How to synchronize readout of binary streams on serial port of Matlab - matlab

I'm having an issue which is partially Matlab- and partially general programming-related, I'm hoping that somebody can help me brainstorm for solutions.
I have an external microcontroller that generates a large stream of binary data (~40kb) every 400ms and sends it via UART to a PC running Matlab scripts. The data is not encoded in hexa or dec characters, but true binary (hence, there's no terminator defined as all 256 values are possible, valid combinations of data). Baudrate is set at 1024000. In short, it takes roughly 375ms for a whole stream of data to be sent, with 25ms of dead time in between streams
In Matlab, the serial port is configured correctly (also 1024000, 8x bits, 1x stop bit, no parity, no hardware flow control, etc.). I am able to readout the data I'm sending via the microcontroller correctly (i.e. there's no corruption of data), but I'm not being able to synchronize the serial readout on Matlab. My script is as follows:
function data_show = GetDATA
if ~isempty(instrfind)
DATA_buffer = uint8(zeros(DATA_TOTAL_SIZE,1));
DATA_show = reshape(DATA_buffer(1:2:end)',[160,120])';
f_data_in = false;
f_data_out = true;
serialport = serial('COM11','BaudRate',1024000,'DataBits',8,'FlowControl','none','Parity','none','StopBits',1,...
'BytesAvailableFcnCount',DATA_TOTAL_SIZE,'BytesAvailableFcnMode','byte','InputBufferSize',DATA_TOTAL_SIZE * 2,...
while (get(serialport,'BytesAvailable') ~= 0) % Skip first packet which might be incomplete
f_data_out = true;
while (1)
if (f_data_in)
DATA_buffer = fread(serialport,DATA_TOTAL_SIZE,'uint8');
DATA_show = reshape(DATA_buffer(1:2:end)',[160,120])'; %Reshape array as matrix
function GetPortData (obj,~)
if f_data_out
f_data_in = true;
The problem I see is that what I end up reading is always the correct size, but belongs to multiple streams, because I haven't found a way to tell Matlab that these 25ms of no data should be used to synchronize (i.e. data from before and after that blank period should belong to different streams).
Does anyone have any suggestions for this?
Thanks a lot!

For completeness, I would like to post the current implementation I have fixing this issue, which is probably not a suitable solution in all cases but might be useful in some.
The approach I took consists in moving into a bi-directional communication protocol, in which Matlab initiates the streaming by sending a very short command as a trigger (e.g. single, non-printable character). Given the high baudrate it does not add significant delay due to processing in the microcontroller's side.
The microcontroller, upon reception of this trigger, proceeds to transmit only one full package (as opposed to continuously streaming package at a 5Hz rate). By forcing Matlab to pickup a serial package of the known length right after issuing the trigger, it ensures that only one package and without synchronization issues is received.
Then it becomes just a matter of encapsulating the Matlab script in a routine with a 5Hz tick given by a timer, in which the sequence is repeated (send trigger, retrieve package, do whatever processing, and repeat).
Advantages of this:
It solves the synchronization problems
Disadvantages of this:
Having Matlab running on a timer tick does not ensure perfect periodicity, and hence the triggers might not always be sent at exactly 5Hz. If triggers are sent at "inconvenient" times for the microcontroller, packages might need to be skipped in order to avoid that a package is updated in memory while it is still being transmitted (since transmission takes a significant part of the 200ms time slot)
From experience, performance can vary a lot depending on what the PC running Matlab is doing. For example, it works fine when the PC is left on its own to do the acquisition, but if another program is used (e.g. Chrome), Matlab begins to lag and that results in delays in transmission of triggers.
As mentioned above, it's not a complete answer, but it is an approach that might be sufficient in some situations. If someone has a more efficient option, please fell free to share!


If the PC register is simultaneously read and written, does its read data contain the previous data or the newly-written data?

