phpseclib asn1 parser issue with MS cert SAN - x509

I am attempting to parse some M$ generated certs and finding that the phpseclib ASN1 decodeBER function is choking on some OID's. I would really like to understand this function better and its behavior in this case.
Here is an example cert for discussion:
For simple testing purposes this is my driver:
$X509 = new File_X509();
$BER = $X509->_extractBER($BER);
$ASN1 = new File_ASN1();
$DECODED = $ASN1->decodeBER( $BER );
I think we are running into trouble ~line 423:
if (!$constructed) {
$current['content'] = $content;
} else {
$current['content'] = '';
$length = 0;
while (substr($content, 0, 2) != "\0\0") {
$temp = $this->_decode_ber($content, $length + $start);
$this->_string_shift($content, $temp['length']);
// all subtags should be octet strings
//if ($temp['type'] != FILE_ASN1_TYPE_OCTET_STRING) {
// return false;
$current['content'].= $temp['content'];
$length+= $temp['length'];
if (substr($content, 0, 2) == "\0\0") {
$length+= 2; // +2 for the EOC
Specifically in dumping the output of array element 7 (subjectAltName)
[7] => Array
[start] => 1104
[headerlength] => 2
[type] => 16
[content] => Array
[0] => Array
[start] => 1106
[headerlength] => 2
[type] => 6
[content] =>
[length] => 5
[1] => Array
[start] => 1111
[headerlength] => 2
[type] => 4
[content] => 0% #^F+^F^A^D^A^Â7^T^B^C ^U^L^Smetaclassing#secure
[length] => 41
[length] => 48
It appears that the content should be parsed into an array instead of a string of binary junk. I believe it should parse into something more like this:
SEQUENCE(2 elem)
SEQUENCE(1 elem)
Offset: 1113
Length: 2+37
(1 elem)
[0](2 elem)
[0](1 elem)
UTF8String metaclassing#secure
I believe this is a "constructed" field, however up at line ~298 the bitwise operation happening is a little beyond my understanding:
$constructed = ($type >> 5) & 1;
I have written a corner-case matching hex values to force $constructed to 1 for this specific array element but didnt see much of an improvement in parsing. Wondering what the next best step is to remedy this? I really appreciate your help and thoughts. Thanks!

you should attempt to recurse OCTET_STRING contents and attempt to decode the nested record to see if it decodes as valid ASN.1. All certificate extension values are placed as a nested to OCTET_STRING structure:
From what I know, the following primitive tags are used in primitive form only: BOOLEAN, INTEGER, NULL, OBJECT_IDENTIFIER, REAL, ENUMERATED and RELATIVE_OID. The rest primitive tags may have embedded content. Although, this list is not definitive, OCTET_STRING definitely may be a container even if its tag is encoded in a primitive form. This applies to BIT_STRING as well.

Yes indeed, the code should recur. Here are my findings thus far:
$class = ($type >> 6) & 3;
The issue does appear to be the bitwise operation being used, it is not correctly identifying class (is returning 0 for application when it should be 2 for context specific and 0 for constructed which should be 1.
To test I inserted this code below (really hackish, but im an ASN.1n00b:
// Manual testing for incorrect class/constructed detection!
if ( !$constructed && $class == 0 && isset($content[0]) && isset($content[1]) )
//print "\nSTART: $start\tTYPE IS: {$type}\t CLASS IS: {$class}\tCONTENT IS {$content}\n";
if ( ($content[0] == "0" && $content[1] == "%" ) ||
($content[0] == hex2bin("30") && $content[1] == hex2bin("81") ) ||
($content[0] == hex2bin("82") && $content[1] == hex2bin("01") ) ||
($content[0] == hex2bin("30") && $content[1] == hex2bin("20") ) ||
($content[0] == hex2bin("1e") && $content[1] == hex2bin("08") ) ||
($content[0] == hex2bin("00") && $content[1] == hex2bin("55") ) ||
($content[0] == hex2bin("04") && $content[1] == hex2bin("14") ) ||
($content[0] == hex2bin("30") && $content[1] == hex2bin("16") ) ||
($content[0] == hex2bin("00") && $content[1] == hex2bin("30") ) )
$class = 2; $constructed = 1; //print "SET CLASS AND CONSTRUCTED!\n";
//print "C0: {$content[0]} = (0x" . bin2hex($content[0]) . ") C1: {$content[1]} = (0x" . bin2hex($content[1]) . ") did not match!\n";
And indeed, manually matching the bytes not correctly detected does resolve my issue:
[7] => Array
[start] => 1104
[headerlength] => 2
[type] => 16
[content] => Array
[0] => Array
[start] => 1106
[headerlength] => 2
[type] => 6
[content] =>
[length] => 5
[1] => Array
[type] => 2
[constant] => 4
[content] => Array
[0] => Array
[start] => 1113
[headerlength] => 2
[type] => 16
[content] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => 2
[constant] => 0
[content] => Array
[0] => Array
[start] => 1117
[headerlength] => 2
[type] => 6
[content] =>
[length] => 12
[length] => 14
[start] => 1115
[headerlength] => 2
[1] => Array
[type] => 2
[constant] => 0
[content] => Array
[0] => Array
[start] => 1131
[headerlength] => 2
[type] => 12
[content] => metaclassing#secure
[length] => 21
[length] => 23
[start] => 1129
[headerlength] => 2
[length] => 39
[length] => 41
[start] => 1111
[headerlength] => 2
[length] => 48
At this point I think I need to wait for the library developers to review the ASN.1 parsing function/library and review why these certs make it so incredibly unhappy. Patching this is somewhat beyond my capabilities at the moment.


