Deleting specific record from an array nested within another array - mongodb

I have a MongoDB record as follow:
"id": 1,
"Tasks": [
"description": "BLAH",
"Tags": [
"Name": "test",
"tagID": "YRG+crq3SJucvlUwTo/uSg=="
"Name": "Cars",
"tagID": "ObwiiZpNTOGECgHb1HehHg=="
I'm trying to delete the object from 'Tags' with the 'Name: test' by reference to its 'tagID'. The query I have deletes the whole record within 'Tasks' not just that particular Tags object.
db.user.update({ 'id': 1 },
'$pull': { 'Tasks': {'Tags.tagID': "YRG+crq3SJucvlUwTo/uSg==" }}
{ '$multi': 'true' }
How can I ammend my query to only remove that particular tag and not remove the entire record?

Using Pymongo and the $ operator
col.update({"id": 1, "Tasks.description": "BLAH"},
"$pull": {"Tasks.$.Tags" : { "tagID": "YRG+crq3SJucvlUwTo/uSg==" }}
}, multi=True

Use the positional operator $ together with the $pull update operator to remove the specific array element object:
db.user.update({"id": 1, "Tasks.description": "BLAH"},
"$pull": {"Tasks.$.Tags" : { "tagID": "YRG+crq3SJucvlUwTo/uSg==" }}
{ multi: true}

I think you are looking for the $unset command. Reference here.


Update data two element in mongo db

"Templates": [
"ProductId": "63a2b0f87a810608e6ca6d95",
"RevisionNum": [
"EffectiveDate": "2022-12-22T02:45:22.587Z",
"HardwareVer": "A",
"SoftwareVer": "1.0",
"WorkTasks": [],
"_id": "63a3c4d950b22e564d2b8dee"
"_id": "63a3c4d950b22e564d2b8ded",
"__v": 0
Update data element by productId one are update value in array ["221222"] to ["111111"] in RevisionNum array other are for HardwareVer in MongoDB and Nodejs
You can use arrayFilters as follow:
$set: {
"Templates.$[y].RevisionNum.$[x]": "1111",
"Templates.$[y].HardwareVer": "B"
arrayFilters: [
x: "221222"
"y.ProductId": "63a2b0f87a810608e6ca6d95"
Create two arrayFilters x & y to identify the element that you need to update.

MongoDB use array field's element to $set a new field of the document

In the database, I have documents like the following
Ticket {
"eventHistory": [
"event": "CREATED",
"timestamp": "aa-bb-cccc"
"event": "ASSIGNED",
"timestamp": "ii-jj-kkkk"
"event": "CLOSED",
"timestamp": "xx-yy-zzzz"
I would like to add a closedAt field to the relevant Tickets, getting the value from the eventHistory array's last element. The resultant document would look like the following
Ticket {
"eventHistory": [
"event": "CREATED",
"timestamp": "aa-bb-cccc"
"event": "ASSIGNED",
"timestamp": "ii-jj-kkkk"
"event": "CLOSED",
"timestamp": "xx-yy-zzzz"
"closedAt": "xx-yy-zzzz"
The following pipeline allows me to use the entire object that's present as the eventHistory array's last element.
"$set": {
"closedAt": {
"$arrayElemAt": [
But I want to use only the timestamp field; not the entire object.
Please help me adjust (and/or improve) the pipeline.
One option to fix your query is:
$set: {
"Ticket.closedAt": {
$last: "$Ticket.eventHistory.timestamp"
See how it works on the playground example
But note that you assume that last item is a closing one. Is this necessarily the case? Otherwise you can validate it.

Update nested array mongodb

I want do an updateMany() operation on a nested array for all documents of my collection.
Here is the documents format :
"number": 1,
"products": [{
"name": "test",
"compositions": ["water", "sugar"],
"number": 2,
"products": [{
"name": "test12",
"compositions": ["cotton", "linen"],
How can add element ("color" for example) in compositions array nested in product array for all documents by doing updateMany() operation ?
I try this but it is not work :
db.getSiblingDB("mydatabase").getCollection("stock").find().forEach(element => {
element.products.forEach(product => {
{$set: {
'compositions': { $addToSet: { 'product.compositions' : "color"}}
Thank you in advance.
You can use all positional operator $[] to update all elements in the array.
{ $addToSet: { "products.$[].compositions": "color" } }
In case of if you don't want to update all elements, you can use arrayFilters (which allows you to use $[i] notation inside option section):
mongodb example playground
{ $addToSet: { "products.$[i].compositions": "color" } },
{ arrayFilters: [{"": "test12"}]

How to use $set and dot notation to update embedded array elements using corresponding old element?

