Matlab: How to output a matrix which is sorted by distance - matlab

I have a cluster of points in 3D point clouds, says
A = [ 1 4 3;
1 2 3;
1 6 3;
1 5 3];
The distance matrix then was found:
D= pdist(A);
Z= squareform(D);
Z =
0 2 2 1
2 0 4 3
2 4 0 1
1 3 1 0
I would like to sort the points so that the sum of the distance travelled through the points will be the smallest, and output in another matrix. This is similar to TSP problem but in a 3D model. Is there any function can do this?
Your help is really appreciated in advance.

This could be one approach and must be efficient enough for a wide range of datasizes -
D = pdist(A);
Z = squareform(D); %// Get distance matrix
N = size(A,1); %// Store the size of the input array for later usage
Z(1:N+1:end) = Inf; %// Set diagonals as Infinites as we intend to find
%// minimum along each row
%// Starting point and initialize an array to store the indices according
%// to the sorted requirements set in the question
idx = 1;
out_idx = zeros(N,1);
out_idx(1) = idx;
%// Perform an iterative search to look for nearest one starting from point-1
for k = 2:N
start_ind = idx;
[~,idx] = min(Z(start_ind,:));
Z(:,start_ind) = Inf;
out_idx(k) = idx;
%// Now that you have the list of indices based on the next closest one,
%// sort the input array based on those indices and have the desired output
out = A(out_idx,:)
Sample run for given input -
A =
1 4 3
1 2 3
1 6 3
1 5 3
1 2 3
out =
1 4 3
1 5 3
1 6 3
1 2 3
1 2 3

The only way I can see you do this is by brute force. Also bear in mind that because this is brute force, this will scale very badly as the total number of points increases. This is fine for just 4 points, but if you want to scale this up, the total number of permutations for N points would be N! so be mindful of this before using this approach. If the number of points increases, then you may get to a point where you run out of memory. For example, for 10 points, 10! = 3628800, so this probably won't bode well with memory if you try and go beyond 10 points.
What I can suggest is to generate all possible permutations of visiting the 4 points, then for each pair of points (pt. 1 -> pt. 2, pt. 2 -> pt. 3, pt. 3 -> pt. 4), determine and accumulate the distances, then find the minimum distance accumulated. Whichever distance is the minimum will give you the sequence of nodes you need to visit.
Start with perms to generate all possible ways to visit four points exactly once, then for each pair of points, figure out the distances between the pairs and accumulate the distances. Keep considering pairs of points along each unique permutation until we reach the end. Once we're done, find the smallest distance that was generated, and return the sequence of points to generate this sequence.
Something like:
%// Your code
A = [ 1 4 3;
1 2 3;
1 6 3;
1 5 3];
D = pdist(A);
Z = squareform(D);
%// Generate all possible permutations to visit for our points
V = perms(1:size(A,1));
%// Used to accumulate our distances per point pair
dists = zeros(size(V,1), 1);
%// For each point pair
for idx = 1 : size(V,2)-1
%// Get the point pair in the sequence
p1 = V(:,idx);
p2 = V(:,idx+1);
%// Figure out the distance between the two points and add them up
dists = dists + Z(sub2ind(size(Z), p1, p2));
%// Find which sequence gave the minimum distance travelled
[~,min_idx] = min(dists);
%// Find the sequence of points to generate the minimum
seq = V(min_idx,:);
%// Give the actual points themselves
out = A(seq,:);
seq and out give the actual sequence of points we need to visit, followed by the actual points themselves. Note that we find one such possible combination. There may be a chance that there is more than one possible way to get the minimum distance travelled. This code just returns one possible combination. As such, what I get with the above is:
>> seq
seq =
3 4 1 2
>> out
out =
1 6 3
1 5 3
1 4 3
1 2 3
What the above is saying is that we need to start at point 3, then move to point 4, point 1, then end at point 2. Also, the sequence of pairs of points we need to visit is points 3 and 4, then points 4 and 1 and finally points 1 and 2. The distances are:
Pt. 3 - Pt. 4 - 1
Pt. 4 - Pt. 1 - 1
Pt. 1 - Pt. 2 - 2
Total distance = 4
If you take a look at this particular problem, the minimum possible distance would be 4 but there is certainly more than one way to get the distance 4. This code just gives you one such possible traversal.


