how to combine Jasny Bootstrap with ResponsiveFileManager 9.8.1 - image-upload

I wanna to combine Jasny Bootstrap file upload with Responsive File Manager 9.8.1. for example when I use Jasny Bootstrap File Upload and click on the select file, show me Responsive File Manager 9.8 in pop-up and when I select image, the image thumbnail shown in Jasny Image upload widgets.
Jasny Image upload widgets
Responsive File Manager 9.8.1

It's very simple.
You must change in
and after open the link of filemanager passing fieldID=your id on url.
See the example in demo page on Select All Files:


Flutter - preview file

i would like to upload file in a flutter app.
When I obtain io.file, i would like to display a preview / thumbnail (for example, the first page of a word or pdf file ; first sheet of an excel file ...)
My question doesn't concern images

Create And Display A PDF File In Ionic 3

How to create PDF file and display as per our design.
customize PDF layout and add image and table create in PDF file.
i have send image this type i want to create pdf file .
Here is plugin called pdfmake. It will help you to create pdf of images. You can customise many of things for creating pdf like page size, table, fonts etc.
Following are some of the tutorial which will help you to guide :
I have used it in my project to creating pdf of images and working properly, so may it will help you.

How to upload demo image in my android github project

I have uploaded my project to github account successfully but i am
able to add a demo image or gif to it.
You just need to follow the suggestion at the bottom of your screenshot: Add a README
There you can embed images, both still or moving
Click Add a README on your screen, or manually submit a file called in the page that you want an image to be on (You can have a different file on every folder)
In that file add a link to an image using this tag:
![screen shot](

How to use more than one ace:fileEntry tag in the same page?

I have a page that should contain two ace:fileEntry tags: one to upload an audio file and another to upload an image file. The page should also have a save button. When clicking on the save button, I want to check if both an audio file and an image file are selected to be uploaded.
How can I accomplish that?
Here is where this question is being responded to on the ICEfaces forums.

Inserting and Displaying images within the TinyMCE content editor in PHP site

I am currently using tinyMCE to edit content within my site and I am looking for a way display an image within the tinyMCE once it has been uploaded to the site.
Note: I am not looking for a means to upload an image directly into tinyMCE. I am looking for the tinyMCE command which would allow me to display an image within the content in the editor after I have uploaded it.
You could insert a regular img-tag inside tinymce using a custom plugin or using the setup parameter in your tinymce init. The src should refer to the html location of the image to be uploaded. As soon as the image is available the image will become visible on next reload of the editors content. If you need further assistance feel free to ask.
After successfull uploaded you have the source of the image (img_src). Now you need to add it to the editor like this
tinymce.activeEditor.insertContent('<img alt="photo" src="' + img_src + '"/>');