What's the size of a HMACSHA2 hash in Crypt::PBKDF2 in Perl?

I want to store password hashes in a database. Hashes will be generated with
my $PBKDF2 = Crypt::PBKDF2->new(
hash_class => 'HMACSHA2',
hash_args => {
sha_size => 512,
iterations => 10000,
salt_len => 10,
In the Pod of Crypt::PBKDF2 I find:
The default size (in bytes, not bits) of the output hash. If a value
isn't provided, the output size depends on the hash_class / hasher
selected, and will equal the output size of the backend hash (e.g. 20
bytes for HMACSHA1).
But what actually IS the default output size?
32 bytes
You can find this information in the source code of Crypt::PBKDF2::Hash::HMACSHA2. The code defining the default size is:
has 'sha_size' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => Type::Tiny->new(
name => 'SHASize',
parent => Enum[qw( 224 256 384 512 )],
display_name => 'valid number of bits for SHA-2',
default => 256,
The function used to return the size divides sha_size by 8:
sub hash_len {
my $self = shift;
return $self->sha_size() / 8;
Thus returning 256/8 = 32 by default.

text in result instead of number returns mysqli unknown column error

Array (
[0] => Array ( [0] => MST Ice P [1] => MST [2] => Ice )
[1] => Array ( [0] => MST Ice P [1] => MST [2] => Ice )
[2] => Array ( [0] => MST 298 P [1] => MST [2] => 298 )
[3] => Array ( [0] => MST Ice P [1] => MST [2] => Ice )
[4] => Array ( [0] => MST 302 P [1] => MST [2] => 302 )
here is my mysqli:
for($i = 0; $i < count($cfs); $i++)
"UPDATE gages SET cfs = {$cfs[$i][2]}, modtime = now() WHERE usgs =
or die($con->error);
Here is my error:
Unknown column 'Ice' in 'field list'
This works fine in the summer when there in no ice.
If as you say the cfs column is VARCHAR then it should have been coded like this with single quotes around the value.
I dont see how it ever worked without them.
for($i = 0; $i < count($cfs); $i++) {
$con->query("UPDATE gages
SET cfs = '{$cfs[$i][2]}',
modtime = now()
WHERE usgs = {$stano[$i][1]}")
or die($con->error);

Escaping commas in macro output

I am trying to write a macro which enables me to transform
(a, b, c, d) to (a, a + b, a + b + c, a + b + c + d), etc. Here is what I have got so far:
macro_rules! pascal_next {
($x: expr) => ($x);
($x: expr, $y: expr) => (
($x, $x + $y)
($x: expr, $y: expr, $($rest: expr),+) => (
($x, pascal_next!(
$x + $y, $($rest),+
However, there is a problem that it would actually output (a, (a + b, (a + b + c, a + b + c +d))). The origin is that the second matching rule ($x: expr, $y: expr) => (($x, $x + $y));, produces an extra bracket, so that there would be nested brackets. If I don't put a bracket outside, I would get the error error:
unexpected token: ,
So is it possible to output a comma , in Rust macros?
No; the result of a macro must be a complete grammar construct like an expression or an item. You absolutely cannot have random bits of syntax like a comma or a closing brace.
You can get around this by simply not outputting anything until you have a complete, final expression. Behold!
macro_rules! pascal_impl {
The input to this macro takes the following form:
// The current output accumulator.
// The current additive prefix.
// The remaining, comma-terminated elements.
Termination condition: there is no input left. As
such, dump the output.
) => {
Otherwise, we have more to scrape!
$e:expr, $($rest:tt)*
) => {
($($out)* $prefix+$e,);
macro_rules! pascal {
($($es:expr),+) => { pascal_impl!((); 0; $($es),+,) };
fn main() {
println!("{:?}", pascal!(1, 2, 3, 4));
Note: To use this on a stable compiler, you will need to delete the #![feature(trace_macros)] and trace_macros!(true); lines. Everything else should be fine.
What this does is it recursively munches away at the input, passing the partial (and potentially semantically invalid) output as input to the next level of recursion. This lets us build up an "open list", which we couldn't otherwise do.
Then, once we're out of input, we just re-interpret our partial output as a complete expression and... done.
The reason I including the tracing stuff is so I could show you what it looks like as it runs:
pascal! { 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 }
pascal_impl! { ( ) ; 0 ; 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , }
pascal_impl! { ( 0 + 1 , ) ; 0 + 1 ; 2 , 3 , 4 , }
pascal_impl! { ( 0 + 1 , 0 + 1 + 2 , ) ; 0 + 1 + 2 ; 3 , 4 , }
pascal_impl! { ( 0 + 1 , 0 + 1 + 2 , 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 , ) ; 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 ; 4 , }
pascal_impl! { ( 0 + 1 , 0 + 1 + 2 , 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 , 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 , ) ; 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 ; }
And the output is:
(1, 3, 6, 10)
One thing to be aware of: large numbers of un-annotated integer literals can cause a dramatic increase in compile times. If this happens, you can solve it by simply annotating all of your integer literals (like 1i32).

I have a really confusing issue with checkboxes

I have a problem with the value that checkboxes returns to me:
first of all i start with that 2 variables:
$blabla_severity_levels =
variable_get('blabla_severity_levels', array());
$blabla_severity_options = array();
then i make a for each for the watchdogs:
foreach (watchdog_severity_levels() as $severity_numbers => $severity) {
$blabla_severity_options[$severity_numbers] = check_plain(drupal_ucfirst($severity));
then i generate the form:
$blabla_form['blabla_severity_levels'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkboxes',
'#title' => t('Type of log messages'),
'#options' => $blabla_severity_options,
'#default_value' => array_values($blabla_severity_levels),
'#required' => TRUE,
return system_settings_form($blabla_form);
and in my function i call it like:
$severity_levels = variable_get('blabla_severity_levels', array());
now if i make a dpm($severity_levels)
it gets me out an array with
error (String, 5 characters ) error
warning (String, 7 characters ) warning
emergency (Integer) 0
alert (Integer) 0
critical (Integer) 0
notice (Integer) 0
info (Integer) 0
debug (Integer) 0
but i am really needing is the blabla_severity_options which is:
error (String, 5 characters ) 3
warning (String, 7 characters ) 4
emergency (Integer) 0
alert (Integer) 0
critical (Integer) 0
notice (Integer) 0
info (Integer) 0
debug (Integer) 0
I want to save the values...... any ideas plz?? i really need help

MongoDB does not return all points in MaxDistance

I have this search query in php:
[$near] => Array(
[0] => -73.5539925
[1] => 45.5086699
[$maxDistance] => 0.269978401728
0.269978401728 was calculated this way: 30/111.12
problem is that it doesn't find point with these values: -73.8260706 45.4293058
it finds it only if distance is increased to 32.
If I check gmap walking distance between these points is 26.6 which is longer than direct line. Then even with 25km it should probably work, but now it doesnt work with 30.
Do I miss something?
I changed query to use within instead of near and now it works fine
$radiusOfEarth = 6378.1;//radius in km
$calculated_distance = (float) $distance / $radiusOfEarth;
$search = array(
'loc' => array('$within' =>
array('$centerSphere' =>
array(floatval($lng), floatval($lat)), $calculated_distance
[loc] => Array
[$within] => Array
[$centerSphere] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => -73.5539925
[1] => 45.5086699
[1] => 0.00501716812217