Bitwise or over an array in Matlab? - matlab

I have a large array of binary numbers, and I want to do a bitwise OR over one dimension of the array:
X = [ 192, 96, 96, 2, 3
12, 12, 128, 49, 14
union_of_bits_on_dim2 = [
bitor(X(:,1), bitor(X(:,2), bitor(X(:,3), ... )))
ans =
[ 227
... ]
Is there a simple way of doing this? I'm actually working on an n-dimensional array. I tried bi2de but it flattens out my array and so the subscripting becomes complicated.
I could do it easily if matlab had a fold function but I don't think it does.
OK #Divakar asked for runnable code so to make it clear here is a long-winded version that might work for a 2D array.
function U=union_of_bits_on_dim2(X)
for i=1:size(X,2)
Surely it be done without looping? I was of course hoping that bitor could take arbitrary numbers of arguments. Then it could have been done with mat2cell.

One vectorized approach -
[m,n] = size(X) %// Get size of input array
bd = dec2bin(X)-'0' %// Get binary digits
%// Get cumulative "OR-ed" version with ANY(..,1)
cum_or = reshape(any(permute(reshape(bd,m,n,[]),[2 3 1]),1),8,[])
%// Finally convert to decimals
U = 2.^(7: -1:0)*cum_or

I don't know any function that can do that automatically. However you can loop over the dimension you are interested in:
function result = bitor2d(A)
result = A(1,:);
for i=2:size(A,1)
result = bitor(result,A(i,:));
If your array has more than 2 dimensions, then you need to prepare it to have only 2.
function result = bitornd(A,whichdimension)
B = shiftdim(A,whichdimension-1); % change dimensions order
s = size(B);
B = reshape(B,s(1),[]); % back to the original shape
result = bitor2d(B);
s(1) = 1;
result = reshape(result,s); % back to the original shape
result = shiftdim(result,1-whichdimension); % back to the original dimension order


How to vectorize Matlab Code with mvnpdf in?

I have some working code in matlab, and speed is vital. I have vectorized/optimized many parts of it, and the profiler now tells me that the most time is spent a short piece of code. For this,
I have some parameter sets for a multi-variate normal
I then have to get the value from the corresponding PDF at some point
and multiply it by some other value stored in a vector.
I have produced a minimal working example below:
num_params = 1000;
prob_dist_params = repmat({ [1, 2], [10, 1; 1, 5] }, num_params, 1);
saved_nu = rand( num_params, 1 );
saved_pos = rand( num_params, 2 );
saved_total = 0;
for param_counter = 1:size(prob_dist_params)
% Evaluate the PDF at specified points
pdf_vals = mvnpdf( saved_pos(param_counter,:), prob_dist_params{param_counter,1}, prob_dist_params{param_counter, 2} );
saved_total = saved_total + saved_nu(param_counter)*pdf_vals;
end % End of looping over parameters
I am aware that prob_dist_params are all the same in this case, but in my code we have each element of this different depending on a few things upstream. I call this particular piece of code many tens of thousands of time in my full program, so am wondering if there is anything at all I can do to vectorize this loop, or failing that, speed it up at all? I do not know how to do so with the inclusion of a mvnpdf() function.
Yes you can, however, I don't think it will give you a huge performance boost. You will have to reshape your mu's and sigma's.
Checking the doc of mvnpdf(X,mu,sigma), you see that you will have to provide X and mu as n-by-d numeric matrix and sigma as d-by-d-by-n.
In your case, d is 2 and n is 1000. You have to split the cell array in two matrices, and reshape as follows:
prob_dist_mu = cell2mat(prob_dist_params(:,1));
prob_dist_sigma = cell2mat(permute(prob_dist_params(:,2),[3 2 1]));
With permute, I make the first dimension of the cell array the third dimension, so cell2mat will result in a 2-by-2-by-1000 matrix. Alternatively you can define them as follows,
prob_dist_mu = repmat([1 2], [num_params 1]);
prob_dist_sigma = repmat([10, 1; 1, 5], [1 1 num_params]);
Now call mvnpdf with
pdf_vals = mvnpdf(saved_pos, prob_dist_mu, prob_dist_sigma);
saved_total = saved_nu.'*pdf_vals; % simple dot product

How to sort all elements of a 2d matrix in MATLAB?