If the PC register is simultaneously read and written, does its read data contain the previous data or the newly-written data? Based on my understanding of sequential circuits, the effect of the write command does not instantly take effect in the PC register due to propagation delay so, at the rising edge of the clock, the read command will get the old value. But corollary to my question is if this is the case, shouldn't the read command would also have a delay in some sense and could possibly read the newly-written data?
A program counter is normally special enough that it's not part of a register file with other registers. You don't have a "read command", its output is just always wired up to other parts that read it when appropriate. (i.e. when its output is stable and has the value you want). e.g. see various block diagrams of MIPS pipelines, or non-pipelined single-cycle or multi-cycle designs.
You'd normally build such a physical register out of edge-triggered flip-flops, I think. ( Note that a D flip-flop does latch the previous input as the current output on a clock edge, and then the input is allowed to change after that.
There's a timing window before the clock edge where the input has to remain stable, it can start to change a couple gate delays after. Note the example of a shift register built by chaining D flip-flops all with the same clock signal.
If you have a problem arranging to capture a value before it starts changing, you could design in some intentional clock skew so the flip-flop reliably latches its input before you trigger the thing providing the input to change it. (But normally whatever you're triggering will itself have at least a couple gate delays before its output actually changes, hence the shift-register made of chained D flip-flops.)
That wiki article also mentions the master-slave edge-triggered D Flip-Flop that chains 2 gated (not clocked) D latches with an inverted clock, so capturing the input happens on the opposite clock edge from updating the output with the previously-captured data.
By comparison and for example, in register files for general-purpose registers in classic RISC pipelines like MIPS, IIRC it's common to build them so write happens in the first half-cycle and read happens in the second half-cycle of the ID stage. (So write-back can "forward" to decode/fetch through the register file, keeping the window of bypass-forwarding or hazards shorter than if you did it in the other order.)
This means the write data has a chance to stabilize before you need to read it.
Overall, it depends how you design it!
If you want the same clock edge to update a register with inputs while also latching the old value to the output, you a master-slave flip-flop will do that (capture the old input into internal state, and latch the old internal state onto the outputs).
Or you could design it so the input is captured on the clock edge, and propagates to the output after a few gate delays and stays latched there for the rest of this clock cycle (or half cycle). That would be a single D flip-flop (per bit).

Why do we need to specify the number of flash wait cycles?

Especially when working with "faster" devices like STMF4xx/F7xx we need to specify the number of flash wait cycles, based on the supply voltage and the sys-clock frequency.
When the CPU fetches instructions/or constants this is done over the FLITF. Am I right with the assumption that the FLITF holds a CPU request as long as it can provide the requested data, making it impossible for other Bus-Masters to access flash meanwhile.
If this was true, why should it be important to any interface to know flash wait cycles. Like Cache does preload instructions so or so, independent if it knows how long to wait, no?
Because the flash interface isn't magic.
It has to meet the necessary setup and hold times for addressing and reading out the flash cells, which will vary somewhat depending on voltage. Taking the STM32F411 as an example (because I have that TRM handy), doing some maths with the voltage/frequency/wait-state table implies that a read from flash on one of those takes in the order of ~30ns above 2.7V, down to ~60ns below 2.1V.
Since the flash interface doesn't have its own asynchronous nanosecond-precision timekeeping ability (because that would be needlessly complicated, power-hungry, and silly), that translates to asserting its signals for n clock cycles, after which it can assume the data signals from the cells are stable enough to read back*. How does it know what the clock frequency is, and therefore what n should be? Simple: you, as the programmer who set the clock, tell it. Some hardware things are just infinitely easier to let software deal with.
* and then going through the further shenanigans of extracting the relevant 8, 16 or 32 bits out of the 128-bit line it's read, to finally spit that out the other side onto the AHB bus to the waiting CPU, obviously.

