Kaminari : page count performance for search query - postgresql

We have used Kaminari for paginating records. We have hacked total_count method because giving a total count is very slow after 2m + records.
def total_count
#_hacked_total_count || (#_hacked_total_count = self.connection.execute("SELECT (reltuples)::integer FROM pg_class r WHERE relkind = 'r' AND relname ='#{table_name}'").first["reltuples"].to_i)
This returns approximate count of total records in the table which is fine.
However, that number is totally irrelevant when there is a search query.
I am looking for a fast way to return some number for search queries as well. (Doesn't need to be totally exact -- but needs to be meaningful (i.e. somewhat pertaining to the search query)
Please suggest if our approach to get total count of records as mentioned above is not correct.
P.S - We are using Postgres as our database provider and Rails as web development framework.

After stumbling upon this for couple of days, I did this by using EXPLAIN query and then extracting count rows count.
Here is the code snippet I wrote:
query_plan = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("EXPLAIN <query>").first["QUERY PLAN"]
query_plan.match(/rows=(\d+)/)[1].to_i # returns the rows count
With this I can safety remove reltuples query.


DB2 Optimize for n rows

I'm learning DB2, and I came across this clause: OPTIMIZE FOR 1 ROW right after FETCH FIRST 100 ROWS ONLY.
I understand that FETCH FIRST 100 ROWS ONLY would give me the first 100 rows that qualified. But I don't understand what the OPTIMIZE FOR 1 ROW really doing here. I read this DB2 documentation, it says
Use OPTIMIZE FOR 1 ROW clause to influence the access path. OPTIMIZE FOR 1 ROW tells Db2 to select an access path that returns the first qualifying row quickly.
and this DB2 documentation, it says
In general, if you are retrieving only a few rows, specify OPTIMIZE FOR 1 ROW to influence the access path that Db2 selects.
But I'm still confused. Is using OPTIMIZE FOR n ROWS would make a query more efficient?
I also found this post on SO and it seems like OPTIMIZE FOR n ROWS is equivalent to FETCH FIRST n ROWS ONLY per the accepted answer.
But when I experimented it myself using OPTIMIZE FOR n ROWS instead of FETCH FIRST n ROWS ONLY, the result set was not the same. With OPTIMIZE FOR n ROWS, the query returns all qualifying rows.
Could someone please explain it to me what OPTIMIZE FOR n ROWS really does? Thanks!
Is using OPTIMIZE FOR n ROWS would make a query more efficient?
Not necessarily. However, it might cause your application to start receiving rows earlier than it otherwise would, if there is an access plan alternative that can find the first row matching the query criteria faster although the entire query will as a result run longer.
There's this bit in the Db2 for LUW docs that gives some examples specific to that platform:
Try specifying OPTIMIZE FOR n ROWS along with FETCH FIRST n ROWS ONLY, to encourage query access plans that return rows directly from the referenced tables, without first performing a buffering operation such as inserting into a temporary table, sorting, or inserting into a hash join hash table.
Applications that specify OPTIMIZE FOR n ROWS to encourage query access plans that avoid buffering operations, yet retrieve the entire result set, might experience poor performance. This is because the query access plan that returns the first n rows fastest might not be the best query access plan if the entire result set is being retrieved.

Postgres - Is "not exists" slower than join?

