How to extend an ember-cli addon? - ember-cli

In my ember-cli app i have installed an addon called 'ember-cli-selectize'. Looking at the directory structure i can see that its files are located at /node_modules/ember-cli-selectize'. Now i want to create a custom component that extends this addon. How do i import/require it? I've tried these and none seems to work:
var EmberSelectize = require('/ember-cli-selectize/app/components/ember-selectize');
import EmberSelectize from 'components/ember-selectize';
import EmberSelectize from 'node_modules/ember-cli-selectize/addon/components/ember-selectize';
import EmberSelectize from 'ember-cli-selectize/addon/components/ember-selectize';
i always get this 'Could not find module' error no matter what. I need to somehow import/require it to do something like
import EmberSelectize from 'wherever/it/is';
export default EmberSelectize.extend({
//my own customizations

You were close with:
import EmberSelectize from 'components/ember-selectize';
Addons namespace themselves - in this case, ember-cli-selectize. So, just add the namespace to your import:
import EmberSelectizeComponent from 'ember-cli-selectize/components/ember-selectize';
then you can extend:
export default EmberSelectizeComponent.extend({ });


How to import .py in google Colaboratory?

I want to simplify code. so i make a , but Google Colaboratory directory is "/content" I read other questions. but this is not my solution
In Google's Colab notebook, How do I call a function from a Python file?
def f():
print 'This is a function defined in a Python source file.'
# Bring the file into the local Python environment.
This is a function defined in a Python source file.
It look likes just using def().
using this, i always write the code in cell.
but i want to this code
A sample maybe you want:
!wget -P local_modules -nc
import sys
import iris_data
I have also had this problem recently.
I addressed the issue by the following steps, though it's not a perfect solution.
src = list(files.upload().values())[0]
import util
This code should work with Python 3:
from google.colab import drive
import importlib.util
# Mount your drive. It will be at this path: "/content/gdrive/My Drive/"
# Load your module
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("YOUR_MODULE_NAME", "/content/gdrive/My Drive/")
your_module_name = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
import importlib.util
import sys
from google.colab import drive
# To add a directory with your code into a list of directories
# which will be searched for packages
sys.path.append('/content/gdrive/My Drive/Colab Notebooks')
This works for me.
Use this if you are out of content folder! hope this help!
import sys
from example import*
STEP 1. I have just created a folder 'common_module' like shown in the image :
STEP 2 called the required Class from my "colab" code cell,
from DataPreProcessHelper import DataPreProcessHelper as DPPHelper
My class file '' looks like this
Add path of '' file to system paths as:
import sys
import sample

Vue import failing

I've created a vue application scaffolded from the vue cli. Almost everything is reacting as expected with my app except for an issue with import.
The following works fine:
import Vuex from 'vuex';
but, this throws errors:
import { VuetronVue, VuetronVuex } from 'vuetron';
Linting error:
"export 'VuetronVue' was not found in 'vuetron'
and Console error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'install' of undefined
Changing the code to:
import vuetron from 'vuetron'
resolves the issue...
This original code was taken directly from the Vuetron documentation. Does anyone have a suggestion as to why the ES6 notation would cause an issue?
This seems to be because
only exports the default object:
import VuetronVue from './vuetron-vue';
import VuetronVuex from './vuetron-vuex';
export default {
For named imports as stated in the docs you would need a named export.

Extending bokeh with coffeescript: fails to import libraries

I'm trying to add to a back end project a special bokeh chart. I used this link to do that. Now I have file:
from bokeh.models import Renderer
from bokeh.util.compiler import FromFile
class CustomRenderer(Renderer):
__implementation__ = FromFile("path_to_file/")
print __implementation__.code
and file:
import {Renderer, RendererView} from "models/renderers/renderer"
When I launch bokeh server - a page opens in browser with '500: Internal Server Error'. And I don't know why that happens.
Thanks for any help!

Why can't I import config into my Ember helper without typing the name?

I have a helper helpers/asset.js that needs to import the config.
This works:
import ENV from 'sixtysevenjourney/config/environment';
This doesn't
import ENV from '../../config/environment';
In the latter case it just says it can't import config/environment from helpers/assets, why can't I do a relative import?
Your import will work if you do this:
import ENV from '../config/environment';
Notice that your code is under app/, but when you import using
import ENV from 'sixtysevenjourney/config/environment';
You don't put the app part
import ENV from 'sixtysevenjourney/**app**/config/environment';
I don't know how things work internally for this to work. Hope that helps

alembic/ target_metadata = metadata "No module name al_test.models"

When I use alembic to control the version of my project's database,part of codes in
# add your model's MetaData object here
# for 'autogenerate' support
# from myapp import mymodel
# target_metadata = mymodel.Base.metadata
from al_test.models import metadata
target_metadata = metadata
when I run 'alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Added user table"', I get an error :
File "alembic/", line 18, in
from al_test.models import metadata
ImportError: No module named al_test.models
so how to solve the question? thanks!
This might be a bit late, and you may have already figured out the issue, but my guess the problem is that your alembic/ directory is not part of the system path. I.e. you need to do something like:
import sys
from al_test.models import metadata
Update your like this, to add the current working directory to the sys.path that Python uses when searching for modules:
import os
import sys
from al_test.models import metadata
target_metadata = metadata