Trigger custom powershell scripts using azure xplat-cli module - powershell

I am using ansible hosted on linux to manage both Linux and windows VMs hosted on azure, and use azure xplat-cli commandline to create VMs. When i create windows server 2008, I need to trigger few startup scripts so that those are preconfigured while windows server is up. I was able to install CustomScript extension using below command
azure vm extension set
I have uploaded my scripts to azure blob storage account, and i need to trigger scripts using the extension, and i don't find any proper documentation (documentation was only for powershell). Can you please help


Set up bash inside self-hosted Windows agents in Azure DevOps

Microsoft's own documentation provides the links to the images used for various operating systems, on top of which Microsoft-hosted agents get created.
For Windows Server 2019, the link shows bash as one of the tools included, and it also mentions WSL1 (Windows Subsystem for Linux v1) as installed. And it works just as expected, with Bash tasks running just fine inside Azure DevOps pipelines.
We're currently in the process of setting up our own self-hosted Windows agents, and we're looking for this capability as well. But to my knowledge, having Linux tools such as bash working on Windows requires 1) WSL installed and 2) a Linux distribution installed per a specific user. The procedure for deploying on Windows Server is here.
WSL doesn't currently have multiple-user support (GitHub issue here) and trying to run Linux tools as LOCAL SYSTEM presents challenges of their own. So in this context, how does the image used by the Microsoft-hosted Azure DevOps agents allow them to seamlessly run bash?
I heard about Cygwin, and know that it can provide similar functionality, but for now I'm trying to get bash configured similar to how it's done on Microsoft's own hosted agents.
As of this time, however, I think it is not supported running bash in Azure DevOps self-hosted Windows agent.
The Bash task runs on the agent as the user "NT Authority \ Network Service". However, we cannot install Linux distribution for this user. It will show that the user haven't logged in.
But for Microsoft, its virtual machines should have a specific user from whom bash starts rather than the default NT Authority \ Network Service.

How to upload files to LEMP stack on Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine?

I'm new to the whole cloud computing virtual machines thing, and I just started my free trial of Microsoft Azure. I'm interested in setting up a web server running Nginx to host some PHP pages that connect to a MySQL database. I just followed this official tutorial on how to install a LEMP stack on a Linux virtual machine in Azure, but it doesn't give a whole lot of instruction after that. How do I upload my files to this newly created web server?
There are many methods that you can upload files to your Azure Linux VM, Here are two options for you:
Move files to and from a Linux VM using SCP. In this way, you need an SCP client for your local computer. It is built on top of SSH and included in the default Bash shell of most Linux and Mac computers and some Windows shells.
Create An Azure File Share and mount to your Azure Linux VM. In this case, you will create a storage account, then mount the Azure file share on your Linux VM. It's better used for multiple clients to upload the files to Azure VMs.

Installation of tools in Azure virtual machine

I have a requirement to install tools like Nagios, BigFix and other tools inside an Azure virtual machine once it gets provisioned and joined to the domain. Currently, I have written PowerShell scripts for a remote installation of these tools via Jumpbox once the VM is domain joined.
Is there any other way this can be achieved?

What is Azure Powershell?

I have 2 Powershell applications sitting on the desk of a server I have inherited.
What is the difference between "Windows Powershell" and "Microsoft Azure Powershell"?
Windows PowerShell is a new command shell and scripting language for Windows. You can think of it as a really complicated version of the command prompt designed for repeatable tasks.
Windows Azure PowerShell is used extensively in the Microsoft HDInsight articles because it makes it easier to use Hadoop remotely from your workstation.
Microsoft Azure Powershell is specifically targeted for Cloud (MS Azure operations)
As far as Azure Powershell Modules are installed, you can interact with the Cloud (MS Azure Operations) from the Windows Powershell Application.
A set of Azure PowerShell cmdlets allow you to manage Azure resources from PowerShell. With Azure PowerShell, you can learn and start automating quickly, and it offers powerful features.

MSBuild deployment to machine outside of company network

Is it possible to deploy code ( mvc application and Windows Service) to machine in public hosting (for example VM on Godaddy) using TFS MSBuild from internal network (company network)
All than I have is IP address of destination server, username and password. But I am not sure than TFS can deploy code at such machine.
When I doing it on local server, normally I specify path like this:
But it is not working with remote machine.
Use a tool like InstallShield or Windows Installer XML to develop a Windows Installer database (.msi). Use TFS Team Build to build the MSI. Then use PsExec to copy the MSI to the remote machine and execute it.