Data ingestion with Apache Storm - apache-kafka

I have been reading a lot of articles where implementations of Apache Storm are explained for ingesting data from either Apache Flume or Apache Kafka. My main question remains unanswered after reading several articles. What is the main benefit of using Apache Kafka or Apache Flume? Why not collecting data from a source directly into Apache Storm?
To understand this I looked into these frameworks. Correct me if I am wrong.
Apache Flume is about collecting data from a source and pushing data to a sink. The sink being in this case Apache Storm.
Apache Kafka is about collecting data from a source and storing them in a message queue until Apache Storm processes it.

I am assuming you are dealing with the use case of Continuous Computation Algorithms or Real Time Analytics.
Given below is what you will have to go through if you DO NOT use Kafka or any message queue:
(1) You will have to implement functionality like consistency of data.
(2) You are ready to implement replication on your own
(3) You are ready to tackle a variety of failures and ready to build a fault tolerant system.
(4) You will need to create a good design so that your producer and consumer are completely decoupled.
(5) You will have to implement persistence. What happens if your consumer fails?
(6) What happens to fault resilience? Do you want to take the entire system down when your consumer fails?
(7) You will have to implement delivery guarantees as well as ordering guarantees.
All of the above are inherent features of a message queue (Kafka etc.) and you will of-course not like to re-invent the wheel here.

I think the reason for having different configurations could be a matter of how the source data is obtained. Storm spouts (the first elements in the Storm topologies) are meant to synchronously polling for the data, while Flume agents (agent=source+channel+sink) are meant to asynchronously receive the data at the source. Thus, if you have a system that notifies certain events then a Flume agent is required; then this agent would be in charge of receiving the data and putting into any queue management system (ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ...) in order to be cosumed by Storm. The same would apply to Kafka.


Apache NiFi & Kafka Integration

I am not sure this questions is already addressed somewhere, but I couldn't find a helpful answer anywhere on internet.
I am trying to integrate Apache NiFi with Kafka - consuming data from Kafka using Apache NiFi. Below are few questions that comes to my mind before proceeding with this.
Q-1) The use case that we have is - read data from Kafka real time, parse the data, do some basic validations on the data and later push the data to HBase. I know
Apache NiFi is the right candidate for doing this kind of processing, but how easy it is to build the workflow if the JSON that we are processing is a complex one ? We were
initially thinking of doing the same using Java Code, but later realised this can be done with minimum effort in NiFi. Please note, 80% of data that we are processing from
Kafka would be simple JSONs, but 20% would be complex ones(invovles arrays)
Q-2) The trickiest part while writing Kafka consumer is handling the offset properly. How Apache NiFi will handle offsets while consuming from Kafka topics ? How offsets
would be properly committed in case rebalancing is triggered while processing ? The frameworks like Spring-Kafka provide options to commit the offsets (to some extent) in case
rebalance is triggered in the middle of processing. How NiFi handles this ?
I have deployed a number of pipeline in 3 node NiFi cluster in production, out of which one is similar to your use case.
Q-1) It's very simple and easy to build a pipeline for your use-case. Since you didn't mention the types of tasks involved in processing a json, I'm assuming generic tasks. Generic task involving JSONs can be schema validation which can be achieved using ValidateRecord Processor, transformation using JoltTransformRecord Processor, extraction of attribute values using EvaluateJsonPath, conversion of json to some other format say avro using ConvertJSONToAvro processors etc.
Nifi gives you flexibility to scale each stage/processor in the pipelines independently. For example, if transformation using JoltTransformRecord is time consuming, you can scale it to run N concurrent tasks in each node by configuring Concurrent Tasks under Scheduling tab.
Q-2) As far as ConsumeKafka_2_0 processor is concerned, the offset management is handled by committing the NiFi processor session first and then the Kafka offsets which means we have an at-least once guarantee by default.
When Kafka trigger rebalancing of consumers for a given partition, processor quickly commits(processor session and Kafka offset) whatever it has got and will return the consumer to the pool for reuse.
ConsumeKafka_2_0 handles committing offset when members of the consumer group change or the subscription of the members changes. This can occur when processes die, new process instances are added or old instances come back to life after failure. Also taken care for cases where the number of partitions of subscribed topic is administratively adjusted.

Akka Stream Kafka vs Kafka Streams

I am currently working with Akka Stream Kafka to interact with kafka and I was wonderings what were the differences with Kafka Streams.
I know that the Akka based approach implements the reactive specifications and handles back-pressure, functionality that kafka streams seems to be lacking.
What would be the advantage of using kafka streams over akka streams kafka?
Your question is very general, so I'll give a general answer from my point of view.
First, I've got two usage scenario:
cases where I'm reading data from kafka, processing it and writing some output back to kafka, for these I'm using kafka streams exclusively.
cases where either the data source or sink is not kafka, for those I'm using akka streams.
This already allows me to answer the part about back-pressure: for the 1st scenario above, there is a back-pressure mechanism in kafka streams.
Let's now only focus on the first scenario described above. Let's see what I would loose if I decided to stop using Kafka streams:
some of my stream processors stages need a persistent (distributed) state store, kafka streams provides it for me. It is something that akka streams doesn't provide.
scaling, kafka streams automatically balances the load as soon as a new instance of a stream processor is started, or as soon as one gets killed. This works inside the same JVM, as well as on other nodes: scaling up and out. This is not provided by akka streams.
Those are the biggest differences that matter to me, I'm hoping that it makes sense to you!
The big advantage of Akka Stream over Kafka Streams would be the possibility to implement very complex processing graphs that can be cyclic with fan in/out and feedback loop. Kafka streams only allows acyclic graph if I am not wrong. It would be very complicated to implement cyclic processing graph on top of Kafka streams
Found this article to give a good summary of distributed design concerns that Kafka Streams provides (complements Akka Streams).
message ordering: Kafka maintains a sort of append only log where it stores all the messages, Each message has a sequence id also known as its offset. The offset is used to indicate the position of a message in the log. Kafka streams uses these message offsets to maintain ordering.
partitioning: Kafka splits a topic into partitions and each partition is replicated among different brokers. The partitioning allows to spread the load and replication makes the application fault-tolerant (if a broker is down the data are still available). That’s good for data partitioning but we also need to distribute the processes in a similar way. Kafka Streams uses the processor topology that relies on Kafka group management. This is the same group management that is used by the Kafka consumer to distribute load evenly among brokers (This work is mainly managed by the brokers).
Fault tolerance: data replication ensures data fault tolerance. Group management has fault tolerance built-in as it redistributes the workload among remaining live broker instances.
State management: Kafka streams provides a local storage backed up by a kafka change-log topic which uses log compaction (keeps only latest value for a given key).Kafka log compaction
Reprocessing: When starting a new version of the app, we can reprocess the logs from the start to compute new state then redirect the traffic the new instance and shutdown old application.
Time management: “Stream data is never complete and can always arrive out-of-order” therefore one must distinguish the event time vs processed time and handle it correctly.
Author also says "Using this change-log topic Kafka Stream is able to maintain a “table view” of the application state."
My take is that this applies mostly to an enterprise application where the "application state" is ... small.
For a data science application working with "big data", the "application state" produced by a combination of data munging, machine learning models and business logic to orchestrate all of this will likely not be managed well with Kafka Streams.
Also, am thinking that using a "pure functional event sourcing runtime" like will help make the mutations explicit and separate the application logic from the technology used to manage the persistent form of the state through the principled management of state mutation and IO "effects" (functional programming).
In other words the business logic does not become tangled with the Kafka apis.
Akka Streams emerged as a dataflow-centric abstraction for the Akka Actors model.
These are high-performance library built for the JVM and specially designed for general-purpose microservices.
Whereas as long as Kafka Streams is concerned, these are client libraries used to process unbounded data. They are used to read data from Kafka topics, then process it, and write the results to new topics.
Well I used both of those and I have a pretty good idea about their strength's and weaknesses.
If you are solely concentrated in Kafka and you don't have to much experience about stream processing, Kafka Streams is good solution out of the box to help understand the streaming concepts. It Achilles heel in my opinion is its datastore, RockDB to help stateful scenarios with KTable or internal State Stores.
If you use Kafka Streams library, RockDB install itself in the background transparently, which is great for a beginner but troublesome for an experienced developer. RockDB is a key/value database like Cassandra, it has the most strengths of Cassandra but also the weakness, one major of those you can only query the things with primary key, which is for most of the real life scenarios s huge limitation. There are some means to implement your own datastore but they are not that well documented and could be great challenge. Also RockDB is really great loading single Values but if you have iterate over things, after a Dataset size of 100 000 the performance degrades significantly.
Unfortunately while RockDB is embedded so deep in Kafka Streams, it is also not that easy to implement a CQRS solution with it.
And as mentioned above, it has no concept of Back Pressure while Kafka Consumer give Records one by one, in a scenario that you have to scale out that can be really good bottleneck. And be really careful about that statement that Kafka Streams does not need Backpressure mechanism, as this Netflix blog points out it can really cause unpleasant effects.
"By the following morning, alerts were received regarding high memory consumption and GC latencies, to the point where the service was unresponsive to HTTP requests. An investigation of the JVM memory dump revealed an internal Kafka message concurrent queue whose size had grown uncontrollably to over 1.3 million elements.
The cause for this abnormal queue growth is due to Spring KafkaListener’s lack of native back-pressure support."
Well so what are the advantages and disadvantages of Akka Streams compared to Kafka Streams. Well first of all, Akka is not that much of out of the box framework, you have to understand the concepts much better, it is not coupled with single persistence of options, you can choose whatever you want. It has direct support for CQRS pattern (Akka Projection) so you are not bound to query your data only over Primary Key. Akka developer thought about a lot scaling out and back pressure, committed a lot of code to Kafka code base to improve performance.
So if you are only working with Kafka and new to Stream Processing you can use Kafka Streams but be prepared that at some point you can hit a wall and switch to Akka Stream.
You want to see working details/example, I have two blogs about it, you can check it those, blog1 blog2

Why using apache kafka in real-time processing

Lately I've been looking into real-time data processing using storm, flink, etc...
All architectures I came through uses kafka as a layer between datasources and the stream processor, why this layer should exist ?
I think there are three main reasons why to use Apache Kafka for real-time processing:
In real-time processing, there is a requirement for fast and reliable delivery of data from data-sources to stream processor. If u are not doing it well, it can easily become a bottleneck of your real-time processing system. Here is where Kafka can help.
Before, traditional messaging ApacheMQ and RabbitMQ was not particularly good for handling huge amount of data in real-time. For that reason Linkedin engineers developed their own messaging system Apache Kafka to be able to cope with this issue.
Distribution: Kafka is natively distributed which fits to distribution nature of stream processing. Kafka divides incoming data to partition ordered by offset which are physically distributed over the cluster. Then these partition can feed the stream processor in distributed manner.
Kafka was designed to be simple, sacrificing advance features for the sake of performance. Kafka outperform traditional messaging systems by big difference which can be seen also in this paper. The main reasons are mentioned below:
The Kafka producer does not wait for acknowledgments from the broker
and send data as fast as broker can handle
Kafka has a more efficient storage format with less meta-data.
The Kafka broker is stateless, it does not need to take care about the state of consumers.
Kafka exploits the UNIX sendfile API to efficiently deliver data from
a broker to a consumer by reducing the number of data copies and
system calls.
Reliability: Kafka serves as a buffer between data sources and the stream processor to handle a big load of data. Kafka just simple store all the incoming data and consumers are responsible for the decision how much and how fast they want to process data. This ensure reliable load-balancing that the stream processor will be not overwhelmed by too many data.
Kafka retention policy also allows to easy recover from failures during processing (Kafka retain all the data for 7 days by default). Each consumers keep track on offset of last processed message. For this reason if some consumer fails, it is easy to rollback to the point right before failure and start processing again without loosing information or need to reprocess all stream from beginning.

