i am making a model for a class in netlogo, but i have run into a problem, whenever a turtle asks the patch that it is on what color it is, it thinks that it is black, even when it is colored white
globals [var inside outside var1 ratio]
turtles-own [randomX randomY]
to setup
ask patches [set pcolor black]
set var 0
set var1 0
while [var <= 360] [ask patch 0 0 [sprout 1 [set color white set heading var pd fd 100]]set var var + 0.15]
ask turtles [die]
to go
ask patch 0 0 [sprout 1[]]
ask turtles [set randomX random 2000000 / 10000 - 100
set randomY random 2000000 / 10000 - 100
set xcor randomX
set ycor randomY]
to check-location
ask turtles [ ask patch-here[if pcolor != black [set inside inside + 1]]]
ask turtles [ ask patch-here[if pcolor != white [set outside outside + 1]]]
to reset-variables
set outside 0
set inside 0
I have a setup button, a go button with forever checked, a monitor that shows the variable inside, another monitor that shows the variable outside, and a monitor that shows count turtles. the outside monitor always shows the same number as the total monitor. any help would be greatly appreciated.
Putting the turtles pen down colors over the patches. It does not change the color of the patches. (You just cannot see that anymore.) To changes the patch color, always use pcolor.
I try to add a number (1) to a part of the turtles after a tick. The function should always add one to the variable after one tick but currently, the function adds it only one time - after the first tick and then stops. The variable "updated_prob" is currently not steadily updated.
This is how the Goprocess looks like
to go
ask turtles[
ifelse (color = grey)
to e-bikenutzung
ask turtles with [color = green]
[if ticks = 48
[set color grey
set ebike? false
set probability_ebike_start 50]]
to update_update_prob
ask turtles with [color = grey]
[set prob_sum probability_ebike_start + environment_add + subventionierung_bonus]
ask turtles with [color = grey]
[set updated_prob prob_sum + 1] ------- is not steadily updated
Is there a typo in your code? The statement
set updated_prob prob_sum + 1
adds 1 to prob_sum, not to updated_prob and if prob_sum doesn't change from tick to tick, neither will updated_prob. Do you want
set updated_prob updated_prob + 1
Your code also has a lot of redundancies. If update_update_prob is executed only for grey turtles, then you don't need in update_update_prob to ask only gray turtles to do what you are doing in that procedure. Only gray turtles will execute it anyway. With lots of turtles, that can add a lot of overhead.
to update_update_prob
[set prob_sum probability_ebike_start + environment_add + subventionierung_bonus]
[set updated_prob updated_prob + 1]
should do it.
I'm working on a smaller project and got stuck on an issue, I'm not really sure if it's possible to solve it in NetLogo but I want to give StackOverflow a go!
I got a model that divides the world into different parts and randomly add physical features (such as rivers). If a feature goes through the whole region, I want it to separate the region and make into two regions. As an example, in the picture below, I want to separate the purple region into two unique regions accordingly to the physical feature (black).
The code I used to generate the picture above, can be found below.
to setup
;Setting world.
resize-world 0 19 0 19
;Creating regions.
let x 5
let y 5
let col 45
while [y <= max-pycor + 1][
while [x <= max-pxcor + 1 ][
ask patches with [pxcor < x and pxcor >= x - 5 and pycor < y and pycor >= y - 5][
set pcolor col
set x x + 5
set col col + 10
set x 5
set y y + 5
;Generating physical features.
ask n-of 5 patches[ sprout 1[
set pcolor black]
let i 0
while [ i < (max-pycor * 2 )][
ask turtles [
fd 1
set pcolor black
ifelse (random 20 <= 1)
rt one-of [-90 0 90]
forward 1
fd 1
set pcolor black
fd 1
set pcolor black
set pcolor black
set i i + 1]
ask turtles [die]
My strategy for handling this is to realize that all we really need to do is "flood" a patch out by color and tag all the found adjacent patches, then repeat for any un-tagged, non-black patches until they are all done.
