Dynamic Form Builder In Android - android-activity

Can any body know how to implement the dynamic form builder base on API response in Android ?
I don't know how to build it in android activity and what's required api response.
I refer the bellow link for implement it in android
Dynamic Form Builder with CodeIgniter
database schema for a dynamic formbuilder
but can't understand exactly what was required
So, please help me if there any one know dynamic form builder.

After a long terms, I got a some good library JASONETTE-Android and Avocarrot/json2view which basically work on JSON object to implement the dynamically form of Android means you can convert your JSON object to Android View.


How to pass Authentication Header in Flutter WebSocketChannel?

I'm using Flutter web_socket_channel package to communicate with server. The class WebSocketChannel doesn't take a header parameter.
factory WebSocketChannel.connect(Uri uri, {Iterable<String>? protocols}) =>
platform.connect(uri, protocols: protocols);
When using IOWebSocketChannel to pass header, I'm getting Unsupported operation: Platform._version in web like given here. It is working fine in Android and iOS.
The concise answer is: No because only the path in your URI and protocol field can be set up.
Longer answer:
In the pure JS WebSocket API, there is no method to specify extra headers for the browser to send.
You can specify only
GET query(was://mysockets.com/path)
and header protocol called Sec-WebSocket-Protocol
Conclusion: If you can't achieve such functionality in the native code then this functionality is unavailable for your flutter web app
Happy coding

StoreKit SKStoreProductViewController in React Native

I'm looking to add StoreKit's SKStoreProductViewController into a React Native project (without using a third-party library). Would like the Store view to show up as a modal when the user taps a "get app" button, which will pass the iTunesID of the product to be displayed.
While RN's documentation explains how to integrate a native view component into a project, I'm not sure I'm understanding how this would translate to a view controller.
While I prefer a solution in objective-c, I can accept a solution that uses Swift.
I was able to parse what I needed from https://github.com/rh389/react-native-store-view. Though I had tried installing the package, it had some breaking issues - but I extracted the key elements and documented them in this Gist:
In a nutshell:
Pull in native libraries and StoreKit component in new header and Obj-C files in your root app directory (RCTStoreViewManager.m and RCTStoreViewManager.h);
Create a bridge file to connect js methods with the Obj-C / native methods (index.ts);
Pull the js methods into your RN component (Component.js)

How to access window.navigator.serial in flutter web

On some browsers there exists the the property serial on the window.navigator object.
I can see it on chrome but not on safari.
How can I access that object via dart in flutter web?
dart:html doesn't seem to include it. Is there a way to manually extend the window.navigator object to include it?
In the end I didn't access the window.navigator object from dart.
I access the serial and do all of the checks in javascript.
I use Js context to get data back from the Javascript.

Crosswalk in Android - XWalkView - Set HTTP headers

I am new to Crosswalk. So far I have embedded it using Android Studio and can load a webpage via XWalkView.load(url,null)
However I also need to pass POST data via the HTTP Headers.
With the native Android WebView I'd pass data in the second parameter as WebView.loadUrl(url,additionalHttpHeaders)
How can I achieve the same in my Crosswalk implementation?
Finally I achieved this, I think it's a new feature on the latest versions, I used CrossWalk WebView 19.49.514.0.
There's a new method wich accepts a third parameter, like the classic WebView.
XWalkView xwView=(XWalkView)findViewById(R.id.xwView);
Map<String, String> extraHeaders = new HashMap<String, String>();

alfresco web services cmisWS soap createdocument

Can someone help me out how I would go on about create documents to repository using soap createDocument.
I have a custom content model and and when I add a new document does not have the properties of the content model.
<ns:properties> <ns1:propertyId
<ns1:value>cms:customModel</ns1:value> </ns:properties>
Also I am looking to upload multiple attachments at time but right now I can't
<!-- Optional:-->
<ns:stream><xsl:copy-of select="//someelement"></xsl:copy-of></ns:stream>
any help on how I can get this working is greatly appreciated.
You should use OpenCMIS or a similar CMIS library instead of writing to the WS binding directly.
You appear to be attempting to set two values for cmis:objectTypeId. If you are trying to create an instance of cms:customModel, that should be the only value.
You aren't setting any custom property values in the snippets you provided.
To my knowledge, there is nothing in the spec allows you to provide multiple attachments simultaneously. You should get a single upload working first.