Compare two matrices according to first row in each matrix (matlab)

I'll briefly explain my purpose in case another solution would be much easier.
I have a server and a system. The system sends a "live-stat" packet twice a second and logs the time it was sent (epoch time). The server receives the packet and logs the receiving time.
I would like to know which of the packets arrived and the latency of their arrival.
Currently I'm inserting this data to an unorganized matrix and i would like to compare the two matrices (server and system) to calculate the latency.
Is there any matlab command that could help me?
Another point is that I don't know how to get a numerical value for the latency, is there any formula or tool that i could use? (I''m currently going to show the deviation of the latency on a graph).
I'm talking about 500,000 packets per system and i'm testing this on ~50 systems so i'm looking for the most efficient calculation.

Using MATLAB to send multiple serial signals through the same port

I'd like to send multiple signals (4 inputs and outputs and 7 outputs) from my Laptop to a microcontroller. I'm thinking of using a USB to serial converter and multiplexing the data through the port. I'll need to write codes both in the laptop end and in the microcontroller to multiplex the data.
Tx of microcontroller:
1.Temperature sensor ADC output->Laptop
2.Voltage sensor to laptop
3.Current Sensor to Laptop
4.Photodiode current to Laptop
So I need to write a program in the microcontroller to send the data in this order. How can I accomplish this? I was thinking of an infinite loop which sends the data with time delays in between.
At the Rx pin of Microcontroller,
Seven bit sequences. Each bit sequence will be used to set the duty cycle of a PWM generated by the microcontroller.
I also need the same multiplexing or demultiplexing arrangement in the matlab end. Here too, I'm thinking of allotting some virtual 'channels' at different instants of time. What kind of algorithm would I need?
In case you always send all the inputs/outputs at the same rate, you could simply pack them into 'packets', which always start with one or more bytes with a fixed value that form a 'packet header'. The only risk is that one of the bytes of the sensor data might have the same value as the start-byte at the moment you try to start receiving bytes and you are not yet synchronized. You can reduce this risk by making the header longer, or by choosing a start-byte that is illegal output for the sensors (typically OxFF or so).
The sending loop on the microcontroller is really easy (pseudocode):
while True:
end while
The receiving loop is a bit more tricky, since it needs to synchronize first:
while True:
data = serial.receive()
if data != START_BYTE:
print 'not synced'
continue #restart at top of while
end if
temperature = serial.receive()
voltage = serial.receive()
current = serial.receive()
photodiode = serial.receive()
end while
This same scheme can be used for communication in both directions.

understanding double buffers

I am using the C8051F320 and basing my firmware on the HID example firmware (for example, BlinkyExample).
IN and OUT reports are each 64B long (a single 64B packet).
I enabled the ADC and set it for 10kSps. Every ADC interrupt, a sample is stored in an array. When enough samples are taken to fill a packet, an IN packet is sent.
Software sends a report telling the firmware how many reports to return.
1) The example firmware uses EP1, which has 128B. It splits the EP into IN and OUT, 64B each.
The firmware drops the first sample of each IN report at 10kSps. At 5kSps it runs fine.
2) I modified EP1 to be double buffered, but it is only 32B long now. Regardless, streaming 1000s of IN reports with 10kSps data works great (confirmed by FFT of the sampled sine wave in software).
3) I modified the firmware to use EP2, since that has 256B total, giving 64B if splitting and double buffering.
a) Again, at 10kSps, the first sample of each packet is dropped. Why? It runs fine at 5kSps.
Actually, I cannot seem to visualize how double buffering works. If the sample rate is faster than the HID transfer rate, the FIFOs will overflow regardless, right? How does double buffering help? But it seems that for double-buffering to be effective, the packet size must be cut in half.
b) While switching references of EP1 to EP2, I came across this code in F3xx_USB0_Standard_Requests.c: DATAPTR = (unsigned char*)&ONES_PACKET;. Setting a char* = address of a char* does not seem correct to me. I modified it to DATAPTR = (unsigned char*)ONES_PACKET; Regardless, there seems to be no difference. What does the zeros and ones arrays do?
HID example firmware
HID uses interrupt type endpints, which will transfer data at most once per frame, or once per 1 ms - depending on your HID descriptor, it can be much slower. This yields a net data rate of about 64000 Bytes/sec.
Once you need to transfer more data, use bulk or isochronous endpoints.