Deploying app with private info on Heroku - mongodb

I have a Node project on Github which I deploy on Heroku and use MongoDB for database needs.
I have a URL from Mongo, which I connect to using the username and password. It all works perfectly when I run it on my local system, 'cause I can hardcode my username and password (or even use process.env.USER_NAME).
My question is, how do I pass in these values on Heroku. It is synced with my github and I don't want to make my user name and password public.

You want to use environment variables.
This can be done from within each Heroku app
1: Go to your app's settings:
2: Click Reveal Config Variables and you will see an area to add or edit your environment variables
3: Within your app you will have access to these variables by accessing your processs.
var dbURL = process.env.databaseUrl,
dbUsername = process.env.dbUsername,
dbPassword = process.env.dbPassword;
4: For development purposes you will still need to keep those variables in an env variable. Install the dotenv npm module.
npm install dotenv
// appRoot/.env
// approot/server.js


How can I access to a PostgreSQL DB from outside of a heroku app (for a Python app)

I have a PostgreSQL DB hosted in heroku and I want to get access from other applications which aren't hosted in heroku, but I saw in the DB settings that the credentials are not permanent.
How can I get access from other application always having updated credentials?
Heroku recommends using the Heroku CLI to fetch fresh credentials every time you run your external application:
Always fetch the database URL config var from the corresponding Heroku app when your application starts. For example, you may follow 12Factor application configuration principles by using the Heroku CLI and invoke your process like so:
DATABASE_URL=$(heroku config:get DATABASE_URL -a your-app) your_process
This way, you ensure your process or application always has correct database credentials.
In this example, your_process will see an environment variable called DATABASE_URL that is set to the same value as the DATABASE_URL config far on the Heroku app called your-app.
Since you are using Python, here is one way to access that value:
import os
database_url = os.getenv("DATABASE_URL", default="some_default_for_local_development")

Heroku: importing from S3 failing

I'm trying to import a local Postgresql database to Heroku and I'm following these steps
I have successfully:
created a dump
uploaded it to an S3 Bucket
created from AWS CLI a signed link
ran the command heroku pg:backups:restore '<SIGNED URL>' DATABASE_URL (adding -a with my app name).
The process to restore a backup starts correctly but then exits with this code:
! An error occurred and the backup did not finish.
! Could not initialize transfer
! Run heroku pg:backups:info r011 for more details.
Opening the log shows:
Database: BACKUP
Finished at: 2020-01-09 18:49:30 +0000
Status: Failed
Type: Manual
Backup Size: 0.00B (0% compression)
=== Backup Logs
2020-01-09 18:49:30 +0000 Could not initialize transfer
I've tried:
re-uploading the file to the bucket,
generating a new signed link,
putting the app in maintenance mode,
I've created a user in my IAM management service with full S3 access and saved the credentials in the app environment as from
Not sure where to go from here but would appreciate any help. (I'm on the hobby plan therefore I can't ask Heroku's support for help)
Edit: I also tried:
deleting and recreating the S3 Bucket
installing version 1 of the AWS CLI to see if by chance the structure of a presigned link had changed
Edit 2: Since I could not find a solution I've opted to migrate the hosting entirely on AWS for the moment
Make sure that your credentials on your machine that are stored in ~/.aws/ the default value is set to the credentials you created for your heroku configs. Then also make sure the signed url is created with those credentials and configs. I had to set my default credentials to the credentials I put in my heroku configs. Then I also had to set my default region in ~/.aws/config to match the bucket location. Should work after that.
Here are some instructions if you are on mac or linux.
Sorry Windows people. I would assume it is something similar.
Create new access id and key in IAM on AWS
Set heroku configs to use those credentials heroku config:set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=xxx AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=yyy
Optional (You may have to set the bucket name in heroku config too)
On your machine set your credentials you just created to the default in ~/.aws/credentials
On your machine set your default region that corresponds to your bucket in ~/.aws/config
Create signed URL aws s3 presign s3://your-bucket-address/your-object
Run restore heroku pg:backups:restore '<SIGNED URL>' DATABASE_URL
Had the exact same error and made these 2 adjustments. In the S3 console click on the file you want to use for the backup. You should see the name fo your file followed by 4 tabs. In the General information tab, do the following:
Click on Make public to make the file available for download.
Get the URL for that object where it says URL of object
(should be something like, you can test if it works by pasting that url in a new Chrome tab and hitting that url. That should trigger the download of your file)
Once the previous check is working you can proceed to
heroku pg:backups restore '' DATABASE_URL
I ran into the same issue and discovered the issue was that I had my bucket's region set as us-east rather than us-east-1.

