Strange function-like property – can someone explain this piece of Swift code? - swift

I found this piece of code regarding sections in a table view in order to make an index in a table view:
class User: NSObject {
let namex: String
var section: Int?
init(name: String) {
self.namex = name
// custom type to represent table sections
class Section {
var users: [User] = []
func addUser(user: User) {
// raw user data
let names = [
// `UIKit` convenience class for sectioning a table
let collation = UILocalizedIndexedCollation.currentCollation() as UILocalizedIndexedCollation
// table sections
var sections: [Section] {
// return if already initialized
if self._sections != nil {
return self._sections!
// create users from the name list
var users: [User] = { namess in
var user = User(name: namess)
user.section = self.collation.sectionForObject(user, collationStringSelector: "namex")
return user
// create empty sections
var sections = [Section]()
for i in 0..<self.collation.sectionIndexTitles.count {
// put each user in a section
for user in users {
// sort each section
for section in sections {
section.users = self.collation.sortedArrayFromArray(section.users, collationStringSelector: "namex") as [User]
self._sections = sections
return self._sections!
var _sections: [Section]?
The part that I didn't understand is this:
// table sections
var sections: [Section] {
// return if already initialized
if self._sections != nil {
return self._sections!
// etc...
return self._sections!
var _sections: [Section]?
My questions are:
What does that mean var sections: [Section] { }? I guess it's not a function as there is no func keyword in front.
What is this var _sections: [Section]? What's the reason to place an _ in front?

It is very similar to a function despite the absence of keywords – it’s a computed property.
These look like variables, but act like functions. They can be read-only (get but not set), or can have both a get and a set version. Here’s a simpler example:
var y = 3
var x: Int {
get { return 2*y }
println(x) // prints 6
y += 1
println(x) // prints 8
var z: Int {
get { return y }
set(newVal) { y = newVal }
println(z) // prints 4
z = 10 // sets y to 10
println(x) // prints 20 (2*10)
When it’s only a get, you can omit the keyword, which is how it’s being done in the version in your question. The declaration of x above could have been written without it:
var x: Int {
return 2*y
The var _sections in your example is playing a similar role to the y variable in the above code – it’s the underlying data from which the computed property result is derived. The reason for the _ is just to indicate that it is a internal implementation detail. The underscore’s not meaningful to Swift itself, that’s just a naming convention people use.

It's a read-only computed property. They act like properties, but are computed each time. You can read more about it in the docs. Check out the section on "Computed Properties" as well as the "Read-Only Computed Properties" section to understand the shorthand.


How to put a variable in a for loop with different end number

I’ve got multiple variables with the same name but a different number on the end like this:
MyVar1, MyVar2, MyVar3, MyVar4
and they are either true or false
How do I write this correctly?
For index in Range(1...4){
if (“MyVar” + index) == true{
didnt tries the solution but according to this post: you can do this:
Edit: I read that your variables are Booleans
for i in 0...4 {
if let var = myObject.value(forKey: "MyVar\(i)") as Bool,
var { // If var is successfully cast and true it enters the statement
All the other solutions above or below are still correct. This is something you dont usually do in Swift in general unless you must do so.
You should either rewrite your model and give a proper name to each variables, that you will later put into an array such as...
class MyObject {
var MyVar1: Bool // To Rename
var MyVar2: Bool // To Rename
var MyVar3: Bool // To Rename
var MyVars: [Bool] {
get { return [MyVar1, MyVar2, MyVar3] }
Or you completely get rid of these variable and create an Array directly
class MyObject {
// var MyVar1: Bool // To Delete
// var MyVar2: Bool // To Delete
// var MyVar3: Bool // To Delete
var MyVars: [Bool]
and you set the Array / Dictionnary in accordance to your needs
You are trying to get a sum of String ("MyVar") and Int ("index") and compare that sum with Bool (true)
It would be more safety to store all your variables in an array like that
let myVars = [MyVar1, MyVar2, MyVar3, MyVar4]
Then you can iterate throught the array:
for i in myVars {
if i {
You can't create a variable from concatenation at runtime , you need to have an array of bool like this
var arr = [false,true,true,false] // var1 , var2 , var3 , var4
for item in arr {
if item {

Mark closure element mutable Swift

I have 2 structs, first is:
struct LineData {
init (name: String,
colorValue: String,
values: [Int]){ = name
self.colorValue = colorValue
self.values = values
private var cachedMaxValue: Int? = nil
let name: String
let colorValue: String
let values: [Int]
// describe max value for Y axis for specific Line
mutating func maxValue() -> Int{
if let cached = cachedMaxValue {
return cached
self.cachedMaxValue = values.max()
return cachedMaxValue ?? 0
Second have array of LineData structs:
struct CharData {
init(xAxis: XAxis,
lines: [LineData]){
self.xAxis = xAxis
self.lines = lines
private var cachedMaxValue: Int? = nil
var xAxis: XAxis
var lines: [LineData]
// describe max value for Y axis among lines
func maxValue() -> Int{
var maxValues: [Int] = []
lines.forEach{it in
return 0
Code above not compile, because, of error on method maxValues for struct CharData. It says Cannot use mutating member on immutable value: 'it' is a 'let' constant
What i want is, iterate through an array of lines and among it max values find greater value.
Since lines is an ordinary array, how about simply:
for i in 0..<lines.count {
perhaps not quite as Swifty, but nothing gets copied. The optimizer ought to give you pretty much the same performance as forEach.
It's the it parameter/object in the forEach that's immutable. Just like the error says: "it is a let". You could probably do something like this:
lines.forEach { it in
var mutableIt = it
It should be noted that this will create a mutable copy of the "it" struct instance.

