all the files are deleted the commit fails with a File not found and path not found error.
svn: File not found: transaction '5148-475', path '/ndeklein/MS/PyMS/pyMS/'
svn: '/svn/test/!svn/ver/5147/ndeklein/MS/PyMS/pyMS/' path not found: 404 Not Found (
I tried importing the whole project to SVN through the commandline with svn import, but this gives the following error:
svn: MKCOL of '/svn/barton/!svn/wrk/be218e50-2605-479e-af1c-ebd8b08b8164/ndeklein/MS/PyMS': 405 Method Not Allowed (
Doing an update removes all the files again (since the revision it is at now still has all the files removed)
So how can I commit a bunch of new files with SVN?
Subversion (inside and outside Eclipse) has no option to work on previous revisions. So you can do the following steps:
Ensure that your are current by doing an update.
Then copy the files you want to commit (again) in your working copy. You will of course loose the history of these items then.
Add them to your working copy (svn add).
Commit them at the end.
Alternatively, you could copy the files on the server into the HEAD. By doing this, the history of the files is continued. Then you are able to do an update first, change what you want to change and commit your changes.

Commit Operation Failed in SVN in eclipse

I am trying to checkin the project in to SVN repository. So I right click on the project then selected Team then Commit. And when I do commit I get--
Some of selected resources were not committed.
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Working copy 'C:\workspace\crawler4j\target' is missing or not locked
Any suggestions how to overcome this will be appreciated,
Sometimes, it's simply easier to open a Subversion command line client and take a look at that. I suggest that you install a command line client, go to the directory, and do a svn status. I would also look at svn info on the various directories and files and make sure they're all on the same working directory. (You can do a svn status -v to get that information).
My feeling is that the target directory should not be added or have been added to your project. This directory in Maven is used for built objects which should not be committed into your Subversion repository. Even many Ant build scripts follow Maven in this.
So, what is the status of the target directory? What happens when you do an update on the directory before committing your changes? (I believe it's Team->Update). here you can find the solution
In Eclipse Kepler try to run Team>cleanup

SVN Merge conflict during commit

Eclipse + Subversive plugin
On commiting a directory which is out of sync with the SVN a message pops up:
Merge conflict during commit
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: File or directory '.' is out of date; try updating
svn: resource out of date; try updating
Tried to update the whole project from Eclipse Navigator view (right click>Refresh or F5) and the problem still persists.
Is there something that can be done in this case?
You are mixing up two different operation in Eclipse:
Update (from version control)
"update" means retrieve the most recent version of a file(s) from the version control system. "Refresh" just means that Eclipse will update its view of the local filesystem, in case a file was changed outside Eclipse.
You need to do an update (Team->Update).
You should update, resolve conflicts, then commit again.
See this link for help on resolving conflicts in eclipse.
Sometimes eclipse+subversion gets a bit lost and a more robust solution is called for:
Copy the code with changes to a different location (preferably via copy and paste).
Replace with latest from repo (or revert) on the directory giving the problem
Copy the changes back (via cut and paste again) and check in.
try to delete .svn/all-wcprops. maybe it will help
Someone else has modified this directory on you.
You need to do a svn update to get the latest version before commiting.
svn update
right click > Team > Update
Refresh or F5 will only re-read what's currently checked out and check for local changes, i.e. changes made outside of eclipse.
The svn update command pulls any changes made remotely (commits) down to your workspace.
You need to do an svn update to make sure you are completely up-to-date before committing.
svn update
If the update does not work, you may need to do a cleanup.
svn cleanup
You should be able to find both of these commands in your SVN client outside of Eclipse if you are using one.