I'm trying to locate the cause of a slow query that hits 3 tables with records ranging from a few hundred thousand to a several million
tango - 6166101
kilo_golf - 822805
three_romeo - 535782
PostgreSQL 11.10
Current query
select count(*) as aggregate
from "tango"
where "lima" = juliet
and not exists(select 1
from "three_romeo" quebec_seven_oscar
where quebec_seven_oscar.six_two = tango.six_two
and quebec_seven_oscar."romeo" >= six_seven
and quebec_seven_oscar."three_seven" in
('partial_survey', 'survey_completed', 'wrong_number', 'moved'))
and ("mike" <= '2021-02-03 13:26:22' or "mike" is null)
and not exists(select 1
from "kilo_golf" as "delta"
where "delta"."to" = tango.six_two
and "two" = november
and "delta"."romeo" >= '2021-02-05 13:49:15')
and not exists(select 1
from "three_romeo" as "four"
where "four".foxtrot = tango.quebec_seven_victor
and "four"."three_seven" in ('deceased', 'block_calls', 'block_all'))
and "tango"."yankee" is null;
This is the analysis of the query in its current state - https://explain.depesz.com/s/Di51
It feels like the problematic area is in the tango table
tango.lima is equal to 'juliet' in the majority of records (low cardinality), we don't currently have an index on this
The long filter makes me wonder if I should create some sort of composite index?
After reading another post (https://stackoverflow.com/a/50148594/682754) tried removing the or "mike" is null and this helped quite a lot
Should I try and remove the not exists in favour of using joins?
I don't think that using explicit joins will help you, since PostgreSQL converts NOT EXISTS into an anti-join anyway.
But you spotted the problem: it is the OR. I would recommend that you use a dynamic query: add the cindition only if mikeis not NULL rather than having a static query with OR.
You are counting about 6 million rows, and that will take some time. The reason that removing or "mike" is null can help so much is that it no longer needs to count the rows where mike is null, which is vast majority of them.
But this is of no use to you if you actually do need to count those rows. So, do you? I'm having a hard time picturing a situation in which you need an exact count of 6 million rows often enough that waiting 4 seconds for it is a problem.

where column in (single value) performance

I am writing dynamic sql code and it would be easier to use a generic where column in (<comma-seperated values>) clause, even when the clause might have 1 term (it will never have 0).
So, does this query:
select * from table where column in (value1)
have any different performance than
select * from table where column=value1
All my test result in the same execution plans, but if there is some knowledge/documentation that sets it to stone, it would be helpful.
This might not hold true for each and any RDBMS as well as for each an any query with its specific circumstances.
The engine will translate WHERE id IN(1,2,3) to WHERE id=1 OR id=2 OR id=3.
So your two ways to articulate the predicate will (probably) lead to exactly the same interpretation.
As always: We should not really bother about the way the engine "thinks". This was done pretty well by the developers :-) We tell - through a statement - what we want to get and not how we want to get this.
Some more details here, especially the first part.
I Think this will depend on platform you are using (optimizer of the given SQL engine).
I did a little test using MySQL Server and:
When I query select * from table where id = 1; i get 1 total, Query took 0.0043 seconds
When I query select * from table where id IN (1); i get 1 total, Query took 0.0039 seconds
I know this depends on Server and PC and what.. But The results are very close.
But you have to remember that IN is non-sargable (non search argument able), it will not use the index to resolve the query, = is sargable and support the index..
If you want the best one to use, You should test them in your environment because they both work so good!!

Performance issue in combined where clauses

I would like to know: How can I rewrite/alter my search query/strategy to get an acceptable performance for my end users?
The search
I'm implementing a search for our users, they are provided the ability to search for candidates on our system based on:
A professional group they fall into,
A location + radius,
A full text search.
The query
select v.id
from (
from entities.candidates c
join entities.candidates_connections cc on cc.candidates_id = c.id
join system.groups g on cc.systems_id = g.id
) v
-- Group selection
where v.group = 'medical'
-- Location + radius
and earth_distance(ll_to_earth(v.latitude, v.longitude), ll_to_earth(50.87050439999999, -1.2191283)) < 48270
-- Full text search
and v.ts_description ## to_tsquery('simple', 'nurse | doctor')
Data size & benchmarks
I am working with 1.7 million records
I have the 3 conditions in order of impact which were benchmarked in isolation:
Group clause: 3s & reduces to 700k records
Location clause: 8s & reduces to 54k records
Full text clause: 60s+ & reduces to 10k records
When combined they seem to take 71s, which is the full impact of the 3 queries in isolation, my expectation was that when putting all 3 clauses together they would work sequentially i.e on the subset of data from the previous clause therefore the timing should reduce dramatically - but this has not happened.
What I've tried
All join conditions & where clauses are indexed
Notably the ts_description index (GIN) is 2GB
lat/lng is indexed with ll_to_earth() to reduce the impact inline
I nested each where clause into a different subquery in order
Changed the order of all clauses & subqueries
Increased the shared_buffers size to increase the potential cache hits
It seems you do not need to subquery, and it is also a good practice to filter with numeric fields, so, instead of filtering with where v.group = 'medical' for example, create a dictionary and just filter with where v.group = 1
from entities.candidates c
join entities.candidates_connections cc on cc.candidates_id = c.id
join system.groups g on cc.systems_id = g.id
where tablename.group = 1
and earth_distance(ll_to_earth(v.latitude, v.longitude), ll_to_earth(50.87050439999999, -1.2191283)) < 48270
and v.ts_description ## to_tsquery(0, 1 | 2)
also, use EXPLAIN ANALYSE to see and check your execution plan. These quick tips will help you improve it clearly.
There were some best practice cases that I had not considered, I have subsequently implemented these to gain a substantial performance increase:
tsvector Index Size Reduction
I was storing up to 25,000 characters in the tsvector, this meant that when more complicated full text search queries were used there was just an immense amount of work to do, I reduced this down to 10,000 which has made a big difference and for my use case this is an acceptable trade-off.
Create a Materialised View
I created a materialised view that contains the join, this offloads a little bit of the work, additionally I built my indexes on there and run a concurrent refresh on a 2 hour interval. This gives me a pretty stable table to work with.
Even though my search yields 10k records I end up paginating on the front-end so I only ever bring back up to 100 results on the screen, this allows me to join onto the original table for only the 100 records I'm going to send back.
Increase RAM & utilise pg_prewarm
I increased the server RAM to give me enough space to store my materialised view into, then ran pg_prewarm on my materialised view. Keeping it in memory yielded the biggest performance increase for me, bringing a 2m query down to 3s.

