NETBEANS 7.2 is not working - netbeans

i installed netbeans 7.2 on windows 8, after that i double clicked on icon to start it, it displays loading cached objects and after 5 seconds it disappear with out opening any thing.
please let me know how to fix this problem.
thanks in advance

Please give more information:
What package of netbeans have you loaded?
Are you using a clean installation or have you imported settings from other installations?
Did you add any modules / plugins?
Have you made any changes?
Please have a look into your logfiles. You can find it in <NB user dir>/var/log/messages.log.
On windows 7+ it's usually here:
C:\Users\<YOUR NAME>\AppData\Roaming\NetBeans\<NETBEANS VERSION>\var\log\messages.log
A first thing you can try: Rename (so you can restore it again) your NetBeans user dir and start again. This will create a new directory with default settings. If it doesn't fail your problem is likely based on your settings.


notepad++ unable to install or update plugins with the new plugin admin

I installed notepad++ recently which came with the new plugin admin. After that I am unable to install new or update existing plugins.
Any idea what the issue could be? I tried "Run as administrator"and also pasting the dll directly to C:\ProgramData\Notepad++\plugins but nothing works.
Here are the app details.
Notepad++ v7.6.1 (64-bit)
Build time : Dec 12 2018 - 01:22:05
Path : C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe
Admin mode : ON
Local Conf mode : OFF
OS : Windows 10 (64-bit)
Plugins : DSpellCheck.dll mimeTools.dll NppConverter.dll
1) to install plugins manually copy the dlls in folder \Plugins\ but stored in individual folders (having same name than file.dll)
note. plugin Admin place for plugins is C:\ProgramData\Notepad++\plugins
2)Plugin Admin, if you can see this entry in Menu, I understand you have the Setup version and during installation "Don't use %APPDATA%" checkbox was disabled.
You have to:
Tick the checkboxes of plugins to install
Click "Install"
Click "YES" when asking about restart the app
if this doesn't work, are you receiving any message?
I was able to get this working with a 32-bit version. I was trying to install a 32-bit compatible plugin and that did not work with a 64-bit version.
I had to manually copy the dll to C:\ProgramData\Notepad++\plugins.
I had similar problems, mine were caused by my company introducing WIndows 10 (64bit) and enforcing UAC.
Problem was, that proxy-information was not persisted in NPP, I also couldn't specify my proxy-credentials in the Updater-Proxy-dialog.
Solution was not using %APPDATA% during installation, then run NPP in administrator-mode (now proxy-credentials are persisted).
After restarting NPP in non-administrative mode, Plugin-Admin worked like charm.
Did a quick write-up here how to remedy this:
the default plugin folder has the dll. if you get it installed on another machine and can create the plug can copy the folder from that location, go back to old location, close the program then drop the folder in the default location then open up u should now see the plug in.

Netbeans won't install on Windows 10

I'm trying to install Netbeans 8.2 Java EE, but whenever I start the installer it quits after configuring it. I am trying to install it on Windows 10 64-bit.
This is not going to make sense at all, but do you happen to have the "God Mode" item on your desktop? Take it off the desktop (delete it, move it somewhere else, whatever). I have no idea why, but it worked for me: I found the solution in this bug report -
I do hope this helps you, too.
This is an Java issue, which was came up due to recent windows 10 update, that started treated differently for GodMode folder/shortcut.
This has been already fixed -
You can verify the fix in early access build of JDK8 update 152, which is available here
We have verified the issue only with GodMode, do let us k now if there are any other scenarios that can cause such similar issues.
I'm adding this because: I had a different issue which I was unable to find addressed anywhere, this question appears near the top of a web search for "NetBeans 8.2 ee won't install on Windows 10", and someone else may have the problem I had.
My NetBeans install was almost immediately crashing with the following error:
An unexpected exception happened in thread main
Exception: javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError: Provider for
class javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory cannot be created
In my Windows 10 System Properties -> Environment Variables -> System Variables, I had a previously created _JAVA_OPTIONS variable values using -Xbootclasspath/a to append some jar files to the end of the bootstrap class path. These files are used with some work I'm doing with the Oracle BI Publisher plug-in for Microsoft Word.
As soon as I renamed the _JAVA_OPTIONS variable to something else, my NetBeans installation started normally and completed with no issues.
After NetBeans installation, I reset the name of this variable back to _JAVA_OPTIONS, and discovered that the values I have for this System Variable cause NetBeans launch to crash. (Which does not completely make sense to me since I am only appending these files/classes to the class path, and not overwriting.)
Regardless, I'll have to go back to the drawing board for my work with the BI Publisher plug-in; but at least I can use NetBeans now!
Uninstall any Java installations along with NetBeans, and install Java with NetBeans (bundle) from the Oracle website.
I had the same issue, and then installed the bundle, works perfectly.