I have following documents in a MongoDb:
from pymongo import MongoClient
client = MongoClient(host='my_host', port=27017)
database = client.forecast
collection = database.regions
regions = [
'id': 'DE',
'sites': [
'name': 'paper_factory',
'energy_consumption': 1000
'name': 'chair_factory',
'energy_consumption': 2000
'id': 'FR',
'sites': [
'name': 'pizza_factory',
'energy_consumption': 3000
'name': 'foo_factory',
'energy_consumption': 4000
Now I would like to copy the property sites.energy_consumption to a new field sites.new_field for each site:
set_stage = {
"$set": {
"sites.new_field": "$sites.energy_consumption"
pipeline = [set_stage]
However, instead of copying the individual value per site, all site values are collected and added as an array. Intead of 'new_field': [1000, 2000] I would like to get 'new_field': 1000 for the first site:
"_id": ObjectId("61600c11732a5d6b103ba6be"),
"id": "DE",
"sites": [
"name": "paper_factory",
"energy_consumption": 1000,
"new_field": [
"name": "chair_factory",
"energy_consumption": 2000,
"new_field": [
"_id": ObjectId("61600c11732a5d6b103ba6bf"),
"id": "FR",
"sites": [
"name": "pizza_factory",
"energy_consumption": 3000,
"new_field": [
"name": "foo_factory",
"energy_consumption": 4000,
"new_field": [
=> What expression can I use to only use the corresponding entry of the array?
Is there some sort of current-index operator:
or an alternative dot operator (would remind me on difference between * multiplication and .* element wise matrix multiplication)?
Or is this a bug?
I also tried to use the "$" positional operator, e.g. with
but then I get the error
FieldPath field names may not start with '$'
In MongoDB how do you use $set to update a nested value/embedded document?
If the field is member of an array by selecting it you are selecting all of them.
{ar :[{"a" : 1}, {"a" : 2}]}
"$ar.a" = [1 ,2]
Also you cant mix update operators with aggregation, you cant use things like
$sites.$.energy_consumption, if you are doing aggregation you have to use aggregate operators, with only exception the $match stage where you can use query operators.
alternative slightly different solution from yours using $setField
i guess it will be faster, but probably little difference
no need to use javascript it will be slower
this is >= MongoDB 5 solution, $setField is new operator
Test code here
use $addFields
"$addFields": {
"sites": {
$map: {
input: "$sites",
as: "s",
in: {
name: "$$",
energy_consumption: "$$s.energy_consumption",
new_field: {
$map: {
input: "$sites",
as: "value",
in: "$$value.energy_consumption"
I found following ugly workarounds that set the complete sites instead of only specifying a new field with dot notation:
a) based on javascript function
set_stage = {
"$set": {
"sites": {
"$function": {
"body": "function(sites) {return => {site.new_field = site.energy_consumption_in_mwh; return site})}",
"args": ["$sites"],
"lang": "js"
b) based on map and mergeObjects
set_stage = {
"$set": {
"sites": {
"$map": {
"input": "$sites",
"in": {
"$mergeObjects": ["$$this", {
"new_field": "$$this.energy_consumption_in_mwh"
If there is some kind of $$this context for the dot operator expression, allowing a more elegant solution, please let me know.

Updating a nested Array in using UpdateOne()

I'm having an issue updating a nested Array in a document. Reading around the topic i've come across various method, one that i've tweaked below, however nothing seems to work for me!
I'm trying to update the field systemUpdate_DT which is in a parent Array called List and a child array called customData. I'm referring to the object in the child array using the key _id of the parent array and key field_id in the child array.
How do I update the systemUpdate_DT of the respective object?
Live Example:
A document in the collection looks like:
"_id": "6032a5ad80443334a35f2232",
"List": [
"_id": "6032a5af80443334a35f2234",
"customData": [
"_id": "6032a5bc80443334a35f223c",
"systemUpdate_DT": null,
"field_id": "6032a5bc80443334a35f223b"
"_id": "6032a5c280443334a35f223e",
"systemUpdate_DT": null,
"field_id": "6032a5c280443334a35f223d"
"_id": "6032a5b080443334a35f2236",
"customData": [
"_id": "6032a5bc80443334a35f223c",
"systemUpdate_DT": null,
"field_id": "6032a5bc80443334a35f223b"
"_id": "6032a5c280443334a35f223e",
"systemUpdate_DT": null,
"field_id": "6032a5c280443334a35f223d"
My Update Query looks like:
"List._id": mongodb.ObjectId("6032a5af80443334a35f2234"),
"List.customData.field_id": mongodb.ObjectId("6032a5bc80443334a35f223b")
$set: {
"List.$.customData.systemUpdate_DT": 'updatedDTTM'
As there's two nested arrays in your document, you can't set the field with classic positional operator '$'.
Instead, you should use the arrayFilters option like this:
"_id": ObjectId("6032a5ad80443334a35f2232")
$set: {
"List.$[list].customData.$[customData].systemUpdate_DT": "updatedDTTM"
"multi": false,
"upsert": false,
arrayFilters: [
"list._id": {
"$eq": ObjectId("6032a5af80443334a35f2234")
"customData._id": {
"$eq": ObjectId("6032a5bc80443334a35f223c")
try it online: