quartz 2.2 can't set the instanceName - quartz-scheduler

My applications need use the cluster mode. It's my properties
org.quartz.jobStore.clusterCheckinInterval = 15000
but in the table qrtz_fired_triggers.INSTANCE_NAME=US2047839W11427446115791. I think it's not the correct instanceName ( ----> testSchedule)
Is there any thing wrong with our setup (spring3.2.4+quartz2.2)??


PostgreSQL 14.2: out of memory - Failed on request of size 24576 in memory context "TupleSort main"

I have recently installed a PostgreSQL 14.1 in parallel to my old 12.9 on my RedHat server. Both instances are running their default configurations. The server itself has 48 CPU and 188 GB RAM, which seemed to be more than sufficient for 12.9
Everything worked as expected, but I keep receiving an error message.
out of memory - Failed on request of size 24576 in memory context "TupleSort main"
SQL state: 53200
SQL tables: pos has 18 584 522 rows // orderedposteps has 18 rows // posteps has 18 rows
FROM pos sa
JOIN orderedposteps osas ON osas.stepid = sa.stepid
JOIN posteps sas ON sas.id = osas.stepid
SELECT innersa.*
FROM pos innersa
JOIN orderedposteps innerosas ON innerosas.stepid = innersa.stepid
WHERE (innersa.id = sa.id) AND
(innersa.iscached IS FALSE) AND
(innersa.isobsolete IS FALSE)
ORDER BY innersa.createdtimestamp DESC, innerosas.stepindex DESC
) lsa ON TRUE
SELECT innersa.*
FROM pos innersa
JOIN orderedposteps innerosas ON innerosas.stepid = innersa.stepid
WHERE (innersa.id = sa.id) AND
(innersa.iscached IS TRUE) AND
(innersa.isobsolete IS FALSE)
ORDER BY innersa.createdtimestamp DESC, innerosas.stepindex DESC
) sacheck ON TRUE
LEFT JOIN orderedposteps osascheck ON osascheck.stepid = sacheck.stepid
WHERE ((sacheck IS NULL) OR (sacheck.createdtimestamp < sa.createdtimestamp) OR (osascheck.stepindex < osas.stepindex))
AND (((osas.stepindex < v_laststepindex) AND (sa.isfailure != sas.isvalidsum) AND (sa.iscached IS FALSE)) OR ((osas.stepindex = v_laststepindex) AND (sa.iscached IS FALSE)))
ORDER BY lsa.createdtimestamp DESC LIMIT 50000
The only difference I can see is the RAM utilization, showed by htop.
While 12.9 only consumes up to 10 GB RAM, the 14.1 grows up to 62GB and crashes by reaching more or less 62GB.
I have already tried to increase the work_mem via
ALTER SYSTEM SET work_mem = '4MB';
Used pgtune as well in order to change some other values, but nothing has a significant effect.
I am pretty sure the SQL can be simplified and tuned, which I could do, but I want to understand where the difference between 12.9 and 14.1 is, or what to change configuration wise, instead of refactoring one function to work with the lasted version.

Modify a value returned from Invoke-sqlcmd

I've searched for a number of hours now and am unable to figure out how to do this.
I query an MSSQL database that returns 2 columns, one of these values is empty/null but does represent something in the SQL database(I've tested disabling it).
How would I check through what is returned from my query for the empty value and modify this to something else?
$TestQuery = Invoke-Sqlcmd -Database $DB -Query $qcd -ServerInstance "SomeInstance\Instance1" -Verbose
Activity Setting
-------- -------
All Operation Enabled
Backup Enabled
Restore Enabled
Prune Enabled
Aux Copy Enabled
Schedule Enabled
Archive Check Enabled
Tape Erase Enabled
Offline content Index Enabled
Online Content Index Enabled
You can see the last item returned doesn't have a value but does reflect a setting in the application we use, I just want to modify that value to "Value1" for example.
Any help is greatly appreciated, I did try using hashtables but had no idea what I was doing despite several hours of googling.
My Query:
SELECT JM.opName AS 'Activity',
CASE action
WHEN 1 THEN 'Disabled'
WHEN 2 THEN 'Enabled'
END AS 'Setting'
LEFT JOIN JMJobOperationNames JM on JM.opType = J.opType
WHERE clientId = 1
AND appType = 0
AND J.opType != 8
AND appId = 1
You may do the following in PowerShell:
$TestQuery = Invoke-Sqlcmd -Database $DB -Query $qcd -ServerInstance "SomeInstance\Instance1"
$TestQuery |
Where { [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.Activity) } | Foreach-Object {
$_.Activity = 'Value1' # Update all empty or nulls with Value1
$TestQuery # Contains updated results
Note that this does not update the actual database. You will need a separate query that writes back to the database.
When a database table contains a NULL, it is interpreted as the System.DBNull data type in PowerShell. [System.DBNull]::Value is not the same as $null. So if you only wanted to query for NULL values, then your query could more appropriately be modified to the following:
$TestQuery | Where Activity -is [DBNUll]
I don't know if I understand your question correctly.
I understand that you want to have a default_value when there is no data in a column.
That can be solved in your SQL Query with case. Here an example
[Edit] Based on your added query
WHEN JM.opName is null OR JM.opName = '' THEN "DefaultActivity"
ELSE JM.opName
END AS Activity,
CASE action
WHEN 1 THEN 'Disabled'
WHEN 2 THEN 'Enabled'
END AS 'Setting'
LEFT JOIN JMJobOperationNames JM on JM.opType = J.opType
WHERE clientId = 1
AND appType = 0
AND J.opType != 8
AND appId = 1

