Mailchimp use merge tags in link url - email

I am building a mailchimp campaign with a link to a custom form. I would like the fields of the form to be filled in with the info I have from my suscribers (first name, last name, company name, email...)
For this, I am generating custom urls with paramters for the link in the email. Those parameters are then filled in the inputs. The URLs should look like this :
The issue I have is in the mailchimp editor. I want to use merge tags to generate the parameter values according to each suscriber so my link looks like this in the editor :
This works fine except when for example the company name is in two words. The URL is broken and the parameters after the company name don't work.
How can I encode the merge tags for urls?

Try *|URL:COMPANY|*. See the merge tag cheat sheet.


Expressionengine email form and channel entry tags

Im wondering if its possible to have an email form and pass channel entry tags to it.
I have a field which contains the recipients="email" and I want to be able to change this per entry.
I tried to surround the email form with {exp:channel:entries}. This throws up errors.

Dynamic CRM - insert external hyperlink with dynamic parameters in Email workflow

I have a Workflow in CRM 2016 on premise that sends an email to a customer when an order is created. The email contains a URL link to external website used for scheduling. The problem is that the hyperlink in the email doesn't fill the parameters we are using from the CRM entities.
I tried several ways to do this. the first way was using the Insert Hyperlink when creating the email through the workflow. this creates the following tags:
<hyperlink><name>Pro Services Online Scheduling Portal</name><value>{Ship To Contact(Order (Order))}&email={Email(Ship To Account (Account))}&OrderID={Order ID(Order (Order))}&Company={Customer(Order (Order))}&skip=0</value></hyperlink>
This correctly adds the hyperlink into the email but the actual link looks exactly as it does in value tag without the CRM values.
I tried just adding the link as plain text like so:{Ship To Contact(Order (Order))}&email={Email(Ship To Account (Account))}&OrderID={Order ID(Order (Order))}&Company={Customer(Order (Order))}&skip=0
This displays the correct URL with the correct CRM values like:
However, the URL itself is still missing the values so if the customer clicks on the link, the incorrect parameters will be sent. It does work if the customer were to copy and paste the link text instead of clicking the URL but most customers would rather click the link.
I even tried used an HTML anchor tag but that also didnt work.
Has anyone else encountered this problem?
Any help would be appreciated.
Here's some blog posts that helped but still looking for answers.
If you want to use hyperlink then you have to do something similiar to what CRM does for field Record URL(Dynamic).
You can create a new field on the entity say 'EntityName Hyperlink'. Then use plugins to set this value to the desired link on create event.
You can then use this field to create your hyperlink. We do something similair for our case entity we have field Case Hyperlink which i set on create event.
Then we insert it on outgoing emails like this
<hyperlink><name>Hyperlink</name><value>{Case Hyperlink(Case)}</value></hyperlink>
We ended up creating a custom workflow activity to add the hyperlink using SparkleXRM

Sharing via open graph along with hash tags

I have implemented share buttons for different social networks, such as VK, Facebook, Twitter, OK, and I am using Open Graph to set attributes of post, that will occur at user's social network page.
I'd like to add hash tag to the post shared, in order to let the user see it on his social network page and use then, i.e. filter content of social network by this tag.
(Just to clarify: the tag should be only in a social network, my website doesn't have hash tags at all)
I've found how to add hash tags to urls but my problem seems to be different a bit.
I didn't find special Open Graph attribute for it, nor I found same in Twitter Card.
Where should I put my hash tags? Would og:description be appropriate for it?
So you want to prefill the user's message on the share dialog, right ?
If so, you can't, according to the policy of Facebook :
2.3: Don't prefill captions, comments, messages, or the user message parameter of posts with content a person didn’t create, even if the person can edit or remove the content before sharing.
× Add your own content to that which the user manually entered. This includes hashtags, hyperlinks or URLs.
Look here, I think you want to do is the Prefill Violation Example Two
According to this article it is not possible to do this via meta tags:
My test was adding hashtags to the Open Graph Meta Data.
... the custom description and hash tags did absolutely nothing
I have checked them all as well.
It's impossible to insert hash tags in:
There are two exceptions:
VK derives user the user's message from the title (in case user left it blank), so if the title contains a hash tag, the last one will finally turn into link and work
<meta property="og:title" content="My website #mywebsite">
Twitter accepts hash tags inside share button href attribute as a parameter text
<a target="_blank" href="«Example»%20%23example"></a>
Add the #example hash tag to parameter text :

What portions of the marketo code snippet can change?

My company is using marketo forms, and we are generating the page from a content management system.
We'd like to keep the contribution experience as simple as possible and prevent the user from contributing actual <script> tags.
The API documentation says they will give you a block of code that looks like this:
<script src="//"></script>
<form id="mktoForm_621"></form>
<script>MktoForms2.loadForm("//", "718-GIV-198", 621);</script>
My question is, what portions of this code are subject to change?
I am sure the 3 part hypen separated string and the integer being passed in can change.
What about the address?
The 3-part string is your Marketo instance ID, and shouldn't really change. The other integer is the form ID, which definitely will change depending on what form you want to embed.
The other thing that you may want to consider, is the other configurable options that you can send along with the form embed. For example, in the module that I have made for my CMS, I let the user put an optional 'thank-you' page URL, to redirect the form to after submission, and also a checkbox to optionally open the form in a lightbox on page load.
The simple module I made is for the Sitefinity CMS - happy to share code with you if that helps!

Multiple Salesforce Web-to-Lead forms

I'm using a Salesforce Web-to-Lead form on a website i'm working on.
I want the same form to appear in 2 places, in the footer but also in a fixed position div.
Because the labels and inputs have the same ID they are conflicting with my form validation and behaving erratically.
Is there an easy way to fix this?
Thanks in advance,
Form key/value pairs (in HTML in general, not just SFDC of course) are submitted based on form element NAME attributes, not ID. So just remove the ID tags (or change them if they are being used by your custom validation).