I have an old version API: Foo(). Now I extend the API to Foo(false), Foo(true) and Foo() should still work as before.
Right now I am using Parameterized.class to do Junit, and the parameter list is {null, false, true}. I want to write the testcase as:
public void fooTest() {
But Foo(parameter) cannot test Foo(), so I have to write the test code as:
public void fooTest() {
if (parameter == null)
Is there any simple way to write the test case so that I do not need to check whether parameter is null or not? I ask this because the original test cases before I extend API are already there in many places (see below) and I do not want to change the test code too much. :
public void fooTest() {
One way could be to put the Foo-Object (instead of the constructor arguments) into the parameters, i.e. {Foo(false), Foo(true),Foo()} instead of {null, false, true}
Yet review your example. Probably it is an abstraction of a real problem. If not:
assertions are missing, these should be contained in the parameters (otherwise you get the if-problem in the assertion phase).
testing with 3 parameter values is easier done with 3 simple (un-parameterized) unittests
And you could of course put your default constructor into a separate (un-parametereized) test class.
Which alternative is the best depends heavily on the real problem behind your abstraction.
In my existing [OneTimeSetup] method, I want to check some preconditions before running any test. But I can't do so as the object which I'll be needing to check preconditions is initialized in Base class [Setup] method. I can't initialize this earlier due to some project limitations.
So, Is there any way where I can execute some code after Base [Setup] method (to check some preconditions) and before any suite execution? I want to execute this once per suite.
Class GlobalSetup
public void OneTimeSetUp(){
CheckIfDataIsPresent(); // I can't do this here as this code needs Obj O to be initialized. which will be initialized in Base class's [Setup] methed
Public class Base
public void setUp()
//some code where we initialize obj O;
public class Test : Base
// tests to be executed
You already did a nice job of explaining why what you want to do won't work, so I don't have to. :-)
The problem is that each your tests needs a fresh instance of that object, so you properly create it in a [SetUp] method. You would like to ensure that it's possible to create such an object once before you run any tests.
I can only give you a non-specific answer, since you haven't given a lot of info in your example code. If you update your question, I may be able to update my answer. Here goes...
Both your tests and the check you want to perform require an instance of object o. So one approach would be to initialize o one more time in the OneTimeSetup, perform the check and then throw it away. Since you are initializing o in every test, I assume it's not expensive to do so. Say you have 100 tests. You are setting up o 100 times. So make it 101 and be done!
Alternatively, determine what is required for o to be initialized successfully and check that. For example, if it needs a file to be present, check that the file is present. If the file has to have 100 records in some format, check that it's so. Perhaps you might give us more detail about what those prerequisites are.
Finally, you might reconsider whether you really need a new instance per test. Since you suggest you would be willing to make a check once per fixture (I assume that's what you mean by suite) then perhaps you really only need one instance per fixture rather than a new one for each test.
I've got an odd question for which Google has proven barren:
I've got a project in .net with ~20 classes that all have tests in them. One of the classes has common test setup code, although a few of the classes have their own TestFixtureSetup that looks exactly like the common class (not my architecture choice - this predates my employment). I have my own test class for which I have some different code that runs prior to running a few particular tests within the class.
Some more info that's relevant: The custom setup code that I have enables data to be available for a few combinatorial tests I have in my own test class. As the value source for the combinatorial params, the List that is returned first initializes some data.
Alright, here's the question: When I try to run a test in ANOTHER test class, it's "building" the tests from every other class. In my case, it's building the combinatorial test that I have - and thus, triggering the custom setup method that I have.
How do I prevent NUnit from building tests in other classes? As in, I run a test in one class, all I'd like NUnit to do is build tests from that class ONLY.
I tried to remove any NDA-no-no language, but here's the combinatorial I have:
[Test, Combinatorial, Category("Regressive")]
public void Test05_CombiTestExample(
[ValueSource("ListA")] User user,
[ValueSource("ListB")] KeyValuePair<string, string> searchKvp,
[ValueSource("ListC")] string scope)
And here's one of the lists that is being reference:
public IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> ListB
if ([Redacted] != null)
return new Dictionary<string, string>()
return null;
The line in question is "InitCustomData();" which, because my combinatorial is being built prior to running any setup or anything, is being executed anyway. I want this to stay here - I just don't want NUnit to start building test cases from any other class besides the one it's currently running a test in.
I started using JUnitParams to write parameterized tests and it works awesome. For example, the following test is invoked with false, then with true:
#Parameters ({ "false", "true" })
public void testBla (boolean foo) throws Exception
One minor trouble is that I have a custom rule (as in org.junit.rules.TestRule) that only exists to write some additional information to the logs. What it currently does is
public Statement apply (final Statement statement, final Description description)
return new Statement ()
public void evaluate () throws Throwable
log.info (String.format ("RUNNING TEST %s::%s\n",
description.getClassName (),
description.getMethodName ()));
When I have just two parameters as above, it is not a problem that it writes the same name for two executions of one method, I can simply count. However, it would still be useful for the rule to print parameter values, especially if I have more.
