echo/append a string with multiple double quotes - sh

I'm processing a text file reading line by line and massaging/filtering the data before writing to another file. Some lines in the original file contain multiple double quotes, others don't:
Dummy line 'from' a file with ""multiple double"" """quotes""" and single double "quotes".
I want to preserve all those weird quotes, basically treat the whole line as raw data. However, currently my approach removes all instances of double quotes
while read -r line
# do some filtering
echo "$line">> $ebooks ;;
done < $filename
I assume sed can help with that, but it seems that even if I insert sed substitution after echo "$line", echo would already have already removed all quotes. How to apply sed without echo or what is a good approach for such issues?
Please, POSIX compliant only (sh) solutions, no bash/zsh/csh/etc.


Using Sed to Parse Base Filename into Replacement Argument

Working within a directory of two thousand plus of text files, I need to replace a certain string in each of those text files from "template.cmp" into "actualfilename". For example, for a file like mdgen.cmp, I need the original string of "template.cmp" to be changed to "mdgen".
I have tried the following command to no avail:
sed -i 's/template.cmp/$(basename)' ./*
Any idea how I can get around this?
Inside single quotes, $(basename) is just a static string. If you want to run the command basename, you need double quotes, and you need to pass it an argument, or two arguments if you want to trim the extension. Guessing a bit what you are actually trying to do, something like
for file in *; do
sed -i "s/template\.cmp/$(basename "$file" .cmp)/" "$file"
Notice also how the dot in the regex should properly be escaped with a backslash or by putting it in a character class [.]; an unescaped . matches any character at all.

sed match first word replace full line

I know this should be straight forward but I'm stuck, sorry.
I have two files both contain the same parameters but with different values. I'm trying to read one file line at a time, get the parameter name, use this to match in the second file and replace the whole line with that from file 1.
e.g. rw_2.core.fvbCore.Param.isEnable 1 (FVB_Params)
rw_2.core.fvbCore.Param.isEnable true (FVB_Boolean)
The lines are not always the same length but I always want to replace the whole line.
The code I have is as follows but it doesn't make the substitutions and I can't work out why not.
while read line; do
ParamName=`awk '{print $1}'`
sed -i 's/$ParamName.*/$line/g' FVB_Params.txt
done < FVB_Boolean.txt
You need your sed command within double quotes if you want those variables to be replaced with their values. You have single quotes, so sed is actually looking for strings with dollar signs to replace with the string '$line', not whatever your shell has in the $line variable.
In short, sed's not seeing the values you want. Switch to double quotes.

How to use sed to isolate only the first part of a file

I'm running Windows and have the GnuWin32 toolkit, which includes sed. Specifically:
C:\TEMP>sed --version
GNU sed version 4.2.1
I have a text file with two sections: A fixed part I want to preserve, and a part that's appended after running a job.
In the file is a unique string that identifies the start of the part that's added, and I'd like to use Gnu sed to isolate only the part of the file that's before the unique string - i.e., so I can append different data to the fixed part each time the job is run.
I know I could keep the fixed portion in a separate file, but that adds complexity and it would be more elegant if I could just reuse the data at the start of the same file.
A long time ago I knew how to set up sed scripts, and I'm sure this can be done with sed, but I've slept since then. :)
Can you please describe how to use sed to display the lines of text in a file up to and not including a specific string?
line 1 of fixed portion
line 2 of fixed portion
unique string
line 1 of appended portion
line 2 of appended portion
line 3 of appended portion
What I'd like is to see as output:
line 1 of fixed portion
line 2 of fixed portion
I've gotten as far as:
sed -r -n -e "0,/unique string/p"
but that prints the unique string as well.
Thanks in advance.
This should work for you:
sed -n '/unique string/q;p' file
It quits processing at unique string. Other lines get printed.
An alternative might be to use a range address like this:
sed -n '1,/unique string/{/unique string/!p}' file
Note that sed includes the range border. We need to exclude unique string from printing.
Furthermore I'm using the -n option which makes sed suppress the output of input lines by default.
One thing, if unique string can contain characters which are also syntax characters in the regex like ...
... sed might not be the right tool for the job any more since it can only match regular expressions but not fixed strings.
In that case awk might be the tool of choice:
awk 'index("*unique string*"){exit}1' file
index("string") returns a non zero value (the position) if the string has been found. We cancel further processing of input lines in that case and don't print that line as well.
The trailing 1 always evaluates to true and makes awk print all the lines until the previous condition applies.

How to delete multiple lines from text file, including matched line?