Intellisense in IntelliJ no longer working

I'm currently running IntelliJ IDEA 13.1. While running IntelliJ 13 intellisense/autocomplete stopped working. I tried upgrading and it still doesn't work.
I can explicitly invoke code completion using ctrl+space. I looked in Settings->Editor->Code Completion and nothing looks out of place. Is there somewhere else that turns this feature on/off?
For me it was because I did not have a folder marked as Source Root (it appears in blue).
To fix, right click your root source directory -> Mark As -> Source Root.
Check to see if you accidentally turned on Power Save (File/Power Save Mode) I myself just discovered that File/Power Save Mode does turn it off. I was having the same problem and must have accidentally set Power Save Mode to on.
I'm using Mac and when I upgraded to Big Sur my intellisense stopped working.
This is due Big Sur has a shortcut for Input Source. By disabling Mac shortcut, will make Intellisense work again.
You can see the option to disable in mac:
File -> Settings-> Editor-> General -> Code Completion-> Auto pop up code Completion
If other options mentioned is already true for you,try Setting up Sources/Test folder as Sources Root/Test Sources root as it did the trick for me. I had forgot it.
Right click on folder, choose "Mark Directory as" Test Sources or Sources Root, or whatever applicable. :)
Try disabling all plugins you have. I installed Codota and it turns out to be garbage. I uninstalled it and disabled the plugin in IntelliJ and it worked
Had the same problem and none of these helped. What I realized was that on mac, control + space is used by the OS to change language inputs and it overrides intellij. So if you are on mac having multiple input languages on your keyboard, consider changing the shortcut for it :)
I tried all the above option and it did not solve the issue. In my case:
THE ISSUE: node_modules was not loaded in the file structure of the project.
THE SOLUTION: go to explorer(finder/nautilus) find the .idea folder in the project and delete it. Then re-import the project. Once I re imported the project it loaded the node_modules folder as library root
Note: It will take a few seconds for IntelliJ to index all the libraries. You will see a loader on the bottom right next to line number info.
In my case, I restarted the Intellij and everything came back to normal.
Had the same problem until:
Third party JDK installed
Configured in module settings: right click on project name, then "Open module settings" -> SDKs -> "+". Pick the jdk root folder and Idea will take care of the rest.
Re-indexed a bunch of things. It happens automatically, just be patient
For me, it was I hadn't yet set up the JDK.
Type something out, Ctrl+Space to try to autocomplete. If it fails, do Alt+Space and if the option comes up to setup JDK, do that.
In IntelliJ 2017-2 to configure Autocompletion:
Settings -> Editor -> General -> Code Completion
In case this helps anyone; for me it was a windowing glitch of some kind. The suggestions popup showed on the wrong monitor, which I didn't notice the first time it happened.. after a while I saw what was happening. Resizing the window seemed to fix it.
If you're too lazy to restart your machine to fix the issue, you can kill the process taskkill /F /PID pid_number_of_idea64.exe (task manager -- view>select columns>PID) and then open CMD, head over to C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA xxxx.xx.xx\bin, start idea.bat. Let this CMD window open.
Please note that even after executing taskkill, idea64.exe process doesn't disappear from task manager. Try executing the same command again and you'd know that process doesn't exist anymore.
For me the code completion suddenly stopped working because I had nudged the IDEA window slightly off-screen, maybe just a pixel or two, which caused the code completion pop-up to (presumably) appear off-screen. Making sure the application window was fully visible fixed the problem.
In case none of these work for you, if you are using IdeaVim, make sure your ~/.ideavimrc does not override Ctrl+Space, you can check this in vim:
:verbose map <c-space>
In my case, it was set by ~/.vim_runtime:
Last set from ~/.vim_runtime/vimrcs/basic.vim line 208
Thanks #s1n7ax for the tip!
If you had your email logged-in on IntelliJ Idea for a while and its token expire the Intellij will suddenly stop working or crash(My Version 2020.1.1).
Do two things.
1. file > sync settings with JetBrains account (log in here)
enter code here.
2. file > Invalidate cache / restart
I'm using Maven project, it works by:
File > Project Structure > Modules > Sources
and then marked java files dir as Sources.
reference link.
Spent hours to fix this problem too. For me, the answer was to disable a plugin.
Which one to disable? Just find out using trial and error since all kinds of plugins can cause errors...
It depends which product, for Intellij I might have to right click and import the .iml file from the root, or in Rider right click the solution file and open that. I'm only making this mistake 4 or 10 more times, and then it is never happening again.