How to get the string representation of a nested class

In my reflection library EVReflection I have the following problem when class definitions are nested (class within a class). Below is a worked out case which can be found as a unit test here and The location in the library itself where the code needs to change is Here
I need to get the Internal Swift string representation of a nested
class for a property which is an array of that nested class.
Below you can see a unit test where I am able to get the correct type for the property company that is an other object. It will output _TtCC22EVReflection_iOS_Tests13TestIssue114b10Company114 instead of Company114
When I try the same for the friends property my goal is that it outputs something like: Swift.Array<_TtCC22EVReflection_iOS_Tests13TestIssue114b7User114>
What do I have to do to get that?
As you can see in the test I have various assignments to the value valueType. None of these assignments work. I am only able to get an Array<User114> or an Swift._EmptyArrayStorage.
As you also can see in the test is that if I set a breakpoint and do a po in the output window I am able to get the correct output. So what code will accomplish the same in my code?
class TestIssue114b: XCTestCase {
class User114: EVObject {
var company: Company114 = Company114()
var friends: [User114] = []
class Company114: EVObject {
var name: String = ""
var address: String?
func testIssueNestedObjects() {
let x = User114()
print("type 1 = \(NSStringFromClass(type(of:") // output = type 2 = _TtCC22EVReflection_iOS_Tests13TestIssue114b10Company114
print("type 2 = \(testIssueNestedObjects(x.friends))")
func testIssueNestedObjects(_ theValue: Any) -> String {
var valueType = ""
let mi = Mirror(reflecting: theValue)
valueType = NSStringFromClass(type(of: (theValue as! [NSObject]).getTypeInstance() as NSObject)) // NSObject
valueType = "\(type(of: theValue))" // Array<User114>
valueType = "\(mi.subjectType)" // Array<User114>
valueType = ObjectIdentifier(mi.subjectType).debugDescription //"ObjectIdentifier(0x0000000118b4a0d8)"
valueType = (theValue as AnyObject).debugDescription // <Swift._EmptyArrayStorage 0x10d860b50>
valueType = NSStringFromClass(type(of: theValue as AnyObject)) // Swift._EmptyArrayStorage
// set breakpont en enter this in output window: (lldb) po type(of: theValue)
// Ouput will be: Swift.Array<EVReflection_iOS_Tests.TestIssue114b.User114>
return valueType
Background info:
Actually the end goal is that I have to be able to create instances of the object that I can add to the array. Since the array property is only available as a result from a Mirror command the variable will be of type Any. I do have an extension for arrays in place that will return a new array element. however I am only able to get that when the Any is casted to Array<NSObject> and because of that my extension will return an NSObject. So I would like to get a string like Swift.Array<_TtCC22EVReflection_iOS_Tests13TestIssue114b7User114> I can then get the parts between <> and then create an instance for that using NSClassFromString.
String(reflecting: type(of: theValue))
update by Edwin Vermeer:
For the required conversion to the internal string representation i now have the following function (still in draft)
public class func convertToInternalSwiftRepresentation(type: String) -> String {
if type.components(separatedBy: "<").count > 1 {
// Remove the Array or Set prefix
let prefix = type.components(separatedBy: "<") [0] + "<"
var subtype = type.substring(from: prefix.endIndex)
subtype = subtype.substring(to: subtype.characters.index(before: subtype.endIndex))
return prefix + convertToInternalSwiftRepresentation(type: subtype) + ">"
if type.contains(".") {
var parts = type.components(separatedBy: ".")
if parts.count == 2 {
return parts[1]
let c = String(repeating:"C", count: parts.count - 1)
var rv = "_Tt\(c)\(parts[0].characters.count)\(parts[0])"
parts.remove(at: 0)
for part in parts {
rv = "\(rv)\(part.characters.count)\(part)"
return rv
return type

how can I return a result from a function into a variable?

I have a variable :
var name = [Nick,John,Peter]
and a function:
func name(){
var personname = []
return personname
the result of the function are the names of the people Nick,John,Peter. How can I return the result into the variable.I mean I do not want to write the names manually I want to populate them from the function, because the function display all of the names. I am beginner and I will be glad if you show me the right syntaxis.
var name = [????] = [personname()] or how????
You should use -> to return something from a function. Here is an example:
static let people = ["Nick", "John", "Peter"]
func getPerson(index: Int) -> String
return self.people[index] //index is number of a person, 0 will be the first one, 1 is second, etc.
func showTeam()
// some code
print("This is a first boy: \(self.getPerson[0])")
// some code

