Understanding the output of ClearNLP - netbeans

I am using ClearNLP as a semantic labeler but I have some questions:
Can I change the output to a tree view that shows the semantic dependencies?
What does Sheads="2:A0=PAG" mean? I could not understand the semantic output in a sentence such: I have a new employee. He has studied computer science and has developed a lot of programs; he is qualified to be manager. add him in the appropriate table.

You can copy the output of the clearnlp suite and paste it in this online visualization tool that will draw it: http://www.mathcs.emory.edu/~choi/clearnlp/demo/demo.html
About your second question, A0 refers to the first slot in the SRL of the verb.


Convert kaitai-struct .ksy file to "pretty" tree view

I need to write documentation for a parser that was developed in Kaitai. Given a .ksy file, is there any way to produce "pretty" views of the tree?
There is a two year old fork of ksc that supports GraphViz output but the resulting output is pretty hard to work with.
I can easily determine what the nodes are but getting their immediate parent would add very useful context.
Thank you.
Please define what exactly do you expect from a "pretty tree".
GraphViz support is available in master and stable releases for a long time (as -t graphviz), and is very well supported — basically every ksy in official repo is accompanied nowadays with a chart: for example, http://formats.kaitai.io/lzh/index.html
If you want to have a tree of values (as opposed to "tree of data types"), we actually have ksdump, which allows you to dump arbitary data file using arbitrary .ksy in a YAML/JSON/XML tree of values. Will it work for you?

Running Memnet model using caffe

I try to use the dataset of mnist, which is an example provided in github, to run Memnet model on the interface of cmd.
The model is downloaded from here
I modified its deploy.prototxt accordingly. Having no idea... Can someone help me with this?
But it keeps telling me something wrong going on, as the pic shows:
The command line interface should get as a -solver a solver.prototxt file (which has train_val.prototxt as one of its parameters). You cannot supply train_val.prototxt directly to caffe train.
You can look at the examples subfolder of caffe and find some examples of solver.prototxt. A simple one can be found in examples/mnist, you can check out lenet_solver.prototxt.

Checking PE header integrity

I have created a project on identifying malicious files using an artificial neural network. I am giving some selected features from PE structure as inputs to the neural network, and it is classifying files correctly. But referring to this answer : "https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/37921/windows-pe-file-and-malwares";it said that code can be injected into PE and values in optional header can be changed! I wanted to know if there is any way to know if PE structure has been modified?
One more link about injecting code into PE file: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/12532/Inject-your-code-to-a-Portable-Executable-file
You can't know if the pe was modified if you don't have the orignal binary but each compiler or packer have a signature (you can look with rdg for example http://www.rdgsoft.net/) you can use it to see if this signature is not here anymore but it possible that the signature is here even if the binary was modified.
Else you can look if the binary have strange section or if some value in the structure is not logical
you can see also if each section have right protection .text -> execute etc.
if you want to learn more about it you look this link
You can read the difference strategy (appending to the orignal binary or prependeing or divided in multi part) of a malware and how to detect it.
for instance
Which functions you should found in the import table LoadLibrary, GetProcAddress etc.
and his tools to test these methods in practice:

training a new model using pascal kit

need some help on this.
Currently I am doing a project on computer vision that requires me to train a new model to detect a certain object.
In this case, I am using the system provided by P. Felzenszwalb, D. McAllester, D. Ramaman and his team => Discriminatively trained deformable part models which is implemented in Matlab.
Project webpage: http://www.cs.uchicago.edu/~pff/latent/.
However I have no idea how to direct the system to use my dataset(a collection of images and annotation) which is different from the the PASCAL datasets so as to train a new model.
By directing, I meant a line of code that allows me to change the dataset the system reads from, for training a model.
% directory for caching models, intermediate data, and results
cachedir = ['/var/tmp/rbg/YOURPATH/' VOCyear '/'];
I tried looking at their Readme and documentation guides but they do not make any mention. Do correct me if I am wrong.
Let me know if I have not made my problem clear enough.
I tried looking at some files such as global.m but no go.
Your help is much appreciated and thanks in advance!
You can try to read pascal.m in the DPM package(voc-release5), there are similar code working on VOC2007/2010 dataset.
There are plenty of parts that need to be adapted to achieve this. For example the voc_config has to be adapted in order to read from your files.
The same with the pascal_train.m function. Depending on the images and the way you parse them, this may require quite some time to adapt this function.
Other functions to consider:

Accessing variable by string name

I need to load experimental data into scicoslab, a (pretty badly designed) clone fork of scilab which happens to support graphical modeling. The documentation on the web is pretty poor, but it's reasonably similar to scilab and octave.
The data I need to process is contained into a certain number of text files: Data_005, Data_010, …, Data_100. Each of them can be loaded using the -ascii flag for the loadmatfile command.
The problem comes from the fact that loadmatfile("foo", "-ascii") loads the file foo.mat into a variable named foo. In order to to cycle on the data files, I would need to do something like:
for i = [5:5:100]
name = sprintf("Data_%02d", i);
loadmatfile(name, "-ascii");
x = read_var_from_name(name);
where what I search for is a builtin read_var_from_name which would allow me to access the internal symbol table by string.
Do you know if there exist a similar function?
There's no way of overriding this behavior if your file is in ascii format;
In this phase I could also use octave (no graphical modelling is involved), although it behaves in the same way.
>> foo = 3.14; name = 'foo'; eval(name)
foo =
The above works in MATLAB, and Scilab's documentation says it also has an eval function. Not sure if I understood you correctly, though.
#arne.b has a good answer.
In your case you can also do that in matlab:
lets go through your points one by one:
"ScicosLab, a (pretty badly designed) clone of Scilab" This in my opinion is an inaccurate way of introducing the software. ScicosLab is not a clone of Scilab but a fork of it. The team behind ScicosLab (INRIA) are the ones who made scocos (now called xcos in Scilab development line). At some point (from Scilab v4) the Scilab team decided to move away from Tcl/tk towards Java, but the SciccosLab/scicos team departed, keep using the language (Tcl) and it's graphical user interface design package (tk). Giving the ScocosLab community the credit that the whole Scilab documentation and support is not very good in general. :) (more about Scilab and the forks here)
Regarding the technical question I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve here, Scilab/ScicosLab still have the eval function which basically does what you want. However this function is to be deprecated in favor of evstr. There is also the execstr function which worth studying.
The loadmatfile, as far as I have understood, "tries" to load the variables defined in a MATLAB .mat file (MATLAB's proprietary tabular format) into the Scilab workspace. For example if there is a variable foo it will "try" to create the variable foo and loads its value from the MATLAB script. Check this example. I would create a variable x(i) = foo in the for loop. again your question is not completely clear.
As a side note maybe you could consider exporting your data as CSV instead of .mat files.