Firebird index not used when using JOIN, why?

I'm using FB 2.5.5 and I'm trying to understand why a very simple query does not use an index and thus takes forever to execute. I've read a lot of articles about why existing indices might be ignored by the query optimizer but I'm not understanding how it can happens in my case. I recomputed the selectivity for all my indices within IB Expert, and I've also done a backup/restore of the database to be sure I wasn't missing something.
The index selectivity, as displayed by IB Expert, is approx 0,000024 - which is far from 1 :
The table I'm querying contains approx. 2M records :
I'm trying to fetch all records based on the LASTMODDATE field (TIMETSAMP, indexed by TVERSIONS_IDX_LASTMODDATE). An oversimplified version of the query would be :
In this case, the execution plan shows that the index is actually used :
...and records matching the condition are fetched very quickly :
------ Performance info ------
Prepare time = 172ms
Execute time = 16ms <----
Avg fetch time = 16,00 ms
Current memory = 2 714 672
Max memory = 10 128 480
Memory buffers = 90
Reads from disk to cache = 57
Writes from cache to disk = 0
Fetches from cache = 387
Now, the "real" query fetches the same fields using the same condition on LASTMODDATE but adds a JOIN over 3 tables :
Now the query plan does not use the index anymore :
Without any surprise execution time is far more slower (approx. 1 minute):
------ Performance info ------
Prepare time = 329ms
Execute time = 53s 593ms <---
Avg fetch time = 53 593,00 ms
Current memory = 3 044 736
Max memory = 10 128 480
Memory buffers = 90
Reads from disk to cache = 55 732
Writes from cache to disk = 0
Fetches from cache = 6 952 648
In other words, searching the WHOLE table is magnitude faster than searching into a subset of rows returned by JOIN.
I can't understand why the index on the LASTMODDATE field is not used anymore just because I'm adding the join clause. The selectivity of the index is good and the query is very simple. What do I miss ?
It seems Firebird decided to start with condition TUSERSBACKUPS.USERID=:UserID using index RDB$FOREIGN4. Probably it happens because you have here equality, and for condition TVERSIONS.LASTMODDATE >:TheDate you have inequality which could lead to potentially larger set of records (for example if TheDate is a date 200 years ago it will include the whole table).
To force Firebird use a plan which you (but not its optimizer) prefer - use PLAN clause, see http://www.firebirdfaq.org/faq224/
I think I've understood what happened, and... I guess it was my fault.
I forgot that the table I'm querying has been "denormalized" to avoid such long JOINs. The problematic query can indeed by rewritten in a much shorter way :
This one properly uses the indices I set before and has a very short execution time.
I have the impression that when Firebird detects you're deliberately using a sub-optimal path to access records in a table it does not even try to use your indices and let you shoot yourself in the foot...
Anyway, the problem is solved. Thank you all for your suggestions.