how to choose the range in histc? Why is there a 0 as indices?

i have a question regarding histc:
I choose the max and min of a sorted signal as my range.
ma = ssigPE(end);
mi = ssigPE(1);
range = mi:ma;
[bincountsO,indO2] = histc(ssigPE, range);
so the range i get back is:
range = [-1.097184703736132 -0.097184703736132 0.902815296263868]
my problem is that just 2 bins get develop, so bincountsO has 2 bins
and indO2 has values as 0, 1 and 2
What am I doing wrong? I guess I m using the range wrong. I read the text here:
but I don't get it.
The bin ranges tell you where do bins start and stop. So a value of [0 1 2 7]for example, will give 3 bins: [0 1] , [1 2] , [2 7]
In matlab if you do mi:ma it will create an array from the value mi to ma with a step of 1. With your values, that gives just 3 values, hence 2 bins. There are 2 ways of creating a given step size length vectors.
Step size if 100 as an example
alternatively, and way clearer

Finding maxima in 2D matrix along certain dimension with indices

I have a <206x193> matrix A. It contains the values of a parameter at 206 different locations at 193 time steps. I am interested in the maximum value at each location over all times as well as the corresponding indices. I have another matrix B with the same dimensions of A and I'm interested in values for each location at the time that A's value at that location was maximal.
I've tried [max_val pos] = max(A,[],2), which gives the right maximum values, but A(pos) does not equal max_val.
How exactly does this function work?
I tried a smaller example as well. Still I don't understand the meaning of the indices....
>> H
H(:,:,1) =
1 2
3 4
H(:,:,2) =
5 6
7 8
>> [val pos] = max(H,[],2)
val(:,:,1) =
val(:,:,2) =
pos(:,:,1) =
pos(:,:,2) =
The indices in idx represent the index of the max value in the corresponding row. You can use sub2ind to create a linear index if you want to test if A(pos)=max_val
A=rand(206, 193);
[max_val, idx]=max(A, [], 2);
A_max=A(sub2ind(size(A), (1:size(A,1))', idx));
Similarly, you can access the values of B with:
B_Amax=B(sub2ind(size(A), (1:size(A,1))', idx));
From your example:
H(:,:,2) =
5 6
7 8
[val pos] = max(H,[],2)
val(:,:,2) =
pos(:,:,2) =
The reason why pos(:,:,2) is [2; 2] is because the maximum is at position 2 for both rows.
max is a primarily intended for use with vectors. In normal mode, even the multi-dimensional arrays are treated as a series of vectors along which the max function is applied.
So, to get the values in B at each location at the time where A is maximum, you should
// find the maximum values and positions in A
[c,i] = max(A, [], 2);
// iterate along the first dimension, to retrieve the corresponding values in B
C = [];
for k=1:size(A,1)
C(k) = B(k,i(k));
You can refer to #Jigg's answer for a more concise way of creating matrix C

MATLAB Combine matrices of different dimensions, filling values of corresponding indices

I have two matrices, 22007x3 and 352x2. The first column in each is an index, most (but not all) of which are shared (i.e. x1 contains indices that aren't in x2).
I would like to combine the two matrices into a 22007x4 matrix, such that column 4 is filled in with the values that correspond to particular indices in both original matrices.
For example:
x1 =
1 1 5
1 2 4
1 3 5
2 1 1
2 2 1
2 3 2
x2 =
1 15.5
2 -5.6
x3 =
1 1 5 15.5
1 2 4 15.5
1 3 5 15.5
2 1 1 -5.6
2 2 1 -5.6
2 3 2 -5.6
I've tried something along the lines of
but firstly I get the error
??? Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch.
and then I can't figure out I would fill the rest of it.
An important point is that there are not necessarily an equal number of rows per index in my data.
How might I make this work?
Taking Amro's answer from here
[~, loc] = ismember(x1(:,1), x2(:,1));
ismember's second argument returns the location in x2 where each element of x1 can be found (or 0 if it can't)
a = x2(loc(loc > 0), 2);
get the relevant values using these row indices but excluding the zeros, hence the loc > 0 mask. You have to exclude these as 1, they are not in x2 and 2 you can't index with 0.
Make a new column of default values to stick on the end of x1. I think NaN() is probably better but zeros() is also fine maybe
newCol = NaN(size(x1,1),1)
Now use logical indexing to get the locations of the non zero elements and put a in those locations
newCol(loc > 0) = a
Finnaly stick it on the end
x3 = [x1, newCol]