NetLogo does not have a "flood" command to get all patches adjacent to a patch meeting a criteria, so we make a special reporter of our own to handle it, patches-adjacent. Then it's just easy to ask those patches-adjacent to set their region to the currently chosen region.
I don't love this code, it's a little finicky and would be prone to infinite loops if tweaked incorrectly, but it should work. I bet there is a cleaner way to do this that I'm not thinking of at the moment.
; add a variable to track the different regions
; the default value will be `0` for each patch when `clear-all` is called
patches-own [ region ]
to set-regions
let current-region 1
; only act on non-black patches that haven't yet been assigned a region
let untagged patches with [ region = 0 and pcolor != black ]
while [any? untagged] [
ask one-of untagged [
ask patches-adjacent [
set region current-region
; update the region and the untagged patches we have left to process
set current-region current-region + 1
set untagged patches with [ region = 0 and pcolor != black ]
; this is just to get a view of the regions to quickly see if our code worked, it can be removed
ask patches [ set plabel region ]
to-report patches-adjacent
report patches-adjacent-ex (patch-set self) pcolor
to-report patches-adjacent-ex [found pc]
let newly-found neighbors4 with [ (not member? self found) and pcolor = pc and region = 0 and pcolor != black ]
set found (patch-set found newly-found)
ask newly-found [
; use recursion to find the patches adjacent to each newly-found one
; relying on updating the `found` agentset as we go to avoid duplicates
; or looping forwarder
set found (patches-adjacent-ex found pc)
report found
I solved this by using the Patch Clusters model that can be found in the NetLogo model library.
Dear Stackoverflow users,
I am a newbie to NetLogo and the community here, so I hope I can express myself adequately. If you need more information in order to understand my question, please, let me know. As I am not completely sure, where my problem lies, my title might even be misleading.
Here is what I am trying to do: I want an ego-centric network model, in which 1 ego (a Latino immigrant in the US) starts with a given value (between 1 and 6) for
identification with Latino culture and
identification with US/White culture.
The ego (breed #1) has 8 alters (breed #2). The alters consist of Latinos and Whites (ratio to be determined by slider in the interface: number-Latinos). The alters are randomly connected between themselves (amount of undirected links to be determined by another slider in the interface: number-of-alter-links). Each alter has a value for degree d (which is the number of links within the same ethnicity).
At each tick, ego is supposed to interact randomly with one of the alters. If the alter is Latino, then ego's initial value for Latino identification should increase by 0.1 + d * 0.1. If the alter is White, ego's initial value for US identification should increase by 0.1 + d * 0.1. The maximum value that can be reached for the identification variables is 6.
Here comes the code:
breed [egos ego]
breed [alters alter]
egos-own[identification-US identification-Latino]
to setup
to setup-alters
create-alters 8
[layout-circle alters 8
if who < number-Latinos [set color orange] ; Latinos are orange
if who >= number-Latinos [set color yellow] ; Whites are yellow
while [count links < number-of-alter-links][
let node1 random 8
let node2 random 8
if (node1 != node2)[
ask alter node1 [create-link-with alter node2]
ask alters [ ; set degree within same ethnicity
ifelse color = yellow
[set degree (count link-neighbors with [color = yellow])]
[set degree (count link-neighbors with [color = orange])]
to setup-egos
create-egos 1 [
set identification-US initial-US-identification-ego
set identification-Latino initial-Latino-identification-ego]
to go
if ticks >= 50 [stop]
to interact
ask egos [create-link-with one-of alters [set color green]]
to change-identification
ask links with [color = green] [let d [degree] of end1
ask egos [
ifelse link-neighbors = yellow
[ifelse (identification-US < 6)
[set identification-US identification-US + 0.1 + d * 0.1]
[set identification-US 6]
[ifelse (identification-Latino < 6)
[set identification-Latino identification-Latino + 0.1 + d * 0.1]
[set identification-Latino 6]
ask egos [ask my-links [die]]
This is my problem: When I am running the simulation, only the value for Latino identification changes, but not the one for US identification. This is even true, when there are no Latinos in the network. I am not sure where the problem lies. Is it in the nested ifelse command? I have tried to work my way around the nested ifelse and made several if commands, but the problem remains. Does it have to do with how I defined the two ethnicities with colors? Also, when I ask in the command center something about a particular turtle (e.g., turtle 3), I get the answer 9 times (total number of turtles). Maybe the problem is how I ask the link-neighbor(s) for its color?