MeteorJS: use mongo shell without building meteor app [duplicate]

I would like to find out how to connect to an external MongoDB instance in Meteor.
I have added this environment
Meteor.startup(function () {
process.env.MONGO_URL = 'mongodb://[UN]:PW]#[host]:[port]/meteorTest'
but still the data is coming from the local database.
I want to move all the collections from my local db to this external db. I read all the tutorials, its all telling me to setup this evn variable but nothing really working. How do I test whether its connected or not?
In my own experience; I have needed to set the environment variable before starting the meteorjs server app. To do this you will need to pass the environment variable on the command-line as you invoke meteor or preset the environment for the profile that is running the meteor app on your system.
So you would start your app with this kind of a command:
MONGO_URL='mongodb://' meteor
You should also make sure that the mongodb is reachable and that your user credentials are correct! I am assuming you are trying to run meteor on your local machine using a remote mongodb instance.
On Windows
You will have to create a batch file in your meteor application folder to invoke the environment variable. There is an example of this here:
I don't like to use big repeating command and I was searching for a solution where I will be setting a variable embedded with something so every time I start my meteor app; the MONGO_URL will set to environment automatically. So this what I did:
In the package.json file I replaced the start parameter as below:
"scripts": {
"start": "MONGO_URL=mongodb://username:password#host_url:portnumber/dbname meteor run"
Now every time I want to run my app; I run npm start instead of meteor or meteor run
Note: there is a disadvantage with that. Your db credentials will be exposed if you put your db credentials to package.json file and add this file to version control.
run it in command prompt:
"MONGO_URL=mongodb://<USER>:<PASSWORD>#<SERVER>:<PORT>/<DB> meteor"
save this url in file in project folder and run meteor
On windows, I set MONGO_URL in my system's environment variable and it worked fine for me.
I have created a new environment variable and it's value as MONGO_URL=mongodb://username:password#host_url:portnumber/dbname
And in path variable, I have added %MONGO_URL%
Then in meteor app root folder, I have run $meteor

How to connect to external MongoDB instance in Meteor?

I would like to find out how to connect to an external MongoDB instance in Meteor.
I have added this environment
Meteor.startup(function () {
process.env.MONGO_URL = 'mongodb://[UN]:PW]#[host]:[port]/meteorTest'
but still the data is coming from the local database.
I want to move all the collections from my local db to this external db. I read all the tutorials, its all telling me to setup this evn variable but nothing really working. How do I test whether its connected or not?
In my own experience; I have needed to set the environment variable before starting the meteorjs server app. To do this you will need to pass the environment variable on the command-line as you invoke meteor or preset the environment for the profile that is running the meteor app on your system.
So you would start your app with this kind of a command:
MONGO_URL='mongodb://' meteor
You should also make sure that the mongodb is reachable and that your user credentials are correct! I am assuming you are trying to run meteor on your local machine using a remote mongodb instance.
On Windows
You will have to create a batch file in your meteor application folder to invoke the environment variable. There is an example of this here:
I don't like to use big repeating command and I was searching for a solution where I will be setting a variable embedded with something so every time I start my meteor app; the MONGO_URL will set to environment automatically. So this what I did:
In the package.json file I replaced the start parameter as below:
"scripts": {
"start": "MONGO_URL=mongodb://username:password#host_url:portnumber/dbname meteor run"
Now every time I want to run my app; I run npm start instead of meteor or meteor run
Note: there is a disadvantage with that. Your db credentials will be exposed if you put your db credentials to package.json file and add this file to version control.
run it in command prompt:
"MONGO_URL=mongodb://<USER>:<PASSWORD>#<SERVER>:<PORT>/<DB> meteor"
save this url in file in project folder and run meteor
On windows, I set MONGO_URL in my system's environment variable and it worked fine for me.
I have created a new environment variable and it's value as MONGO_URL=mongodb://username:password#host_url:portnumber/dbname
And in path variable, I have added %MONGO_URL%
Then in meteor app root folder, I have run $meteor

Make Flask use Postgres on Heroku

i have been following the Flask book by Miguel Ginberg and I am thinking about how to deploy my app and use the PostgresDB.
In my local production config I have to manually go in and run Role.insert_roles() before any roles can be assigned.
How do I do this in Heroku with postgres? In fact, how do you connect to the postgres db? It is not really clear where in the code postgres takes over using the environment variable:
I have a feeling my app is just running sqlite and the book isn't really clear on how to switch over.
if you have deployed to heroku and you have not changed the environment variables:
FLASKY_ADMIN = your email
then ran in your shell:
heroku run python shell
then you are probably running the development config from the SQLite database!
If you want to connect manually, you could use the libarary directly. Flask-SQLAlchemy provides uses psycopg underneath the hood itself, see here - in your example it may be easier to continue using SQLAlchemy. More information here.
I had the same problem and solved like the follow:
1. provisioning a db
$:heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql bobby-dev
add database_url:
$:hero config -s |grep HEROKU-PSOTGRESQL
( then show HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_RED_URL=..... )
$:heroku pg:promote HEROKU-POSTGRESQL-RED
install this extention:psycopg2
3.change the
config = {
'default' : ProductionConfig