Emacs C-j for elisp interaction - emacs

I'm guessing that because I have Paredit running in Lisp Interaction it takes over C-j and makes it do standard RET-indent? I want it to evaluate and print last expression. Do I have to disable Paredit or can I have both Paredit and normal C-j eval-print behavior?

You can disable the key in Paredit's map and rebind the Paredit command to another key.
(define-key paredit-mode-map (kbd "C-j") nil)
(define-key paredit-mode-map YOUR-KEY 'paredit-newline)

You can try lispy as Paredit replacement.
It won't mess up C-j in *scratch*.


How can I unbind ctrl+c in emacs

Im a new user in emacs, and use emacs because of the ansi-term/multi-term
Now I have to type ctrl+C twice to send it to term.
I would like to unbind the CTRL+C shortcut in emacs so I can send it directly to the term.
Is it possible?
Solution to override all other keymaps in term-mode buffers:
(defun jpk/term-mode-hook ()
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map (kbd "C-c") 'term-send-raw)
(set-transient-map map (lambda () t))))
(add-to-hook 'term-mode-hook 'jpk/term-mode-hook)
Assuming you don't have any other binds to C-c (this is unlikely, see below):
(define-key term-mode-map (kbd "C-c") 'term-send-raw)
This was sufficient for me when starting emacs with emacs -q (i.e. without any of my customizations).
It is possible to change the key binding, but in my opinion it isn't worth it. C-c is a prefix key in Emacs, meaning that many key bindings start with it. You'll be fighting pervasive conventions and you will probably be frustrated. Accept that Emacs is not 100% a terminal emulator and there are a few minor compromises to be made.
Not too sure what you're asking, but binding a key to nil unbinds it.
So for a global C-c binding: (global-set-key "\C-c" nil).
And for a local binding in mode foo: (define-key foo-mode-map "\C-c" nil).
Note that you might need to undefine it in more than one local map. Remember too that you can use (current-local-map) and (current-global-map). For example, if you use M-x report-emacs-bug then C-c is a key prefix for multiple keys, in multiple keymaps. To undefine it in the bug-reporting buffer, you will need to use both of these:
(define-key (current-local-map) "\C-c" nil)
(define-key mml-mode-map "\C-c" nil)
How did I find out that mml-mode-map was involved? C-c C-h.

Bind C-z in evil mode to escape to shell

In Emacs evil mode, the key combo C-z is to toggle evil mode. I would like to rebind it to escape to shell instead. How would I do this ?
I have read about eshell, it seems to be great, but for now I would like to work with my zsh shell first.
Multi term seems to designed for this job, but I think escaping to shell is fine for me, since I'm used to this flow in Vim.
Thanks for reading.
Perhaps what you need is C-x C-z.
Just have the same requirement, and here's my configurations:
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/evil")
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/evil/lib")
(setq evil-toggle-key ""); remove default evil-toggle-key C-z, manually setup later
(require 'evil)
(evil-mode 1)
;; remove all keybindings from insert-state keymap, use emacs-state when editing
(setcdr evil-insert-state-map nil)
;; ESC to switch back normal-state
(define-key evil-insert-state-map [escape] 'evil-normal-state)
1. https://gist.github.com/kidd/1828878
2. https://askubuntu.com/questions/99160/how-to-remap-emacs-evil-mode-toggle-key-from-ctrl-z
C-x C-z will suspend the frame and return you to the shell.
C-z as you mention toggles evil mode on/off.
I swap their behavior in evil like so:
(define-key evil-motion-state-map (kbd "C-z") 'suspend-frame)
(define-key evil-emacs-state-map (kbd "C-z") 'suspend-frame)
(define-key evil-motion-state-map (kbd "C-x C-z") 'evil-emacs-state)
(define-key evil-emacs-state-map (kbd "C-x C-z") 'evil-exit-emacs-state)
See this commit for an example (where I also make C-z emulate vim-behavior in insert/replace mode).