Many to one where the one can be one of two different fields

I've had a look at similar posts on one to many and many to one relationships but I just can't find what I'm looking for. I have 2 tables. The first (vm) contains details of virtual machines. The vms are clustered in pairs and the second table (cluster) has details of the cluster. The set up is as follows:
vm table cluster table
vmId clusterId
ipaddress primaryId
macaddress secondaryId
The relationship is that the vm.vmId can be a match to either cluster.primaryId or cluster.secondaryId. With only an ipaddress I want to be able to get the full cluster details as follows:
clusterid vmId ipaddress macaddress
c1 v1 AA:BB:CC:DD:10:11
C1 v2 AA:BB:CC:DD:10:12
and that's my problem. With just the ipaddress I can find the vmId and with that I can get the cluster, but I can't then work out how to use the non matching id in the cluster table to get the other vm details. I've tried variables and unions etc., but I must be doing something wrong because I keep coming up blank. I'm looking for a single select statement that will provide the required result. Can anyone suggest a solution please?
First find the cluster(s) with given IP:
select *
from cluster
where exists (
select 1
from vm
(vm.vmId = cluster.primaryId or vm.vmId = cluster.secondaryId) and
wm.ipaddress = '');
Then join this with vm table in the same way:
with clusters as (
select *
from cluster
where exists (
select 1
from vm
(vm.vmId = cluster.primaryId or vm.vmId = cluster.secondaryId) and
wm.ipaddress = ''))
select *
from clusters join vm on (vm.vmId = clusters.primaryId or vm.vmId = clusters.secondaryId);
This is probably what you are looking for, but realize that the vmIds will appear twice, once under the primary cluster, and another under the secondary cluster.
SELECT clusterid, vmId, ipaddress, macaddress
JOIN cluster
ON vm.vmId = cluster.primaryId
SELECT clusterid, vmId, ipaddress, macaddress
JOIN cluster
ON vm.vmId = cluster.secondaryId
The above can be reduced to:
SELECT clusterid, vmId, ipaddress, macaddress
JOIN cluster
ON (vm.vmId = cluster.primaryId OR vm.vmId = cluster.secondaryId)
If you want to filter the result:
SELECT clusterid, vmId, ipaddress, macaddress
JOIN cluster
ON (vm.vmId = cluster.primaryId OR vm.vmId = cluster.secondaryId)
WHERE ipaddress = ''
With your help I did finally manage to get the answer I was looking for. With a little modification of your suggestions I finally came up with this.
with clusters as (
select clusterId
from cluster
where exists (
select 1
from vm
(vm.vmId = cluster.primaryId or vm.vmId = cluster.secondaryId) and
wm.ipaddress = ''))
select clusterId, vmId, ipaddress, macaddress
from vm
join cluster on (vm.vmId = cluster.primaryId or vm.vmId = cluster.secondaryId)
where cluster.clusterId = (select * from clusters)
Produced exactly the result I was looking for. Thanks everyone for your assistence.

How can I access properties of the IpPermissions property of Get-EC2SecurityGroup?

I am trying to get a list of security groups. (Successful - Using Get-EC2SecurityGroup)
Get a list of the specific IPPermissions associated with each security group. ( Successful - Using (Get-EC2SecurityGroup).IpPermissions )
Only return results where the FromPort = "xxx" ( Unsuccessful - Not sure how to access the FromPort property that is returned in the result list )
Ultimately what I am trying to accomplish is:
Get a list of existing security groups, and loop through each group.
While looping through each group, call the IpPermissions, and look for the specific FromPort "xxx".
If the FromPort is a match, record the other properties: (FromPort, IpProtocol, IpRanges, ToPort, UserIdGroupPairs)
Problem I am having
I am not sure how to do a loop using the amazon objects
I cant seem to access the properties even though they appear to be named and have values.
I have tried using -Filter with many different iterations, with no success.
The documentation seems self-referencing, and the examples I have run across dont get down to this level of detail.
Results returned from (Get-EC2SecurityGroup).IpPermissions
FromPort : 123
IpProtocol : tcp
IpRanges : {}
ToPort : 123
UserIdGroupPairs : {}
Here's an example that does as you've described:
Filters security group objects by FromPort
Of the matched security groups, output IpProtocol, IpRanges, ToPort, and UserIdGroupPairs.
# Example using port 22
PS C:\> $port = 22
PS C:\> Get-EC2SecurityGroup |
? { $_.IpPermissions.FromPort -eq $port } |
% { $_.IpPermissions } |
Select -property IpProtocol, IpRanges, ToPort, UserIdGroupPairs
IpProtocol IpRanges ToPort UserIdGroupPairs
---------- -------- ------ ----------------
tcp {} 22 {}
... ... ... ...