Thanks for your attention! Any idea, suggestion or possible solution is highly appreciated.
This will always be false: link-neighbors = yellow.
Btw, if you post an entire model like this, you need to replace the interface globals with code-based declaration and initialization of the variables.
If any one please give some time.
I have an area(say a colony) with boundary wall as black patches and at some point within the boundary there is one building with building wall as blue patches. People(breed) are normally moving inside boundary and the building as well. Also they are entering and going out of the boundary. Due to some reason (suppose rumor) and after certain condition (if more than 15 person hears the rumor) they starts moving randomly with any of the headings 0, 90, 180 and 270. So, the problem I am unable is, to apply check on the turtles(people) randomly moving to change their heading or turn back if they sense the boundary or wall a patch ahead.
I tried following ways but not working, they simple passes form these patches
1) Asked the turtles if heard-rumor? and times-heard > 1 [
if [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = blue [set heading [heading] of self - 180]
if [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = black [set heading [heading] of self - 180] ]
2) set patches with boundary-wall [set pcolor black] and building-wall [set pcolor blue] and then set patch variables boundary-wall? And building-wall? true on these patches. Further asked the turtles
if heard-rumor? and times-heard > 1 [
if boundary-wall? or building-wall? [ set heading [heading] of self - 180 ] ]
The procedure sequence is
to go
ask people [ ;breed
fd speed
people-wander ]
So after spread-rumor function,
to people-wander
if heard-rumor? and times-heard > 1 and inside-boundary?
if people-heard-rumor > 10 [ set heading one-of (list 0 90 180 270) ] ];random 360
;people-heard-rumor is a count how many have received rumor
if heard-rumor? or fear-worst? [
; if [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = blue [set heading [heading] of self - 180]]
; if [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = black [set heading [heading] of self - 180]]
boundary-wall? or temple-wall? [set i? true set heading [heading] of self - 180 show 5] ]
I don’t know what wrong I am doing. But surely I am not using proper way. Any help is deeply thankful.
You start out with fd speed so your people will go right through the barriers on that command without ever testing for a barrier. Note that even if you were to test 1 patch ahead before doing that, if speed can be greater than 1, you could still go right through the barriers. Furthermore, in a corner a person might have a barrier both in front of it and behind it, so reversing course can also be a problem.
Btw, [heading] of self is the same as heading, and to turn around it is more natural to say rt 180.
EDIT (in response to comment):
Here is a simple example of moving step by step, checking along the way:
to fd-with-checks [#speed]
repeat #speed [
ifelse (isbarrier? patch-ahead 1) [
] [
fd 1
to-report isbarrier? [#patch]
report pcolor = blue or pcolor = black
I want certain turtles in NetLogo to just not move at all AND I want other certain turtles to stop moving.
I have created 5 black turtles which I do not want to move at all and I tried something like
ask turtles with [color = black] [fd 0] but that won't work, they still move like the green turtles, which currently is fd 1.
I also need n-of green turtles to stop moving in the middle of the simulation and I have NO idea how to do that. The n-of could also be replaced with a slider.
In the part of your code where you have:
ask turtles [ fd 1 ]
change it to
ask turtles with [color != black] [ fd 1 ]
As for "I also need n-of green turtles to stop moving in the middle of the simulation", consider an approach such as:
turtles-own [velocity]
to setup
;; make some green turtles that move
create-turtles 10 [ set color green set velocity 1 ]
;; make some black turtles that don't move
create-turtles 10 [ set color black set velocity 0 ]
to go
;; make some green turtles stop moving
ask n-of 5 turtles with [color = green] [
set velocity 0
ask turtles [ fd velocity ]
Make sense?