I found some malicious JavaScript inserted into dozens of files.
The malicious code looks like this:
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>');
Some kind of opening tag, the document.write that inserts the remote script, a seemingly empty line, and then their "closing tag."
In a comment on this Stack Overflow answer I found out how to delete a single line in a single file.
sed -i '/pattern to match/d' ./infile
But I need to delete one line before, and two lines after, and again it is in at least a few dozen files.
So I think I could perhaps use grep -lr to find the file names, then pass each one to sed and somehow remove the matching line, as well as one before and 2 after (4 lines total). Pattern to match could be "\n*\nmaliciousurl\n\n*\n"?
I also tried this, trying to replace the pattern with empty string. The .* are the hex numbers in the opening/closing tags, and also the stuff between the tags.
sed -e '\%/\*.*\*/.*maliciousurl.*/\*/.*\*/%,\%%d' test.js
You need to match on the begin and end comments, not the document.write line:
sed -e '\%/\*123456\*/%,\%/\*/123456\*/%d'
This uses the % symbol in place of the more normal / to delimit the patterns, which is usually a good idea when the pattern contains slashed and doesn't contain % symbols. The leading \ tells sed that the following character is the pattern delimiter. You can use any character (except backslash or newline) in place of the %; Control-A is another good one to consider.
From the sed manual on Mac OS X:
In a context address, any character other than a backslash ('\') or newline
character may be used to delimit the regular expression. Also, putting a backslash character before the delimiting character causes the character to be
treated literally. For example, in the context address \xabc\xdefx, the RE
delimiter is an 'x' and the second 'x' stands for itself, so that the regular expression is 'abcxdef'.
Now, if in fact your pattern isn't as easily identified as the /*123456*/ you show in the example, then maybe you are forced to key off the malicious URL. However, in that case, you cannot use sed very easily; it cannot do relative offsets (/x/+1 is not allowed, let alone /x/-1). At that point, you probably fall back on ed (or perhaps ex):
ed - $file <<'EOF'
This does a global search for the malicious URL, and with each occurrence, deletes from the line before the current line (.-1) to two lines after it (.+2). Then write the file and quit.

Convert a CSV file with embedded commas into a bash array by line efficiently

Normally, I do something like
columns=( $LINE )
where $LINE is a line from a csv file I'm reading.
However, how do I handle a csv file with embedded commas? I have to handle several hundred gigs of file so everything needs to be done quickly, i.e., no multiple readings of a line, definitely no loops (last time I tried that slowed it down several factors).
The general structure of the code is as follows
cat $FILENAME | while read LINE
columns=( $LINE )
# affect columns changes here
echo "$newline"
Preferably, I need something that goes
cat $FILENAME | while read LINE
# code to tell bash to ignore if IFS is within an open quote
columns=( $LINE )
# affect columns changes here
echo "$newline"
Any tips would be appreciated. Otherwise, I'll probably switch to using another language to handle this stuff.
Probably embedded commas is just the first obvious problem that you encountered while parsing those CSV files.
Future problems that might popped are:
embedded newline separator characters
embedded utf8 chars
special treatment for whitespaces, empty fields, spaces around commas, undef values
I generally tend to follow the philosophy that If there is a (reputable) module that parses some
format you have to parse, use it instead of making a homebrew
I don't think there is such a thing for bash, but there are some for Perl. I'd go for Text::CSV_XS. Being written in C I expect it to be very fast.
You can use sed or something similar to convert the commas within quotes to some other sequence or punctuation. If you don't care about the stuff in quotes then you do not even need to change them back. You can do this on the whole file:
sed 's/\("[^,"]*\),\([^"]*"\)/\1;\2/g' input.csv > intermediate.csv
or on each line:
line=$(echo $line | sed 's/\("[^,"]*\),\([^"]*"\)/\1;\2/g')
This isn't a complete answer, but it's a possible approach.
Find a character that never occurs in the input file. Use a C program that parses the CSV file and prints lines to standard output with a different delimiter. Writing that program is left as an exercise, but I'm sure there's CSV-parsing C source code out there. Pipe the output of the C program into your script.
For example:
new_c_program $FILENAME | while read LINE
# code to tell bash to ignore if IFS is within an open quote
columns=( $LINE )
# affect columns changes here
echo "$newline"
A minor point: I'd pick a name other than $newline; newline suggests an end-of-line marker rather than an entire line.
Another minor point: you have a "Useless Use Of cat" in the code in your question. You could replace this:
cat $FILENAME | while read LINE
by this:
while read LINE
done < $FILENAME
But if you replace cat by the hypothetical C program I suggested, you still need the pipe.