autocomplete in a file without project in netbeans

Is it possible to activate full autocompletion without having the file added to a project?
Maybe with a plugin or any another modification?
I installed the plugin "remote file systems" for netbeans 6.9.1 (php)
( to access my linux server over ssh on my windows machine.
Autocompletion doesn't work with it - the files have to be in a netbeans project :(
I also tried the mounting tool "dokan" but sometimes it destroys a file when I save.
Other mounting tools work less well or just show my home folder.
Sorry for my english and thx for your answer.
coudnt solve the problem that way
so i used samba and add the files to a netbeans project
wasnt easy because for some reason
i have to use the ip path ("\\" and type my smbuser and the password)
to map the drive in windows
on my other pc i didnt need that. dont know why
bye guys
There is an open bug, or as they have called it, the umbrella issue #135222, to aggregate requests and ideas regarding how to
Improve support for editing files that do not belong to a project.
I have just added the suggestion of somehow allowing to define a classpath for files that don't belong to any project. I hope I can soon update this answer with a "there is a better way..." ;-)

Netbeans Resolve missing server

I've encountered a problem with my Netbeans 6.1 IDE.
After an unsuccessful update, Netbeans stopped recognizing Apache and Glassfish servers and requested me to resolve a missing server error, after which I opened a window to add a server, except there were none listed. Trying to add servers in the list yields no results as there isn't even a single server type to be chosen.
Reinstalling Netbeans didn't fix the problem. Does anyone have any idea how to fix this?
When you reinstalled did you manually delete the "C:\Documents and Settings\omuhammed.netbeans" directory? apart from deleting the folder in "Program Files"? before reinstalling? This usually works for me.
After reinstaling i didn`t done that, and the result was the same. More people had complains about this but i found no direct answer. I have done it the "hard" way and downloaded 6.5 version and everything is ok after instalation.
The same thing happened with me also. As I opened one project which was created by some other user. But here it says, server is missing and I need to resolve it. When select Resolve server missing problem, window with blank list of servers is shown. When I opened 'Server Manager' window, there it is showing Bundled Tomcat. but there is noway to add the same server to the required project. At the same time, some projects, created in the same machine is running properly.
I could not see any proper reason and solution for the problem even in the net resources also.
any and all suggestion are highly appreciated.
After uninstalled the netbeans, then i delete the "C:\Documents and Settings.netbeans", "C:\Documents and Settings.nbi", "C:\Documents and Settings.netbeans-derby", and "C:\Documents and Settings.netbeans-registration" directories. After that i reinstall the netbeans. It works! Thank you omer mohammed!
Right click your project and next click resolve missing server. Open dialog box so you will add server in current glash fish server next solve your problem.
While installing select customize button. Select only tomcat, un-check glass fish and then proceed installation. It will work like charm.