Launching Eclipse debug mode from terminal, Pydev - eclipse

Let say I have a working Eclipse project . The debug configuration is set up correctly such that I can launch Eclipse and start debug mode with a few clicks. No other run time input is needed and a breakpoint is already added to the beginning of the program.
Instead of clicking, I want to know if there is a way that I can do this from a terminal. Basically I want to script the command. I've found the options to disable splashdown and select the workspace. The Eclipse version is Luna. Thanks.

Check the properties of the process that's in the Debug view when you start it from there. Also:


How to make eclipse output to console window AND a file?

I think the question title says it all
I want eclipse to write to the console debug window and also to a file.
How can I do that? (working on a mac)
In the run configuration (Run > Run Configurations...), in the tab Common enable and set Output File.

Run the script thats being edited in Liclipse, not the main from the configuration

I've been working with Eclipse for years, but its PyDev wasn't working on my new I swapped to LiClipse.
In Eclipse, when I have an open file that I'm editing and click runs the file that's open and visible in my editor. But apparently LiClipse always tries to run the 'main' file thats set in the 'run configuration'.
Is there a way around this so I can test the module I'm actually working on and not the entire package?
Use F9 to run the file you're working on -- or Ctrl+F9 if it's a Python unit-test (Ctrl+F11 will always rerun the last launch by default in LiClipse -- you may change that in preferences > run/debug > launching > launch operation), although I recommend you use F9 to run your modules (or Ctrl+F9 for unit-tests), relaunch the last with Ctrl+F11, debug the last with F11. has more details on running your modules has more details on the unittest integration

Eclipse + PyDev: file reopens in debug mode

I use Eclipse (4.2.1) to develop Python (3.2) programs using PyDev (2.8.2). I start my program in debug mode and when I encounter the first breakpoint, a new tab is opened with a copy of the script containing the breakpoint.
Debugging then takes places in the new copy.
When I stop debugging, the tab with the copy remains.
Changes to the copy, must be saved to update the original tab.
How can I make Eclipse NOT open a separate copy of my program?
Status: I still have this problem!

Eclipse CDT doesn't run the program

I have written a small piece of code in C++(gui/wxWidgets) . It compiles/ links without any errors and produces an executable that when launched from command line opens the desired 'Hello World!' window, but when tried from within eclipse (menu, toolbar or ctrl-F11), it doesn't run. A quick error dialog appears/disappears before it can be read. After many runs I could make out that of the two msgs it displays, one reads something like "Looking for executables...". Apparently eclipse is unable to get to the executable in the Debug folder.
I tried a console application which runs without any issue from within eclipse as well.
My installation is indigo on Ubuntu 12.04.
Any ideas what could be the problem?
Problem resolved.
There was no Launch Configuration in Project Properties -> Run/Debug Settings.
Added one with defaults and it worked.

"Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:" when running a gtkmm project in Eclipse

I'm trying to run a gtkmm project in Eclipse CDT (On Ubuntu). The project compiles fine, there are no errors reported but when I try to run the project the console prints out this message
"Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:"
If I go to where the executable is located, in nautilus, I can open it and it runs fine. It's just a problem when trying to run directly from Eclipse.
It sounds like the the "DISPLAY" environment variable is not being set in the environment used by eclipse to launch your application.
To check this, Edit the Run Configuration for the the program you are trying to launch. Next, select the Environment tab. If there is a DISPLAY variable already set, make sure it is correct (usually it should be ":0.0"). If there is not one, create one and set it to ":0.0".