The sort() function sorts the elements row/column wise but how to sort the elements absolutely? The result should be another matrix with smallest element in (1,1) , second smallest in (1,2) and so on.
Take some random input
input = rand(5,10);
If you want the output to be a row vector, simply use
sortedRow = sort(input(:)).';
If you want the result to be the same shape as the input, then use
sortedOriginalShape = reshape(sort(input(:)), size(input,2), size(input,1)).';
Note that when maintaining the shape, we must use the reversed size dimensions and then transpose. This is because otherwise the result is column-wise i.e. smallest element in (1,1), next in (2,1) etc, which is the opposite of what you requested.
You can use the column operator (:) to vectorize all elements of 'nxm' matrix as a vector of 'nxm' elements and sort this vector. Then you can use direct assignement or 'reshape' function to store elements as matricial form.
All you need to know is that matlab use column-major-ordering to vectorize/iterate elements:
A = rand(3, 5);
A(:) = sort(A(:);
Will preserve colum-major-ordering, or as you said you prefer row-major ordering:
A = rand(3, 5);
A = reshape(sort(A(:)), fliplr(size(A)).';
Note the fliplr to store columnwise with reversed dimension and then the .' operator to transpose again the result.
Even if matlab uses column-major-ordering for storing elements in memory, here below are two generic routines to work with row-major-order whatever the number of dimension of your array (i.e. no limited to 2D):
function [vector] = VectorizeWithRowMajorOrdering(array)
axisCount = length(size(array)); % Squeezed size of original array
permutation = fliplr(1:(axisCount + 2)); % +2 ==> Trick to vectorize data in correct order
vector = permute(array, permutation);
vector = vector(:);
function [array] = ReshapeFromRowMajorOrdering(vector, siz)
siz = [siz( : ).' 1]; % Fix size if only one dim
array = NaN(siz); % Init
axisCount = length(size(array)); % Squeezed size!
permutation = fliplr(1:(axisCount + 2)); % +2 ==> Trick to vectorize data in correct order
array = reshape(vector, [1 1 fliplr(size(array))]);
array = ipermute(array, permutation);
This can be useful when working with data coming from C/C++ (these languages use row-major-ordering). In your case this can be used this way:
A = rand(3, 5);
A = ReshapeFromRowMajorOrdering(sort(A(:)), size(A));

How can I build a Scilab / MATLAB program that averages a 3D matrix?

I need to make a scilab / MATLAB program that averages the values of a 3D matrix in cubes of a given size(N x N x N).I am eternally grateful to anyone who can help me.
Thanks in advance
In MATLAB, mat2cell and cellfun make a great team for working on N-dimensional non-overlapping blocks, as I think is the case in the question. An example scenario:
[IN]: A = [30x30x30] array
[IN]: bd = [5 5 5], size of cube
[OUT]: B = [6x6x6] array of block means
To accomplish the above, the solution is:
dims = [30 30 30]; bd = [5 5 5];
A = rand(dims);
f = floor(dims./bd);
remDims = mod(dims,bd); % handle dims that are not a multiple of block size
Ac = mat2cell(A,...
[bd(1)*ones(f(1),1); remDims(1)*ones(remDims(1)>0)], ....
[bd(2)*ones(f(2),1); remDims(2)*ones(remDims(2)>0)], ....
[bd(3)*ones(f(3),1); remDims(3)*ones(remDims(3)>0)] );
B = cellfun(#(x) mean(x(:)),Ac);
If you need a full size output with the mean values replicated, there is a straightforward solution involving the 'UniformOutput' option of cellfun followed by cell2mat.
If you want overlapping cubes and the same size output as input, you can simply do convn(A,ones(blockDims)/prod(blockDims),'same').
EDIT: Simplifications, clarity, generality and fixes.
N = 10; %Same as OP's parameter
M = 10*N;%The input matrix's size in each dimensiona, assumes M is an integer multiple of N
Mat = rand(M,M,M); % A random input matrix
avgs = zeros((M/N)^3,1); %Initializing output vector
l=1; %indexing
for i=1:M/N %indexing 1st coord
for j=1:M/N %indexing 2nd coord
for k=1:M/N % indexing third coord
temp = Mat((i-1)*N+1:i*N,(j-1)*N+1:j*N,(k-1)*N+1:k*N); %temporary copy
avg(l) = mean(temp(:)); %averaging operation on the N*N*N copy
l = l+1; %increment indexing
The for loops and copying can be eliminated once you get the gist of indexing.