Emacs evil-mode how to change insert-state to emacs-state automatically

I don't like the insert-state, and so I want to replace it with emacs-state. But this setting does not work:
(add-hook 'evil-insert-state-entry-hook 'evil-emacs-state)
After press o or cw, I am still in insert-state.
How about this approach:
(setq evil-insert-state-map (make-sparse-keymap))
(define-key evil-insert-state-map (kbd "<escape>") 'evil-normal-state)
I use it and it seems to do the trick. And since you're not changing the state, you retain state-related configs like cursor-color, etc.
Surprised nobody posted this yet...
(defalias 'evil-insert-state 'evil-emacs-state)
Anything that tries to call evil-insert-state will just end up calling evil-emacs-state. Works for i, a, o, O, etc.
There is now a bulitin way for Evil to do this
(setq evil-disable-insert-state-bindings t)
before loading evil
Reference: https://github.com/noctuid/evil-guide#use-some-emacs-keybindings
Tell me how this works. It's a hack that basically replaces the function evil-insert-state with evil-emacs-state. The problem is figuring out how to exit emacs state with the escape key. For instance, this version works fine when I exit emacs state with the ESC key, but not when I try to do the same with C-[:
; redefine emacs state to intercept the escape key like insert-state does:
(evil-define-state emacs
"Emacs state that can be exited with the escape key."
:tag " <EE> "
:message "-- EMACS WITH ESCAPE --"
:input-method t
;; :intercept-esc nil)
(defadvice evil-insert-state (around emacs-state-instead-of-insert-state activate)
If the point is that you want to use normal Emacs editing when doing the kind of tasks vi uses insert mode for, then wiping the insert mode dictionary accomplishes this. It is probably desirable that the ESC key gets you back into normal mode and have C-z get you into Emacs state; Leo Alekseyev posts a tiny bit of code that does this:
(setcdr evil-insert-state-map nil)
(define-key evil-insert-state-map
(read-kbd-macro evil-toggle-key) 'evil-emacs-state)
which I use and like. There are two potential disadvantages to being in insert mode rather than emacs mode:
You can't use the ESC key as another, prefixed way of ALT-keymapping; and
There is a risk (so I am told, though I haven't encountered this) if you are accessing Emacs through a tty, that Emacs will interpret ALT-modified keys as ESC followed by the character, which gives a difference in insert mode than in emacs mode.
I don't think either problem is serious.
How I became a unix chad:
;; unix chad setting
(defalias 'evil-insert-state 'evil-emacs-state)
(define-key evil-emacs-state-map (kbd "<escape>") 'evil-normal-state)
(setq evil-emacs-state-cursor '(bar . 1))
From the documentation about evil-emacs-state-entry-hook:
Hooks to run when entering Emacs state.
So the evil-emacs-state function is run when you enter emacs-state (with C-z).
You can, however, do this:
(define-key evil-normal-state-map (kbd "i") 'evil-emacs-state)
The problem now is exiting emacs state. I remember there were some problems binding ESC in emacs state, as ESC is used as META, and (IIRC) Evil uses some "special" code to intercept the ESC key.
EDIT: following your comment: this one should work:
(fset 'evil-insert-state 'evil-emacs-state)

Paste a word at ansi-term on Emacs

I use ansi-term on Emacs and need to paste some words there. "Paste" only works with mouse mid-button. I know that with C-x C-j and C-c C-k, we can switch between char run and line run, but it is inconvenient. I prefer to use C-y or C-c y to do the job. Searched online but the solutions didn't work with my emacs23.
There's two options here: use the inferior process or Emacs.
To use the inferior process (probably something that uses readline), just send raw C-y characters.
(define-key term-raw-map (kbd "C-k") 'term-send-raw)
(define-key term-raw-map (kbd "C-y") 'term-send-raw)
Then C-k and C-y get sent directly to the terminal, where they function like they would in any other terminal (e.g. kill to end of line and yank, respectively). Since the inferior process is receiving and interpreting the keypresses, Emacs will have nothing to do with the kills and yanks.
To use Emacs's kill ring, use term-paste.
(define-key term-raw-map (kbd "C-c C-y") 'term-paste)
Personally, I like to treat term-mode buffers like regular terminals, so I usually use the mouse to copy/paste and C-k/C-y when I'm editing a command line.
FWIW, I use multiterm, and I do
(with-eval-after-load "multi-term"
(bind '(("C-k" . term-send-raw)
("C-y" . term-send-raw)
("C-c C-y" . term-paste)
(add-to-list 'term-bind-key-alist bind)))

Define key-bindings in emacs

I'd like to map a command in emacs to a key-binding. I want the command Control-l to have the same effect as the command Alt-x goto-line followed by a return (since that command first needs a return to be invoked and then a line number).
I modified the init file as follows:
(define-key (M-x goto-line) '\C-l)
but that didn't work. The error was that define-key was being given more than 1 arguments.
Does anyone know how to reset key-bindings in emacs?
M-g g is the default shortcut for goto-line. You might want to try that.
To redefine C-l use:
(global-set-key (kbd "C-l") 'goto-line)
Easiest way to customize lots of keybindings is to install John Wiegley's bind-key module, which is a part of use-package Lisp package. Solution in your init.el:
(require 'bind-key)
(bind-key "C-l" 'goto-line)
Minor modes keys usually override global keys, so if you don't want such behavior, use function bind-key* instead. The package is on MELPA, if you don't know what is it, quickly learn about Emacs package management (should take you 2 minutes to set up MELPA as your repository).
The main problem with keybindings in Emacs is that minor modes keys often override your custom ones. In vanilla Emacs people workaround by creating a minor mode for your own keybindings. If you really wanna understand how Emacs keys work, read Key Bindings # Emacs Manual and Keymaps # Elisp Manual carefully.
I have set as (global-set-key (kbd "C-x g") 'goto-line). You can use that or (global-set-key (kbd "C-l") 'goto-line). I would personally do not touch the C-l key from its default behavior.
If you must use M-x define-key, use
(define-key global-map (kbd "C-l") 'goto-line). The 1st argument to define-key is a KEYMAP.