So, is it possible to find test parameters from within a custom rule?
my best guess: most parameterized junit plugins using junit's Description object. you should be able to get this object in your rule. but what is in this object and is it enough for your purpose depends on the specific plugin you use. if this one is not good for you, try others
Am having a little trouble understanding what and what cannot be done using FakeItEasy. Suppose I have a class
public class ToBeTested{
public bool MethodToBeTested(){
SomeDependentClass dependentClass = new SomeDependentClass();
var result = dependentClass.DoSomething();
if(result) return "Something was true";
return "Something was false";
And I do something like below to fake the dependent class
var fakedDepClass = A.Fake<DependentClass>();
How can i use this fakedDepClass when am testing MethodToBeTested. If DependentClass was passed as argument, then I can pass my fakedDepClass, but in my case it is not (also this is legacy code that I dont control).
Any ideas?
Calling new SomeDependentClass() inside MethodToBeTested means that you get a concrete actual SomeDependentClass instance. It's not a fake, and cannot be a FakeItEasy fake.
You have to be able to inject the fake class into the code to be tested, either (as you say) via an argument to MethodToBeTested or perhaps through one of ToBeTested's constructors or properties.
If you can't do that, FakeItEasy will not be able to help you.
If you do not have the ability to change ToBeTested (and I'd ask why you're writing tests for it, but that's an aside), you may need to go with another isolation framework. I have used TypeMock Isolator for just the sort of situation you describe, and it did a good job.
I'm new to the test automation scene so forgive me if this is a stupid question but google has failed me this time. Or at least anything I've read has just confused me further.
I'm using JUnit 4 and Selenium Webdriver within Eclipse. I have several tests that I need to run as a suite and also individually. At the moment these tests run fine when run on their own. At the start of the test an input box is presented to the tester/user asking first what server they wish to test on (this is a string variable which becomes part of a URL) and what browser they wish to test against. At the moment when running the tests in a suite the user is asked this at the beginning of each test, because obviously this is coded into each of their #Before methods.
How do I take in these values once, and pass them to each of the test methods?
So if server = "server1" and browser = "firefox" then firefox is the browser I want selenium to use and the URL I want it to open is http://server1.blah.com/ for all of the following test methods. The reason I've been using seperate #Before methods is because the required URL is slightly different for each test method. i.e each method tests a different page, such as server1.blah.com/something and server1.blah.com/somethingElse
The tests run fine, I just don't want to keep inputting the values because the number of test methods will eventually be quiet large.
I could also convert my tests to testNG if there is an easier way of doing this in testNG. I thought the #BeforeSuite annotation might work but now I'm not sure.
Any suggestions and criticism (the constructive kind) are much appreciated
You can adapt the solution for setting a global variable for a suite in this answer to JUnit 4 Test invocation.
Basically, you extend Suite to create MySuite. This creates a static variable/method which is accessible from your tests. Then, in your tests, you check the value of this variable. If it's set, you use the value. If not, then you get it. This allows you to run a single test and a suite of tests, but you'll only ask the user once.
So, your suite will look like:
public class MySuite extends Suite {
public static String url;
* Called reflectively on classes annotated with <code>#RunWith(Suite.class)</code>
* #param klass the root class
* #param builder builds runners for classes in the suite
* #throws InitializationError
public MySuite(Class<?> klass, RunnerBuilder builder) throws InitializationError {
this(builder, klass, getAnnotatedClasses(klass));
// put your global setup here
MySuite.url = getUrlFromUser();
This would be used in your Suite like so:
#SuiteClasses({FooTest.class, BarTest.class, BazTest.class});
Then, in your test classes, you can either do something in the #Before/#After, or better look at TestRule, or if you want Before and After behaviour, look at ExternalResource. ExternalResource looks like this:
public static class FooTest {
private String url;
public ExternalResource resource= new ExternalResource() {
protected void before() throws Throwable {
url = (MySuite.url != null) ? MySuite.url : getUrlFromUser();
protected void after() {
// if necessary
public void testFoo() {
// something which uses resource.url
You can of course externalize the ExternalResource class, and use it from multiple Test Cases.
I think the main functionality of TestNG that will be useful here is not just #BeforeSuite but #DataProviders, which make it trivial to run the same test with a different set of values (and won't require you to use statics, which always become a liability down the road).
You might also be interested in TestNG's scripting support, which makes it trivial to ask the user for some input before the tests start, here is an example of what you can do with BeanShell.
It might make sense to group tests so that the test suite will have the same #Before method code, so you have a test suite for each separate.
Another option might be to use the same base url for each test but navigate to the specific page by getting selenium to click through to where you want to carry out the test.
If using #RunWith(Suite.class), you can add static methods with #BeforeClass (and #AfterClass), which will run before (and after) the entire Suite you define. See this question.
This of course won't help if you are referring to the entire set of classes found dynamically, and are not using Suite runner.