Vectorizing the Notion of Colon (:) - values between two vectors in MATLAB

I have two vectors, idx1 and idx2, and I want to obtain the values between them. If idx1 and idx2 were numbers and not vectors, I could do that the following way:
% Result
% values =
% 1 2 3 4 5
But in my case, idx1 and idx2 are vectors of variable length. For example, for length=2:
idx2=[9 11];
Can I use the colon operator to directly obtain the values in between? This is, something similar to the following:
values = [5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11]
I know I can do idx1(1):idx2(1) and idx1(2):idx2(2), this is, extract the values for each column separately, so if there is no other solution, I can do this with a for-loop, but maybe Matlab can do this more easily.
Your sample output is not legal. A matrix cannot have rows of different length. What you can do is create a cell array using arrayfun:
values = arrayfun(#colon, idx1, idx2, 'Uniform', false)
To convert the resulting cell array into a vector, you can use cell2mat:
values = cell2mat(values);
Alternatively, if all vectors in the resulting cell array have the same length, you can construct an output matrix as follows:
values = vertcat(values{:});
Try taking the union of the sets. Given the values of idx1 and idx2 you supplied, run
values = union(idx1(1):idx1(2), idx2(1):idx2(2));
Which will yield a vector with the values [5 6 7 8 9 10 11], as desired.
I couldn't get #Eitan's solution to work, apparently you need to specify parameters to colon. The small modification that follows got it working on my R2010b version:
step = 1;
idx1 = [5, 9];
idx2 = [9, 11];
values = arrayfun(#(x,y)colon(x, step, y), idx1, idx2, 'UniformOutput', false);
Note that step = 1 is actually the default value in colon, and Uniform can be used in place of UniformOutput, but I've included these for the sake of completeness.
There is a great blog post by Loren called Vectorizing the Notion of Colon (:). It includes an answer that is about 5 times faster (for large arrays) than using arrayfun or a for-loop and is similar to run-length-decoding:
The idea is to expand the colon sequences out. I know the lengths of
each sequence so I know the starting points in the output array. Fill
the values after the start values with 1s. Then I figure out how much
to jump from the end of one sequence to the beginning of the next one.
If there are repeated start values, the jumps might be negative. Once
this array is filled, the output is simply the cumulative sum or
cumsum of the sequence.
function x = coloncatrld(start, stop)
% COLONCAT Concatenate colon expressions
% X = COLONCAT(START,STOP) returns a vector containing the values
% Based on Peter Acklam's code for run length decoding.
len = stop - start + 1;
% keep only sequences whose length is positive
pos = len > 0;
start = start(pos);
stop = stop(pos);
len = len(pos);
if isempty(len)
x = [];
% expand out the colon expressions
endlocs = cumsum(len);
incr = ones(1, endlocs(end));
jumps = start(2:end) - stop(1:end-1);
incr(endlocs(1:end-1)+1) = jumps;
incr(1) = start(1);
x = cumsum(incr);

Populate vectors using for loop

I have a solution to creating a vector for just one element of a matrix:
[dx,dy] = gradient(Im);
orient11 = [(-dx(1,1)) (dy(1,1)) 0];
size(orient11) =
0 0 0
ie for the first element of orient, namely orient11, is a vector. How do I do this for all the other elements, so I have orient12, orient13....orientnn. I know I need a for loop, however what object do I store the vectors into from the for loop? I have discovered I can't create a matrix of vectors.
Thanks in advance.
You can try building an N-by-N-by-3 matrix, but it won't be so convenient to manipulate. This is because extracting a vector from this matrix would yield a 1-by-1-by-3 vector, which you would need to reshape. Definitely not fun.
Instead, I suggest that you build an N-by-N cell array of 1-by-3 vectors, like so:
[dx, dy] = gradient(Im);
vec = #(i)[-dx(i), dy(i), 0];
orient = arrayfun(vec, reshape(1:numel(dx), size(dx)), 'UniformOutput', 0);
To access a vector, use the curly braces. For example, the vector at the (1, 2) position would be:
orient12 = orient{1, 2};
Hope it helps!
v = -2:0.2:2;
[x,y] = meshgrid(v);
z = x .* exp(-x.^2 - y.^2);
[px,py] = gradient(z,.2,.2);
orient11 = [(-px(1,1)) (py(1,1)) 0]; % based off of your concatination there.
I then get:
ans =
1 3
If you're looking to just grab the first column of data from the gradients you have and want to just stack zeros with them, you can do this:
orient11 = [(-px(:,1)) (py(:,1)) zeros(size(px,1),1)];
Instead of a for loop.
Orient = zeros(size(px,1),3,size(px,2));
for n = 1:size(px,1)
Orient(:,:,n) = [(-px(:,n)) (py(:,n)) zeros(size(px,1),1)];
The layout of Orient is now your -px, py, 0 in layers. Each layer represents the column from the initial data. So if you wanted to get access to row 4 column 14, you would call Orient(4,:,14).
Hope that makes sense and helps!