How to sort an array of Structures with/by dynamic property

Given an NSTableView that has an array of structures as its datasource. A user can click on any column heading to sort by that column. The column identifiers match the property names of the properties within the structure.
Given a structure
struct MyStructure {
var col0data = "" //name matches the column identifier
var col1data = ""
and an array of structures
var myArray = [MyStructure]()
The goal is that when a column heading is clicked, use that column's identifier to sort the array of structures by that column identifier/property
With an array of dictionaries, it was easy...
self.myArrayOfDictionaries.sortInPlace {
(dictOne, dictTwo) -> Bool in
let d1 = dictOne[colIdentifier]! as String;
let d2 = dictTwo[colIdentifier]! as String;
return d1 < d2 //or return d1 > d2 for reverse sort
The question is how to access the properties of the Structure dynamically, something like
let struct = myArray[10] as! MyStructure //get the 10th structure in the array
let value = struct["col0data"] as! String //get the value of the col0data property
If there is a better way, suggestions would be appreciated.
I should also note that the structure may have 50 properties so this is an effort to reduce the amount of code needed to sort the array by any one of those properties.
One solution is to change the structure to a class derived from NSObject. Then the properties could be accessed via .valueForKey("some key"). However, I am trying to keep this Swifty.
Maybe I have a solution to your problem. The advantage of this code over your solution is here you don't need to add a subscript method to your struct to create an hardcoded String-Property-Value map via code.
Here's my extension
extension _ArrayType {
func sortedBy(propertyName propertyName: String) -> [Self.Generator.Element] {
let mirrors = { Mirror(reflecting: $0) }
let propertyValues = { $0.children.filter { $0.label == propertyName }.first?.value }
let castedValues = { $0 as? String }
let sortedArray = zip(self, castedValues).sort { (left, right) -> Bool in
return left.1 < right.1
}.map { $0.0 }
return sortedArray
struct Animal {
var name: String
var type: String
let animals = [
Animal(name: "Jerry", type: "Mouse"),
Animal(name: "Tom", type: "Cat"),
Animal(name: "Sylvester", type: "Cat")
animals.sortedBy(propertyName: "name")
// [{name "Jerry", type "Mouse"}, {name "Sylvester", type "Cat"}, {name "Tom", type "Cat"}]
animals.sortedBy(propertyName: "type")
// [{name "Tom", type "Cat"}, {name "Sylvester", type "Cat"}, {name "Jerry", type "Mouse"}]
The worst limitation of this solutions is that it works only for String properties. It can be change to work with any types of property by it must be at compile time. Right now I have not a solution to make it work with any king of property type without changing the code.
I already asked help for the core of the problem here.
I would definitely recommend simply embedding your dictionary into your struct. A dictionary is a much more suitable data structure for 50 key-value pairs than 50 properties – and you've said that this would be an acceptable solution.
Embedding the dictionary in your struct will give you the best of both worlds – you can easily encapsulate logic & you have have easy lookup of the values for each column ID.
You can now simply sort your array of structures like this:
struct MyStructure {
var dict = [String:String]()
init(col0Data:String, col1Data:String) {
dict["col0data"] = col0Data
dict["col1data"] = col1Data
var myArray = [MyStructure(col0Data: "foo", col1Data: "bar"), MyStructure(col0Data: "bar", col1Data: "foo")]
var column = "col0data"
myArray.sort {
$0.dict[column] < $1.dict[column]
print(myArray) // [MyStructure(dict: ["col0data": "bar", "col1data": "foo"]), MyStructure(dict: ["col0data": "foo", "col1data": "bar"])]
column = "col1data"
myArray.sort {
$0.dict[column] < $1.dict[column]
print(myArray) // MyStructure(dict: ["col0data": "foo", "col1data": "bar"])], [MyStructure(dict: ["col0data": "bar", "col1data": "foo"])
Here's an answer (but not the best answer); use subscripts to return the correct property, and set which property you are sorting by within the array.sort:
struct MyStructure {
var col0data = "" //name matches the column identifier
var col1data = ""
subscript(key: String) -> String? { //the key will be the col identifier
get {
if key == "col0data" {
return col0data
} else if key == "col1data" {
return col1data
return nil
And then here's how the sort works:
let identifier = the column identifier string,say col0data in this case
myArray.sortInPlace ({
let my0 = $0[identifier]! //the identifier from the table col header
let my1 = $1[identifier]!
return my0 < my1
If you do not know what types the values of MyStructure can be you will have a hard time comparing them to sort them. If you had a function that can compare all types you can have in MyStructure then something like this should work
struct OtherTypeNotComparable {
struct MyStructure {
var col0data = "cat" //name matches the column identifier
var col1data: OtherTypeNotComparable
let structures = [MyStructure(), MyStructure()]
let sortBy = "col1data"
func yourCompare(a: Any, b: Any) -> Bool {
return true
var expanded : [[(String, Any, MyStructure)]]
= { s in Mirror(reflecting: s) { ($0!, $1, s) } }
expanded.sortInPlace { (a, b) -> Bool in
let aMatch = a.filter { $0.0 == sortBy }.first!.1
let bMatch = b.filter { $0.0 == sortBy }.first!.1
return yourCompare(aMatch, b: bMatch)