Averaging every n elements of a vector in matlab

I would like to average every 3 values of an vector in Matlab, and then assign the average to the elements that produced it.
y=%The averaging operation;
After the operation,
[2 2 2 5 5 5 8 8 8 11 11 11]
Therefore the produced vector is the same size, and the jumping average every 3 values replaces the values that were used to produce the average (i.e. 1 2 3 are replaced by the average of the three values, 2 2 2). Is there a way of doing this without a loop?
I hope that makes sense.
I would go this way:
Reshape the vector so that it is a 3×x matrix:
% xx is now [1 4 7 10; 2 5 8 11; 3 6 9 12]
after that
yy = sum(xx,1)./size(xx,1)
and now
y = reshape(repmat(yy, size(xx,1),1),1,[])
produces exactly your wanted result.
Your parameter 3, denoting the number of values, is only used at one place and can easily be modified if needed.
You may find the mean of each trio using:
x = 1:12;
m = mean(reshape(x, 3, []));
To duplicate the mean and reshape to match the original vector size, use:
y = m(ones(3,1), :) % duplicates row vector 3 times
y = y(:)'; % vector representation of array using linear indices

Sort Coordinates Points in Matlab

What I want to do is to sort these coordinates points:
Measured coordinates (x,y)= (2,2),(2,3),(1,2),(1,3),(2,1),(1,1),(3,2),(3,3),(3 ,1)
I need to get sequences or trajectories of this points to follow them by iteration.
data = [2,2 ; 2,3 ; 1,2 ; 1,3 ; 2,1 ; 1,1 ; 3,2 ; 3,3 ; 3 ,1]
% corresponding sort-value, pick one out or make one up yourself:
sortval = data(:,1); % the x-value
sortval = data(:,2); % y-value
sortval = (data(:,1)-x0).^2 + (data(:,2)-y0).^2; % distance form point (xo,y0)
sortval = ...
[~,sortorder] = sort(sortval);
sorted_data = data(sortorder,:);
But from you comment, I understand you actually need something to reconstruct a path and iteratively find the closest neighbour of the last found point (of the reconstructed path so far).
The following is how I would solve this problem (using pdist2 for calculating the distances between all the points for easiness):
data = [2,2 ; 2,3 ; 1,2 ; 1,3 ; 2,1 ; 1,1 ; 3,2 ; 3,3 ; 3 ,1];
dist = pdist2(data,data);
N = size(data,1);
result = NaN(1,N);
result(1) = 1; % first point is first row in data matrix
for ii=2:N
dist(:,result(ii-1)) = Inf;
[~, closest_idx] = min(dist(result(ii-1),:));
result(ii) = closest_idx;
which results in:
result =
1 2 4 3 6 5 9 7 8
being the indices to consecutive points on the curve. Here's a plot of this result:
As #mathematician1975 already mentioned, there can be equal distances to a point. This is solved here by using min which just finds the first occurrence of the minimum in an array. This means that if you order your input data differently, you can get different results of course, this is inherent to the equal-distance issue.
2nd remark: I don't know how this will behave when using large input data matrices, probably a bit slow because of the loop, which you can't avoid. I still see room for improvement, but that's up to you ;)
Create a matrix from your points so that you have something like
A = [2 2 1 1 2 1 3 3 3;
2 3 2 3 1 1 2 3 1]';
then try
B = sortrows(A,1);
to get a matrix with rows that are your points ordered by xvalue or
B = sortrows(A,2)
to get a matrix with rows that are your points ordered by their 'y' value. If your points are ordered with respect to some other ordering parameter (such as time) then sorting will not work unless you remember the order that they were created in.