Graphviz [outputorder=edgesfirst] does not seem to work - visualization

I am visualizing a graph with graphviz's sfdp. But the edges are covering the node, which is annoying. I added this attribute [outputorder=edgesfirst] to the graph but it does not seem to work.
digraph G {
graph [overlap=false][outputorder=edgesfirst];
0->18 [color=red];
0->325 [style=invis];
2->3 [dir=none];
331->330 [color=red];

If you set the node's style to filled and add a fillcolor of white, you'll get the nodes appearing on top of the edges.
digraph G {
graph [overlap=false outputorder=edgesfirst];
node [style=filled fillcolor=white];
0->18 [color=red];
0->325 [style=invis];
2->3 [dir=none];
331->330 [color=red];


Combine Graphs in Networkx: Adding Graphs as Daughter Nodes

I have two Graphs.
Graph_1 is a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) which has the following edge list in df_1:
node_1 node_2
John Charity
John Constantine
Gordon John
Gordon Nick
Graph_1 = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(df_1, source="node_1",
target="node_2", create_using=nx.DiGraph())
Graph_2 is a random stochastic graph which is generated as follows:
Graph_2 = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(1000, 0.1)
I would like to join Graph_2 to Graph_1 by making the node with the highest betweenness centrality in Graph_2 a child node of the "Nick" node in Graph_1.
Does anyone have any ideas on how I could do this?
Following should work
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pylab as pl
edge_list = [
["John", "Charity"],
["John", "Constantine"],
["Gordon", "John"],
["Gordon", "Nick"], ]
Graph_1 = nx.from_edgelist(edge_list, create_using=nx.DiGraph())
# reduced the number for visualization
Graph_2 = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(10, 0.1)
node_with_highest_betweenness_centrality = max(nx.betweenness_centrality(Graph_2).items(), key=lambda x: x[1])[0]
joined_graph = nx.DiGraph(Graph_1)
# not sure which direction you want
joined_graph.add_edge(node_with_highest_betweenness_centrality, "Nick")
nx.draw(joined_graph, with_labels=True)

Customized coloring for grouped bar graph

a = [0.4152 0.4659 0.506 0.5494 0.5676
;0.371 0.4171 0.4649 0.5209 0.5414
;0.2612 0.2681 0.2701 0.2751 0.2811]
b = [0.3976 0.449 0.4951 0.5494 0.5676
;0.342 0.4057 0.4629 0.5701 0.5342
;0.2796 0.2842 0.2911 0.2939 0.2989]
c=[0.3856 0.4397 0.5348 0.5374 0.5562
;0.3352 0.3975 0.4557 0.5087 0.5286
;0.284 0.2928 0.2991 0.301 0.3059]
od = [a,b,c]; % Original Data
d = categorical(["app" "bnn" "orng"]);
d = reordercats(d,{'app' 'bnn' 'orng'});
Basically I want three different colors (and not shades) for three rows of od.
Please help.
I am using MATLAB R2017(a).

Quiver list and labeling vectors of my inputs u,d, and r

How do I label each vector of each input component, say u$_1$..., d$_1$..., on my graph at each vector's respective starting point. I want to see if there is a clustering of certain vectors like u$_30$-u$_50$ are all near each other, for example. Here is my code:
fx = [1.01, 1.0165376460248143, 1.016585505356985,...
1.0166786731186357, 1.0166445649045002, 1.01684528204491,...
1.0168363943981442, 1.0169505828006045, 1.0169903647693619,...
1.0170588800755562, 1.0170214556321182, 1.0171007103163394,...
1.0170611565299144, 1.0171737504115423, 1.0171325089936156,...
1.0173884633568437, 1.0173821295549914, 1.017540453473392,...
1.0176091468862674, 1.0177647297690604, 1.017711866139699,...
1.0177536635811828, 1.0178254876275734, 1.0173994306983212,...
1.0200331803664529, 1.0232411092365432, 1.0232773133875106,...
1.023383936276914, 1.0233275057530007, 1.023510835824228,...
1.0234461433923472, 1.023507118352957, 1.0237210297124908,...
1.0236390252916325, 1.0237007559499636, 1.0239084387662698,...
1.0238131746118633, 1.024266374303865, 1.024212732428539,...
1.02440393427416, 1.0245390401237269, 1.0252178000353167,...
1.0252021019242434, 1.0275875709904758, 1.0275871039342042];
fy = [0.99, 0.99, 0.9899194500620327, 0.9897134368447225,...
0.9899339650105077, 0.9895259027418399, 0.9898115223446341,...
0.9896762515189842, 0.9896129792784014, 0.9894766621994305,...
0.9896189382715079, 0.9894614440540032, 0.9896292673356496,...
0.9894095770062209, 0.989655005387203, 0.9892019096930893,...
0.9894189058876284, 0.9892732425545386, 0.9891916768216495,...
0.9889512723219249, 0.9892071461243063, 0.9891515372181835,...
0.9890346980816267, 0.9901802532401042, 0.9892771992437573,...
0.9881487558751526, 0.9880037699743045, 0.9875669935217211,...
0.9878502051001951, 0.9872010568874899, 0.9875329139453003,...
0.9873775054641964, 0.9868251990627905, 0.9871082986923524,...
0.9869819983991632, 0.9865548473263468, 0.9867867860622922,...
0.9859765136441385, 0.9861731333993694, 0.9859212446482857,...
0.9857475603282838, 0.9848759880952044, 0.9850648602644492,...
0.9821891156159342, 0.9822254068452594];
fz =[0.01, -0.0014683388934621459, -0.0028093690242636917,...
-0.006255424514110392, -0.002405171080788649, -0.009167776104980133,...
0.0003750210183572269, -0.001823375333180016, -0.002906415137850454,...
-0.005227263048381278, -0.0028662319950483552, -0.0055329993182467365,...
-0.0027458980004112996, -0.00644276568444028, -0.00226410433801184,...
-0.009832266892691467, 0.0012478354917326469, -0.001163969711179093,...
-0.0026270200357900887, -0.006946260715800828, -0.00188587841967576,...
-0.002880843788516535, -0.0049636661241180685, 0.015586949435911355,...
0.010368914010693711, -0.0010649331940053245, -0.002328942248654949,...
-0.006634620630021168, -0.0020052485893380344, -0.008543368794125199,...
-0.00044976575279103564, -0.0019790036016751333, -0.008330963679008077,...
-0.0006481277669472506, -0.0020539789179887767, -0.0075781311330381336,...
-0.001294365366809558, -0.011629381859506432, 0.003447063734076782,...
0.0011256038145771368, -0.0008637305140054806, -0.012865086502170518,...
0.005283762238371167, -0.016926299226379265, 0.011993515880473204];
x = [1.01, 1.0165376460248143, 1.016585505356985, 1.0166786731186357,...
1.0166445649045002, 1.01684528204491, 1.0168363943981442,...
1.0169505828006045, 1.0169903647693619, 1.0170588800755562,...
1.0170214556321182, 1.0171007103163394, 1.0170611565299144,...
1.0171737504115423, 1.0171325089936156, 1.0173884633568437,...
1.0173821295549914, 1.017540453473392, 1.0176091468862674,...
1.0177647297690604, 1.017711866139699, 1.0177536635811828,...
1.0178254876275734, 1.0173994306983212, 1.0200331803664529,...
1.0232411092365432, 1.0232773133875106, 1.023383936276914,...
1.0233275057530007, 1.023510835824228, 1.0234461433923472,...
1.023507118352957, 1.0237210297124908, 1.0236390252916325,...
1.0237007559499636, 1.0239084387662698, 1.0238131746118633,...
1.024266374303865, 1.024212732428539, 1.02440393427416,...
1.0245390401237269, 1.0252178000353167, 1.0252021019242434,...
1.0275875709904758, 1.0275871039342042];
y = [0.99, 0.99, 0.9899194500620327, 0.9897134368447225,...
0.9899339650105077, 0.9895259027418399, 0.9898115223446341,...
0.9896762515189842, 0.9896129792784014, 0.9894766621994305,...
0.9896189382715079, 0.9894614440540032, 0.9896292673356496,...
0.9894095770062209, 0.989655005387203, 0.9892019096930893,...
0.9894189058876284, 0.9892732425545386, 0.9891916768216495,...
0.9889512723219249, 0.9892071461243063, 0.9891515372181835,...
0.9890346980816267, 0.9901802532401042, 0.9892771992437573,...
0.9881487558751526, 0.9880037699743045, 0.9875669935217211,...
0.9878502051001951, 0.9872010568874899, 0.9875329139453003,...
0.9873775054641964, 0.9868251990627905, 0.9871082986923524,...
0.9869819983991632, 0.9865548473263468, 0.9867867860622922,...
0.9859765136441385, 0.9861731333993694, 0.9859212446482857,...
0.9857475603282838, 0.9848759880952044, 0.9850648602644492,...
0.9821891156159342, 0.9822254068452594];
z =[0.01, -0.0014683388934621459, -0.0028093690242636917,...
-0.006255424514110392, -0.002405171080788649, -0.009167776104980133,...
0.0003750210183572269, -0.001823375333180016, -0.002906415137850454,...
-0.005227263048381278, -0.0028662319950483552, -0.0055329993182467365,...
-0.0027458980004112996, -0.00644276568444028, -0.00226410433801184,...
-0.009832266892691467, 0.0012478354917326469, -0.001163969711179093,...
-0.0026270200357900887, -0.006946260715800828, -0.00188587841967576,...
-0.002880843788516535, -0.0049636661241180685, 0.015586949435911355,...
0.010368914010693711, -0.0010649331940053245, -0.002328942248654949,...
-0.006634620630021168, -0.0020052485893380344, -0.008543368794125199,...
-0.00044976575279103564, -0.0019790036016751333, -0.008330963679008077,...
-0.0006481277669472506, -0.0020539789179887767, -0.0075781311330381336,...
-0.001294365366809558, -0.011629381859506432, 0.003447063734076782,...
0.0011256038145771368, -0.0008637305140054806, -0.012865086502170518,...
0.005283762238371167, -0.016926299226379265, 0.011993515880473204];
q = quiver3(fx,fy,fz,x,y,z)
The problem is that I want to label the starting point of each vector:
You can use text:
q = quiver3(fx,fy,fz,x,y,z)
The first 3 inputs are the coordinates of the label and the next input is a list (column character array or a cell-array) of the labels. I don't understand how your labeling is working (i.e. what is u$_1$ or d$_1$), so I just numbered the vectors from 1 to 45.

Arrow-size in Quiver

I want to increase the arrow size in quiver. Apparently, there isn't such a property in matlab.
I tried changing the following in quiver.m
% Arrow head parameters
%alpha = 0.33; % Size of arrow head relative to the length of the vector
%beta = 0.33; % Width of the base of the arrow head relative to the length
alpha = 100000050.5; beta = 0.5;
autoscale = 0; % Autoscale if ~= 0 then scale by this.
plotarrows = 1; % Plot arrows
But it shows no effect. Please use the following example for one of the above curved line.
Reproducible example:
K>> xcor_i, ycor_i
xcor_i =
ycor_i =

Plot a V-shape function given its points

I have the following matrix which rows are points sampled from a function
f = [ -3.7850 -11.5240
-3.7753 -11.4822
-3.7680 -11.5427
-3.7592 -11.5607
-3.7576 -11.5461
-3.7454 -11.5887
-3.7386 -11.4070
-3.7358 -11.4450
-3.7289 -11.5511
-3.7254 -11.3713
-3.7122 -11.4515
-3.6820 -11.5582
-3.6758 -11.5946
-3.6732 -11.5823
-3.6679 -11.6365
-3.6487 -11.3525
-3.6424 -11.2745
-3.6322 -11.3478
-3.6235 -11.6379
-3.6159 -11.6308
-3.5619 -11.1980
-3.5550 -11.2284
-3.5544 -11.5925
-3.5147 -11.6578
-3.5041 -11.6756
-3.4860 -11.1550
-3.4654 -11.6341
-3.4550 -11.1329
-3.3802 -11.6701
-3.3691 -11.1083
-3.3541 -11.0790
-3.3485 -11.5887
-3.3006 -11.6384
-3.2481 -11.5570
-3.2459 -11.0268
-3.2441 -10.9314
-3.2301 -11.5225
-3.2270 -10.8832
-3.1543 -10.8612
-3.1528 -11.5490
-3.1167 -11.5021
-3.1102 -10.8255
-3.0645 -11.5618
-2.9967 -11.5420
-2.9898 -10.8136
-2.9645 -10.7107
-2.9211 -11.4197
-2.9175 -10.6389
-2.8558 -10.6015
-2.8327 -11.5108
-2.7768 -11.4501
-2.7392 -10.5492
-2.7217 -11.4230
-2.6988 -10.4724
-2.6235 -11.3226
-2.6196 -11.3806
-2.5772 -10.4518
-2.5458 -10.4317
-2.5014 -10.3176
-2.4832 -11.3822
-2.4778 -10.2456
-2.4029 -11.2907
-2.3723 -10.3002
-2.3590 -11.2911
-2.3491 -10.2110
-2.2756 -11.2318
-2.2554 -10.1204
-2.2542 -10.1411
-2.2181 -11.2300
-2.1982 -9.9584
-2.1645 -9.7938
-2.1541 -11.1682
-2.1476 -9.8235
-2.1451 -9.9205
-2.1280 -10.0064
-2.1269 -9.8947
-2.0898 -9.7926
-2.0781 -11.1293
-1.9985 -11.0985
-1.9249 -11.0443
-1.8220 -11.0419
-1.7359 -11.0043
-1.6924 -10.9775
-1.6049 -10.9579
-1.5275 -10.9339
-1.4757 -10.9113
-1.4122 -10.8854
-1.3245 -10.8908
-1.2936 -10.7893
-1.2091 -10.8121
-1.1575 -10.8064
-1.1237 -10.7105
-1.0571 -10.7724
-1.0217 -10.7096
-0.9717 -10.6984
-0.9447 -10.7103
-0.9120 -10.6687
-0.8908 -10.6670]
Plotting by plot(f(:,1),f(:,2),'+') it is clear that the function has a V-shape. However, I need to plot it continuously, but doing plot(f(:,1),f(:,2)) results in a zig-zag function. How can I plot the points as I want to? (beside sorting them manually)
You could try rotating your data, sorting it and rotating it back. e.g:
theta = -1;
R = [cos(theta) -sin(theta);sin(theta) cos(theta)];
f2 = f*R;
f3 = sortrows(f2);
f4 = f3*R';
You can tweak theta to change the angle, which affects the sort order, I just took a guess that -1 is about right.