How Logstash is different than Kafka

How Log stash is different than Kafka?
and if both are same which is better? and How?
I found both are the pipelines where one can push the data for further processing.
Kafka is much more powerful than Logstash. For syncing data from such as PostgreSQL to ElasticSearch, Kafka connectors could do the similar work with Logstash.
One key difference is: Kafka is a cluster, while Logstash is basically single instance. You could run multiple Logstash instances. But these Logstash instances are not aware of each other. For example, if one instance goes down, others will not take over its work. Kafka handles the node down automatically. And if you set up Kafka connectors to work in the distributed mode, other connectors could take over the work of the down connector.
Kafka and Logstash could also work together. For example, run a Logstash instance on every node to collect logs, and send the logs to Kafka. Then you could write the Kafka consumer code to do any handling you want.
Logstash is a tool that can be used to collect, process and forward events and log messages. Collection is accomplished through a number of input plugins. You can use Kafka as an input plugin, where it will read events from a Kafka topic. Once an input plugin has collected data it can be processed by any number of filters which modify and annotate the event data. Finally events are routed to output plugins which can forward the events to a variety of external programs including Elasticsearch.
Where as Kafka is a messaging software that persists messages, has TTL, and the notion of consumers that pull data out of Kafka. Some of it's usages could be:
Stream Processing
Website Activity Tracking
Metrics Collection and Monitoring
Log Aggregation
So simply both of them have their own advantages and disadvantages. But then it depends on your requirements solely.
In addition, I want to add somethings through scenarios:
Scenario 1: Event Spikes
The app you deployed has a bad bug where information is logged excessively, flooding your logging infrastructure. This spike or a burst of data is fairly common in other multi-tenant use cases as well, for example, in the gaming and e-commerce industries. A message broker like Kafka is used in this scenario to protect Logstash and Elasticsearch from this surge.
Scenario 2: Elasticsearch not reachable
When eleasticsearch is not reachable, If you have a number of data sources streaming into Elasticsearch, and you can't afford to stop the original data sources, a message broker like Kafka could be of help here! If you use the Logstash shipper and indexer architecture with Kafka, you can continue to stream your data from edge nodes and hold them temporarily in Kafka. As and when Elasticsearch comes back up, Logstash will continue where it left off, and help you catch up to the backlog of data.
The whole blog is here about use cases of the Logtash and Kafka.

Does it make sense to build a data processing pipeline using only Kafka?

I am building a data processing pipeline using Kafka.
The pipeline is linear with 4 stages.
The data volume is medium (will need more than one machine but not hundreds or thousands; data volume is a few tens of gigabytes)
My question: can I use only Kafka, having a pipeline stage consume from a topic and produce on another topic? Should I be using Spark or Storm and why? Of course, I prefer the simplest possible architecture. If I can do it all with Kafka, I'd prefer that. In the future I may need some additional machine learning stages and that may affect the answer. I have no strong once-only semantics, I can accept some message loss and some duplication with no problem.
My question: can I use only Kafka, having a pipeline stage consume from a topic and produce on another topic? Should I be using Spark or Storm and why?
Technically yes you can. If you are ready to handle the whole distributed architecture on your own. Writing your own multi-threaded producers, managing those consumers and so on. You also need to consider in terms of Scalability, performance, durability etc. And here comes the beauty of using computation engine like Storm, Spark etc. So you can simply concentrate on the core logic and leave the infrastructure be maintained by them.
For example using a combination of Kafka and Storm for your architecture, you can store terabytes of data using kafka and feed them to storm for processing. If you are familiar with storm then a sample topology can be something like this:
(kafka-spout consuming messages from topic) --> ( Bolt-A for processing the data receive through spout & feeding it to bolt B) --> (Bolt-B for pushing back the processed data into another kafka topic)
Using such architecture offers great deal in scalability, throughput, performance etc.Making some easy configuration changes you will be able to tune your application based on your requirements.