I need to take data from a basic excel form and paste it on a data table as many times as one of the cells form the form says.
This is the form:
I've tried this:
function COPIARPEGAR() {
var Libro = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var Form = Libro.getSheetByName("Form")
var CON = Form.getRange('J18').getValue();
var Disciplina = Form.getRange('J20').getValue();
var Masculino = Form.getRange('L22').getValue();
var TituloMasculino = Form.getRange('L20').getValue();
var Femenino = Form.getRange('N22').getValue();
var TituloFemenino = Form.getRange('N20').getValue();
var BBDD = Libro.getSheetByName("BBDD2");
var DisciplinaBBDD = BBDD.getRange('A1:A').getValues()
var UltimaFila = DisciplinaBBDD.filter(String).length
for(var filamasc=UltimaFila+1;filamasc<=Masculino+1;filamasc++) {
for(var filafem=UltimaFila+1;filafem<=Femenino+1;filafem++) {
And as result I always get the smaller number overwrited by the largest number like this:
Thanks for yur help!
Your loops are the issue in that you aren't starting at the same rows. Consider running your code in debug mode so you can see your variables value on the right hand part of the screen (such as UltimaFila = 1). I looked at your code, and I think this would work with modifications, but again look at your variables on the right side of your code, and run in debug mode.
function COPIARPEGAR() {
var Libro = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var Form = Libro.getSheetByName("Form")
var CON = Form.getRange('J18').getValue();
var Disciplina = Form.getRange('J20').getValue();
var Masculino = Form.getRange('L22').getValue();
var TituloMasculino = Form.getRange('L20').getValue();
var Femenino = Form.getRange('N22').getValue();
var TituloFemenino = Form.getRange('N20').getValue();
var BBDD = Libro.getSheetByName("BBDD2");
var DisciplinaBBDD = BBDD.getRange('A1:A').getValues()
var UltimaFila = DisciplinaBBDD.filter(String).length;
//Updated the ending point
for (var filamasc = UltimaFila + 1; filamasc <= Masculino + 1 + UltimaFila; filamasc++) {
BBDD.getRange(filamasc, 1).setValue(Disciplina)
BBDD.getRange(filamasc, 2).setValue(CON)
BBDD.getRange(filamasc, 3).setValue(TituloMasculino)
//See the starting points change
var DisciplinaBBDD = BBDD.getRange('A1:A').getValues()
var UltimaFila = DisciplinaBBDD.filter(String).length
//Updated the ending point
for (var filafem = UltimaFila + 1; filafem <= Femenino + 1 + UltimaFila; filafem++) {
BBDD.getRange(filafem, 1).setValue(Disciplina)
BBDD.getRange(filafem, 2).setValue(CON)
BBDD.getRange(filafem, 3).setValue(TituloFemenino)
How To Debug Your Code
I used the .combine command to convert two image collections into a two-band image collection (in the last line) to use in a function in the next step. This command is executed but writes 0 elements in the console. Where does this problem come from?
code link :
code :
var Rad1 = ee.ImageCollection('ECMWF/ERA5_LAND/HOURLY')
var Rad2 = ee.ImageCollection('ECMWF/ERA5_LAND/HOURLY')
var Rad1_Mj = Rad1.map(function(img){
var bands = img.multiply(0.000001);
var clip = bands.clip(geometry);
return clip
.copyProperties(img,['system:time_start','system:time_end']); });
var Rad2_Mj = Rad2.map(function(img){
var bands = img.multiply(0.000001);
var clip = bands.clip(geometry);
return clip
.copyProperties(img,['system:time_start','system:time_end']); });
// time frame change function for median collection
var daily_product_median = function(collection, start, count, interval, units){
var sequence = ee.List.sequence(0, ee.Number(count).subtract(1));
var origin_date = ee.Date(start);
return ee.ImageCollection(sequence.map(function(i){
var start_date = origin_date.advance(ee.Number(interval).multiply(i),units);
var end_date =
return collection.filterDate(start_date, end_date).median()
// daily radiation product
var daily_Rad_1 = daily_product_median(Rad1_Mj,'2018-10-24', 208 , 24 , 'hour');
// print(daily_Rad_1);
//Map.addLayer(daily_Rad_1, {min: 17.38, max: 26.07, palette :
'Daily solar shortwave radiation 1' );
var daily_Rad_2 = daily_product_median(Rad2_Mj,'2019-05-20', 41 , 24 , 'hour');
// print(daily_Rad_2);
// Map.addLayer(daily_Rad_2, {min: 23.77, max: 26.64, palette :
'Daily solar shortwave radiation 2');
var daily_Rad_total = daily_Rad_1.merge(daily_Rad_2);
var START = '2018-10-24';
var END = '2019-06-30';
var DATES = [ '2018-12-19', '2018-12-29', '2019-01-23', '2019-02-12', '2019-03-04',
'2019-03-19', '2019-04-08', '2019-04-13', '2019-05-13', '2019-05-18', '2019-05-23',
'2019-05-28', '2019-06-02', '2019-06-07', '2019-06-12', '2019-06-17', '2019-06-22',
var addTime = function(x) {
return x.set('Date', ee.Date(x.get('system:time_start')).format("YYYY-MM-dd"))};
var final_Rad = ee.ImageCollection(daily_Rad_total)
.filter(ee.Filter.date(START, END))
var ndvi = function(img){
var bands = img.select(['B2','B3','B4','B8']).multiply(0.0001)
var index = bands.normalizedDifference(['B8','B4']);
return index
var S2 = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2_SR')
var NDVI_and_Rad = S2.combine(final_Rad, false);
Try it here
You may use merge instead of combine to get a new image collection
var Rad1 = ee.ImageCollection('ECMWF/ERA5_LAND/HOURLY')
var Rad2 = ee.ImageCollection('ECMWF/ERA5_LAND/HOURLY')
var Rad1_Mj = Rad1.map(function(img){
var bands = img.multiply(0.000001);
var clip = bands.clip(geometry);
return clip
.copyProperties(img,['system:time_start','system:time_end']); });
var Rad2_Mj = Rad2.map(function(img){
var bands = img.multiply(0.000001);
var clip = bands.clip(geometry);
return clip
.copyProperties(img,['system:time_start','system:time_end']); });
// time frame change function for median collection
var daily_product_median = function(collection, start, count, interval, units){
var sequence = ee.List.sequence(0, ee.Number(count).subtract(1));
var origin_date = ee.Date(start);
return ee.ImageCollection(sequence.map(function(i){
var start_date = origin_date.advance(ee.Number(interval).multiply(i),units);
var end_date = origin_date.advance(ee.Number(interval).multiply(ee.Number(i).add(1)),units);
return collection.filterDate(start_date, end_date).median()
// daily radiation product
var daily_Rad_1 = daily_product_median(Rad1_Mj,'2018-10-24', 208 , 24 , 'hour');
// print(daily_Rad_1);
//Map.addLayer(daily_Rad_1, {min: 17.38, max: 26.07, palette : ['white','yellow','orange']}, 'Daily solar shortwave radiation 1' );
var daily_Rad_2 = daily_product_median(Rad2_Mj,'2019-05-20', 41 , 24 , 'hour');
// print(daily_Rad_2);
// Map.addLayer(daily_Rad_2, {min: 23.77, max: 26.64, palette : ['white','yellow','orange']}, 'Daily solar shortwave radiation 2');
var daily_Rad_total = daily_Rad_1.merge(daily_Rad_2);
var START = '2018-10-24';
var END = '2019-06-30';
var DATES = [ '2018-12-19', '2018-12-29', '2019-01-23', '2019-02-12', '2019-03-04',
'2019-03-19', '2019-04-08', '2019-04-13', '2019-05-13', '2019-05-18', '2019-05-23',
'2019-05-28', '2019-06-02', '2019-06-07', '2019-06-12', '2019-06-17', '2019-06-22',
var addTime = function(x) {
return x.set('Date', ee.Date(x.get('system:time_start')).format("YYYY-MM-dd"))};
var final_Rad = ee.ImageCollection(daily_Rad_total)
.filter(ee.Filter.date(START, END))
var ndvi = function(img){
var bands = img.select(['B2','B3','B4','B8']).multiply(0.0001)
var index = bands.normalizedDifference(['B8','B4']);
return index
var S2 = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2_SR')
print("S2", S2);
var NDVI_and_Rad = S2.merge(final_Rad);
print('Both image collection', NDVI_and_Rad);
I need your help to calculate the distance between two markers using distanceTo() method.
I tried to implement that in Angular, but the following error has occurred in the console:
Here's the code:
display() {
let from_select = $('#from_station option:selected').val();
let to_select = $('#to_station option:selected').val();
let filteredStations1 = this.stationsNames.filter( function(currentStation1:any) {
return currentStation1.name == from_select;
let filteredStations2 = this.stationsNames.filter( function(currentStation2:any) {
return currentStation2.name == to_select;
let from = JSON.parse(filteredStations1[0].loc_stringify);
let to = JSON.parse(filteredStations2[0].loc_stringify);
The error:
ERROR TypeError: from.distanceTo is not a function
at AddEditTripComponent.display (main.js:1125)
at AddEditTripComponent_Template_button_click_16_listener (main.js:1174)
at executeListenerWithErrorHandling (vendor.js:58037)
at wrapListenerIn_markDirtyAndPreventDefault (vendor.js:58072)
at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (vendor.js:76806)
at ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (polyfills.js:9646)
at Object.onInvokeTask (vendor.js:71332)
at ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (polyfills.js:9645)
at Zone.runTask (polyfills.js:9414)
at ZoneTask.invokeTask [as invoke] (polyfills.js:9727)
You want to call the function distanceTo of a object that you get from JSON.prase, this object don't have the function distanceTo. You need first to create a Marker or a LatLng Object.
var fromLatLng = L.latLng(from);
var toLatLng = L.latLng(to);
var dis = fromLatLng.distanceTo(to);
Here's the answer:
let latlng1 = L.latLng(from.lat, from.lng);
let latlng2 = L.latLng(to.lat, to.lng);
let distance = latlng1.distanceTo(latlng2) / 1000
i have to change my marker options by calling the variables assigned to them but heres the problem.
var CL1 = L.marker([-36.597889, -80.15625], {
divId: 1,
opacity: 1,
var id = 1; // this do not work
var clickedMarker = 'CL'+id; // this do not work
clickedMarker.setOpacity(.5); // this do not work
but this one work
CL1.setOpacity(.5); //working
why is that? the error I'm getting is Uncaught TypeError: clickedMarker.setOpacity is not a function
You are creating a String with var clickedMarker = 'CL'+id; and with that you will not able to access the variable CL1. You can use a list to map the variable name with the variable self.
var mapping = {};
var CL1 = L.marker([-36.597889, -80.15625], {
divId: 1,
opacity: 1,
mapping['CL1'] = CL1;
var id = 1;
var clickedMarkerId = 'CL'+id;
var clickedMarker = mapping[clickedMarkerId]; // get the marker variable over the String 'CL1'
I want to post some variables to a new window.
The receiving c# will then generate a CSV which will stream as a download.
In flex this used to be achieved using loadVars and specifying _blank as the target.
I currently use the following:
var myRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
var myLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var myVariables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
myVariables.CurrentActiveUserID = currentUserID
myVariables.ReportRuleListID = SingleChartID
myRequest.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
myRequest.data = myVariables;
But it does not seem to support targeting of new windows.
Any ideas.
Please and thank you.
I finally sorted it with:
private function sendAndLoadCSVData():void {
var swfURL:String = this.loaderInfo.url;
swfURL = swfURL.substr(0,swfURL.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
var tempDom:Array = swfURL.split("/");
var domURL:String = tempDom.slice(0,3).join("/") + "/";
var url:String = swfURL + "../Reporting/ExportChartCSV.aspx"
// var post_variable:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
var myRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
var myLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var myVariables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
myVariables.CurrentActiveUserID = currentUserID
myVariables.ReportRuleListID = SingleChartID
myRequest.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
myRequest.data = myVariables;
navigateToURL(myRequest, '_blank')
// Alert.show(url);