Entity Framework object missing related data

I have an Entity Framework model that has two tables, client and postcode. Postcode can have many clients, client can have 1 postcode. They are joined on the postcode.
The two tables are mapped to views.
I have some clients that do not have a Postcode in the model, however in the DB they do!
I ran some tests and found postcodes that were returning clients when I do Postcode.Clients but not all of the clients? In the db a postcode had 14 related clients but EF was only returning the first 6. Basically certain postcodes are not returning all the data.
Lazy loading is turned on and I have tried turning it off without any luck.
Any ideas?
I am using VS 2010, C#, .NET 4.0, EF4 and SQL Server 2008
I have been running through this in LinqPad. I try the following code
Client c = Clients.Where(a => a.ClientId == 9063202).SingleOrDefault();
This returns null.
I then take the generated SQL and run this in a separate SQL query and it works correctly (after I add the # to the start of the variable name)
[Extent1].[ClientId] AS [ClientId],
[Extent1].[Surname] AS [Surname],
[Extent1].[Forename] AS [Forename],
[Extent1].[FlatNo] AS [FlatNo],
[Extent1].[StNo] AS [StNo],
[Extent1].[Street] AS [Street],
[Extent1].[Town] AS [Town],
[Extent1].[Postcode] AS [Postcode]
[ClientView].[ClientId] AS [ClientId],
[ClientView].[Surname] AS [Surname],
[ClientView].[Forename] AS [Forename],
[ClientView].[FlatNo] AS [FlatNo],
[ClientView].[StNo] AS [StNo],
[ClientView].[Street] AS [Street],
[ClientView].[Town] AS [Town],
[ClientView].[Postcode] AS [Postcode]
FROM [dbo].[ClientView] AS [ClientView]) AS [Extent1]
WHERE 9063202 = [Extent1].[ClientId]
-- Region Parameters
DECLARE #EntityKeyValue1 VarChar(8) = 'G15 6NB'
-- EndRegion
[Extent1].[Postcode] AS [Postcode],
[Extent1].[ltAstId] AS [ltAstId],
[Extent1].[ltLhoId] AS [ltLhoId],
[Extent1].[ltChcpId] AS [ltChcpId],
[Extent1].[ltCppId] AS [ltCppId],
[Extent1].[ltWardId] AS [ltWardId],
[Extent1].[ltAst] AS [ltAst],
[Extent1].[ltCpp] AS [ltCpp],
[Extent1].[ltWard] AS [ltWard],
[Extent1].[WardNo] AS [WardNo],
[Extent1].[Councillor] AS [Councillor],
[Extent1].[ltAdminCentre] AS [ltAdminCentre],
[Extent1].[ltChcp] AS [ltChcp],
[Extent1].[Forename] AS [Forename],
[Extent1].[Surname] AS [Surname],
[Extent1].[AreaNo] AS [AreaNo],
[Extent1].[LtAomId] AS [LtAomId],
[Extent1].[OOHltCoordinatorId] AS [OOHltCoordinatorId],
[Extent1].[OvernightltCoordinatorId] AS [OvernightltCoordinatorId],
[Extent1].[DayltCoordinatorId] AS [DayltCoordinatorId]
[PostcodeView].[Postcode] AS [Postcode],
[PostcodeView].[ltAstId] AS [ltAstId],
[PostcodeView].[ltLhoId] AS [ltLhoId],
[PostcodeView].[ltChcpId] AS [ltChcpId],
[PostcodeView].[ltCppId] AS [ltCppId],
[PostcodeView].[ltWardId] AS [ltWardId],
[PostcodeView].[ltAst] AS [ltAst],
[PostcodeView].[ltCpp] AS [ltCpp],
[PostcodeView].[ltWard] AS [ltWard],
[PostcodeView].[WardNo] AS [WardNo],
[PostcodeView].[Councillor] AS [Councillor],
[PostcodeView].[ltAdminCentre] AS [ltAdminCentre],
[PostcodeView].[ltChcp] AS [ltChcp],
[PostcodeView].[Forename] AS [Forename],
[PostcodeView].[Surname] AS [Surname],
[PostcodeView].[AreaNo] AS [AreaNo],
[PostcodeView].[LtAomId] AS [LtAomId],
[PostcodeView].[DayltCoordinatorId] AS [DayltCoordinatorId],
[PostcodeView].[OOHltCoordinatorId] AS [OOHltCoordinatorId],
[PostcodeView].[OvernightltCoordinatorId] AS [OvernightltCoordinatorId]
FROM [dbo].[PostcodeView] AS [PostcodeView]) AS [Extent1]
WHERE [Extent1].[Postcode] = #EntityKeyValue1
Ended up removing the relationship and manually getting child data.
Nasty but cannot find a reason why this is happening. Cheers for the comments